Women's sneakers Adidas

Although athletic shoes were originally intended solely for training, they have long taken their rightful place in the modern woman's wardrobe. Sneakers however, which successfully combine the advantages of sneakers and boots, the last few years have been especially popular. Their produced by the world's leading brands, including the famous sports brand Adidas.

Features and Benefits
All Adidas products, which are produced in collaboration with world famous designers, meet the highest requirements. Thus, original sneakers and sneakers are made from the highest quality materials. Comfort is paramount - in these shoes, even if you spend the whole day on your feet, you will practically not feel fatigue. Sports models have a comfortable anatomical last, they do not float the skin, they fit snugly to the leg thanks to lacing or Velcro.

By the way, Velcro on sneakers can also perform a purely decorative function, covering the laces.
The design of products is very diverse, each customer will be able to choose a stylish option to her taste. Fashionistas cannot but rejoice at a wide range of shoe colors. These are stylish sneakers in classic black and white colors, as well as bright contrasting models. Such a wide range of colors gives a wide scope for fashion experiments.

Apart from the usual flat running sneakers, wedge sneakers are a rather popular option from the Adidas trademark. Their main advantage is that miniature short girls with the help of these sports shoes can visually increase their height. The height of the hidden wedge heel can even reach ten centimeters. Today, wedge heels designed by designer Stella McCartney are especially popular.

So, today at the peak of popularity are the Adidas wedge sneakers, created by Stella McCartney.

We should also dwell on the branded model of sneakers from Adidas SUPER WEDGE (AW4853)... These are incredibly comfortable (judging by the reviews of numerous customers) shoes, in which it is comfortable to walk with small children, drive a car. The high wedge heel is not felt at all. Plus, these stylish sneakers don't get wet - they can be worn even in the pouring rain. They are very warm and can be used as winter shoes.

What to wear with?
Adidas sneakers are best combined with skinny jeans, trousers and leggings. For the top of the ensemble, choose a trendy sweatshirt, sweatshirt, jumper or plaid shirt. Wear a parka over the top in cold weather. This type of footwear is also great to combine with cargo trousers made of cotton, in the characteristic beige, gray or camouflage colors. You will create not only a stylish, but also a cozy image.

Note that with jeans of any style, Adidas sneakers in contrasting colors will look especially impressive, it is good to complement this duet with a top or a T-shirt with a mischievous print. Lightweight sneaker options can be worn with shorts.

Sneakers, leggings and a long tunic sweater combine to highlight the dignity of a slim figure and create a seductive look. As outerwear, it can be complemented by a sheepskin coat, down jacket or a coat up to mid-thigh length. Even a short natural fur coat will be appropriate.