How to make baking soda slime?

Slime is one of the most popular toys these days. He is stretched, crumpled in his hands and thrown into the wall, watching him slide down smoothly. You can buy it in any store, but many guys like to make this gooey mass on their own. There are many recipes with a wide variety of ingredients, the most readily available are those based on the use of baking soda.

The role of soda in slime
In order for the slime to take on the desired shape, it needs a thickener. Usually, the necessary consistency is given to it with sodium tetraborate, sugar, salt and gelatin. Soda is considered the most affordable option; this powder goes well with other additional components (shampoo, soap, glue, starch and flour). The combination of these substances makes it possible to obtain a plastic mass.
Soda-based slime is more fluid than other types of slimes.

It is not transparent, but matte. The texture is similar to chewing gum. That is why it is most often called hendgam, that is, hand gum.
The advantage of baking soda is that it is safe for your health. There are no toxic components in it, the product has found wide application in the food industry. It does not cause allergies - this compares favorably with glue, detergents and tetraborate. The undoubted advantages of such a thickener are the absence of odor and exceptional ease of use.

There are over 20 techniques for making slime at home. If all the rules are followed, a full-fledged antistress is obtained, which stretches well, reflects a blow, jumps off the wall and does not lose its shape for a long time. Let's take a closer look at the most popular soda slime recipes.

With glue and water
This is a simple recipe that requires a minimum of working ingredients. All you need to stock up on is:
stirring cup and stick;
1/3 cup water
sodium bicarbonate;
dye of any color;
PVA glue.
To begin with, mix half the water with soda in a cup. You should get a homogeneous mass without lumps. A dye is added to it - it can be any food pigment or simple gouache. If you take gouache, you get a rich slime, the use of food tonics gives a translucent texture.

The rest of the water is mixed with glue and sodium bicarbonate, poured into the soda mass. Portions should be minimal, almost dripping with constant stirring. The resulting substance should be placed in a plastic bag and kneaded thoroughly with your hands for at least 15-20 minutes.
The finished product must be plastic, elastic and viscous. This slime does not stick to your hands and gives a pleasant feeling on the skin.

With Fairy
This is the cheapest way in terms of cost. Even the simplest dishwashing detergents can be used in this recipe. However, experienced slimers claim that the best effect is obtained by using Fairy. These slimes are of high quality and last much longer.
You will need:
mixing container;

A tablespoon of baking soda is mixed with a detergent in a 2 to 1 ratio and brought to a homogeneous consistency. All other ingredients are added, and knead the finished mass with your hands. The base is transferred to a plastic bag and left to thicken for a couple of hours. The glycerin in this recipe is needed to make the slime stretch better.

With shampoo
Another recipe that is very easy to repeat at home. It is based on the use of shampoo or liquid soap. Please note that the soap composition must be thick. You need to prepare:
75 mg of a good shampoo;
5 g of soda;
2 tsp naphthyzine;
container for mixing.
The slime making algorithm is simple. Pour shampoo into a bowl, add soda and stir until the mass turns white. Dye and naphthyzine are added to the mixture.

At the final stage, the resulting mixture must be placed in the freezer for a quarter of an hour. After this time, the toy is taken out and thoroughly kneaded by hands. Slime is ready.
The dye is added to the base in small drops, otherwise the toy will have a too saturated color. Such a slime will stain absolutely all surfaces it touches.
With starch
This technique is based on the use of a minimum amount of ingredients. All you need is starch, baking soda, and equal amounts of hand cream. The mass should be thick, without lumps. The composition must be mixed with a wooden stick until the slime stops sticking to the hands and walls of the cup.
The original recipe produces White Slime. If you want to give it an unusual color, add a little food coloring.

With toothpaste
Like all soda recipes, this technique doesn't take a lot of time and effort. And there are components in almost every home:
5 g of soda;
45 ml of toothpaste;
a pinch of salt;
1 tsp Sahara;
25 ml sodium tetraborate;

To make a slime, salt and sugar are dissolved in warm water. In another container, mix soda with toothpaste. Then the contents of both bowls are combined, a little sodium tetraborate is added, mixed thoroughly and left for another quarter of an hour for final absorption. After that, the slime must be transferred from the dishes to cling film and kneaded thoroughly with your hands. Such a slime turns out to be very beautiful, dense and viscous.

With soap
Soap is available in every home, so the following slime recipe can rightfully be called the most affordable. It is best to take liquid soap, or dissolve a piece of plain soap in water.It is better to give preference to flavored compositions.
In addition, you will need:
mixing container.
Soda and salt are mixed with soapy water, a little dye is dripped and a wooden stick is brought to a homogeneous mass. The bowl with the mixture is packed in a zip bag and sent to the refrigerator for a couple of hours. After the allotted time, the workpiece is taken out, shaken out and thoroughly kneaded by hands.

An unusual recipe for making slime is based on the use of flour. Such products are absolutely harmless to health, therefore, the technique is most often used in the manufacture of slimes by babies. However, the flour toy quickly loses its plasticity.
To make hand gum, you need 2 cups of wheat flour, you can take even the lowest quality product. In addition, you need to prepare 50 ml of cold and hot water, as well as any color scheme - it can be food coloring, beet juice, onion peel or gouache.

Before starting work, the flour is sieved. Then hot water is slowly poured into it in a thin stream with constant grinding to a uniform consistency. The resulting dough is diluted with cold water and dye is added.
A good slime can be made from glycerin - this is a fatty alcohol that is widely in demand for cosmetic procedures. It softens even the roughest skin. In addition to him, you will need baking soda and a dye, it is advisable to take baking soda or pharmaceutical (fucorcin or brilliant green solution). The recipe is very simple. All that is needed is just to mix all the components and knead them thoroughly.

How to diversify your design?
Soda-based slimes are predominantly white. To diversify their design, they use the addition of dyes, foam balls, and also glitter. Supplements can be natural or artificial.
The technique of creating a space slime is very interesting. To do this, a ready-made base, made according to any of the above recipes, is poured into several containers, and different dyes are added to each. A combination of dark blue, purple and pink looks best. The contents of each container are thoroughly mixed, and then combined with each other and kneaded. As a result, the colors begin to shimmer with all the shades of the night sky.

To make the slime crispy, foam balls are added to it. You can buy them in any store or make yourself from the foam available on the farm. In order to give them unusual shades, they should be kept in a food coloring solution for 20-30 minutes.
The most effective way to decorate is to make a glitter slime. However, be careful. If you take too much glitter, then not only the slime will shine, but also everything around - the workplace, clothes, hands, hair, even walls and floor coverings.

How to store the toy?
Soda slime is short-lived. It is not enough to do it right - it is very important to preserve it. To do this, you should remember a few rules.
Storing baking soda lime requires an airtight bag or tightly screwed jar.
From time to time, the slime needs to be fed with saline. This will restore plasticity and volume to it.

Before storage, it must be rinsed to remove all particles of dust and dirt.
You need to play with slime at least once every 3 days. But it is also impossible to crumple it without a break - if you do not give it "rest", then the hendgam quickly loses its decorative appearance.
Overall, making baking soda slime can be a great opportunity to keep your child busy for a few hours. In addition, this pastime allows you to combine business with pleasure. Hand work stimulates the development of fine motor skills, which has the most positive effect on the muscle tone of children, and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

If you were unable to purchase a ready-made slime, there is no need to despair.Making it at home is much easier than it might seem at first glance. In addition, all the components required for this are usually found in every home.
By experimenting with dyes and additional ingredients, you can create a unique recipe for a special slime. If your baby does this, believe me, there will be no limit to childish joy. The main advantage of a homemade toy over a purchased one is that you do not have to worry about its safety, if necessary, you can always make a new toy.
Soda and shampoo slime recipe in the video below.