Bath faucets with shower: types, device, brands and selection

The comfort in the bathroom in an apartment or in a private house depends on many factors, including the choice of a reliable and convenient mixer. For the operation of the bathroom, in most cases, faucets with a shower are purchased, presented today in a wide variety, which allows you to choose the right product for the individual characteristics of the room and the personal preferences of the owner.

Features, pros and cons
The design of bath and shower mixers provides for the presence of a flexible hose and a watering can, for which there is a special holder in the mechanism, presented in different types. The faucet can have an external or built-in mechanism for supplying and switching water from a spout to a watering can.

Cranes with switches of the first type are distinguished by their compact dimensions, in addition, they are much less likely to fail. For products with an external mechanism, there is a specific outlet for installation.

Such plumbing devices have positive and negative features that distinguish products from other varieties.

So, a number of factors should be attributed to the advantages of having such a device.
- Comparing the device of taps without a switch, which in most cases are recommended for installation on a washbasin or sink, it is worth noting the large size of the fixtures, which makes it possible to use the plumbing fixtures in the bathroom with great comfort.
- On the positive side, there are many options for bath spouts. They can be low, fixed or pivoting. Thanks to this structure, it will be possible to choose plumbing for any preferences and nuances of the bathroom.
- All models of these faucets are equipped with a long shower arm, as well as flexible and convenient adjustment. There are versions with two showers, combined mixer models with a bar.
- Using a bath and shower set with a hand shower, it will be possible to regulate the water supply if necessary, since it can be supplied to the shower in different ways from holes of different sizes.
- Mixers with electronic control and switching are on sale. Using a similar device instead of a conventional tap, it will be possible to control the pressure, heating and flow direction, set the desired parameters at the touch of a button.
- To equip a bathroom with a horizontal mixer, there is no need to damage the finishing materials on the wall, as is the case with varieties that need to be fixed to the walls.
- Faucets with a watering can stand out for their good maintainability.
- Faucets with a watering can are quite affordable.
- Most of the models consist of a minimum of parts, so it is quite possible to cope with the installation of a mixer with a watering can on your own without the involvement of specialists.
- A large selection of such plumbing fixtures makes it possible to purchase a model for any repair and plumbing, as well as taking into account the personal preferences of the home owner.

Types and their structure
Manufacturers today classify showerhead taps according to the way the water is supplied.

Single lever
A highly sought after version with a shower outlet that can be operated with a single handle located at the top. The mixer is equipped inside with a special cartridge or ball mechanism, due to which a person will be able to adjust the set of water he needs, its temperature.
But as practice shows, such a scheme for coordinating the pressure in operation will not be very convenient.

Double wishbone
A common variant of the water supply mechanism. Such a model will have a more affordable cost, since the design is notable for its ease of manufacture. Crane axles can be of two types.

The first is the worm option, usually has a rubber shut-off component, the second type is represented by mechanisms equipped with ceramic plates, which determines the similarity of the crane structure with a single-lever model. The latter option is more convenient in terms of operation, however, a two-valve worm-type crane is distinguished by a large operational resource.

The universal mixer with shower is an option for small bathrooms where the plumbing fixtures are located close to each other.
As a rule, for such models the size of the spout will be about 30 centimeters, which increases the convenience of its use.
In fact, such a faucet can be turned, if necessary, not only to the bathroom, but also to the washbasin or even the toilet, bidet.

Shower panels with faucet
This variety is made from moisture-resistant metal alloys, in light of which the panels are remarkable for their reliability and long service life. And also some manufacturers offer polymer products that have an attractive appearance and good quality indicators. Such models can be of several types.

Overhead shower taps
Thanks to this configuration, you can use a variety of shower heads and spouts in the bathroom, creating a waterfall, tropical shower or cascade shower. The panel assumes the possibility of installing a thermostat.

Fully functional panel
As a rule, the manufacturer equips such products with all possible functions for bath and shower mixers. Such varieties are very popular for showers with a high base, as well as large plumbing fixtures of various shapes.

Designs that can have an electronic or mechanical mixer that can regulate the temperature and pressure of the water. Today there are models with the possibility of contactless control.
The device of such devices presupposes the presence in the design of special sensors that respond to the approach to the spout, due to which the tap starts to supply water on its own.

A modern type of bath and shower sets, which does not have valves, levers or other usual faucet components in its device. This option functions due to microcircuits that provide automatic water supply when approaching a spout or watering can. Such designs are in demand due to the economical water consumption.

A faucet, which has the ability to pass much more water in comparison with a conventional tap. This device gave rise to its name.

Most often, this option is purchased for spacious bathrooms with large plumbing fixtures.
This variety is notable for its design and high cost.

Types by installation method
The classification of faucets with a shower is also carried out taking into account the attachment possibilities of the fixture.

Wall mounted
The most popular option for mounting the device. Various fasteners are used to secure the water supply mechanisms for a stable installation. In this case the mixer is connected to the water pipes, which are also located in the wall or wall of the bathroom.

For such taps, there are recommendations regarding the location - they should be at a distance of 20-30 centimeters from the side of the bathroom.
Choosing a similar mounting option, it is worth additionally testing the faucet so that the water coming out of it gets directly into the bathtub without flowing to the edges. According to the standards, the wall mixer must be fixed at a distance of at least 80 centimeters from the floor. Usually, before laying the pipes, the place of fixing the faucet with a shower on the wall is determined in advance with the future.

On the counter
This method of fixing a faucet with a watering can is suitable for the bathroom in cases where the plumbing is located at a distance from the wall, which makes it impossible to use the previous option. Usually, faucets with a shower head on a stand are in demand for bathtubs that are standing separately, for example, in the center of a room... And also a similar variety will be suitable for bathrooms in private houses.

To the edge of the bath
The choice for furnishing modern bathrooms. Such products are suitable for installation provided that the installed plumbing will have suitable holes to accommodate the faucet. However, if you want to use just this version of the tap in the bathroom, it is quite possible to make holes for installation yourself.

This option also provides for the placement of a watering can in the recess - when it needs to be used, the flexible hose allows the shower to be conveniently positioned on the wall. The design of the described type is in demand due to its attractive appearance, as well as ease of installation.

Into the wall
A variant of the mixer, which will be placed directly inside the wall, while the mechanisms responsible for the control are brought out for the possibility of operation.
The installation of such devices will require you to crash into the wall, while hiding the faucet and water pipes in its thickness.
As a result of installing such a faucet in the bathroom, it will look aesthetically pleasing, however installation work will require some professionalism, as well as the need to dismantle part of the wall in the room.

An expensive type of mixer with a watering can, which is not in high demand among consumers... This is due to the complexity of fixing the plumbing fixture. However, for some stylistic solutions, large bathrooms with plumbing fixtures standing in the center, such taps will prove to be an appropriate addition to the decoration.

Spout options
Today, manufacturers of plumbing and accessories offer taps with different types of spouts.

Long spout designs
The most suitable option for baths. This is due to the possibility of using such a mixer not only above the bathroom, but also above the sink, but subject to their close location. The use of a multifunctional mixer saves on the purchase of accessories for the arrangement of the bathroom, in addition, there is no need to install two taps in one room.

However, products with a swivel spout have their drawbacks. This concerns the loosening of the connections as a result of frequent changes in the position of the valve. When choosing, it is recommended to pay attention to the length of the crane and the angle of its movement.

Mixers with short spout
A new version of plumbing, which is also in demand today. The main positive feature of this type of product is the possibility of installation on the side of the bathroom. In addition, for a crane with such a design, it will not be necessary to allocate a lot of space, which will be relevant for rooms with a small area.

And also when choosing spout options, you need to pay attention to the configuration of the nozzle. It can be made in two types:
- shower head;
- aerator.
The first type assumes work in two modes. In the first case, water is supplied by a stream or directly as a shower. The liquid is not splashed as the water flow is divided into several streams. The design can operate on a drip or high flow.

As for the aerator, it delivers no less powerful water pressure, but the savings are significant. This is due to the mixing of liquid with air streams. This feed is named "cavitation effect". To ensure yourself a good head, you will not need to open the tap at full capacity.

Types of watering cans
Considering the design of a mixer with a shower, it is necessary to study the types of watering cans that will act as part of the kit. As for the material for manufacturing, watering cans are plastic and metal.

A reliable model that stands out for its long operating life, which leads to a high cost of production. Various metal alloys, including brass, can be used as raw materials.

Polymer products will have a more affordable cost, but in terms of practicality, their performance will be lower in comparison with metal products. The main disadvantage of plastic watering cans is fragility, which cannot be said about brass components.

And also watering cans are classified on the market, taking into account the water supply mode. Today, a consumer can purchase a mixer with a shower of the following types:
- with drip water supply;
- with intensive spraying;
- with a massage effect.

In addition, the shower can have various mounting options. So, a bath and shower set provides the following types of installation of a watering can:
- ceiling;
- wall;
- manual, requiring a special holder.

Materials (edit)
Modern sanitary ware today is made from various raw materials. Each material has its own individual characteristics. Most often, the manufacturer uses several types of materials in the process of making taps with a watering can.

A demanded raw material, the popularity of which is due to its high wear resistance and practicality in terms of operation in the bathroom. Steel products are considered versatile, since in their design and appearance they can perfectly fit into any interior of the room, complementing the plumbing with a beautiful and useful device for carrying out water procedures.
As a rule, reliable and high quality steel mixers are quite affordable.

Raw materials demanded by manufacturers for the production of luxury plumbing fixtures. Ceramic switch and faucet shower heads are usually made with interesting designs and shapes.
However, the installation of such a mixer will require very careful handling of the plumbing, since the material has an extremely low resistance to mechanical damage.
And also fixtures from these raw materials belong to an expensive line of plumbing fixtures.

Bronze and brass
A material represented by an alloy of copper and zinc. Plumbing accessories made from such raw materials are remarkable for their durability, as well as for their attractive appearance. In addition, bronze mixers have high resistance to rust and mechanical deformation. Products have a high cost, therefore most often purchased for the arrangement of bathrooms with expensive repairs and plumbing.

Affordable material, used for the manufacture of plumbing from a line of inexpensive components. As practice shows, faucets with a shower made from such raw materials can last no more than two years in the bathroom.

As for the outer coating of taps with a watering can, manufacturers offer the following options:
- chromium;
- stainless steel;
- enamel;
- various spraying.

Due to some types of additional coating on taps water and finger marks are avoided... Chrome-plated fixtures are considered more hygienic, in addition, the presence of a coating has a positive effect on the attractiveness of plumbing.

Dimensions (edit)
The height and length of the spout may vary. Today the following products are on sale:
- with low spout;
- with medium spout;
- with a high spout.

As for the length, the product classification assumes the following division of mixers:
- short;
- medium;
- long.

Most often, medium-sized options are purchased for the bath.
However, for custom designs and custom-made plumbing, a tall faucet can be used to match the overall design of the room.

A similar component of the bathroom also requires selection in accordance with the overall decoration. In the matter of plumbing equipment, it will be important to take into account the design and shade of the mixer.
Today, elongated or cubic cranes with a minimum number of additional decorations are relevant for mounting on a horizontal surface.

Design with regular shapes without sharp corners and bends will be popular. Versions of faucets in a retro style with a bronze-like watering can are in demand, steel products or white ceramic taps remain relevant.

And also in demand among consumers will be chrome-plated mixers, exclusive options with a design that has an imitation of the use of granite on the surface.

Manufacturers and popular models
Today, among the manufacturers of plumbing fixtures and components, a certain rating of brands has been formed that are in demand among consumers. As for the choice of high-quality mixers with a watering can, it is worth highlighting a number of brands and current products.

Products of the German manufacturer, which have earned an excellent reputation around the world. The company has been producing mixers for a long time, taps from Germany stand out for their high performance in terms of reliability.And also in the production process of mixers, only high-quality raw materials are used, the products are reliably protected from corrosion.

Danish sanitary ware, which stands out from the competition for its remarkable design, as well as reliable assembly. The range of products is regularly updated with new types of mixers.
Among the features of Danish taps with a shower, it is worth noting the availability of a warranty period for all products, the possibility of economical water consumption due to the design features of the spouts.

Finnish trade mark selling plumbing fixtures and accessories made of modern materials and alloys. Faucets of this brand stand out for the lowest breakdown rate, and the products are easy to operate, have automatic compensation for pressure and water temperature differences.

In addition to the above manufacturers, there are many products of other brands on the market that deserve the attention of buyers. Among the available assortment, it is worth highlighting Wasserkraft, Milardo, Kaiser, Lemark, Vidima, as well as budget Czech faucets, domestic Russian systems for furnishing bathrooms.

How to choose?
In order to choose a bath and shower set with a watering can, it is recommended to take into account some of the nuances.
- Usually, high-quality plumbing stands out for its high cost, therefore, when arranging a bathroom, it is better to determine in advance the number of faucets, since the available varieties allow you to save money by purchasing one design for a bath and a sink. For small bathtubs and washbasins located nearby, it would be more correct to buy a universal long mixer with a swivel mechanism.

- You should not consider varieties of faucets from Asian manufacturers as an alternative to German or Czech plumbing. The price of such mixers will be low, however, in terms of reliability and other characteristics, such valves will be inferior, which will negatively affect their operational life.

- When choosing, in addition to design and dimensions, you should pay attention to the material that is used for the manufacture of taps, hose and watering cans.... The priority will be steel or bronze varieties that demonstrate high reliability and resistance to high humidity.

- Since the question of choice concerns the whole structure, consisting of several functional elements, it is recommended to pay attention to the features of the switch on the crane. This mechanism should be simple and easy to use.
Therefore, before buying, it will be superfluous to test the plumbing - ideally, switching should occur effortlessly with one simple movement.

- It is important that the mixer functions smoothly, avoiding sudden changes in head and supply water temperature. A jump of this kind will indicate the poor quality of the purchased product.

- It is recommended to consider as a potential product for installation in the bathroom only those products that will be guaranteed by the manufacturer. This is especially true for sensory and other electronic varieties, which will stand out for their high cost.

- When it comes to design, it’s best to consider universal steel or chrome plated mixersthat will be in perfect harmony with any plumbing in the bathroom.

- When planning an independent installation, it is worth choosing a faucet with a watering can, which can be easily installed with your own hands. For these purposes, it is worth considering simple mortise-type structures that do not require any dismantling work with the wall.

- The choice of control system depends on personal preference. A high-quality double-lever crane in terms of operation will be no less practical than modern options with one slewing mechanism.

Installation rules
Installation work is not particularly difficult. If dismantling of the previous mixer is not provided, then the installation algorithm includes several points.
- If the faucet is built into plumbing fixtures, then the first step is to put it on a special stand above the holes in the bathroom. Fix the device with bolts.
- Further, all hoses must be passed through the holes, sealed with a rubber gasket. The final step will be to firmly screw the device to the surface.
- In order for the crane to be used, it will be necessary to dock all the hoses with the pipes, fix them with nuts.

Mounting faucets to the wall will require partial dismantling of finishing materials. Here it is necessary to involve specialists in the installation.
As a rule, the installation of wall taps involves a tie-in of the structure at a given height from the floor with a supply and connection to water supply lines. In addition to installing the mixer itself, installing the fixture in most cases will require attaching a stand for the shower head. The standard for these works will be to mount the shower element on the wall near the faucet, and a vertical corner option for the location of the watering can is also used.

Possible problems
In the design of a mixer with a shower, various components can fail. Consider what breaks most often.
- Leaking under the valve. This element should only be disposed of if the metal itself is worn out. Typically, if you disassemble it and replace the gasket, the valve will work properly.
- Leaking under the spout nut. This problem can also be eliminated by removing the parts and replacing the rubber rings.
- Leaking in the hose of the watering can... This unpleasant situation is usually associated with wear on the inner rubber part of the hose. And also such breakdowns are usually accompanied by a breakage of the metal braid inside the product. It will be quite difficult to repair it, in addition, in this form, the hose will have an unattractive appearance. In this case, it is recommended to purchase a new product.
- Breakage of the watering can. A similar malfunction also applies to the need to completely replace the component with a new shower.

Review overview
According to consumer feedback, the use of a mixer with a watering can has a positive effect on the comfort of hygiene procedures. High-quality crane models stand out for their long service life and minimal risk of breakdowns. In addition, the available varieties of tall taps with a swivel mechanism allow you to save on the purchase of individual products for the washbasin and sink.

In the following video, you will learn how to choose the right bath faucet.