What to do if the slime sticks to your hands?
Currently, one of the most popular anti-stress toys for children is slime. You can buy it in a children's store or make it yourself. However, many are faced with such a problem that the slime sticks to their hands, loses its elasticity and becomes too liquid. Read about why this can happen and how to fix it below.
Why does slime stick to my hands?
At times it happens that the slime or slime becomes too liquid and sticky. It spreads, sticks to hands and clothes, soiling everything. There can be many reasons for this.
For example, a toy can become overly liquid due to the fact that when it was made with its own hand, errors in proportions and instructions were made. When making a homemade slime, it is impossible to neglect the dosages of certain substances. A small amount of thickener or too much water - and that's it, the slime sticks to your hands and spreads, losing its elasticity. When making a toy, all the constituent elements of its composition must be introduced carefully and gradually, mixing periodically. If there is a lack of one or another component, you can always add it, so you can not overdo it and make the slime correctly.
Another reason is the wrong recipe.... There are a lot of unsuitable and untested recipes for creating a homemade slime on the Internet at the moment. To avoid this, it is recommended to pay attention to the video recipes, which not only describe in detail about the manufacture of slime, but also show the whole process, including the final result.
Another reason for the stickiness and inelasticity of an anti-stress toy can be the expired shelf life of one or another of its components.In addition, the service life of the toy itself, which was purchased in the store, may end. Usually, if we talk about factory slimes, it is no more than 3 months.
Slimes that have expired are not suitable for children's play.
Slimes made with your own hands at home last even less - 2 weeks maximum. After this period, the toy begins to deteriorate, like the ingredients included in it, it cannot be restored.
If the slime is stored in the wrong conditions, then in this case there is also a high risk that it will lose most of its basic qualities. So, a toy can deteriorate when it is in the sun for a long time, at high temperatures or, conversely, too low, as well as when it is stored for a long time in a container.
The lack of so-called "feeding" of the slime can also negatively affect it. This applies to both a purchased slime and a homemade one. In order for it to retain its qualities for a long time, it needs to be provided with good hydration. To do this, you need to periodically feed the anti-stress toy with salted water, 1 teaspoon of water and a pinch of salt will be enough. At the same time, in no case should you use soda, juices and other components for feeding, otherwise you risk ruining the thing.
In addition, the reason that homemade slime does not have the proper qualities may be excess in the composition of the dye - acrylic paint, gouache or watercolors. With an excess of paint after the anti-stress toy, a large number of colored spots will remain on the hands and other surfaces.
How do I fix the problem?
Drying is suitable if homemade or purchased slime has become too liquid and constantly spreads. To fix this, the toy must be left uncovered in the container.... He must stand like this for several hours. If there is too much water, then in this case, the anti-stress toy can be put on an ordinary piece of paper. Please note that a napkin will not work for these purposes, as the slime will quickly stick to it. After lying like this for some time, the slime will regain its former qualities. However, please note that it cannot be overdried, otherwise there is a risk of spoiling it.
Cleaning should be done only if your slime is covered with dirt and dust. - precisely because of this, by the way, it can become sticky. To clean the slime, you can use tweezers, a pin, or tweezers to remove large debris or unwanted particles. Small particles can be removed by rinsing the anti-stress toy under running water. This method is also suitable if your toy is somehow smeared with sugar or juice, or you made a manufacturing mistake by adding too much starch or flour.
Kneading helps to make the slime thicker and more elastic. It is the lack of mixing that is one of the reasons that the toy sticks too much to your hands. Most often, kneading is used for freshly made or purchased slimes that have been on the store shelf for a long time.
Excessive stickiness and consistency of the slime largely depends on the temperature at which it was stored. If your toy has been kept in a warm place for a long time, it will most likely start to spread and lose its elasticity. If this problem occurs, the slime is placed in a cold place for about half a day. Most often, this is a refrigerator, since it is there that there is the required temperature, which will contribute to the thickening of the toy. A cold balcony, by the way, is also fine. You cannot put slime in the freezer, as there is a great risk of ruining it.
Adding additional ingredients
To fix the slime and return it to its former qualities, you can use not only physical methods. Sometimes it will be enough to add to it this or that "top dressing", which can correct the situation. One of these dressings is sodium tetraborate or borax. It is suitable for both a factory toy and a homemade one. Borax is one of the most effective thickeners. A couple of drops will be enough to bring your toy back to its original quality. However, do not overdo it and introduce the substance gradually, otherwise you can only aggravate the situation.
You can also use cosmetics to correct the situation. Oil, lotion, or regular hand cream are great for this. It is necessary to lubricate the hands with the tool, after which the toy must be thoroughly kneaded, kneaded and left on paper for a while, so that excess fat will go away from it.
Soda solution is another effective remedy for making homemade slime less sticky. To prepare the solution, you only need a teaspoon of water and a couple of pinches of soda. All this is added to the slime and thoroughly mixed.
Starch can also be used to thicken toys that have been made with flour or other natural ingredients. A couple of pinches of corn, potato, or rice potatoes will save the day and thicken the slime.
Hydrogen peroxide can also help you with slime... It can make it more elastic and reduce its stickiness. The substance should be added carefully, drop by drop, carefully observing how the consistency of the slime changes. It is very important here not to overdo it and use this tool in moderation.
If there is an excess of water in the slime, you can use ordinary salt. It will be enough to add just a pinch of the substance to the slime. After that, the toy should be left in the refrigerator for a while in order to allow the salt to absorb all excess moisture.
You can also use boric acid for your slime, which is sold in liquid form in pharmacies.... You need to add a teaspoon of the product to the toy, after which everything needs to be mixed. If this was not enough, then you can additionally add a teaspoon of any starch to the composition.
Please note that when interacting with boric acid, you must be careful.
It can also act as a thickener for slime washing powder in the form of a gel. You will need about 5 milliliters of the product to bring the toy back to life. After adding it, knead the slime well. You can also resort to using shaving foam instead of a gel detergent. 2-3 teaspoons of this product will be enough. After adding the foam, knead the slime. Ready!
How to increase the shelf life of a toy?
First of all, in order for your toy to serve you as long as possible, it must be properly stored. Do not leave the slime in the sun or a radiator, and try to store it in a cool place - on the balcony or in the refrigerator. It is not recommended to put the toy in the freezer, as too low temperatures will destroy its structure. After defrosting, the slime cannot be restored.
It is required to store the slime in a special sealed container so that it does not dry out ahead of time.
To maintain the "life" of an anti-stress toy, it also needs to be regularly fed with salted water. It also needs to be regularly kneaded and kneaded so that it does not lose its basic qualities. This should be done at least once every 1-2 days.