How to choose a single lever bath mixer?

By knowing how to choose a single lever bath mixer, people will be able to decorate their bathroom as well as possible. It is equally important that everyday comfort and elementary tranquility depend on the choice. In each bathroom, such a product must be selected individually - and yet there are clear, strict rules that are undesirable to break.

It is good to use a single-lever bath mixer already because it allows you to easily manipulate the flow of water and its main parameters. This solution is more modern than the standard wall and herringbone faucets used several decades ago. You can get water with the required degree of pressure and with a certain heating with just one easy movement. In this sense, a single-lever design is definitely better than a two-valve product, where such ease of manipulation is not available. Among the advantages, it should also be emphasized:
- comparative ease of repair;
- ease of use;
- fairly long service life (if handled correctly).

Solid single-lever mixers are usually fitted with a solid metal body. It is as reliable as possible and is not satisfactory.... A cartridge is hidden inside the body, which can shut off the water thanks to moving discs or special balls. A special nut is used to hold the cartridge in place. So that it does not spoil the appearance, a cap of a special design is used, with increased decorative properties.
A joystick helps to control the cartridge. It mounts directly to the arm. By varying the position of the discs and balls, it is easy to set the optimum water temperature.
Such a structure almost never breaks down - after all, there are no weak points, everything is so thought out.
And if a defect does appear, it will be easy to find and eliminate it.

Quite a few people are interested in faucets that are placed directly on the side of the bathtub. It seems to be logical: in this case, reaching the tap will be as simple and easy as possible. Other benefits include:
- strong and stable water pressure;
- attractive appearance;
- ample opportunities for design playing with plumbing;
- the ability to hide from prying eyes the hose, which so often spoils the atmosphere in the bathroom.
But not everything is as simple and easy as it seems. Constantly taking out and putting in place the shower hose, thereby cause its rapid wear. And it is naive to expect that some technical solutions will be able to cope with this problem. Not all bathtubs can be fitted with a mixer. Even if the material allows, the work will not be so easy, sometimes difficulties arise during repairs.

We still need to decide on the length of the spout. Traditionally, both classic bathtubs and shower cabins have been tried to be equipped with mixers with a long spout. The logic of this priority is clear: the longer the hose is, the more convenient it is to work with it. You can supply water calmly where you really need it, without fear of flooding or splashing everything around. You can even get by with one mixer for two appliances (bath and sink), which will delight zealous owners.
But short spouts also have their advantages. They were first used in Europe, where water supply is very expensive. In our country, the trend is about the same, and water saving will become more and more important every year. Truth, shortening the spout does not bring significant benefits - the difference in the readings of apartment meters will be no more than 2-3%. The difference in the speed of temperature control is also insignificant and amounts to a fraction of a second.
More importantly, the short spout creates a smoother water jet. It will spray less. In addition, large taps are not suitable for modest bathrooms. For your information: some models on the side of the bathtub can also be equipped with a short spout. If there is no need to save every square centimeter, you can prefer a traditional wall-mounted apparatus.

But here design considerations come to the fore. Mass production of budget class is most often painted in chrome color. Gold color will look attractive in an elegant aristocratic interior. Plumbing fixtures painted in bronze will add a retro feel.
There are also more original designs that imitate a variety of objects. Such mixers are recommended for those who like experimenting and just people with a cheerful disposition.
If you want to create a stylish and winning environment, you can decide to use a faucet in a pronounced black color.
Most often it is achieved by applying a bronze or copper layer on a brass base. True, this does not provide any practical advantages.

Selection Tips
People often think that you can just choose a universal mixer for your shower and calm down. But it is still better to purchase a specialized product and take into account all the nuances. For almost all people, the best option would be model with a thermostat. Those who are already accustomed to it will not refuse such an option. And those who refuse - just haven't tried it yet, how good it is.
The faucet style should perfectly match the bathroom... Not less importantso that its connecting dimensions correspond to the used connection. Then no problems with installation should arise. It is very good if the crane has a ceramic crane-axle box (such products usually last longer and break less often).The most advanced models can even be equipped with touch screens, but they are quite expensive.

See the video below for a master class on installing a Grohe single-lever bath mixer.