How to make plasticine slime?

Slime is an analogue of the slime familiar to everyone from a young age. Children love to play with bright jelly balls, and adults love to wrinkle their hands as an anti-stress. The toy brings a lot of joy and is very pleasant to the touch. The material has the properties of a non-Newtonian liquid - this means that, lying on the surface at rest, the slime is soft and spreads, and upon impact or sharp compression it becomes elastic, like rubber.

Advantages and disadvantages
There are several types of products. Classic "liquid" in jars, viscous and jelly-like, "solid", more elastic and easy to stretch. There are soft butter slimes that look like flowing marshmallows. Glassy, transparent masses made from special glue are very beautiful.
Fluffy, airy and pleasant to the touch, makes a funny snap when squeezed, like a bubble wrap. Some species have a crust on the surface that is so nice to break.

Computer owners are familiar with the phenomenon from the practical side: such masses collect dust very well, for example, if you need to clean the keyboard without getting stuck in small crevices.
There are a lot of advantages to hanging out with the "slug".
Slime is fun. The most important quality for an entertainment accessory. In addition, a huge variety of colors and additives allows you to personalize the slime as you like. You can add sparkles, small figures, rhinestones and stones to them. You can play with slime by throwing it, throwing it into the wall, as many loved in childhood. Or simply knead it thoughtfully in the palm of your hand, rolling it between your fingers.
Slime helps us deal with stress. Fiddling with "jelly", especially with splashes, soothes the nerves and develops fine motor skills of the hands.
From a hygiene point of view, this is safe fun. A quality item does not leave a sticky residue. It is quite difficult to tear or ruin a slime; it is created from environmentally friendly non-toxic materials. Swallowing or injuring yourself with a toy is also problematic.
Finally, the slime develops the child's imagination. You can get creative by combining different types, creating shapes, adding toppings and decorations.

Of the minuses of the acquisition, pollution can be noted. If you do not clean the slug, it quickly collects dust and becomes unusable. Pay attention to the composition: some substances can cause skin reactions in people prone to allergies. Many children get bored with the toy in the first days. Fortunately, you can easily make a new one, of any color and texture, for example, make a slime from plasticine.

How to make from ordinary plasticine?
Air plasticine is usually used. It's easy to buy at any craft store or kids' department. You can find special air plasticine with small balls inside.
Both waxy and plant material will work. They are soft and elastic. But you can make a slime from simple plasticine, familiar since kindergarten. Long-lasting and elastic toys will be obtained from solid. True, there will be a little more fuss with him.

It takes a long time to knead the bars, you can use hot water to achieve the desired consistency. Depending on the base chosen, the result will, of course, differ.
To turn the sculpting kit into a slime, soften the clay and add more ingredients to maintain elasticity. The most commonly used shampoo, shaving foam, glue, baking soda, table salt.
You need to store the finished slime in a jar with a lid or film without air access, so that it does not dry out and harden.

Lightweight Recipes
Here are some simple ways to quickly cook slime at home. Ingredients are readily available, most of them can be found in stock of every housewife, and the missing ones are sold literally everywhere. The main thing to remember if you want a good slime is stirring!
And if the result is not soft enough, or elastic, or is dirty, it is easy to remake it, fortunately, all the components are at hand.

You can decorate ready-made slimes with sparkles - they look especially impressive in transparent, like glass, versions. Delicate fluffy or butter slimes are also popular, to which very fine glitter and pearlescent dye are added. They look like liquid metal and shine for a long time until they get dirty.

With gelatin
It is better to use air plasticine, it is easier to soften it. Pre-fill 20 g of gelatin with 150 ml cold water. To make it easier to measure, pay attention to the weight of the bag: you can use, for example, 2 pieces of 10 grams. We have half an hour for the powder to swell. At this time, carefully knead and tear a block of plasticine into pieces. You can add a little hot water to make the task easier. It is necessary to achieve a homogeneous mass. When the gelatin has swollen, put the saucepan on a low heat and remove as soon as the liquid begins to boil. Cool to a comfortable temperature, combine the ingredients and mix again. Before playing with the slime, leave it in the refrigerator for 40 minutes. Don't forget to cover it!

With soda
We need the most common plasticine - two pieces, PVA glue and baking soda. Particularly beautiful toys are made from rainbow plasticine, bright and cheerful.
Sodium tetraborate is usually used as an activator; it is sold in pharmacies. If you are in the mood for fun, but there is no substance at hand, look at home for "Naftizin".

After crushing and kneading the plasticine, add 50 milliliters of glue to it. Mix well, sprinkle with baking soda (on the eye, a teaspoon is usually enough) and add 3-4 drops of "Naphthyzin". Knead the slime until it starts to come off your hands and have fun!
If you would like to change the consistency to a firmer one, just add the baking soda and stir until you are happy with the result.

With starch
The simplest, but also the most short-lived recipe. Suitable for those who want to quickly and easily try what a slime is.
We only need 2 ingredients: potato or cornstarch and shower gel from the bathroom.

Mix both in equal proportions until the lumps and bubbles disappear. For a start, it is better to limit yourself to a third cup, so as not to get tired of kneading. Store the finished mass in a sealed smooth jar or bowl with a lid.

With shampoo and shaving foam
We will prepare all the components in advance. These are shampoo, shaving foam and airy plasticine.
Mix the plasticine package and mash until soft, then add shampoo a little bit until we achieve the desired consistency. Now we puff the shaving foam, little by little at a time, kneading and keeping an eye on the elasticity. If the slime starts to break, add more shampoo.

When the mass becomes homogeneous and elastic, put the lump in a deep bowl of warm water and continue to knead. When you are happy with the softness of the slime, take it out of the water and use it!
With lens fluid
Suitable for people who have this ingredient at home. Stock up on plasticine, soda and PVA glue. Dissolve two teaspoons of sodium bicarbonate in water by pouring half a glass. As always, we start by preparing the clay, gradually adding glue. A small tube of 40 milliliters will suffice. When smooth, add a couple of teaspoons of lens solution and the same amount of baking soda solution. Knead until the mixture thickens.

If you have tried all the simple recipes, then pay attention to the unusual ingredients for making slimes.
A harmless and therefore suitable option even for young children will require liquid soap, toothpaste and ordinary flour from us. Mix equal parts of the paste and liquid soap in a deep bowl, if desired, add food coloring. You can also add color by blowing paint from a felt-tip pen or marker rod. Add flour gradually, stirring constantly.

Regular chewing gum can become “hand gum”. To do this, one package is heated with water, which must then be drained. Warm plates are mixed, you can give color with acrylic paint. Add softened plasticine, controlling consistency and elasticity, until you get the desired result. Gum slime will be elastic and fragrant for a long time.
With the help of coconut oil, you can get a very aromatic and smooth slime. To do this, add 80 ml of PVA glue, a spoonful of oil and 2 times more sodium tetraborate solution to the plasticine.

Hydrogen peroxide mixed with twice as much shampoo makes a great base for a toy. Beat the liquids until a thick foam forms. Leave it in the freezer for a few minutes. Stir flour into the resulting substance until the consistency becomes similar to the dough. Even if it sticks a little, it's okay, keep the mixture in the refrigerator for at least a day in a closed container. The next day, brush your hands with vegetable oil and knead the soft slime. If the gum is still slightly sticking, add the oils until you are satisfied.

Fully transparent slimes are incredibly beautiful. In order to achieve this effect, we need a colorless stationery glue and an air freshener. Pour the glue into a jar and gradually spray the can directly inside. Stir until the substance looks like jelly. These slimes stretch very well, literally turning into a thin film. You can color the pet or add filler. If air bubbles appear in the mass, it may become cloudy. Close the jar tightly and wait, the air will come out by itself. Some people like the crunchy sound these bubbles make when played, though.

Instead of an air freshener, Teymurov's foot spray will come off. Add an equal part of water to the glue and make as many drops of the medicine as needed to thicken.
If you like running slimes rather than bouncy slimes, mix half a cup of clear glue with two tablespoons of water, make a boric acid solution (a tablespoon) and 200 ml hot water. Inject the solution into the glue little by little, achieving the same consistency. At first, the mass will be cloudy and whitish. Leave it in a closed container overnight to make it crystal clear.
You can make the base for the slime yourself, if there is no glue or you do not want to use it. Pour a bag of gelatin with warm water, let it swell. Melt the mixture in a water bath, not boiling. After the brew has cooled, pour in half a teaspoon of glycerin and vinegar.

If you add a couple of pinches of magnetic shavings to any of your favorite recipes, the slug will attract iron. It is quite fascinating to watch the "absorption" of iron figures. The mass seems to creep towards its goal, enveloping it entirely.
Another type of slime is an iceberg. So it was nicknamed for its ability to form a thin crisp on top. Mix a jar of stationery glue with 3 tablespoons of shaving foam, activate it with a boric acid solution or Persil washing gel, add filler or paint if desired. Transfer the resulting mass to a jar and do not close it. From above, it dries up and forms a cover, which is so pleasant to break with a light crunch. At rest, just like other species, put the slime in a container with a lid.

How to make a slime from balls?
Ball slimes are very popular. They look unusual, and it is a pleasure to wrinkle them. You can get polystyrene foam balls on the construction market. They are usually used to fill furniture, bean bags or pillows.
For manufacturing we need:
liquid starch;
the balls themselves;
dye optional.

To make the texture and shape clearly visible, we advise you to purchase transparent stationery glue. Liquid starch is sold in household departments, and there should be no problems with its purchase either. For safety reasons, it is better to use a confectionery, liquid and non-toxic dye.
Mix half a glass of glue with dye and the same amount of liquid starch.

Stir until the toffee stops sticking to your hands. You can add a little more starch, but if you overdo it, you will have to start over, because the slime will harden.
Then add the balls. Pour them in until the entire slime is full of small parts.
Instead of polystyrene foam, you can use foam balls. They are much softer, and you can get them by crushing the packaging from household appliances. Beads, large beads or even small figures are also suitable.

If you want to craft with your child, take a look at recipes without glue. It can be challenging for children to work with. For example, this option: air plasticine mixed with dishwashing detergent or shampoo. Half a glass of shampoo, warmed up over low heat with a couple of tablespoons of salt, also gives a good result, albeit short-lived. Each time the ball melts, such a slime is put into the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

With your own hands, you can make not only an ordinary slime, but also an interesting anti-stress craft that you can carry with you. To do this, inject the liquid mass with a syringe into a small balloon, tie it tightly. If you wish, you can put figures inside, and tie them outside with a stretching net, for example, from tights. Then, when squeezed, there will be a funny effect of swelling cells.

Useful Tips
Prepare all the ingredients of the selected recipe in advance! Some of them can quickly harden while you are looking for the next one.
Mix the parts of the composition exactly in the order indicated in the recipe.
Store the finished slime in an airtight container. This can be a ziplock bag, a household container with a lid, or a jar. Different types of slimes are stored for different periods of time. Usually - from a week to a month. The look and feel in the palm of your hand will tell you when it's time to start making a new one.

Dried toffee can be revived by holding it under warm water. If that doesn't work, try mixing it with shampoo or shower gel. Depending on which base you started with, resuscitation can be toothpaste, oil, or hand cream.
You can soften a slime that is not completely stone, but which has lost its elasticity, by leaving it in a container with a mouthwash for several hours. It is useful to heat thick toys that have ceased to stretch for 10-20 seconds in a microwave oven at low power. Transparent slimes respond well to soaking in glycerin. It will not spoil the appearance and will not give a foreign smell. Common citric acid has the same effect. For this ability, it is used to make sugar shugaring paste. Be careful with it - even a small amount, mashed in a fist-sized slime, is enough to soften.

It happens that the pet, on the contrary, has become too liquid. Place it in a container of coarse salt and shake it a couple of times. The grains will absorb excess moisture. Shake off the slime and leave it alone for a couple of hours.
If you want to change the smell of the toy, just drip some essential oil into the mixture.
You can wash the product under warm water. Avoid getting hairs and dust on the surface, store only in a closed container: frequent bathing is harmful for slimes. Besides, the pollution can turn into mold, and you will have to part with the jelly-like friend.

If you do not need to wash the toy, but, on the contrary, wipe the stain from the dried slime on the fabric, place it in the freezer, then simply scrape off the hardened residues. Such contamination can be removed from furniture by softening it with boiling water and cleaning it with a stiff brush.
Keep your slime out of direct sunlight at best. Under the influence of ultraviolet light, it will lose color and may melt.
After playing enough, send the slime to storage in a container, where you will pour quite a bit of salted water. Literally on the bottom of the can. So the "pet" will last longer.
How to make plasticine slime, see the video.