Very easy ways to make slime at home

Slime is a very popular anti-stress toy. Such a little thing can be bought in many stores, or you can do it yourself. This is absolutely nothing difficult. In this article, we will look at the simplest ways to make slime at home.

What can be used for cooking?
Slimes of different types are sold in a huge number of outlets. As a rule, they are inexpensive, presented in a variety of colors. Despite the availability of such products, many users prefer to make them with their own hands rather than buying them in a store. Fortunately, you don't have to spend money on expensive ingredients to make a slime.

An excellent homemade product can be obtained from the simplest and most affordable components that are found in almost every home. Often, for the manufacture of antistress toys, materials at hand are used, which are sold in many stores at the lowest prices. To make a slime yourself at home, you can use the following ingredients:
- baking soda;
- shampoo;
- Shaving gel;
- flour;
- starch (it is permissible to use both potato and corn starch for cooking);
- plasticine (most recipes provide for the use of lighter and softer versions of it);
- PVA glue (this component is most often used to make slime);
- coloring component (you can choose absolutely any dye, it all depends on which color the user likes best);
- sodium tetraborate (not included in all lizun manufacturing schemes);
- Toothpaste;
- dishwashing liquid;
- ice (more complex slime variations are made from this component);
- chocolate paste;
- hair gel;
- shower gel;
- salt;
- means for lenses.

These are far from all the components from which you can easily and quickly make a very good slime at home.
In addition to these ingredients, various decorative components are often used. We are talking not only about food coloring of any shade, but also about a variety of glitters, shiny sprinkles and even small pebbles - there are a lot of options for the original design of a slime.

The easy way to cook with water and starch
There are a great many simple recipes for making slime, but the simplest is the method involving the use of water and ordinary starch. Such a recipe is perfect for children, since it is not the slightest difficulty to master it. It is also practical in that it requires only two main components. Together with them, you can also use PVA glue.
Consider how you can very quickly and extremely simply make a slime from starch and water.
- First, you need to pour PVA glue into a clean and dry bowl. Enough 15 g of this component. It will be necessary to add 20 ml of water to the adhesive composition. Mix these ingredients thoroughly.
- Potato or corn starch in a volume of 30 g should be gradually poured into the resulting solution. The components must be mixed very well. As a result, a mass should form that will not crumble and stick to your hands. The composition will turn out to be thick. It should not flow or wobble from side to side. If the mass is too dry, then it must be supplemented with a small amount of water. If, on the contrary, it comes out too liquid, then it is advisable to increase the amount of added starch.
- You can paint a ready-made simple slime using absolutely any food coloring. You can choose the color that suits your taste more. And also a similar homemade product can be decorated with sparkles, foam balls, beads and other decorative components.

Instructions for making slime from shampoo and salt
A quick slime isn't just made from a combination of water and starch. An excellent homemade product can be made by mixing salt and shampoo in certain proportions.
However, you should immediately pay attention to the fact that not every type of shampoo is suitable for this recipe. It is necessary to use only such an option that is distinguished by the maximum density. A good option would be, for example, the American product Olay.
If there is no access to suitable formulations, then it makes sense to use other formulations.
To make slime, you need to stock up on a lot of salt. The allowable volume of this component should be about 200 g. The main plus of the recipe in question is that it will be absolutely safe to implement. The problem is that it doesn't always work out.

Let's consider how to properly prepare a slime from salt and shampoo.
- Prepare a clean, dry container. You need to put 3-4 teaspoons of thick shampoo in it.
- Next, you will need to add salt in small portions. All this time, the components in the container must be constantly stirred.
- Having achieved the required level of density, put the resulting product on the refrigerator shelf.
- After 30 minutes, the homemade product must be removed from the refrigerator, and then kneaded in your hands. Please note that this slime will stick to your hands. In addition, it is not designed for long-term storage.

Other easy recipes
The above recipes are very simple, but besides them, there are many other recipes that do not cause the slightest difficulty. Consider several extremely simple and quick ways to make a do-it-yourself slime at home.
From toothpaste
An excellent slime can be made using the simplest toothpaste.This component can be absolutely anything. In addition to pasta, the recipe provides for the use of flour. It is advisable to use wheat. If the mass turns out to be too solid or liquid during manufacture, then it is enough to add one of the ingredients to solve this problem.
To make a slime yourself, you need the following components:
- 2 tbsp. l. flour;
- 3-4 tsp any toothpaste;
- 3-4 drops of baby oil;
- 2-3 drops of dye in liquid form.

Let's look at the step-by-step instructions.
- We must take dry and clean dishes. Wheat flour should be poured into it. Next, you need to squeeze out the toothpaste to it.
- The components must be well mixed so that they form a mass with a homogeneous texture. It is recommended to use a spatula or spoon for stirring, not a mixer.
- Apply baby oil to dry palms. After that, the workpiece will need to be taken in hand and knead it thoroughly.
- On the surface of the resulting slime, you can apply paint of any color you like. After that, the antistress toy should be kneaded again in your hands so that the color becomes even.

Of flour
A very simple and environmentally friendly slime can be made from flour and water.
To make a good slime, you need to use warm and cold water. In no case should you use boiling water.
And also it is necessary to use food coloring of any color.
Let's consider in stages how to make a slime from flour correctly:
- all of the above components should be mixed together in one bowl;
- it is necessary to knead the ingredients as thoroughly as possible so that they form a mixture with a consistency resembling an elastic dough;
- as soon as the composition is sufficiently homogeneous, it will need to be put on the shelf in the refrigerator.

From plasticine
Beautiful slimes are obtained using plasticine. If this component is present in the recipe, then you can do without adding glue or sodium tetraborate. It is best to take a soft and docile plasticine. You can find similar products at a stationery or toy store.
For the recipe you will need:
- 2 packs of light and soft plasticine;
- 1 tbsp. l. shaving foam;
- 1 tsp high-density shampoo;
- 1 tsp oily cream.
Consider detailed instructions on how to make a slime using soft plasticine.
- First, you will need to thoroughly knead the plasticine. After that, it must be placed in a separate, clean cup / plate.
- Shaving foam is squeezed out to the plasticine.
- The next ingredient to add is shampoo.
- Further, to the previous components, you need to add a nourishing or moisturizing cream.
- When all the components are in the container, they must be kneaded with the utmost care until the mixture acquires a homogeneous and soft consistency.

Chewing gum
Few people know that it is quite possible to make slime from chewing gum, as well as gummy candies (like gummies). From such components, you can get an edible homemade product.
To make such a slime, you need the following ingredients:
- gummy bears of different colors;
- marshmallow;
- gummies (marshmallows are ideal);
- chewing gums and so on.
To achieve a tangible sweetness of such a homemade product, you can additionally add chocolate paste, condensed milk, powdered sugar, and various sweet sprinkles to it. Some experimenters even add carbonated drinks such as Coca-Cola, Sprite or Fanta to edible slime.
As a component that will act as the base of an edible sweet slime, starch or ordinary flour can be used.

Shaving foam
Many slime recipes involve the use of shaving foam. In the scheme under consideration, good glue will be the main component. At the same time, you can choose absolutely any foam for shaving. Taking into account the stabilizing properties of the last component, it is advisable to use the activator to a minimum.
If there is no sodium tetraborate in stock, it is possible to make the mass thicker by means of soda or drops of "Naphthyzin".
We find out a list of all the components:
- 3 tbsp. l. PVA glue;
- 4 tbsp. l. any shaving foam;
- 4-5 drops of undiluted sodium tetraborate.
Consider a homemade slime recipe.
- We need to prepare a work plate. Glue is squeezed into it, then shaving foam. The specified ingredients should be thoroughly mixed with each other.
- Sodium tetraborate is added as the last component, which will act as an activator.
- The resulting mass will need to be thoroughly kneaded with any suitable stick. You must continue to stir the mixture until it thickens.
- After that, all that remains is to knead the slime in your hands.

From laundry soap
There are a huge number of recipes for making slime using laundry soap. This ingredient can be combined with many other ingredients to create a good homemade product.
A cool slime comes from a combination of soap, glue and boric acid. Consider the entire list of ingredients that will be needed to make a slime:
- ¼ a bar of laundry soap;
- 50 ml of stationery glue;
- 1 tbsp. l. boric acid;
- 50 ml of pure water.

Now let's take a closer look at the recipe itself.
- First you need to grind the bar of soap. A regular kitchen grater is ideal for this.
- Next, the grated soap will need to be poured with hot water. Wait until it is completely dissolved in the liquid. Let the composition cool down.
- Next, pour stationery glue into the existing mass. The composition should be mixed very thoroughly until a homogeneous substance is obtained.
- The mixture can be thickened with boric acid solution.
- Further, the working composition will need to be thoroughly kneaded with a spatula or spoon.
- At the last stage, the slime must be kneaded by hand. This should be done until the product ceases to be sticky.
In this recipe, the thickener must be added in very small portions so as not to accidentally overdo it with this component. And it is also allowed to add a little boric acid if the slime sticks too much to the fingers and palms.

Useful Tips
There are an incredibly many elementary recipes, thanks to which you can make slime in literally 5 minutes using simple and cheap ingredients. That is why many people decide to make such an anti-stress toy at home. Consider a few tips that will be useful if you want to make a slime with your own hands.
- It often happens that a homemade slime turns out to be too slippery. To get rid of this problem, you can supplement the product with a small amount of simple pharmacy glycerin.
- If you need to achieve sufficient pomp of homemade products, then you can resort to adding hydrogen peroxide. If the product lacks elasticity, it makes sense to use just a couple of drops of acetic acid.
- If you want the small slime to become large, it is advisable to place it in a container of water for about 3 hours. During this time, the product may disintegrate, but you should not be afraid of this. In this case, put some table salt on top. This component will quickly absorb excess moisture. After this, the slime must be thoroughly kneaded in the hands. Due to such actions, it will become more elastic and also increase in size.
- A very good and beautiful antistress toy will turn out if you place the slime in an inflated balloon. Thus, it will be much more convenient and pleasant to knead it with your hands.
- The design of such a homemade product can be absolutely anything. The use of various coloring components, rhinestones and sparkles is allowed. However, it is not at all necessary to use such decorations.Slime can be left colorless without additional inclusions. This makes the product no less "relaxing", but less attractive.
- There are tons of recipes for beginner slime makers. If you have not done this kind of thing before, then it is recommended to start with the simplest recipes that do not require a large number of complex ingredients.
- All components are recommended to be applied only in the correct proportions. If you make a mistake in this matter, then as a result you can get a low-quality homemade product that will be too dry or, conversely, spreading.
- For the manufacture of slime, it is recommended to use only fresh ingredients. Do not use ingredients that are past their expiration date. It will not work out of such components to make the right slime.
- The finished homemade product should not be kept in a warm place. The best storage for homemade slime is the refrigerator shelf. It is advisable to knead the product in your hands for at least a couple of minutes a day.
Do not expect such a slime to last long. Usually slimes last for 2-3 days.

Next, see a master class on making slime from shaving foam and toothpaste.