Shaving foam slime

Making homemade slimes is a favorite activity of many children. Its significant advantage is the ability to use improvised means in creativity, for example, shaving foam.

Advantages and disadvantages
All slimes made from shaving foam can be divided into four varieties, each with its own pros and cons. Common slimes have a jelly-like consistency and outwardly resemble ordinary mucus. The substance stretches well, but does not hold its shape on a smooth surface and spreads. It can be left transparent or, by adding a dye, painted in a single shade.
The fluffy toy stretches well, but does not deform at all. It has a pleasant consistency, reminiscent of soft marshmallows, and when kneaded in the hands it becomes even more luxuriant and airy. However, the fluffy is not able to keep its shape unchanged for a long time.

Elastic handgams look like chewing gum, but spread over a smooth surface. They are very different from other species and jumpers, which practically do not stretch and bounce off surfaces.
In general, all lizuns containing foam have good volume and viscosity. A relative disadvantage is the short shelf life of homemade slimes.
Cooking recipes
At home, you can make a slime with your own hands in different ways.
From PVA glue
A simple slime can be prepared at home using shaving foam and PVA glue in the amount of 100 milliliters. In addition to the above ingredients, the work will require a bowl in which the ingredients will be mixed, a spoon or spatula for stirring, and, if desired, dye. It all starts with the fact that glue is first poured into the container, then a small amount of foam is added, and everything is thoroughly mixed. If the consistency of the mass is not thick enough, then you can add a little more foam. At the same stage, a dye is introduced into the substance.

The finished mass must be intensively kneaded in the hands until it looks like a slime.
From glue and sodium tetraborate
Quite often, to create a slime, glue is combined with sodium tetraborate. In this case, the components are used in a proportion of 20 tablespoons of shaving foam, 170 milliliters of clerical or silicate glue and 0.5 teaspoon of sodium tetraborate. It is recommended to use acrylic paint as a dye, and if you do not add it, the toy will acquire a beautiful white tint. Glue is poured into a clean container, after which shaving foam is squeezed out there. The components are mixed until smooth, and then, if the mass is not thick enough, more foam is added to it.

The mixed substance is colored with dye and supplemented with decorative elements. Tetraborate is also introduced into it. The mass is mixed again with a spatula until it loses its stickiness, after which the slime will have to be thoroughly kneaded with your hands. Another sodium tetraborate recipe requires more added foods. So, for slime you will need 130 grams of PVA glue, a glass of shaving foam, a teaspoon of tetraborate and a glass of water, a little salt, literally on the tip of a knife, a cooking container and food coloring. First, sodium tetraborate is diluted with water, and in another container, the shaving foam is mixed with PVA glue. The dye is immediately introduced into the substance, and all the ingredients are thoroughly mixed.

A small amount of soda is introduced into the mixture, and everything is stirred again with a spatula. Diluted tetraborate is also carefully poured there. The finished slime is taken out and kneaded until cooked with your hands. An alternative to sodium tetraborate may be used lens fluid. First, 750 milliliters of shaving foam and 125 milliliters of glue are combined in the container, and then the dye is poured there and 10 milliliters of lens solution is poured.

The mixture should stir until it can peel off the surface of the bowl. Next, the almost finished slime is kneaded with your hands until smooth.
From shampoo
Shampoo residues on the farm should also be added to the game gum mix. To create it, you need 10-12 tablespoons of shaving foam, 100 milliliters of PVA glue, 0.5 teaspoon of any shampoo and the same amount of hand cream, as well as literally a pea of toothpaste. First, glue is poured into the container, and then shaving foam is squeezed out there. After mixing the components until smooth, it is necessary to gradually add shampoo, cream and toothpaste to the mixture. Each time the mass is kneaded thoroughly with a spatula. After adding all the components, the slime is kneaded by hand until it stops sticking to your hands.

Another recipe besides shampoo also requires sodium tetraborate and salt. To work, you will need to prepare shaving foam, a shampoo, water, 50 grams of salt, sodium tetraborate, a deep bowl and a whisk. First, shaving foam is squeezed into the container, a few drops are added to it. Next, about 15-20 milliliters of shampoo and a couple of pinches of salt are added to the mixture. After mixing the components, add a few drops of tetraborate to them. The mixture is kneaded until it stops sticking to the spoon. It is recommended to leave the finished slime in the refrigerator for about a third of an hour.

From starch
To prepare air gum from starch, in addition to 2 tablespoons of the main ingredient, you will need 7-8 tablespoons of shaving foam, 65 milliliters of transparent glue, 0.5 teaspoon of gouache, 2 tablespoons of water and the same amount of washing gel.The container is first filled with glue, after which the gouache is sent there. The mixture is diluted with water and combined with the shaving foam. After thoroughly mixing the mixture, it will need to be "enriched" with starch, and then thickened with a washing gel. The resulting substance is first mixed with a spatula, and then kneaded with hands.

Shaving foam can also be used to create a crispy foam crunch slime. In addition to half a cup of the main ingredient, you will need to prepare a package of PVA glue, 20 milliliters of shower gel, 30 pieces of foam balls, a quarter teaspoon of soda, a small amount of boric acid and clean water... At the first stage, 5-10 milliliters of water, foam and gel are combined. The more thoroughly the components are mixed, the more airiness will be inherent in the finished toy. Then, step by step, PVA glue, balls and a mixture of boric acid and water, taken in a 1: 1 ratio, are introduced into the mixture. Crunch slime is painted with any food coloring.

An unusual "gum" will be obtained by combining a plate of airy plasticine, half a cup of shaving foam, 20 grams of potato starch and 20 milliliters of thick shower gel. First, the gel, starch and foam are mixed until smooth, and then mashed plasticine is added to them.
The recipe for "chewing gum" with liquid soap involves the use of 20 milliliters of this component and the same amount of shaving foam, 80 milliliters of glue, a teaspoon of sodium tetraborate and acrylic paint. In a deep bowl, PVA and liquid soap are first combined. After stirring, shaving foam is added to them, and then a few drops of tertraborate. Slime is tinted with paint and kneaded with a spatula. The finished substance is thoroughly kneaded by hands upon completion.

It's even easier to make a slime using toothpaste. In fact, in addition to the main components - foam, PVA glue and paste, nothing is required, except for mixing equipment. The components are added in the following sequence: adhesive, cleaning paste, shaving foam, and the latter is squeezed out until the mass thickens. All of them are mixed until smooth, and then kneaded with hands until they gain elasticity. You can also use a mixture of 100 grams of toothpaste, a tube of shaving foam, 40 grams of polymer glue, scented oil, and dye. After mixing the components almost until bubbles form, it will be necessary to knead the substance with your hands.

Useful Tips
If starch is present in the homemade slime, then the water should be preheated, and all other components should be brought to room temperature. If, during cooking, the shaving foam suddenly runs out, then you can replace it with shaving gel, a combination of glue and activator, or a large amount of airy plasticine (if used at all). It will be possible to thicken a substance that is too liquid by adding table salt, which can absorb excess moisture.

You can enlarge a homemade slime by adding a mixture of shaving gel and baby powder to it, or by giving it a salt injection.
Toy storage rules
Store the gum in a sealed, clean container in a cool and dark place. This can be a container with a screw cap for cream, a plastic container, a can, or a bag with a zip fastener. In no case should you leave the toy in the open rays of the sun or near a heating device. High humidity places should also be avoided. Most of all, a balcony is suitable for storage, or a refrigerator, with the exception of a freezer.

It is worth mentioning that once a day, it is recommended to remove the slime from the box and roll it between the palms to avoid hardening. If the mass dries up during storage, then it can be restored by placing it in warm water for a few minutes and then stretching it with your fingers. If black dots or third-party formations appear on it, the slime will have to be thrown away. In general, the shelf life of a toy is determined based on the shelf life of the components used.
How to make a slime from shaving foam, see the video.