Thermostatic shower and bath faucets

For the average homeowner, the arrangement of plumbing facilities usually raises many questions. Even the very development of technology sets them. But knowing the main features of thermostatic faucets for showers and baths, the principles of their operation and the rules for choosing, you can make your life much easier.
Advantages and disadvantages
Most often, going into a bathroom in a house or city apartment, you can find a mixer with 1 or 2 levers (valves). But such devices do not allow for precise and flexible temperature control. Plumbing manufacturers promise that the use of thermostats will solve this problem. And indeed it is. By adjusting the temperature more precisely, the total water consumption can be reduced.

You no longer have to pour hot water into the bathtub first, then dilute it, check it by hand, pour it out and add it repeatedly. Each of these procedures in isolation may seem like a breeze - but together they add to your water bills. And you will need to spend less time on all this when using a thermostatic mixer. However, when bathing, many people forget about such subtleties. Relaxing, it is no longer up to the receipts, and the temperature regulation is done rather mechanically.
But here it is just right to recall the more significant advantage of the thermostatic mixer. It makes the actual bath or shower much safer than the old-fashioned faucet. The situation is excluded when very hot water suddenly pours out. A jet of very cold water, however, is not much more pleasant - and if it also distracts during shaving or other important procedure.
Protection against temperature extremes in houses where storage boilers are used is especially important.

The water in them can warm up to 80 degrees. The stream supplied centrally in severe frosts is also slightly colder. Another undoubted advantage is the convenience of thermostatic mixers. Adjustment to changing parameters occurs instantly and does not even require human participation. Only the price can be considered a clear drawback of such a technique as a whole, but given its practical advantages, this is not too significant.

The use of thermostatic mixers is definitely worth it:
- when the pressure in the water supply system changes constantly;
- when storage water heaters are used;
- when the water is heated using a gas column;
- when a problematic (sometimes including maximum mode) gas water heater of a modern design is used;
- when the habit of using such devices has already been developed;
- when there are small children or elderly people in the apartment or house.

Principle of operation
It is also useful to consider how thermostatic mixers work in practice. There is not much difference between cheap and very expensive devices. After all, the main task (mixing streams of hot and cold water) is unchanged. The thermoelement is responsible for water preparation. The speed of adjustment depends on its perfection.

If necessary, one or the other of the flow of water is reduced. Accordingly, the proportion between hot and cold liquid changes. Correction of mixed streams occurs in 1-2 seconds. It is impossible to notice any changes. Some models have a special blocker that reliably cuts off the water supply if the temperature does not correspond to the set bar.
The only problem is that with a centralized water supply, it can be difficult to wait for the desired jet. Due to large jerks of pressure, sometimes cold water is replaced by warm water, it is impossible to predict this. Then the thermostat will automatically cut off the hot water. The overall temperature will drop.
But this will be achieved at the cost of weakening the pressure; the same will happen if the hot water is too weakly heated.

This type of thermal mixer is the cheapest. To adjust the temperature, you need to use a valve or a small lever. The absence of electronic components makes it possible to achieve independence from the power supply. A special thermostatic cartridge (sometimes called a cartridge for simplicity) must respond to the temperature of the water. This part is made from materials with very active thermal expansion.

Thermoregulatory cartridges are often made from bimetallic plates. There is another solution - there is wax inside a cartridge made of one metal. A special adjusting screw helps to indicate the temperature. The knob with the lock button allows you to manually set the required value. The highest set temperature is usually 38 degrees (higher heating is no longer always pleasant, but it can also be set).

The main properties of mechanical thermostatic mixers are as follows:
- long service life;
- simplicity of the device;
- optimal reliability;
- quick response to temperature changes;
- the ability to set the required value only manually.

A faucet based on electronic components usually has a touchscreen display. You can set the required temperature both with its help and using the keys. But it already depends on the features of a particular model. An infrared non-contact device is a subspecies of the electronic mixer. It is equipped with sensors, some of the models are controlled from the remote control.

Main characteristics of electronic mixers:
- excellent accuracy of regulation;
- comfort of work;
- increased cost;
- complicated installation;
- the need for a mains power supply or connecting batteries.

A double-lever thermostatic mixer involves a combination of a pair of crane-axle boxes. They monitor the required pressure and maintain the optimal proportion when mixing water. The double wishbone device was at its peak of popularity until recently. There are many similar models in the assortment of firms Lemen, Damixa, Alveus Mura-PS... A tube is connected to each of the two taps, which supplies hot or cold water. When the valve is open, flow enters the mixing tube. From there, water is already flowing with the necessary force. The spout is equipped with a special spray, the shape of which determines the type of jet. Double-lever mixers:
- are inexpensive;
- serve for a long time;
- can have a wide variety of design styles;
- sometimes they wear out quickly and begin to leak;
- work effectively only in favorable conditions.

A single-lever mixer is more complex. It is controlled by means of valves with restrictive plates or ball valves. Not different axle boxes are responsible for mixing water, but one cartridge. The vast majority of single-lever devices are represented by the products of firms Iddis, Vidima, Oras, RAF.

A number of sanitary fittings are used mixers with top spout. The shape of the tube varies greatly. Its length also differs. The top spout is usually equipped with a non-return valve.
This component avoids the backflow of water.

The advantages of the top spout are as follows:
- mechanical strength and durability;
- variety of sizes;
- ease of installation and use;
- compatibility with various taps;
- comfort;
- high hygiene standards;
- low price;
- aesthetic variety.

The swivel spout allows you to direct the flow in the desired direction. It is a versatile device that can be used in the bath and shower, as well as in the sink and even in the sink. The static solution cannot be rotated, however, the absence of a movable device improves reliability. The cascade spout is also popular.
It is praised for its excellent bandwidth, stream width.

Cascading spouts work like a small waterfall... They allow you to achieve a feeling of increased comfort. Such devices can be mounted on a wall, bathtub side, on a decorative stand, a podium. Designers love spring spouts... Thanks to modern advances, springs have become much more flexible and practical.

Spring mixers are usually mounted on vertical surfaces... Mixers with a thermostat for the shower system and in length differ. The short type is strong and reliable enough. However, it is clumsy and not suitable for filling buckets and bottles. A long spout is more versatile, however, rubber gaskets wear out faster.

Some users justifiably opt for a thermostatic shower mixer. The essence of a hygienic shower is washing after a visit to the toilet. It is located above the toilet. This option is very convenient for families with small children or for people with serious illnesses. These devices use single-lever mixers.
Both built-in and wall-mounted installation of the hygienic shower and its individual components is possible. This device is designed not only to keep certain places clean, but also to put things in order in the toilet. The thermostat is usually installed in a hidden way. The flow of water from the mixer into the shower head is ensured by pressing a button. When installed correctly, a hygienic shower with a thermostatic mixer works as reliably as possible.

Corner panels deserve special attention. In addition to the thermostat itself, they include:
- hydromassage nozzles (usually from 2 to 6);
- overhead shower with rain shower function;
- comfortable hand spout;
- sometimes - shelves for important accessories.

Materials and colors
The thermostatic mixer can be made from a wide variety of materials. However, in practice, in the mass segment, they use metal alloys, ceramics and plastics of special samples. Only in the elite price range can you find wooden or stone mixers. Usually they are completed with a separate exclusive bath. But brass and bronze are used much more often.
These alloys are highly resistant to the harmful effects of water. They hardly collect mineral salts and crystals. If we compare the two main options, then brass will definitely be preferable. Alloy steel is not used very often. In especially hard water, mixers from it quickly become clogged.

As for silumin, that is, a silicon-aluminum alloy, it is not durable enough. And a lot of dirt will accumulate inside. Plastic is used only for single parts. It is appreciated for its low thermal conductivity, comparative lightness and chemical resistance. In this respect, ceramics are close to plastic - they are more expensive, but more attractive.

In black bathrooms, a white faucet is the most practical solution. But its black color is not welcomed - it can act depressingly. Only experienced designers can sometimes take a reasonable amount. The chrome-plated surface helps to enhance the appeal of the mixer. If the room is relatively small, orange or even a bright red can be recommended.

A room decorated in country style will look more pleasant with a faucet imitating bronze. Ordinary copper can also be imitated. But such a solution will not fit into a bathroom where high-tech or even just modern plumbing is used. In a large bathroom without a certain style, you can choose plumbing fixtures in green and yellow. But in any case, one has to think about whether it will be pleasant to see them in a few months, when the feeling of freshness has passed.

Concern products Grohe invariably falls into all lists of consumer preferences. It looks no less good than it performs technically. Grohe engineers thoroughly run and test each innovation in the most severe conditions. Great attention is paid to maximum safety and resource saving.

The brand's products also deserve attention. Hansgrohe. Ever since the founding of the company, she has been trying to achieve the optimal balance of appearance and functionality. Hansgrohe taps and showers are virtually endless in design. The assortment includes products of a very different price range. There are options:
- control of water flows at the push of a single button;
- cooling the thermostat (reducing the risk of burns);
- aeration of water;
- maximum savings;
- quick removal of limescale.

Lovers of Italian products should pay attention to the brand Bandini. The company's developers are trying to embody the maximum individuality - not forgetting about the advanced developments. The characteristic features of Bandini sanitary ware differ from collection to collection.
There are selections with both classic and modern designs. But in any case, a lot of money will have to be paid for the products of this brand.

Comparatively cheap products of firms:
- Damixa;
- Oras;
- Ideal Standard;
- Iddis;
- Vidima (Quadro line);
- Lemark.

Selection Tips
The main thing is to immediately determine how much money can be allocated for the purchase of a mixer. There is no need to count on special savings when choosing a quality mixer. Inexpensive models, even if they look good, can quickly deteriorate. The next important point is the mandatory assessment of the product for compliance with the interior.
All other things being equal, products with a long warranty should be preferred.

Mixers made of good materials should be heavy. Lightweight models are much more likely to be of insufficient quality. If the mixing device is equipped with a long spout, it will take up quite a lot of space, which is unlikely to please the owners of small-sized homes.When the bath (shower) and the sink are close, you can get by with a 0.3 m long mixer. But with a large distance between them, it would be more correct to use 2 separate taps.
The long spout only works well when equipped with a secure locking nut. But in budget class models, it is rarely made of solid materials. And even quality versions will last less than a short spout. There is no point in overpaying for a foreign brand, but if you have funds, you need to buy world-class products. And as in other cases, you need to study the reviews for a specific model.
For information on how to independently install a thermostatic mixer in the bathroom, see the video below.