Faucets with long bath spout

Due to their performance characteristics, taps with a long bath spout are in high demand. Like all similar plumbing devices, they perform several important functions. In this case, we are talking about both the supply of water and the regulation of the temperature regime.

All existing plumbing fixtures for baths differ from each other in several ways.
In a situation with mixers, we can talk about the following points:
- way of opening (supplying) water;
- presence and type of spout;
- list of additional functions.
In models equipped with a spout, water is supplied through a special tube, which has a round or rectangular cross-section. Faucets with long bath spouts are primarily characterized by functionality. Modern models are equipped with hoses and watering cans.
In addition, their design provides for the presence of feed mode switches.

Consideration should be given to cases in which long spouts have a clear advantage over short ones. As practice shows, the choice of plumbing, taking into account only the design of devices, does not always become correct.
The best option for a long "gander" will be in certain situations.
- If it is impossible to provide water supply to the sink and bathtub, you cannot do without a mixer with an extended spout.
- The focus is on reducing the cost of bathroom equipment. This refers to the installation of one tap instead of two plumbing devices.
- In the future, the mixer will be used during washing and will relieve the owner of the need to hold the container suspended while filling it with water.
- Small children or animals live in the house (apartment). Long "nibs" allow you to change the direction of the stream of water to the desired location.
- Residents prefer to wash different parts of the body under the tap rather than the shower. This saves time and water consumption.
- The bathroom has a large and deep sink for washing, which cannot be reached by a short tap and provide a comfortable environment.

In addition to the listed competitive advantages of the devices in question, attention should be paid to another important point - models equipped with an overhead shower are the most comfortable to use. It is important to remember that one mixer for the sink and bathtub will function for two... Based on this, special attention should be paid to the quality of the plumbing fixture. You should also not save on the services of professional plumbers when installing taps.
As you know, nothing is perfect, and taps with long spouts are no exception. The main disadvantages of such structures, first of all, are the relatively low tightness.
Also, not in all cases it is possible to install such models. Examples are situations with showers and sinks located far from bathtubs.

Species overview
More than a wide range of the described plumbing is presented on the modern market. These devices can be with or without shower, and also differ from each other in control systems. Conventionally, two large categories can be distinguished - these are two-valve and single-lever models. There is no need to talk about universal mixers, since in each specific case the choice will depend on a number of criteria.

These models can be safely called traditional and enjoying a well-deserved reputation. Their main characteristics and competitive advantages include simplicity of design, ease of use and affordable cost.
In this category, two types of mixers can be distinguished.
- Worm mixerswith a locking collar (most often we are talking about silicone gaskets). Their main advantages are reliability, ease of maintenance (replacement of the gasket), and relatively low cost. The disadvantages include some inconvenience of use. To open the water, you have to turn the valve several times, and the process of adjusting the temperature requires a certain amount of time.
- Ceramic models, the mechanism of which includes two plates with holes. One of them is connected to the stem, and the second is rigidly fixed in the mixer body.

The list of advantages of ceramic products includes ease of use, increased strength and the longest possible service life. No effort is required to open the water and adjust its temperature.
Naturally, it was not without obvious drawbacks, which include:
- dependence of performance on water quality - due to sand and various solid impurities, the wear of parts of the mechanism is significantly accelerated;
- problematic repair - as a rule, it is much easier to replace the complete crane-axle box;
- the need to install coarse filters to extend the life of the mixers.
According to numerous reviews from owners and professional plumbers, the choice is best made in favor of ceramic models. However, the water pressure in the system must be taken into account. With an insufficient amount of the supplied liquid, it will be rational to install devices with a worm-gear valve-axle box.
The type of mixer can be determined by simply turning the handle. For ceramic appliances, the angle of rotation will be from 90 to 180 degrees.

The popularity of these cranes is growing at a truly record pace. Their main distinguishing feature is maximum ease of use.
There are now two types of single-lever mixers available on the plumbing market.
- Models with a metal ball on boardhaving three holes. Their main advantages are increased tightness and durability. The main disadvantage is sensitivity to water quality. The presence of lime deposits as a consequence of prolonged downtime can significantly complicate the use of the device.
- Devices equipped with cartridges and having ceramic plates with holes for water supply.
Speaking about the advantages of faucets with cartridges, we should first of all mention the simplicity and long service life. Of the minuses, particular attention should be paid to the exactingness of water quality and a relatively high cost.

Such models still have the status of novelties in the modern plumbing device market. However, taking into account the operational qualities, experts estimate their prospects quite highly.
Taking into account the particularities of control systems, three categories of thermostatic mixers can be distinguished.
- Mechanical, which are controlled by handles, levers or conventional valves. It is worth considering that the main advantage of such a thermostat is that it does not depend on the power source.
- Electronic - devices equipped with LCD displays and a touch or button control panel. These thermostats operate on battery or household power. The electronic system allows you to set the water flow parameters with maximum accuracy. The downside is the dependence on the availability of food.
- Contactless - thermostats equipped with IR sensors, which are currently the most comfortable to use. Special thermostats and pressure control devices are responsible for changing the parameters. The user makes all the settings even before turning on the water.
The main competitive advantages of these new products are safety and maximum comfort. In the first case, we are talking about the absence of the risk of sudden supply of too cold or hot water.
Ease of use is ensured by the fact that the thermostat is able to very quickly adjust the temperature and pressure of the jet.

Another "young" generation of high-tech plumbing devices are taps equipped with a thermostat, pressure compensator, photocells and sensors. Mixer models of this type with long spouts provide non-contact control of the appliance functions.
The main features of the new products include:
- lack of levers, handles and control valves;
- the possibility of active and at the same time trouble-free operation;
- water supply is carried out with constant temperature and pressure.
A motion sensor is integrated into the body of most models. It is worth bringing your hand to it, and the water supply begins. It is worth noting that the sensitivity zone of these electronic devices varies from 10 to 30 cm. Some mixers can be equipped with a lever that is responsible for temperature control. Others have a different control mechanism: in order to decrease or increase the temperature, it is enough to touch the right or left side of the device body. There are also models on the market that allow you to set all parameters in advance.

The designs of various modifications of touch taps provide for the presence of:
- electronic unit;
- valve;
- filter element;
- connecting hose and directly the spout itself;
- lithium battery in cases where the device is not operated from the mains:
- some devices are equipped with a stationary control panel or remote controls that allow setting parameters in advance and at a distance.
The described innovative mixers can significantly reduce water consumption. As soon as you move away from the tap, the flow is immediately shut off.
Also, do not forget about hygiene standards (crane control is almost completely non-contact). By the way, it is for this reason that such models were initially used in medical institutions, catering establishments and public places.
Today, the number of homeowners making a choice in their favor is steadily growing.

Materials (edit)
Modern plumbing is made from different materials. The most common model of the mixer with long spouts, made of stainless steel.
The main advantages of this material are:
- increased strength and resistance to damage;
- durability;
- availability;
- aesthetics that allows products to organically fit into any bathroom interior.

Evaluating characteristics brass and bronze, attention should be paid primarily to the long service life. An equally important feature is the appearance of the material that can emphasize the style of a luxurious interior. Such products are not cheap, but the high price is quite justified.
Ceramic models differ from products made of other materials in an attractive appearance and, most often, in a non-standard design. Their main disadvantages include fragility, fragility and rather high cost. In general, such expensive plumbing must be handled as carefully as possible.
In addition to the listed materials, in the manufacture they use enamel and chrome to create a decorative and protective coating. The enamel (due to the matte texture) makes the fingerprints on the surface of the taps invisible.
Chrome-plated products are distinguished by their aesthetics, ease of maintenance and durability.

Top best brands
Now the domestic market is represented by Germany, Czech Republic, Finland, Denmark, Turkey and, of course, "Celestial Empire". The products of German companies are distinguished by their reliability and durability. However, it is difficult to attribute it to inexpensive goods. The budget segment is represented by models from China and Turkey, while Finnish and Czech manufacturers offer a kind of "golden mean".
Analyzing the rating of the most popular brands in Russia, one should first of all mention Grohe brand... In this case, three important points can be distinguished.
- From the very beginning, Grohe and Hansgrohe were two production facilities of the same German family, of which Hans Grohe himself was the head. Later, his son launched a separate production facility under the Grohe brand, specializing in the production of fittings and other small items.
- At the moment, the Grohe company has been bought out by the Japanese (the Grohe family itself owns approximately 12% of the shares). At the same time, Hansgrohe remained a purely German brand.
- The products appeared in the Russian Federation earlier and therefore are now better known. The opposite situation is developing in the world market.

It is important that Grohe supplies more affordable models of plumbing fixtures to Russia. In turn, Hansgrohe does not differentiate between domestic and other markets.
The main characteristics and competitive advantages of the products of these brands include:
- high quality products, strictly controlled at all stages of production;
- strict adherence to all implemented technologies;
- maximum protection of materials against corrosion.

Denmark is represented by products Damixa brandswith a recognizable style and high quality.
The list of the main advantages of the manufacturing company includes:
- active implementation of innovative solutions;
- provision of a five-year guarantee;
- efficiency of mixers;
- stylish design of plumbing fixtures.

One of the most famous Czech manufacturers is Lemark company... Its products were able to quickly gain recognition not only in the Russian market.
The increased demand for Czech mixers of this brand is due to:
- reliability;
- resistance to hard water;
- durability;
- aesthetics.

Finnish is well known to the consumer Oras brand... These products organically combine modern electronic devices and high-quality materials. All bath mixers are bench tested.
Another important advantage can be safely called economy, as well as an automatic temperature and pressure compensation system.

How to choose?
Long-jaw taps have been and remain an integral part of many bathrooms for decades. As noted above, their installation is ideal for small spaces. Also, a faucet with a long spout will be the best solution in situations where it is not possible to connect two devices.
At the initial stage, when choosing a specific model, attention should be paid to its type, as well as to the manufacturer. An equally important point will be the installation and connection features.
The key criteria for this will be:
- features of the location of communications;
- length of connecting hoses (can be selected separately);
- features of installation and fasteners.

In addition to everything already listed, it is strongly recommended to pay attention to the quality of the water. Some models are so susceptible to its hardness that they can only be operated with filters. The correct choice will significantly reduce operating costs in the future.
An equally important point will be the aesthetics of plumbing. In this case, the decisive factor is the interior of the bathroom. Fortunately, modern manufacturers offer more than a wide range of models to suit almost any requirement. And the financial side of the issue will play an important role.
When deciding on the choice, it is recommended to take into account the cost of not only the purchase, but also the further maintenance of the product.

In the next video, you will find instructions on how to install a faucet with a long bath spout.