Nike sneakers

Sneakers (sneakers) are translated from English as sneakers or sneakers. Recently, this term is increasingly called any comfortable and not always even sports shoes with a built-in platform. These sneakers have a rubber sole, they are durable, lightweight and breathable. These shoes are categorized as “casual” and are popular with both genders.

Although the sneakers have a sporty look, they are often uncomfortable for serious sports, and are more suitable for the urban lifestyle. They are often worn by street skateboarders or basketball players, as well as by members of musical cultures.
Nike was one of the first to put such a model on the market, and since then Nike sneakers have deservedly become one of the most popular in the world.

The features of this type of shoe are a combination of a platform with a sporty design, soft cushioning and a voluminous sole. Currently, the sneaker market is so large that you can pick up your shoes, both for a celebration and for a simple walk around the city.

Girls will appreciate sneakers for being a comfortable substitute for heels. These shoes go well with jeans, skirts, loose-fitting pants and feminine dresses. And young people will be happy with original colors and a wide range of models.

Models and materials
Different models of sneakers can be made from different materials. Initially, they were made from leather, but later, fabrics, synthetic materials and suede came to replace leather.

Nike Air Force Model was born in 1982. Air technology uses compressed gas capsules in the sole of the shoe for better cushioning.

Originally, the sneaker model was quite tall, because it was designed for basketball players and had to fix the ankle well. And only after about 12 years, models of medium height and even low ones appeared.

Renowned for its durable outsole and comfortable silhouette, the Nike Air Force has been in high demand and fans over the years.

Dunk Model originally conceived as a basketball shoe.

It appeared on the market in 1985 and has never been discontinued until now. Over the years, the model has been significantly improved and improved, therefore, at the present time, it is in demand by customers.

The first edition of Nike Dunk consisted of 8 collections, each of which matched the color of the uniform of a specific college sports team. It turned out to be an excellent advertising move to promote the model on the market.

The first editions were intended only for students, and, gradually, among young people it became fashionable for not only the university team to own shoes in club colors, but also other students wanted to emphasize their belonging to a certain group. And since the Nike Dunk was so comfortable and fashionable, the dunk culture spread very quickly.

The very first to become a classic Nike Air Force sneaker is a pure white sneaker. In the eighties - nineties, sneakers in blue, burgundy, blue, brown and silver could be seen.
Gradually, month after month, Nike began to release various other colors.
Nowadays any model of sneakers Nike can be found in almost any color and choose a pair for every taste and for every mood.