Popular sneaker colors

Sneakers are a fairly popular shoe for women: they are very comfortable and can be paired with a variety of outfits. For all their comfort and wonderful performance, if they look bad, no one will wear them. For this reason, the shade of the sneaker plays an important role in choosing the right pair.

From a design point of view, the color of the sneaker is a determining factor when buying. An inappropriate product tone can be the start of big disappointments. That is why it is worthwhile to carefully approach the choice of sneakers, so that the purchase turns out to be successful. Let's take a look at the top shades of this shoe and finally decide.

Trendy colors
It's clear that black and white are universal tones.that go well with any outfit. However, the palette of fashionable colors is too large to dwell on banal options.... Below are the shades that are considered the most trending in relation to sneakers.

- Cool gray and silver. Technically, gray is not a color. It is impossible to mix any shades that come to mind in order to get a mouse one. The combination of white and black is also not always successful, because gray is a rather complex and noble color that many people underestimate.

Silver is the most successful shade of shoes, especially for women. And sneakers were no exception. Platform sneakers in this tone accentuate the stylish look of the girl.

- Eggplant. It provides depth and also emphasizes the uniqueness of its owner. It is not easy to find sneakers in this color, but the successful result will exceed all expectations. Unique shoes will accentuate your look.

- Neon pink. Acid tone has become unheard of in popularity, but don't buy sneakers that are completely dyed in this shade.Neon pink stripes will be a bright addition to blue, white and even black models. It looks very impressive!

- Turquoise and bright green. These colors are loved by many girls of Slavic appearance. They are in harmony with light eyes and emphasize the unique individuality of their mistress. Again, you don’t have to buy a solid color sneaker: the small details are enough and you’re trending.

- Dark blue, red and white. They resemble the Russian flag, which is probably why they are loved and demanded by many fans of sports shoes on the platform. This combination creates a fresh, youthful and stylish look that has been appreciated by designers around the world.

- Beige and shades of light brown. These tones are versatile, but not very practical. Despite this fact, beige and brown sneakers are a fashion trend that is in no hurry to leave the world catwalks.

What to wear with?
The ideal style for sneakers is casual. But modern fashion boundaries are so blurred that you shouldn't lock yourself into rigid frames. Let's take a look at the details that platform sneakers should be worn with for a stunning look.

- Skinny jeans. The narrower the jeans, the slimmer and longer the leg appears. You can tuck them in so that the edges are not visible, then the effect will be even better. Put on a shirt (it is better to tuck it into jeans) or a T-shirt on top, and the outfit for the walk is ready.

As an additional option, you can consider leggings. They are narrow enough to make the leg look slimmer when paired with sneakers. In this case, you should give preference to a tunic or a long oversize T-shirt.

- Shorts. Sneakers are shoes for any weather, so it is not forbidden to wear them in the heat along with tight-fitting sexy shorts. The focus is on the legs and bare knees. You can also wear a mini skirt for an even more feminine result.

- Maxi skirt. Long, flowing skirts create an interesting contrast when paired with athletic trainers. If the hem covers the shoes, then the girl becomes slim and tall. This trick suits young ladies of any body size and creates a seductive effect. By the way, the outfit is very comfortable.

Dresses. It doesn't matter how long the hem is, this season the combination of sports shoes and classic dresses is at its peak. It is good if the two elements are combined in shades, or made in the same color.

- Accessories. To balance the bottom, add some weight and volume to the upper body. Colorful scarves, decorative hats, massive earrings, long necklaces are the perfect choice for creating a harmonious look with sneakers.