What are the categories of locksmiths?

It's no secret that the professionalism of a locksmith is measured in categories. The higher the level of the locksmith, the more difficult the work performed by him and the higher the requirements for him. However, along with the complexity of work, wages also grow, and therefore any locksmith would like to increase his rank. Today we will talk about what kind of categories there are for locksmiths, what you need to know in order to move to a new level and how the assignment of a new category generally occurs.

How many categories are there?
Let's start with the fact that there are different locksmith specialties. Different specialists have different responsibilities and a different number of categories. In most areas, a top-class locksmith is the sixth step. But there are exceptions. For example, repairmen have seven categories - from the second to the eighth (the first is not), the pipeline operator can only reach the fifth category, and the specialists in adjusting the fuel equipment have only four categories - from the third to the sixth. And these are just a few examples. Therefore, in order not to create unnecessary confusion, let's look at how the work of a mechanic-repairman changes with the receipt of a new position.
- Locksmiths-repairmen 1 category does not officially exist, but it sometimes includes those who know how to handle simple repair and measuring tools.
- Repairer 2 discharges must be able to make simple devices, as well as repair simple equipment without assistance. In addition, he must be able to use some electrical and pneumatic locksmith tools.
- 3 steps the complexity of the manufactured devices and equipment being repaired increases to medium.You also need to be able to use lifting mechanisms and transport.
- Locksmith-repairman 4 levels must be able to work with complex equipment, rigging mechanisms and know how to draw up repair lists.
- For 5 category you will have to learn how to mount and dismantle any types of equipment and assemblies.
- On 6 steps you will need to learn how to check the equipment, identify and fix any breakdowns and defects, and also be ready to work with experimental equipment.
- On 7 steps Repairers work with flexible manufacturing systems and must be able to handle a full range of equipment failures.
- For 8 steps The locksmith must be able not only to work with unique equipment, but also to participate in the work to bring it to the specified parameters.
All the requirements described above are set according to ETKS. It should be noted separately that obtaining the seventh and eighth category for a repairman is possible only if he worked in experimental and experimental workshops.

How are they assigned?
To get a new category, a locksmith needs to pass a test before the tariff and qualification commission. This commission should include all the foremen of the workshop, several workers of the same specialty as the applicant, the head of the workshop and the chief engineer or chief mechanic. The test itself consists of two parts: an oral test of knowledge of the theory and the delivery of a "test". If everything is clear with the theoretical part, then questions about the "trial" may arise. "Break" refers to the implementation of several (at least three) practical tasks corresponding to the qualifications obtained.
During the practical exam, the not only the very fact of execution, but also shown speed, precision and skill. In addition, in some cases additional conditions may be added. For example, like a mechanic-repairman, where working experience in experimental shops is required to obtain the last two categories.
You also need to consider that to obtain a new category, the specialist must work for some time at the previous stage. The time that will need to be worked out depends on the chosen profession, the available category, as well as the level of education. In order to get the ranks from the fourth, a person who graduated from vocational school will have to work for two years in a previous position.
If you have a higher education in the chosen specialty, then this period is halved.

How does the job description change?
Along with an increase in the category of a locksmith, his duties also change. The higher the grade, the more difficult the job and the higher the required standards. Let's not go far and analyze everything using the example of the same mechanic-repairman.
- On the second stage (initial) the repairer must know the basic techniques for working with the simplest equipment, how to use various repair tools, the properties of working materials, everything about qualities, roughness and various substances (such as oils, detergents and lubricants), and must also fully study the system of tolerances and landings.
- For the third stage you need to understand the structure of the equipment being repaired and the interaction between nodes, know the technological sequence of work, technical conditions for testing, acceptance and adjustment, and also the rules for moving goods.
- Fourth degree implies that you know the rules for adjusting equipment, ways to eliminate various equipment defects, the design of all devices for work, the properties of alloys, the main points of preventive maintenance and how to process and mark up parts.
- For the fifth grade you will have to learn the design features of various types of equipment, technical conditions for various types of work, rules for balancing tests, constructions for complex markings,and also be able to identify and eliminate wear on parts.
- On the sixth grade you are expected to understand the kinematic and hydraulic circuits of the equipment and to know all about the permissible load for parts and mechanisms.
- To obtain seventh degree, you will not need new knowledge, but you will need a diploma of secondary vocational education and work experience in an experimental workshop.
- For eighth grade you need to know everything about the technological process of working with experimental equipment.
At the same time, you need to understand that getting a new category does not mean that you can forget about knowledge from the previous one. One way or another, but you will still face the same processes as before, just not so often and already in the role of a process manager.

What is the salary?
You can say exactly what kind of salary awaits you at this or that level, knowing exactly everything about your place of work. The income received by a locksmith is strongly influenced by his place of work. In Russia, it is most profitable for a locksmith to work in the Kamchatka Territory, where the salaries of locksmiths are almost one and a half times higher. Of course, the salary also depends on the country. In Russia, salaries are not very high when compared with Europe or America. The highest salary for locksmiths is from the United States.
The chosen specialty can also have a great influence.... In Russia, electricians receive the most, their average monthly income in the country is about 52,000 rubles. Gas workers receive the least - 42,000. As for the dependence of wages on the category of an employee, it is, however, small. The salary of the locksmith does not change much due to the increase in his degree, with the exception of the fifth grade.
After receiving the fifth grade, the salary of a locksmith can increase significantly. It is also a good idea to increase your income by getting the position of a master.