Bathroom mixers Vidima

Vidima bathroom faucets are manufactured in Bulgaria. But they are not inferior to similar products from leading Western European manufacturers. It's time to figure out what they are, what assortment the company represents, and how to choose a good model correctly.

Advantages and disadvantages
Vidima bathroom faucets are supplied from Bulgaria. This brand is in great demand.
The corporate policy implies the use of first-class sanitary brass.
Users note a pleasant appearance and a comfortable price. The reviews note that Vidima cranes can work for at least 10-15 years.

A small amount of tin is added to the brass. Therefore, the mixers work very stably in all conditions. Electroplated coating provides a pleasant appearance. The durability of the applied coating is guaranteed by adherence to the technology.

Other positive properties:
corrosion resistance;
ease of use;
resistance to chemically active cleaning agents;
minimum requirements for care;
long-term official guarantee;
the presence in the kit of all the parts that are needed for self-installation.

The disadvantages of Vidima products are:
some design simplification;
the likelihood of encountering a difficult turning of the mixer;
loud work at high pressure;
problems finding suitable parts.

How to choose?
For washbasins, mixers with small to medium spouts are usually used. A large "tap" is both inconvenient and looks somehow ridiculous at times. Most often, the device is mounted directly on the sink. Therefore, it is worth checking that there is no need to use adapters there.
For your information: when the sink-bowl is installed, the mixer is placed next to it or built into the wall, directing the stream of water strictly into the sink.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to keep the water in the bowl for a while. Then mixers with a bottom valve will help out. In some sources, it is customary to call it a drain set. The regulation is carried out using a special switch located behind the mixer.
For maximum water saving, it is advised to use non-contact mixing devices with special sensors.

Temperature controllers are also helpful. They will help avoid burns or discomfort. Such devices can be installed on both bathtub and sink taps.
Those who are already accustomed to adjusting the temperature by the mixer itself should continue to choose the thermostat version. Otherwise, there is a great risk of unpleasant consequences.

When choosing a plumbing unit for a bath and a shower at the same time, you should prefer a device with a spout, which has a separate outlet for the shower hose. Most often it is mounted on a wall. The switching unit helps determine where the water will be supplied. Mixers with long spouts help out too. But they are less practical.

For a free-standing or atypical bathtub, floor-mounted mixers are often used. They look like tall, but not too thick, metal columns. This solution looks very impressive. Inside there is all the necessary set of equipment for water supply. And for the most stylish look, you can choose a mixing device with a cascade type spout, or even with additional lighting.

The number of adjusting levers also plays an important role. Double wishbones are slightly cheaper than single-lever systems. In addition, this solution is better suited for a classic bathroom. You just need to understand that you will have to change the gasket more often, which will wear out faster. And fine-tuning the water temperature in a two-valve circuit is difficult, therefore a lot depends on priorities.

Assortment overview
Start a review of the Bulgarian Vidima mixers pertinently from the line Hype... This design is equipped with a ½ ”angle valve. The device is optimized for use in the shower. It has universal control and is wall-mounted. Installation is facilitated by the proprietary SmartFix installation system, which includes typical eccentrics.

Other features:
ceramic cartridge 35 mm;
reliable protection of the handle from heating;
options Click, HWTC;
handle movement by 100 degrees;
indication of cold and hot water supply;
the ability to connect a shower spout through a special nipple;
painted in chrome color.

You can also pay attention to the ruler Next... By default, these mixers are fitted with ½ ”corner taps. Place model BA402AA on the side of the bathtub, it is also suitable for the sink.
The system is designed for on-board installation. Includes an EasyFix kit that greatly simplifies installation. Both the body and the spout are made entirely of brass. The length of the spout reaches 12.9 cm. The structure contains a Perlator model aeration unit. A German ceramic cartridge with a size of 3.8 cm is placed inside.

Other features:
handle movement by 100 degrees;
the ability to use the shower function with a particularly low head;
enhanced aeration;
shower head with a diameter of 7 cm;
retractable ½ ”flexible hoses;
metal hose 150 cm long;
flexible hose 3/8 inch.

Model Wave Equipped with a ½ ”corner valve. The part number BA416AA denotes a decent wall-mounted mixer. The designers have provided for a completely hidden installation. The length of the molded spout reaches 17.5 cm. There should be 17-17.5 cm between the wall and the Perlator self-cleaning aerator.

Double wishbone
In this category, the products of the line deserve attention Art... The BA327AA version is designed for use in the shower. The frame width reaches 35 cm. Standard eccentrics can be used for installation.Inside are ceramic crane trailers supplied from Germany; they rotate 180 degrees.
Options such as:
hand shower;
imitation of rain streams;
water flow rate up to 8 liters in 60 seconds;
overheating protection of the handle;
Cool Body;
metal hose 150 cm long.

Ruler Retro contains the excellent model BA354AA. The features are as follows:
cast brass bodies of monolithic design;
spouts 9 cm long;
the optimal distance between the wall and the aerator is 15.4 cm;
German ceramic crane boxes;
limiting the flow to 8 liters in 60 seconds.

Vidima thermostatic mixers belong to the range V-Style... The A6193AA is wall-mounted. The handle is made of extra strong plastic. Installation with standard eccentrics is provided. Valves on ceramic discs are ½ ”in diameter; they rotate 180 degrees.
The shower set is not included in the delivery set. But you can mount it using a standard nipple.
The chrome-plated surface looks very attractive.

The A6194AA model can be considered as an alternative. Features of this mixer:
wall mounting;
the handle is made of sturdy plastic;
temperature limiting function;
spout length 17.3 cm;
aerator model Cascade;
the presence of a check valve;
option of connecting a shower headset (must be purchased separately).

In the following video, you will find useful tips for choosing a bathroom faucet.