How to make a transparent slime?

Transparent handgam is a good alternative to all other types of emoticons. You can buy it in toy stores, but it's even easier to make it yourself. And if you involve a child in this work, then it will turn into a fun and interesting activity that unites all family members.

How to make a base?
Transparent slime is also called mirror, glass or water. Another name for these toys is clear slimes. It is a light viscous mass that visually resembles flowing glass. Such handgams can be made from glue with brown, liquid soap, salt, starch, toothpaste and other ingredients. Let's dwell on the most effective recipes.

From salt and shampoo
To create a transparent slime, you can use regular table salt, which is found in every home, as well as shampoo. Please note that it must be transparent.
You need to prepare:
4 tablespoons of shampoo;
salt - added as needed;
a cup and spoon for mixing slime.

To prepare the slime, pour the shampoo into a cup and gradually add salt by pinch, stirring constantly. After the salt has absorbed all the moisture, the slime begins to thicken - at this moment, knead the mass thoroughly with your hands and put it in the refrigerator. After a quarter of an hour, the slime is ready.
If the slime sticks too much to your hands, add a little lens fluid to it.

Keep in mind that the slime making process for this recipe is extremely slow. Only persistent continuous stirring with the addition of salt leads to the formation of a gel-like consistency. However, do not overdo it with salt. Otherwise, the mass will become solid, and then all the work will have to start over.
From starch
To make a transparent slime, you need to mix liquid starch and stationery glue in a ratio of 1 to 2. The recipe is simple: glue is poured into a bowl and mixed with starch until thick. After that, you need to carefully knead the prepared mass with your hands for 10-15 minutes. Immediately after preparation of such a slime, many air bubbles will be present inside the substance. However, after a couple of days they will disappear.

From toothpaste and shampoo
Clear slimes are often made without thickeners. To do this, pour 30 ml of any colorless shampoo into a container (it is advisable to take a thick one), then add white toothpaste. It should be about 3-4 times less than shampoo. The resulting mass is kneaded, kneaded by hands, and then placed in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. This time is enough for the toy to become viscous.

Borax and glue
The most widespread technique is the preparation of clear slime from glue and sodium tetraborate. The combination of components imparts viscosity and elasticity to the mass. However, not every type of glue is suitable. Many slimers use PVA at home. But it gives the finished product a matte tone; it will be very difficult to achieve a transparent slime based on it. Therefore, it is better to give preference to clerical (silicate) glue, popularly called "liquid glass". This name is quite justified, since this substance is based on an alkaline solution of vitreous silicates. The compositions of the firms Berlingo and Erich Krause have proven themselves best of all.

Titan glue, which has found wide application in construction, has similar characteristics. Its main component is a silicate solution of potassium and sodium. However, "Titan" contains toxic components and gives a pungent chemical odor, so it is undesirable for children's creativity. Adults can work with this glue without fear, but always in a ventilated area.

To obtain transparent slimes, the glue is mixed with sodium tetraborate, which is a boric acid salt mixed with polysaccharides. The substance is non-toxic, but when ingested in large quantities, dysfunction of the digestive system may appear. Therefore, children must carry out all work under the supervision of an adult.
To create a slime, you can use a solution of borax in glycerin or borax powder. The drug is diluted in warm water at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. thickener in 0.5 cups of water.

In a separate container, 100 g of glue is mixed with 5-10 ml of heated water. Stir both parts so that there are no lumps. After that, borax is poured in small doses, almost drops, into the glue solution with constant stirring. When the mass reaches the required density, it must be thoroughly kneaded. The finished toy should not stick to your hands.

Slime recipes with different designs
There are many ideas on how to decorate transparent slimes. To create a spectacular design, foam balls, sequins, beads, as well as food colors are used. If you wish, you can even make an edible slime - it's a lot of fun for kids to play with such toys. In addition, they are made exclusively from natural ingredients, so they are completely safe for children's health. However, before playing, it is important to make sure that the baby is not allergic to the main components of the base and additives.

With sequins
A very beautiful and elegant handgum can be obtained by adding a little glitter to the base. Such a slime turns out to be transparent and shiny, resembling a New Year's toy. To create it, you will need 50 ml of glue, 150 kg of starch, any package of glitter of your favorite color, cling film, as well as a bowl and tools for work.
The glue must be mixed with starch, kneaded until smooth and left for 5-10 minutes.After that, cling film is laid out on a table or any other horizontal surface, a viscous mass is spread on it and kneaded for 10-20 minutes. When the mass stops sticking to your hands, the toy is ready.

With fruits
Transparent slimes with fruit aromas are very popular. This effect can be achieved by introducing special fillers into the sticky mass, which in their appearance resemble berries and fruit slices.
The fruity aroma has a juicy sweet aroma that completely repeats the smell of real fruits. The recipe itself is fully consistent with the manufacture of gum for hands with glitter, only you have to replace the glitter with an attractant.

With balls
To get a transparent crispy slime, foam and shaving foam are added to it. The combination of these components gives the toy volume and emphasizes the airy texture. Due to this, air bubbles appear in the mass, when pressed, they burst and emit a crunch.
The main component of such a slime is foam balls. You can buy them at any craft store, where they are offered in a wide range for any color and size. When choosing a filler, keep in mind that the texture, density and characteristic crunch of the product will largely depend on it.

If you do not have the opportunity to buy ready-made balls, you can make them yourself. To do this, you just need to take a piece of foam and disassemble it into individual elements. If you want colored décor, dip the beads in an aqueous dye solution and then dry.
To make slimes with foam, you need PVA glue, shaving foam, and an activator. Any foam can be used, as long as it is airy and thick. To create unusual slimes, you will need 8 ml of silicate glue, a glass of shaving foam, 3 tbsp. l. shampoo or liquid soap, as well as foam blanks. Borax is used as a thickener.

The glue is squeezed out of the bottle into a bowl, and shampoo is added to it. If the mixture is too thick, it can be diluted with a little water. Add shaving foam to the solution and stir thoroughly to obtain a uniform consistency. To achieve elasticity and optimal density, sodium tetraborate is added to the base with drops, continuing to stir with a wooden stick. As soon as the mixture begins to thicken, foam balls are injected into it. The toy is almost ready, all that remains is to take the slime and knead it with your hands for another 10-15 minutes.

The finished slime should be stored in an airtight zip bag or a resealable jar in the refrigerator. Every 2-3 days, you should take it out to refresh and knead it.
Rainbow slime
To make a rainbow slime, you need several bowls. Glue dissolved in water is poured into them in equal volumes and food colors are introduced - red, purple, blue, green or yellow. Then a tetraborate solution is introduced into each container in a thin stream and stirring vigorously.
When the mass in all the bowls thickens, you need to connect the slimes and knead well with your hands. Very soon the slime will shine with all the colors of the rainbow. Please note that if you combine the compositions before they become thick, the shades will mix, and the slime will turn out to be dirty brown.

How to change a toy?
If you selected all the ingredients in accordance with the recipe, and the slime nevertheless turned out to be cloudy, most likely you made some inaccuracies in its manufacture.
One of the most common causes is insufficient stirring. Such a slime will turn out to be heterogeneous.
In this case, a simple rule applies: the longer you knead the mass, the better, more plastic and transparent it will turn out.

If the slime is too sticky and stringy, then you added too little starch when preparing the transparent slime. Enter a little more and the situation will improve.
If the slime is slippery, most likely it lacks a thickener - in this case, add flour or borax. Add these components, knead the mass again, and put it in the refrigerator for an hour or two. Usually after that, its quality improves significantly.
Ordinary glue can give your slime a second life. To soften a slime that is too thick, simply add a few drops of stationery glue to the transparent mass and knead it again. The toy will be fine.

The slime becomes hard and unnecessarily thick if you play with it for more than an hour and a half. But if you add a little salt solution to it, then it will regain its elasticity. Dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water, stir, put the slime in there and put it in a cool place for 2-3 hours. After this time, take out the slime and knead it thoroughly with your hands.
Usually the life span of a slime is 3-4 weeks. For a purchased product, the operational period may be a little longer, for a homemade product, a little less. In any case, you need to store it in an airtight container in a place protected from direct sunlight.

Every slimer dreams of making a transparent slime with his own hands, since it is these gum for the hands that are considered the most difficult to perform. However, if you select high-quality components and follow the recipe exactly, then you can create an excellent anti-stress with your own hands. Try to adhere to the rules for storing and reanimating the slime, and it, no doubt, will delight you for more than one week.
How to make transparent slime, see the video below.