Features of the profession apprentice car mechanic
It is very important to choose the right path in life. First of all, you need to think about studying. There are many options - universities, colleges, technical schools, courses. Everyone can choose a more suitable option for themselves. Teaching can even be part-time. Let's consider the most popular way to get an education as a car mechanic, so that you can combine study and work.
Description of the profession
One of the options is to take courses where you can get initial, starting knowledge of the profession of a car mechanic assistant. Courses lasting from 4 weeks to 3 months... There are both free and paid courses. Then, already more or less having an idea of what the unit with which you have to work consists of, you can choose a place for practice. You can study and work in parallel, but it is difficult, calculate your capabilities correctly.
Auto mechanic and car mechanic are very popular professions not only in Russia, but all over the world. Nevertheless, in these, for the layman, the same professions, there are differences.
An auto mechanic is a master who has deep knowledge of the internal structure of a car, understands the operation of the engine, the interaction of all elements of the mechanism, knows how to read diagrams and navigate them. A car mechanic - he applies all his knowledge and skills in practice, he will bring all malfunctions and problem areas into working order.
The job description of a car mechanic assistant contains information about painting, filling, replacing and adjusting the running gear, changing oil, filters, brake fluid and the entire system. Also, the locksmith performs work on the repair of mechanisms, eliminates defects and malfunctions in agreement with the master and works with the documentation.
One of the most important responsibilities is adhering to the safety rules that the helper needs to know.
Knowledge and skills
A very complex, one might say a separate area, is the electronics of the car. Here you need a specialist in diagnostics, testing, autoscanning. Education is indispensable here... Not every workshop has such a specialist. Even the most experienced master in our time of innovation is himself all the time in the process of learning and improving his knowledge.
Whatever progress occurs, the repair and maintenance of equipment will always be in demand. The duties of a car mechanic include troubleshooting any part of the car.
Give a guarantee for your work done, earn the client's trust. The human factor is an important point when communicating with the owner of the car.
What is the job of a car mechanic assistant? It's very simple, the answer lies in the name - to help and learn. The profession of a car mechanic is very multifaceted, it is not possible to service a car entirely for one person. Large car services have a large staff of mechanics. The territory is divided into hangars by categories, respectively, in each of them there are masters of their level, who know the area of repair from "A" to "Z".
In private, small workshops, an auto mechanic - a wide profile, where repair and maintenance (MOT) can be performed by one person. A student assistant will be gladly hired for such a workshop. The task of the car mechanic assistant is to observe, learn, help, ask and be interested, if possible - write down all the information received. This makes it possible to learn about all the facets and subtleties, nuances and tricks of the profession. At the same time, make money, which is important.
If we consider Russia as a whole, the range of salaries is very different by region, so you need to be interested precisely by your territorial affiliation... As an example, consider Moscow and the region: on the labor market, they offer payment to an assistant auto mechanic without work experience from 15-30 thousand rubles a month. Basically, this is a trial period of 1 to 3 months. Further, judging by the feedback and assessment of your mentor, in whose submission you will practice, the pay will increase.
After a year of training with a highly qualified master, the assistant can perform almost any task for servicing a vehicle. But there is no such assistant who does not want to become a master! Training + practice is an excellent launching pad for starting an independent business.
Minus in the work of an auto mechanic, car mechanic (as well as a trainee) - a high degree of injury... Therefore, before starting work at any level, it is necessary to undergo training and remember all the rules.
Without learning the safety rules, no employer will agree to hire you.