Bathroom faucet height: rules and standards

Installing a faucet is one of the main stages of renovation in a bathroom. For correct installation and correct operation of the device, accurate calculation and adherence to the manufacturer's recommendations are very important. In order to install the mixer correctly, it is enough to follow the instructions and take into account the design features of the selected model.
For example, a mixer on a stand is more suitable for large spaces, while for a small bathroom it will be much more convenient to use a built-in model or a standard wall mount.

Primary requirements
When choosing a bathroom faucet, you should take into account many important nuances, one of which is the location of the faucet. In turn, it should be chosen taking into account the design features of the mixer model. In most faucets, for example, the lever for adjusting the water supply is located vertically, and this will have to be taken into account in order to place the device as comfortably as possible.
If the mechanism is horizontal, then the operation of such a device should be as careful as possible in order to avoid damage to the lever.... When adjusting the height of the tap, you need to remember that there must be a distance between the hot and cold water valves at least 15 cm for correct operation. For all models, this indicator is standard, it is not affected by the width of the mixer or its design. A distance of less than 15 cm is a rarity, and is found only in imported custom-made models. The width of the model can be up to 25 cm inclusive, everything here is individual and depends on the manufacturer.

For two-valve models, it is important that the inlets correspond in size to the mixer levers.... Usually, with such an installation, the European standard for location is used - the cold water valve is always on the right.
Temperature controlled models have a non-standard design, and, accordingly, their own installation requirements. Experts recommend pre-assembling such models and checking the dimensions with what is written in the accompanying documentation. After that, the position of the fittings is marked and installation begins. Fittings usually do not protrude, this is important to maintain the design in the bathroom.

The main thing is to feel comfortable for all family members to use the mixer after installation. For universal models, the minimum height is 250 mm. If we are talking about the distance from the bottom of the shower stall or the floor, the parameter ranges from 800 to 1200 mm. But for small-sized, such indicators are not suitable, so homeowners get out of the situation by calculating a comfortable height individually.

Another requirement to consider is - type of mixer... They are different not only in design, but also in function. For example, in order to simply fill a bath, a distance of 20 cm is enough. But for universal models that will be used for a bath and a sink at the same time, the height indicator is much higher and is calculated individually, taking into account the location of the sides and the distance from the floor.

There are a few more rules that must be followed for proper installation.
- Before installation is evaluated the most comfortable position of the crane for use by all households, including children.
- In shower cabins, the height starts from 120 cm minimum, the distance is calculated not only from the floor, but also from the bottom of the cab.
- Before installing, it is recommended to take into account the depth of the sink bowl, product measurements are taken in advance.
- If the mixer is mounted close to the edge, then its location is calculated as follows, so that the service of both the bathroom and the sink is easy... Here the height can be from 850 mm. The dimensions of the selected model and the distance between the gander and the bottom of the bowl are added to it.
- In the presence of additional accessories, such as water softeners and filters, the design becomes more complicated, and you need to calculate its height taking into account additional elements.

It is highly not recommended to place the faucet strictly in the center, especially if it is a universal model with a shower kit. It is much more practical to slide it to the side for ease of use.
Choosing a place the distance between the taps must be taken into account. In order for everything to be even, a building level or a regular ruler is suitable. The correct positioning of the axles eliminates interruptions in the supply of hot and cold water.
It is easier to work with modern built-in models, since there is already a special hole for mounting there. The valve is secured with nuts, washers and gasket material. With the help of the same parts, pipes for water supply are also connected to the structure. If the dimensions do not match, the excess section is removed, and the cut site is sanded before installation.

If we talk about the requirements for the main types of mixers, then several popular design options are worth highlighting:
- herringbone;
- lever;
- thermostatic.
The latter is one of the most expensive options, since it makes it possible to regulate the temperature regardless of the water pressure. Such devices have their own safety indicators and a strict height parameter, which can be found in the accompanying document from the manufacturer. The minimum parameter is from 250 mm.

Products are most often made of brass and coated with a special layer. Another popular material is stainless steel, so there won't be any problems with durability. Only the composition of the tools changes during installation and its complexity, depending on the design.

Standard height
Usually, when calculating the optimal height for installation, the first thing that is recommended to be guided by is the SNiP norms, another reliable source of relevant information on the installation of plumbing equipment is the instruction from the manufacturer of a particular model. If we talk about the indicators of the standard for installation, then the following should be mentioned.
- The height from the floor is at least 80 cm, the location of the upper side of the bathroom or bowl is taken into account - at least 60 cm from the floor. Only in this case all the necessary safety measures are observed.
- The distance to the bottom of the sink in standard versions is at least 25 cm, this eliminates splashes and loud noise during use.
Note! The standard height parameters for installation at home and in public institutions (clinics, kindergartens, schools) differ from each other. In this case, the base height parameter is 1100 mm for a conventional tap and 1200 mm for a conventional shower stall.

Determination of the height begins with the selection of a suitable mixer model and its functions. After that, emphasis is placed on the choice of the installation site, often it is associated with the hot and cold water supply point. If the installation is planned in a different location, the problem can be solved using flexible hoses. Next, the height is tried on, depending on the purpose. Universal models are installed at least 250 mm from the floor.
It is not recommended to fix the devices directly to ceramic tiles or other similar surfaces, it is unsafe for use. The faucet is installed only after the bath is installed, so that the tap is at the right level from its sides and bottom.
Distance depending on the type of installation
Depending on the complexity and features of the installation, the installation height also changes. Thanks to the wide range of bathroom fittings, there are many options for the location of the mixer in the bathroom. It can be mounted not only above the sink. The most common options are as follows.
- External wall mount. There are many such models on the market in terms of design and price range. It is usually installed so that there is direct and easy access to eliminate any malfunctions during operation.
- Built-in - more modern mixer models, the height of special mounting holes must be calculated in advance. The only drawback is that in the event of a breakdown, you have to carry out a full dismantling of the plumbing unit in order to assess the nature of the malfunction and eliminate it.
Experts recommend using the classic sink installation method. It is more affordable and much easier to install and operate than built-in options.

When installing yourself, be sure to consider the following nuances.
- If the mixer makes too much noise during operation, then it is worth re-calculating the installation height.
- In order to avoid splashing water on the floor, you should calculate the optimal distance from the tap to the bottom of the bowl. The correct calculation will exclude the influence of dampness on the finish in the bathroom and furniture.
- The easiest way to avoid mistakes is to hang the device according to the manufacturer's recommendations and basic operating requirements.

The mixer itself is a pipe with a movable flap that regulates the flow and intensity of the water. If we talk about the possible types and methods of installation, then the devices are divided into 3 main categories.
- For Bath - usually it is a small device, the water regulation takes place with the help of two parts. It is necessary to put such mixers at some distance from the side of the bathroom, this will exclude the appearance of splashes and loud noise. The height from the floor should be up to 20 cm.
- For shower - these models are provided to users complete with a cabin, where water is supplied, here the minimum distance is up to 80 cm.
- Universal models can be used both in the bathroom and in the shower. The optimum installation height is minimum 25 cm.

Depending on the functional purpose of the mixer, its location in height also changes. An incorrectly installed device will not work correctly and will last much less than the warranty period.
Aboard the bowl
This arrangement of the appliance provides a unique opportunity to use it both for the sink and for the bathroom. The main thing is that the location is optimal in height. The gander of the mixing mechanism must be approximately up to the middle of the sink. For installation, the distance from the floor is at least 85 cm, and from the bottom - at least 25, which will allow you to conveniently use the sink for washing large-sized items.

On the counter
It is used if the device will be used by family members of different ages and constitutions. If necessary, the mechanism is additionally equipped with a height adjustment function. The hose for such devices can also be adjusted in length.
As a result, the design is original and attractive. It can be mounted anywhere in the room, the support is installed directly into the floor. Spacious rooms are best suited.

On the wall
Today this option can be considered the main one in every modern home. The hole in the wall for installation is prepared in advance, the calculation takes into account the distance from the floor after placing the sink bowl on the supports. When installing also the possibility of taking hygienic procedures is taken into account, especially if it is planned to equip a shower stall nearby. After that, a place for installation is selected and the installation process begins.
It is not difficult to install the mixer with your own hands; an adjustable wrench and a distributor are enough. Dismantle the old appliance carefully so as not to damage the enamel. If the installation is on the side, then the location in the center is not the best option, it will not be very convenient to use the crane in the future.

The distance between the hot and cold water supply along the axis should be at least 15-20 cm. A trial assembly of the device is carried out to measure the dimensions; for accuracy during installation, a level or at least a long wooden ruler with clearly visible marks is required so that the position of the fittings is correct.
A properly installed mixer will last much longer than the minimum warranty period. In the event that at the installation site against the wall the dimensions between the product and the holes do not match, the difficulty can be solved with the help of flexible hoses. If the device is modular and installed without them, then an eccentric will be required to match the dimensions of the connecting elements.

The optimal installation height of a mixer of a particular model can be found without calculations in the instructions from the manufacturer.
In each specific case, these recommendations can be taken as the basis for your own calculations if the proposed height option does not suit you. With a step-by-step approach, even an inexperienced user can handle the self-installation of the mixer.

You will learn more about the intricacies of determining the height of the mixer in the bathroom below.