How to remove slime from hair?

Children's toys and components for games are improved every year, and sometimes completely new, atypical products appear. One of these novelties, which has firmly entered the life of many children, is slime. A jelly-like multi-colored substance that can be pressed with hands, pulled, even thrown onto smooth surfaces has become interesting for children of different ages and genders. In addition to a pleasant and creative pastime, there are excesses in the use of slime - for example, getting this substance on the hair, so it is important to know how to cope with a problem situation.

Method options
For the first time, the slime appeared on sale in the 80s of the last century, but, due to the monotony of colors, this toy did not have such a deafening success as it is now. In recent years, jars of mucus, called "Slime", have appeared in stores, which had different colors, decor, box shape, which immediately attracted the attention of children. If the first slimes were made from guar gum, now sodium tetraborate, PVA glue or gum are used. Food colors are used to give the substance any color.
The relative ease of preparation and the availability of components enable children to create slimes on their own, using fantasy and imagination.

Slime or slime, as it was later called, is pleasant to the touch, stretches well, takes any shape, so children like to play with it. The use of such toys is not bad if an adult looks after the baby and monitors its safety. In addition to the health risks that can arise from uncontrolled use of slime, there are less dangerous but equally important problems.One of the main difficulties that almost all parents face is slime on the child's head.
In order to quickly and painlessly get rid of mucus on your hair at home, it is important to know what methods can be used and what materials can help. Despite all its external harmlessness, a slime that gets on a child's hair does not lend itself to simple and quick cleaning. But there are quite a few means of dealing with this unpleasant situation, so it is important to disassemble the most demanded ones.

With a hairdryer
One of the options for dealing with slime adhering to hair is a hairdryer. Thanks to the hot air that the device blows out, it is possible to dry the slime in a short time. Once the substance has become solid, it can be rubbed with your fingers, crumbling, and then completely removed from the hair.
It is important to set the temperature correctly so that delicate baby hair is not exposed to a continuous stream of too hot air. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the remoteness of the device. The closer it is, the more damage it does to the hairline, and too far distance will significantly increase the drying time of the slime.
To completely remove mucus from your hair, you need to use a comb. For the comfort of the child, it is better to immediately take a massage comb with a large distance between the teeth, and then - with a smaller one, which will completely and gently eliminate the consequences of an unpleasant situation.

Hot water
If there are no aids and devices at hand, then the simplest way to remove the slime from the hair is plain water. It is advisable to use hot or heated liquid to make the process of cleansing the mucous toy easier. Upon contact with an aqueous medium, the slime becomes more elastic, and it is easier to remove it with a comb.
It is recommended to soak the mucus-stained hair in water for a few minutes for the effect to be more pronounced.
In addition to ordinary water, you can also use a substitute in the form of micellar water. This cosmetic product may be at hand with mothers, so it is quite suitable for combating slime in hair. For application, it is better to use a cotton pad, onto which micellar water is poured. A well-impregnated product moistens hair in a problem area and is kept for several minutes. As soon as moisture gets into the slime and begins to interact with it, you can start combing it out of the child's hair.

An alternative solution to extract slime from a child's hair is oil. Every home has sunflower oil, but many mothers also use products for the care of the child's body, which are also suitable for solving this problem. Using oily liquids, it is necessary to apply them to the hair in the place where the slime is located, let the composition soak for 1-2 minutes, and start combing out. It is recommended to use a sturdy, fine-toothed comb to remove all the dirt from the hairline.
After the mucus is combed out of the hair, it is recommended to wash it in order to eliminate traces of using the oily composition.
It is best to just wash your hair with shampoo - and no traces of interference will be visible.

Another remedy that every housewife has and can cope with slime in her hair is soda. Due to its special characteristics and effects on various substances, this white powder will be able to help out a mother and a child who has a short haircut. To combat stuck slime, you need to make a soda gruel. The optimal amount of the composition is considered to be 2 teaspoons and a small amount of liquid, which together give a pasty consistency.
Having received the desired composition, it must be applied to the problem area, wait about 10 minutes, then carefully start combing out with a strong comb. With a little effort and spending a few minutes, you can successfully remove all the mucus that was on the child's head due to his pranks.

What chemicals can I use?
To remove slime from hair, there is often not enough ordinary household materials at hand, so sometimes you have to resort to more radical and not always completely safe formulations for the child. Among the most efficient are some funds.
- Lotions and tonics for removing decorative cosmetics - these are the mildest chemicals that should not harm children, but at the same time will affect the slime. To eliminate hair contamination, such compositions are applied to a sponge and rubbed into the problem area, after which they are combed out with a comb.
- Nail polish remover - a more harmful substance that is not recommended for children without parental supervision. The principle of use remains the same - it comes down to soaking the area with a slime and gradually combing it out of the hair. It is important not to overexpose the liquid on the child's head, as it is quite active and can negatively affect the condition of the hair. In addition, the strong foul odor can cause headaches in children.
- Perfume with a high alcohol content. Along with acetone, it effectively helps to remove slime. However, they have a strong odor, which is not useful for a child, as well as a chemical composition that negatively affects the hairline. Therefore, it is recommended to use it only in extreme cases.
- Ethanol - more suitable for dealing with slime that got on the hair of an adult. To solve the problem, you need to wet a cotton pad with alcohol, wipe the contaminated area, then leave the alcohol compress for 15-20 minutes, then comb your hair. Wash your hair thoroughly after the procedure.
- Gel polish remover - similar to the previous options. The liquid is applied to the hair and left on for 20 minutes, after which it is gently combed out. When the task is completed, it is better to wash your hair with shampoo.
- Grease for the WD-40 car - can be used only as a last resort, since the substance is very harmful and aggressive. Best used on strong, healthy and short hair. The composition is applied for 20-30 minutes, after which it is washed off, and the head becomes completely clean.
The choice of methods for dealing with slime in hair should start with the safest option and gradually move on to more aggressive ones if the effect is weak or not observed at all.

Precautionary measures
In order not to collide with a slime that has got into the hair of a child or an adult, it is important to familiarize the child with the basic rules of behavior with this toy.
- Do not throw the slime on the floor or other surfaces not intended for its use, as it collects all debris and dust, making it unsafe.
- Forbid throwing slime at people. This will minimize the chances of having to deal with brushing mucus out of your hair.
- Make sure that this toy is always completely stowed away in the box and does not remain on the sofa or other surfaces where it can stick to clothing.
- If you still had to remove the slime from the hair, then it is better to cover the child's face and ask him to close his eyes so that no substance gets in and does not cause discomfort.
- When cleaning your hair, you need to use the most gentle techniques and move on to strong ones if there is no effect. It is imperative to work with gloves so as not to injure the skin of the hands.
- When the slime elimination work is done, the child needs to wash his head with shampoo, and the adult needs to wash his hands with soap.
By fulfilling all the above requirements, it is possible to ensure minimal problems from children playing with slime and an effective solution if they do arise.

For information on how to remove slime from hair, see the next video.