How to remove slime from clothes?

Soft colored slimes are very popular with both children and adults. The main disadvantage of stretching slimes is that they easily cling to any surfaces, staining them. That is why everyone who buys slimes or makes them with their own hands needs to know in advance how to remove stains from their clothes.
Why is it difficult to clean up?
When playing with slime, he most often stains clothes. Slime has a liquid texture. That is why the particles of the spreading toy are easily absorbed deep into the fibers of the fabric. Because of this, the material stains very quickly.
It is worth noting that the later the stain was noticed, the more difficult it will be to remove it from the fabric. Therefore, if you find even a small amount of contamination on your clothes, you need to immediately start working on cleaning it.

How to use store products?
The easiest way to combat this kind of stain is to use regular store-bought bleach and stain remover. To get rid of traces of slime, it is best to choose proven products.
- Vanish. Stain removers from this brand are very popular with consumers. They are of high quality and can be found in most shops and supermarkets. They must be used in order to clean the dye from the fabric.
- Dr. Beckmann. A stain remover from this manufacturer is used specifically for removing paint and glue stains. The fabric after processing with such a product does not lose its attractiveness and does not deteriorate.
- Runway RW-40. Universal grease for cars is used to clean all surfaces from various contaminants. It is very easy to remove the remnants of the slime from the fabric using this product.It is best used for tough materials such as jeans.
You can also use acidic detergents to treat fabrics. They must be applied to the fabric and held there for 15 minutes. After that, the thing must be gently wiped with a hard sponge, being careful not to smear the stain on the surface of the fabric. Further, the traces of contamination must be washed off the clothes with plain water.
In order not to damage the fabric by trying to wipe away traces of slime from it, the stain remover must first be tested on the inside of the fabric. If the first time you cannot wash off the dirt, or after washing off the stain remover, ugly stains remain on your clothes, you should not use it.

Traditional methods
You can get rid of contamination at home using handy products. The processing method largely depends on the fabric from which the product is sewn.
- Cotton and linen. These fabrics are quite resilient. Therefore, they can be safely immersed in boiling water, as well as treated with gasoline or solvents. The main thing is to make sure that the chosen product does not discolor the fabric.
- Lace, wool, silk. To treat such fabrics, alcohol or soap solutions are usually used. Remove slime pieces from the surface of the material slowly and very carefully.
- Synthetics, viscose, knitwear. These fabrics must not be treated with organic solvents. In addition, they are not frozen or boiled.
- Fur. It is worth processing fur coats and other fur products only with acetone. It is he who will carefully remove particles of the slime without damaging the surface.
Next, you need to figure out how to properly use each of the products.

This product is a high-quality solvent, therefore it is often used to remove various stains from fabrics and fur surfaces. It is very easy to work with this product. A cotton pad should be carefully moistened with nail polish remover and run over the surface of the fabric, removing adhering dirt.
It is worth remembering that such a solvent is poorly washed out. Therefore, it should not be used to handle bed linen and things that are close to the body. Otherwise, the person may develop an allergic reaction to this product.
Also, this product may discolor or damage the fabric. Therefore, it needs to be tested before use. After part of the slime is removed from the surface of the fabric, the thing must be washed and dried.

Hydrogen peroxide
It is one of the cheapest products and can be used to remove both fresh and dried stains from fabrics. The fabric should be processed according to the same principle as in the case of acetone. First, the peroxide is applied to a cotton pad. After that, he applies to the dirty place for a couple of minutes. After a couple of minutes, with gentle movements, the remnants of the slime must be removed from the fabric. This is done very quickly. On average, this process takes about 15 minutes. After removing the stain, the clothes must be washed.

Ammonia and salt
Another budget tool that can be used to cleanse fabrics from dirt is ammonia. This product should be mixed with fresh lemon juice and sea salt. It is worth using a coarsely ground product. All these products must be combined in equal proportions and rubbed into the surface of the pants or T-shirt. If the stain has time to dry, the mixture should be left in this form for 15-20 minutes. After that, the fabric must be carefully cleaned with a brush and rinsed under running warm water. Next, the thing needs to be sent to the wash.

Laundry soap
Unfortunately, it will not be possible to completely remove the remnants of the slime from the fabric using this product. But it is suitable in order to remove paint residues after processing clothes with another means. In order to wash the product, the stain must be well soaped.After that, the fabric will need to be left in this form for half an hour. After this time, the dirt will need to be gently wiped off with a hard-bristled brush. After getting rid of the stubborn paint, the fabric will need to be rinsed under a stream of warm water.
If you did not succeed in removing the stain the first time, the procedure must be repeated several more times.

You can quickly wipe off part of the slime from the surface of your trousers or sweater using refined gasoline. They also need to treat stains before washing. If you notice dirt on the fabric, you must immediately remove the thing and wipe its surface with a cotton pad or cloth soaked in gasoline. It is not recommended to fill the stain with gasoline. It will be possible to remove dirt in this way, but such a product will also harm the fabric itself.

Dishwashing gel
If the slime is made on the basis of plasticine, PVA glue or toothpaste, it can be removed using a simple dishwashing gel. It is very easy to process fabric in this way. The gel should be applied to the soiled part of the clothing and left for several hours. After this time, the stain should be washed well in warm water using laundry soap. After this treatment, pieces of home-cooked slimes are completely cleaned from the fibers.

Vegetable oil
This product is used to dissolve the substance from which the slime is made. Ordinary sunflower oil can be used to process the fabric. It dissolves the substances from which the slime was made and allows you to gently wash them. The disadvantage of such a product is that after dissolving the slime, a greasy stain may remain on the clothes, which is difficult to remove from the fabric. In order to get rid of contamination, moisten a cotton pad with vegetable oil. After that, it must be applied to the clothes and held for several minutes. During this time, the base from which the slime was prepared will soften - it can be safely removed in a few movements.

Baby cream
Fatty cream, like vegetable oil, copes well with such contamination. This product should be applied to the fabric and left for a couple of hours. When the slime is softened, it can be scraped off the fabric. After cleaning the material, the clothes should be filled with any dishwashing liquid and rinsed under running warm water. After making sure that there are no stains on the fabric, the thing must be washed.

To get rid of contamination, 9% vinegar must be mixed with detergent in equal proportions. A small amount of this mixture is gently applied to the stained area. After that, the fabric should be left for 5-6 hours. After the required time has passed, the clothes should be brushed with a stiff brush and washed in a machine or by hand.

Lemon acid
Like lemon juice, this product is also quite commonly used for removing slime stains. The first step is to moisten the contaminated part of the clothing with warm water. After that, sprinkle it with citric acid and pour warm water on top again. Leave the clothes in this form for 10-15 minutes. After that, the thing must be rinsed under warm water, and then sent to the wash. If desired, citric acid can also be combined with alcohol. The two products are mixed in a small container. After that, the mixture is applied to clothing for a couple of minutes, and then washed off.

A cheap cologne can also be used to remove dried-up pieces of slime. The fabric should be treated with a small amount of the product and left for half an hour. So that the unpleasant smell does not interfere with any of the inhabitants of the house, clothes can be taken out onto the balcony or outside. After the right time has passed, the fabric must be rubbed with a brush. In a couple of minutes, the remains of the slime can be removed. After that, the fabric must be rinsed under running water, and then washed by hand or in a washing machine.

If the stain on your clothes is fresh, you can get rid of it by using another slime. To do this, knead the toy in your hands, gently apply it to the contaminated place and tear off the pieces of the old slime along with the new one.
This is the easiest way to get rid of slime pieces. Unfortunately, it rarely helps to cope with pollution.
Temperature effect
Helps to deal with dirt and temperature effects on fabric.
Hot water
In order to remove slime from a certain area of tissue, it must be treated with boiling water. Usually, clothes are simply placed in a container of hot water for a couple of minutes. During this time, the slime softens and can be gently scraped off. In this case, it is important to act very carefully so as not to smear the stain on the surface of the fabric. Otherwise, it will be almost impossible to remove the stain.
Steam can also be applied to contaminated surfaces. Bring the water in the saucepan to a boil. After that, the contaminated thing must be held over a container of boiling water for several minutes. The slime will also soften well during this time, and it can be peeled off from clothes. You can also use a steamer to process fabrics. To do this, a stream of steam must be directed at the fabric. A hot iron with a steaming function is also suitable for the same purpose.

Cold water
It is impossible to get rid of such contamination by washing the fabric under cold water. But quite often, soiled clothes are frozen. Exposure to cold allows you to very quickly get rid of traces of slime. All you need to do is put your clothes in a plastic bag and put it in the freezer for a couple of hours. During this time, the slime remaining on the fabric will have time to harden, and it can be carefully scraped off with the blunt side of the knife. The main thing is not to cut or tear your clothes while doing this. As a rule, after such processing, it is possible to tear off the frozen slime entirely. In the event that pieces of slime still remain on the surface of the fabric, they can be carefully removed with tweezers.
If there is no room in the freezer, pre-frozen ice can be used. It must be applied to the contaminated area and left for a couple of minutes. Once they have melted, they can be replaced with new ones. After the slime hardens, it can be removed manually, working according to the same principle as in the previous case.

When is dry cleaning needed?
If the dried slime cannot be removed from the fabric, the contaminated clothing can simply be dry-cleaned. But here it is worth remembering that this is an expensive service, so you should use it only if other improvised means do not help. It is also worth entrusting professionals with cleaning designer items made from expensive fabrics. They will be able to get rid of the contamination without damaging the material. Dry cleaning in this case will be cheaper than buying a new outfit.
If dirt remains on the surface of the fabric after playing with the slime, do not throw it away. With the right approach, clothes can be cleaned even at home. The main thing is to use only proven means for this, so as not to spoil the fabric.
For information on how to remove slime from clothes, see the next video.