How to choose protective snowboard shorts?

If you love snowboarding or are just planning to learn how to do it, then you should purchase all the necessary equipment in advance. Particular attention should be paid to the choice of protective shorts. Today we will talk about what you need to consider before buying them, what types they are.

General description and purpose
Snowboard shorts are special protective equipment that is made from durable dense materials with various additional inserts. They are designed to provide reliable protection for the buttocks and the lateral sides of the thighs from possible injuries during falls.

In addition, many models of this special clothing allow you to maintain optimal blood circulation in the legs, warm the limbs.
Such products are most often made from durable fabrics - nylon, polyester.

Shorts can be either male or female.

The first version has an insert in the groin area, which provides maximum user comfort while snowboarding.

Women's models most often have a special compression effect., since many of the fair sex, doing such sports, begin to suffer from varicose veins.
When choosing such products, special attention should be paid to the level of elasticity.

In addition, all shorts data models can be divided into adults and children. They differ from each other primarily in dimensional values.

Also, high-quality samples for children should have additional soft pads on the buttocks.

Snowboard shorts can be made from a variety of materials.
- Fleece. This material is quite lightweight and soft.It belongs to knitted fabrics. The main fabric is made by weaving small loops together. Most often, such a fabric is additionally processed during manufacture so that it does not accumulate static electricity during use, and does not form pellets.

- Nylon. This material for the production of protective clothing is of artificial origin. At the same time, natural components are also added during the manufacturing process, which makes nylon the most resistant and durable. The fabric boasts an increased level of wear resistance, lightness, strength and dimensional stability. In addition, nylon products help protect people from strong winds and frost. The canvas has a presentable appearance.

- Polyester. This woven backing is a tough synthetic material that is extremely durable. Polyester will not lose its original shape, will not roll off during use. Also, the fabric practically does not allow moisture to pass through, therefore, winter equipment is often sewn from it. The fabric does not fade in the sun. The base is considered heat-resistant.

Popular models
Below is an overview of some of the individual models of snowboarding shorts from different manufacturers.
- Biont 2020-21. The model is made of mesh material with special combined tabs with a thickness of 8-12 millimeters. The sample provides excellent thermal insulation. There is a combined pad on the tailbone. The upper pads are slightly shifted towards the back.

- Dainese Scarabeo Flex Shorts Kid. This model is intended for children. The swatch is made from elastane and nylon. These shorts are equipped with protective elements made of special foam. The instance is equipped with a convenient removable protective pad on the tailbone, elastic silicone tape, which allows you to prevent clothing displacement while riding on the board.

- Dainese Flex Shorts Man Black 2021. This men's version will not hinder the movement of a person while snowboarding. It is manufactured with a special shock-absorbing material that allows you to soften the force of impacts as much as possible. The specimen is supplied with durable protective pads that are placed on the tailbone and on the hips. In the manufacture of these shorts, a special foam material with perforations is also used, which provides ventilation. The model also has a special silicone layer, which fits as closely as possible to the human thighs, so the clothes will not move even during sudden movements.

- Nidecker 2020-21 Padded Plastic Shorts White / Red. This type allows you to evenly distribute all the energy during a fall, which is then absorbed by the plastic inserts. The sample is made with a strong mesh fabric that allows the skin to breathe freely. All overlays are perforated for good ventilation. If necessary, the tailbone protection can be easily removed.

- Pro Surf Protection Short 2020. This copy will not hinder the movements of the user while riding the board. It is equipped with a flexible and soft protector that reliably protects the tailbone from impacts. The soft protectors move slightly to the side towards the gluteus muscles. This pattern is created from a lightweight, breathable woven base. The variety will be suitable for adults and adolescents. In addition, this option belongs to the unisex group, so it can be purchased by both women and men.

- Dainese Action Shorts Evo. These protective shorts can be used for snowboarding and skiing. They are made from elastane and nylon. The model is supplied with durable protective pads, which are made of polypropylene. Also, the variety is equipped with a special elastic tape made of silicone material, it ensures the most snug fit of the equipment to the user during active movements.

- Baby Termit. This model should also be ranked among the best. It is intended for children. Moreover, the product will be able to suit both girls and boys. The sample is equipped with an adjustable tailbone guard. The shorts are made from elastic mesh materials. There are additional protective pads on the sides.

- Termit Knee Protection Kit. Such an instance belongs to adult models. He will be able to suit both men and women. The variety is produced using high quality nylon, textile material. Protective inserts are made of special durable plastic. These shorts for a snowboard fit as closely as possible to the person during the ride, but at the same time the equipment does not restrict movement at all.

Criterias of choice
Before purchasing protective shorts for a snowboard, you should pay special attention to some important nuances that will allow you to choose the most suitable option.

So, be sure to look at the dimensional values. The equipment should not hinder the movement of a person when playing such sports, so it is worth choosing a model in accordance with the user's size.

Look also at the rigidity of the product. Various models can be produced with hard or soft protective inserts. In the first case, protection involves the use of small plastic inserts. Shorts of this type can make minor falls more unpleasant, but also protect the integrity of the bones in more serious injury situations.

In order to soften the effect of hard plastic pads during light falls, many manufacturers supplement these parts with special soft interlayers.
This option is extremely lightweight. Soft pads on these shorts do not restrict movement and provide maximum comfort while snowboarding or skiing. But at the same time, they do not always meet safety requirements. Sometimes soft inserts are made of woven seals that will not protect you during a serious fall.

When choosing, pay attention to the cost of protective shorts. The cheapest snowboard models tend to be of poor quality and won't last long.
Better to save up at least $ 70-80 to buy a suitable copy.