
How to make starch slime?

How to make starch slime?
  1. Recipes
  2. Manufacturing process
  3. How to store and maintain?

Slimes are sold in many retail outlets, but they can be very easy and simple to make with your own hands. To do this, you do not need to purchase expensive materials and components. Such a homemade product may be based on ordinary starch.


There are many simple recipes for making slime yourself using starch. Most of them are as easy as possible to implement. Almost every user can make a slime from starch.

For self-production of slime, starch can be combined with a variety of components.

Most of them are in every person's house. We are talking about the most common shampoo, glue or shaving foam. Consider several popular recipes for making slime.

With PVA glue

A cool slime can be made from a combination of starch and glue. For such purposes, ordinary PVA glue, which is sold in many stores, is quite suitable.

In addition to these components, you will also need to use clean water and any dye you like.

Consider a step-by-step recipe for making slime from the above ingredients.

  • Take a separate, clean bowl. You need to pour starch into it, and then pour water. The components must be mixed well to form a thick solution.
  • In order for the future toy to have a beautiful color, the resulting composition will need add any dye you like.
  • Continuing to stir the mixture further, gradually it will be necessary to pour PVA glue into it.
  • After that, using gloves, you should get the resulting toy and knead by hand on a level surface. A table or cutting board is suitable for this.
  • If the density of the mass seems insufficient, then it can be add a little more glue component.

It should be borne in mind that the slime prepared in accordance with the specified recipe is characterized by very short service life. It deteriorates literally in a couple of days after active use.

With water

It is extremely simple to make a slime using starch and water. Many users resort to this particular recipe, since it does not cause absolutely any difficulties.

To make a slime, you need the following components:

  • potato starch - 150 g;
  • cold water - from 80 to 100 ml;
  • any food coloring.

We will find out according to what scheme it is necessary to correctly make a slime from the above components.

  • First, you need to pour out the starch powder in a prepared clean and dry dish... The selected dye of the color you like should be added to the starch.
  • The next step in 3 steps will require you to pour clean water into the container.... It is important to stir the solution with a spoon after each addition.
  • At first, such a mixture will turn out to be too liquid., but at this stage you should not add additional starch. The mixture will thicken gradually. After a while, it will acquire the required level of ductility.
  • As soon as the solution acquires a jelly-like consistency, it will be possible to add a small amount of starch and knead like a dough.

After that, the slime will be completely ready for use. As in the case discussed above, it will be short-lived. A similar homemade product will last for 2-3 days of use.

With soda

Slime can also be made from starch combined with baking soda.

However, the finished product should be handled with care as it will contain few synthetic components.

Such homemade products can be given to children only under the close supervision of adults.

To make a slime with baking soda, you will need the following units:

  • 7-8 tablespoons of starch;
  • 1 spoon of baking soda;
  • shampoo - 3 tablespoons;
  • 3 tablespoons of dishwashing liquid;
  • dye (this component is optional).

With all the ingredients on hand, you can start making starch-soda slime. Let's see how to do it right.

  • The first step is to take clean and dry dishes. In it, you will need to mix shampoo, baking soda and dishwashing liquid together.
  • The combined components will need to be shaken well. The mixture should acquire a uniform consistency.
  • The next step is to gradually add the main component to the workpiece - starch... After it, in the same way, you will need to add the selected variant of the dye.
  • As soon as the mixture acquires its characteristic sticky and compacted structure, it will need to be thoroughly knead with your hands.

From the resulting slime, you can create a huge number of interesting bizarre shapes and objects.

With shampoo

If you prepare a slime from starch and shampoo, then it will turn out to be not only very elastic, but also fragrant. It is doubly pleasant to use such a toy. It is prepared as simply as in the cases discussed above.

Let's take a closer look at how to make such a slime that looks like kinetic sand.

  • To make such a slime, you will need to pour a little shampoo or liquid soap into a plate of sufficient depth... Then a little clean water will need to be poured into these components. The mixture must be stirred until bubbles form in it.
  • At the stage of the appearance of bubbles, a little of the selected dye should be added, so that the slime takes on some color, and does not turn out transparent.
  • Next, you will need to add a little starch... This must be done until the mass acquires the desired density. If ready-made slime crumbles, then it can be supplemented with a small amount of hand cream or oil.

With shaving foam

Slime can be made not only with the use of shampoo or hair balm, but also with shaving foam. This recipe is very popular. Finished products are very similar in structure to butter slimes (oil slimes). Shaving foam products are firm enough to spread well, like butter.

To make such a toy, come in handy:

  • starch - 10 g;
  • shaving foam -15 g;
  • PVA glue - 10 g;
  • different decorations, for example, sequins.

We will find out how homemade slime is made from the listed ingredients.

  • First you need to prepare deep dishes. In it you will need to mix starch and glue together. Stir until these ingredients form a mass with a consistency similar to sour cream.
  • If during cooking the mixture seems too thick, then it is permissible to pour a small amount of water into it.... But you shouldn't overdo it with this component either.
  • Now we need to take another clean container.... It will need to add shaving foam in the above amount. A previously prepared mixture made of starch and PVA glue is added on top.
  • All of these components will need to be thoroughly mixed until they form a homogeneous mixture.... If you wish, you can add some decorations to this solution, for example, sparkles or small shiny stones.
  • At the final stage, the slime will need knead by hand, and then you can use it directly for its intended purpose.

Such a toy can be made ordinary, or it can be supplemented with decorative components. Each person can choose for himself how to decorate the product. A glitter slime will look much more impressive and original.

From sodium tetraborate

Slime made of starch and the specified product is not shiny, but matte. The product is characterized by increased ductility. Such a slime is very similar to a fluffy.

To make a funny toy, you will need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • 3 tbsp. l. starch;
  • 4 tbsp. l. clean water;
  • 2-3 st. l. silicate glue;
  • 3-4 drops of sodium tetraborate;
  • a few drops of acrylic paint.

Let's consider step by step the recipe for making slime.

  • We must take a clean and dry bowl, and then pour starch into it, add water to it.
  • The above components will be needed stir thoroughlyto get a mixture of uniform consistency. After that, you can proceed to adding the coloring component, glue solution. The mass will definitely need to be kneaded very carefully.
  • You will need to literally add to the resulting solution a few drops of thickener, and then knead all the ingredients, first with a spoon, then with your hands.

After all the perfect manipulations, you can safely start using the product. Of course, you should not expect a very long service life from a ready-made homemade product, even if it was prepared according to all the rules.

Manufacturing process

Making a slime with your own hands at home is very easy. To do this, you can use not only the above components.

Quite good homemade products are obtained by using cornstarch, soap solution, shower gel and many other ingredients.

Whatever ingredients are used for slime, the very process of its manufacture, as a rule, provides for a certain order of actions.

  • First, the components are placed in a prepared dish.... Depending on the recipe, it can be all the ingredients at once or only a part of them.
  • Next, the components introduced into the dishes are thoroughly mixed.... When stirring the ingredients for making slime, it is very important to always achieve a uniform consistency. The composition should not contain lumps and other inclusions.
  • At the final stage, most often gradually a certain dye is poured in, glitters or other decorations are added, or starch is added.
  • At the end, the craft must always be carefully knead with your hands.

For self-preparation of slime, be sure to use only perfectly clean and dry containers. If the dishes have any dirt or residues of fat / food, this will negatively affect the quality and appearance of the slime.

How to store and maintain?

If, as a result of all the manipulations, it was possible to obtain the planned antistress toy, then the user should then know that how to properly store it and take care of it.

  • A homemade slime must have its own "house" in which it will be successfully stored. A container is ideal for this. In such a container, it is advisable to send homemade products to the refrigerator shelf overnight.
  • If you play with the slime too often, it will inevitably lead to the fact that tiny particles of dirt and dust will fall into it. To clean a dirty toy, it will need to be placed in a bowl filled with water. In such a container, the product should be rinsed carefully, but as thoroughly as possible. This will get rid of most of the debris.
  • Lizuna is allowed to additionally feed. We are talking about situations when such a thing becomes too dry, loses its previous level of elasticity. To solve these problems, you can add some pure water. If the product, on the contrary, began to spread, losing its previous elasticity, then it will be possible to restore it thanks to the addition of salt. It should be remembered that you cannot add additional sugar to the slime.
  • Slime is strongly not recommended to be thrown to the ceiling indoors... This also applies to walls and other surfaces. It should be remembered that such actions will very quickly disable the toy.
  • Playing too long with slime contributes to reduction of its size, as well as rapid contamination.

To learn how to make a slime with your own hands from starch, see the video.

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