How to remove slime from the couch?

Slime is a popular pastime loved by children and teenagers, but parents are much more interested not in the chemical composition of this sticky substance, but in how to remove it from the sofa or wipe away the stain left on the upholstery. The problem of inaccurate handling of "mucus" does exist. A detailed story about how you can clean the dried slime from the fabric of upholstered furniture, so as not to harm the coating, will avoid annoying mistakes in the cleaning and cleaning process.

How do I clean with purchased products?
Having found a recent stain, you can even remove the slime from the couch with improvised means. The easiest solution is to use a dishwashing detergent solution. This common type of chemical separates fatty substances from the surface of the fabric. It is enough to mix the thick gel with a little water and then apply to the area of the stain, leaving it to work for a while. After 4-5 hours, you can wash off the product, dry the area with a hairdryer or paper towels.

Old stains from contact with slime on the upholstery of the sofa can be removed with traditional stain removers. Among the ready-made formulations, Vanish stands out, available in the form of a spray and active foam. The product is applied to the contaminated area, if necessary, diluted with water - it is better to specify the method of application on the package. In a liquid solution, the composition:
foams with a sponge;
distributed over the surface of the spot;
the allotted time is maintained;
washed off.

It is important to pay attention to the type of upholstery. Industrial and household stain removers may contain bleaching agents that may lighten or discolor the upholstery.
Cleaning of upholstery made of genuine leather, wool, linen should be carried out only with compatible compounds, otherwise the material will be damaged irrevocably.
Manufactured finished chemicals may not only fall into the category of cleaning agents. It is almost impossible to remove all traces of slime on a fleecy upholstery without special solvents. A special category of chemistry will help to cope with the task. For example, a solvent for glue - it is better to choose it knowing what kind of base was used in the manufacture of the slime. And also WD-40 automobile grease is suitable for these purposes.

Traditional methods
Removal of traces of slime from the surface of textile upholstery of upholstered furniture can be done using improvised means that are guaranteed to be in every home.
A mixture of salt and starch. In combination, these substances provide a double effect - they accelerate the drying of sticky residues of decorative mucus, and also ensure the absorption of fatty traces from it. The big advantage of the recipe is that it does not use moisture. The mixture is simply filled up with the problem area, left for a while. The remains of the slime, together with salt and starch, are scraped off, collected with a vacuum cleaner.

- Soda paste. Sodium hydrogen carbonate powder turns into a thick slurry mixed with water. The resulting composition is applied to the surface of the upholstery in the area of the spot left by the slime, left for 30-40 minutes. After this time, the agent, together with the remaining dirt, is wiped off the surface with a sponge soaked in warm water. The easiest way to spread the soda paste over the upholstery surface is with a toothbrush.

- Ethanol. The degreasing compound is suitable for removing greasy marks from the surface of textile, leather, suede upholstery. The greatest efficiency is provided by the treatment of the sofa with pharmacy ethyl alcohol, but if it is absent, you can use similar cosmetic products. The degreasing properties of the substance help to effectively dissolve the compounds left by the slime. In the future, the area to be treated must be wiped with a sponge dipped in warm water.

- A mixture of vinegar essence and washing powder. It is prepared with 2 parts water and 1 part baking soda. Then other ingredients are added to the composition (in the same amount as sodium bicarbonate). The resulting active foam is whipped, distributed over the problem area, then washed off after 15-20 minutes. After processing, it is recommended to collect the remnants of the product with a damp cloth.

- Acetone and products based on it. This method is only suitable for upholstery options that do not contain soluble substances. In this case, acetone or nail polish remover is applied to a cotton pad. Then it wipes the surface of the sofa at the spot where the stain is formed. The method works especially well on the surface of the skin.

- Hydrogen peroxide. This antiseptic compound is also well known for bleaching and even brightening hair. It is not surprising that the substance copes quite successfully with the slime on the upholstery of the sofa. You just need to make sure that no lighter spots remain on the fabric. For this, the exposure is made short-term, and after hydrogen peroxide, the treatment area is thoroughly washed with a damp sponge.

These are basic folk remedies that can be used to combat slime stains on upholstery surfaces. Brushed synthetic surfaces can also be cleaned by combining a salt and lemon juice treatment with the mechanical action of a stiff brush.
Mechanical cleaning
Removing slime from the surface of your sofa is fairly easy to do if the dirt is fresh. Actually, it is this method that is recommended to be tried immediately after the mucous substance gets on the upholstery material of the sofa. For work, you will need any pointed metal object - a knife or scissors blade. It is to them that the particles of the slime are pushed off, removed from the upholstery.

It is not recommended to perform mechanical cleaning with a razor blade or iron wool. These items are more likely to leave irreparable damage than help get rid of the slime on the upholstery of the sofa.
Hot water treatment of the stain will help speed up the mechanical cleaning process. Fat traces are removed with a cotton pad soaked in dishwashing detergent. This area can then be wiped off with wet wipes.

Heat treatment
Slimy particles smeared over the surface of sofa upholstery is a problem that can infuriate even the most patient parents. When trying to remove the slime, the substance is rubbed even more over the fabric of the sheathing. The use of heat treatment helps to avoid possible problems. Slime can be preheated - with a stream of a hair dryer or a hot compress, a steam generator. Then it will easily separate from the surface upon contact with the napkin.

The hot effect can also be replaced by freezing - with the help of ice cubes, achieving hardening of the problematic substance. Slime in this state can be easily removed by simple scraping with a nail file, the blunt side of the knife.
It is better not to use this method on fuzzy surfaces - there is a high risk of damaging the material, leaving a not very aesthetic bald spot where the slime was previously.
Dried slime that needs to be cleaned off the surface of the sofa is a serious problem. In this case, conventional means will be of little effect. However, slime can be wiped off upholstered furniture using hot water and all-purpose wet wipes.

Here is the procedure for cleaning.
The sponge is moistened in a hot solution of natural soap without additives or fragrances.
The area of the spot is wiped with this compound. It is left for 5 minutes to dissolve fatty substances.
A sponge moistened with hot water is applied to the surface treated with soap. The action is repeated until the slime softens.
Slime is collected from the upholstery surface with wet wipes.

Hot water is an effective way to soften dried slime particles. It is she who helps to achieve the separation of hardened mucus. Soap solution for processing can also be prepared independently. It is enough to take laundry soap, grind it on a grater, pour hot water, and then beat until lather. With this composition, you can treat any stains from substances with a fat base.

When is dry cleaning needed?
The main problem of cleaning upholstered furniture from slime is the complex, heterogeneous composition of mucus. The viscous substance includes borax, polysaccharides, and when self-made, children completely put dyes, shaving foam, oil, and rubber glue inside. With short-term contact, the sticky mass does not leave marks on the upholstery of furniture, but if you forget the slime on the sofa for a while, problems cannot be avoided. Moreover, the stains left by it are quite difficult to remove on their own.

The reason for turning to dry cleaning can be the formation of old stains that could not be removed in another way. In addition, it is recommended to use this method in cases where the sofa upholstery is made of suede, velvet, silk.
In this case, any impact on the material with household chemicals will lead to the fact that instead of some stains, others will appear. Professional cleaning will help you avoid these problems.
How to wipe the slime off the couch, see the video below.