All About Making Edible Slimes

An edible slime is a viscous and elastic mass designed to be kneaded in the hands and stretched. Children love to play with slimes - so why not make your baby happy and make him a tasty toy at home?
Despite the fact that only food is used to prepare edible slime, it cannot be called a full-fledged dessert like marshmallows or sweets. Rather, it is a toy that will not harm a child if he accidentally bites off a piece.
However, you should remember about the individual characteristics of the baby and do not use components during the preparation process to which he may be allergic.
The main characteristics of an edible handgum (from the English handgum - chewing gum for hands).
- It always includes a confectionery product. A product that stretches like soft rubber after thermal exposure is best suited.
- A delicious hand-made slime must be properly stored and fresh - you cannot play with such a slime for a long time. Its shelf life does not exceed 3 hours at room temperature.
- It is allowed to decorate edible slime with food coloring, raisins, various confectionery spices, baking powder.

Now check out some very simple recipes that you can try with your child.
You will need:
- chocolate bar;
- marshmallow packaging.
Chocolate is melted in a water bath, marshmallows - in a microwave. The components are mixed until smooth.

From sweets
- chewing sweets - any and as much as you like;
- a small amount of powdered sugar.
Pour the sweets into a container, melt in a water bath. Stir the mixture thoroughly.Sprinkle some powder on a cutting board or silicone mat. Place the candy mixture on it. Sprinkle it on top with powdered sugar and knead it like a dough. A delicious toy is ready!

Condensed milk
- 1 can of condensed milk (preferably white);
- 1 tablespoon of starch;
- any food coloring (if desired, you can not add).
Cooking algorithm:
- mix condensed milk and starch;
- heat the mass over low heat;
- stir until the starch swells and reaches a jelly consistency;
- add food coloring to the mixture (you can skip this step);
- remove from stove, cool.
Remember the main thing - you must constantly and thoroughly stir the mass. If this is not done, the starch will sediment and clog up.

Ingredient List:
- marshmallow (any);
- starch;
- water;
- powdered sugar;
- food coloring (optional).
Step-by-step cooking instructions:
- Tear the marshmallows into small pieces to melt them faster;
- pour them into a microwave safe cup and add 1 tablespoon of water there;
- put the bowl in the microwave (in the absence of one - in a water bath), wait for the marshmallow to melt;
- mix the resulting mass well;
- in another container, mix the icing sugar and starch in a 3 to 1 ratio;
- combine both mixtures and add food coloring;
- the mass is kneaded by hand.

From marmalade
You will need:
- chewing marmalade (you can take gummy bears or worms, for example) - 100-150 grams;
- starch - 1-2 tablespoons;
- icing sugar - 1-2 tablespoons.
Please note that the components can be taken in different proportions, depending on the desired density of the slime.
Step by step guide:
- melt the selected marmalade in the microwave or in a water bath;
- add starch and icing sugar to the melted mass, adjusting the consistency of the final product;
- mix everything well.

From marshmallows
- marshmallows;
- starch;
- food coloring (optional).
Cooking algorithm:
- melt marshmallows in the microwave or in a water bath;
- for every 100 grams of the resulting mass, add 2 tablespoons of starch;
- mix thoroughly;
- if you use dye, add it at this stage and knead the dough again.

From "Frutella"
- Fruittella gummies - 20 pieces;
- icing sugar - 4 tablespoons.
How to cook:
- remove paper wrappers from candy;
- melt a treat in a water bath;
- add powdered sugar to the mixture;
- put the resulting mass on a silicone baking mat or an ordinary cutting board, let cool (3-4 minutes will be enough);
- Rub the slime again with powdered sugar.

From "Nutella"
You will need:
- Nutella chocolate spread (or other, optional);
- marshmallows.
The components are mixed as follows: there are 2 marshmallows for 1 tablespoon of Nutella.
Cooking algorithm:
- melt the marshmallows in any way (water bath, microwave);
- mix well;
- add "Nutella" to the mixture, guided by the above proportions;
- knead until a viscous homogeneous mass is achieved.

From chia seeds
An interesting and healthy recipe, perhaps not as tasty as the previous ones, because it is not sweet. You don't need a stove to cook it.
- chia seeds - 50 grams;
- starch (it is better to take corn starch) - 600 grams;
- water - 350 milliliters;
- food coloring - 1 teaspoon (optional).
How to make a slime with your own hands from the following components:
- pour the seeds with water;
- add a coloring matter;
- cover the bowl with the mixture with cellophane wrap;
- put in the refrigerator for 24-36 hours;
- further, add starch to the resulting mass in small portions, mix well to avoid clumping.

From yoghurt
Another tasty and healthy slime that can be cooked without using a stove, and indeed without any heat treatment.
You will need:
- yogurt - it is better to take white, without sugar and additives;
- corn starch;
- food coloring (optional).
The proportions of the components are 3 parts of yogurt, 1 part of starch.
Step-by-step actions:
- pour yogurt into a cup, add food coloring there if desired;
- add starch, mix everything well;
- add starch until the required slime density is reached;
- knead the mass by hand.

From honey and powdered sugar
Ingredient List:
- any honey;
- powdered sugar.
The proportions are 1: 1.
How to do:
- put the required amount of honey in a bowl and refrigerate for several hours;
- add icing sugar to the cooled honey mass;
- mix well.

The honey slime is ready! But it should be noted that the slime from such components, when interacting with warm children's hands, begins to spread quickly and becomes sticky. In order to restore its original viscous consistency, you should again hold it in the refrigerator.
One-component slime. You will need any cheese that becomes stringy when melted. The best varieties: mozzarella, suluguni, "Gouda". Place a piece of cheese of the correct size in a microwave-safe bowl. Place it there for half a minute. After pulling out, knead by hand.

No starch
- any toffee - 5-7 pieces;
- olive oil (grease your hands);
- water.
How to do:
- place the taffy in a container, bring it to a softening state in a water bath (do not melt too much!);
- remove the mass from the fire;
- butter your hands, knead the slime.

Useful Tips
So, you made an edible slime, and the child is happy to tinker with it. It will not be superfluous to remember a few rules of the game with such a slime.
- As mentioned above, the service life of a homemade handgam is very short - only 2-3 hours. It softens from the warmth of the hands. Therefore, it is best to play with it a little, and then dispose of it.
- It should first be explained to the child that such a slime should not lie anywhere, it should not be placed on the floor, bed, windowsill and other similar surfaces.
- Homemade edible slimes are intended for children from 5 to 7 years old.
- Before using this or that component in the preparation of slime, remember if your child has an allergic reaction to it.
- To improve the viscosity of the substance, you can add 2 drops of vinegar essence to it. It is this amount of it that is safe for a toy that a baby can eat.
- If you want to make a durable anti-stress ball, place the slime in a balloon (no air). Of course, the child will no longer be able to pull out and eat the mass, but such a ball will remain with him for a longer time.
- You can use flour instead of starch or powdered sugar.

How to store?
It is very important to store the edible slime correctly so that it does not deteriorate prematurely and the child does not poison it.
- It is forbidden to leave the toy in the open sun or near heating appliances.
- After playing, it should be rinsed with water and stored in a cool, dark place, such as a refrigerator. In this case, the slime must be in a hermetically sealed container.
For information on how to make an edible slime with your own hands, see the next video.