Slicers for cutting sausages

Many functional food cutting and shredding tools are sold in stores today. Modern devices for neat sausage slicing are very popular. In today's article, we will learn all about the features and characteristics of these tools.

What it is?
The slicer has another common name - "slicer". This is a special device that can be operated manually or electrically. Modern slicers are used for fast, easy and convenient slicing of a wide variety of products, including both vegetables and meat positions. There is a choice of different sizes and shapes of pieces.
Modern varieties of slicers, designed for accurate cutting of sausages, have a lot of advantages.
- Such devices are very convenient and extremely easy to use. Each user can understand the principle of their work.
- Sausage products are absolutely safe. When used correctly, a person cannot get hurt.
- The considered kitchen tools are presented in a wide range, subdivided into many different types. In stores, you can find both the simplest and ultramodern models with many useful functions.
- Thanks to the correctly selected slicer, the user can cut the sausage safely, quickly and easily. Such devices turn out to be especially useful if you need to carry out the most accurate and beautiful cutting of a product in large quantities.
- Slicers of various types and prices are on sale.These can be both budgetary and very expensive high quality electrical devices.

Today's manufacturers produce many different models of sausage slicers. In the store, customers can find both the simplest household and professional industrial kitchen tools from various brands. We will find out what features different types of sausage slicers have.

In terms of their external parameters, manual models of slicers resemble classic graters. If you use such devices, then a person will have to carry out all the manipulations manually. The design of cutting elements in such products can be different. Manual options are inexpensive, presented in a large assortment. Typically, these kitchen tools are compact, so storage is easy for users.
Of course, it is not very convenient to cut too large a volume of products with manual devices, and the cutting speed depends only on the person himself.

In a wide range today high-quality mechanical models of sausage slicers are presented. The design of such devices provides for a mechanical knife drive. Its rotation is provided by manual human action. Submission is carried out in a similar way. The main advantage of the devices under consideration is that they are relatively inexpensive and operate almost silently.
Mechanical sausage slicers are produced by many large and novice manufacturers. These devices are sold in many retail outlets and online stores. Power slicers come in a variety of sizes and designs. Often these devices are sold complete with different types of additional knives.

The modern electric sausage cutting equipment is insanely popular. Such devices are the most convenient, practical, completely safe and multifunctional. Electric cutting machines are sold in a rich configuration. Electric units for cutting sausage products are domestic and industrial. The second options are professional, adapted for large volumes of products.
These models of slicers are advisable to buy for cafes, restaurants and other catering establishments. For a home, such a purchase will turn out to be unreasonably expensive and unnecessary. In electrical appliances, many processes are automatic. Their design includes a tray for storing sausages. This tray is fed directly to the cutting part without human intervention.
Electric types of slicers are very popular because they allow you to cope with slicing as quickly and hassle-free as possible.

Rating of the best models
Consider a small rating of the top slicers for slicing sausages.
- Gorenje R401W. Relatively inexpensive and medium-sized model. When using it, a person can adjust the thickness of the slices to be cut. The design provides a protective button against accidental clicks. The device is very quiet.

- Clatronic AS 2958. Powerful model (180 W) of high quality, cuts the sausage into slices of different widths. The grooved knife in the device is made of stainless steel, there is a special plate to protect the fingers. The body of the device is foldable.

- Ritter E16. A high-quality device with an attractive and stylish design, rich in functionality. The device is completely made of metal, has a comfortable tilt of the desktop.

- Gorenje R 506E. The device with a rather powerful motor has an inclined work surface. The device is made of metal, the thickness of the sausage cutting is provided. The model has a solid design.

- Bomann MA 451CB. Excellent professional equipment, which is characterized by high functionality, reliability and practicality. The handle of the device is supplemented with high-quality protection, the aluminum case of the device is made foldable. The legs of the equipment are made of rubber, so the slicer does not slip on the table.

How to choose?
A quality model of a sausage slicer should be selected based on several basic criteria. Let's figure out each of them.
- Device type. Initially, it is worth deciding which device you want to buy - manual, mechanical or electrical. The simplest and cheapest are manual options. If you need to find something more convenient and productive, it is advisable to look closely at mechanical options and electric models.
- Materials. Any sausage slicer must be made of reliable and durable materials. The most popular are plastic tools, but they break quickly, become chipped and scratched. Devices with a metal case are more reliable and sturdy. The knives in the device must be made of stainless steel - this is the best option.
- Specifications. If an electric model is chosen, the buyer should find out about all its functionality, motor power and other characteristics. It is recommended to choose only those devices that will completely and completely suit the user.
- Equipment. It is advisable to buy such slicers that are equipped with additional attachments and knives of different types. Such devices will prove to be more practical, useful and functional.
- The design of the device must be strong and reliable, which does not have defects and damages.
It is advisable to buy slicers with rubberized legs that prevent sliding on the table.

How to use?
It is very easy to use sausage slicers at home. Thanks to modern technology, people can cut food in large quantities with their own hands. We will learn about the features of using slicers.
- First, the device must be removed from the original packaging.
- Next, you need to prepare the sausage for cutting. Its dimensions must correspond to the permissible parameters reflected in the technical documentation.
- The sausage is placed in a special mobile-type tank.
- If the device works automatically, then this tank will close by itself. If this is a semiautomatic device, then all operations must be carried out manually.
- Next, you need to set a certain thickness of the cut (into thin or thicker pieces), the speed of the device. The user then has to press the trigger button.
- At the end of the work, the device must be turned off. After that, the device must be cleaned of food residues and any contamination.
If necessary, thoroughly wash the cutting components of the structure.