Accessories for dogs: variety of types and selection rules

If it was decided to have a dog at home, the future owner should take into account that the pet will need a lot of things necessary for normal living conditions. About what exactly they can be, what are mandatory and serve for decoration, what to look for when choosing, we will talk in our article.

In order to understand what are the essentials, you need to decide what it is planned to feed the pet from, how to walk, where to put it to rest and how it will be entertained. The approach to all these issues is individual, after all, the choice is made depending on the animal, what size it is, what character it has.
Accessories will differ for large, medium and small breed dogs according to their needs.
Dogs will need:
- bowls and feed;
- booths and bedding;
- collars;
- leashes;
- combs;
- carrying;
- means for water procedures;
- toys;
- accessories for training.

In some cases, clothing is necessary, since without it the dog will not be able to lead a full life. You need to focus not only on a reputable manufacturer, but also on other points. We will talk about all the nuances and rules of choice further.

Nutrition is an integral part of keeping a pet. An important aspect is not only the choice of food, but also the selection of dishes. It is usually reserved for food and water.
The dishes must meet some requirements. First of all, you need to focus on sustainability.If the bowl runs on the floor, the animal will be uncomfortable to use it. In addition, it is necessary to determine the height and size, it should be located at chest level. You should also purchase exceptionally high-quality products, they will not only guarantee safety, but also are easy to clean.

It is best if the pet becomes the owner of several bowls. One can be used for dry food, another for wet food, and the third for water. The owner must carefully monitor the dishes and wash them in time. The water is changed daily with the obligatory rinsing of the dishes.

Every dog needs to know its place. To do this, it must be properly equipped.
The place can be located both in the apartment and on the street, the main thing is to be guided by the size of the growing pet and make sure that it does not become cramped on the bed.
- Large dogs will feel comfortable on beds and bedding. You can either purchase them in the store or make your own. Old rugs, unnecessary pillows and mattresses are great. It will be convenient for miniature dogs to spend time in baskets and special houses.
- A separate topic is the arrangement of the booth if the animal is kept outside. The doghouse should not be very hot in the heat, and the pet should be warm in cold weather. For this, it is best to use wooden buildings. The booth is insulated in the fall, while in the spring the material is removed.
- The main thing to focus on is the convenience of your pet. The material with which the booth is lined should not be hard and prickly. This can be either an orthopedic bedding or any unnecessary material.

Walking accessories
Every dog needs a walk. In order for this event to take place without problems and surprises, it is necessary to choose the right leash, collar or harness.
Experts recommend purchasing comfortable accessories in which the pet will feel as comfortable as possible.

The clasp must be secure... In addition, the owners can combine the necessary with the useful and purchase an anti-flea collar. Also, we must not forget that the smaller the dog is, the lighter the collar should be. You should not buy one that will fit too tightly to the neck, but there should be no way to get free from it either.

Available for sale collars with electronic chips. With their help, the owner, if necessary, can fix at what point the pet is. For strong and serious dogs, the main thing is the reliability of the accessory. Interesting models are also available. For example, there are luminous collars equipped with special key chains, which are very convenient for walking in the dark.
Also, the owners need to remember that to visit public places, pets will need muzzle... Most people dislike this accessory, therefore training should be started early.

Sometimes there is a need to take your dog with you when traveling a long distance. In some cases, it is advisable to use a carrier. In it, the pet will feel more relaxed and comfortable.
There are also a number of requirements for carrying. They are selected taking into account the size of the animal and should not be too tight, but also not bulky. In addition, so that the dog is not afraid of unfamiliar conditions, preparatory work should be done.
The carrier must be strong and the locks must be securely locked.

Other accessories may be required if the dog is to be transported by car. In the case when she travels in the trunk, a special ramp will come in handy, which will facilitate the ascent and descent. You can also use car belts, liners in the trunk or on the seat.

Small puppies are usually very active.They need toys, otherwise pranksters will start to spoil things in the house. However, an adult dog will also not refuse to play with its beloved owner. In this case, there are no special requirements. The main thing is to monitor the quality of the toys.

They must be made of durable and safe materials. Experts advise purchasing rubber products.
Animals will love squeaky trinkets, vein bones and much more. The assortment presented on the shelves of specialized stores is quite wide, and consultants are always ready to answer the necessary questions. Toys can be left as an animal at home alone, and used for joint games.

For bathing and grooming
Pet care includes a set of procedures. Among them are not only water procedures and combing wool. The dog will need to cut its nails, clean its ears and teeth in a timely manner.
What kind of bathing products to choose, each owner decides for himself. Dog breeders recommend focus on a special line designed for individual breeds.
In the case when you need not just care, but medical procedures, it is best to consult a veterinarian.

To facilitate hair care, some owners just need a regular comb, while others will need a whole range of accessories. Choosing a comb is also not so easy. There are a great variety of their models, and they differ in the length of the teeth, the softness of the bristles, and the material of manufacture. It is best to stop for the one that suits the pet of a particular breed.
If the dog has short hair, special gloves can be purchased. They will help clean the coat of dirt without bathing.
The use of furminators is justified during the molt period. In the case when the doggie needs trimming and the owner wants to do it on his own, scissors or special tweezers will be needed.

Some breeds do not require clothing or footwear. However, others cannot do without it, especially in the cold season. All dog clothing is divided into three categories:
- the first - for miniature pets;
- second - for large;
- third intended for Welsh Corgs and Dachshunds with a specific body structure.

The most varied is the choice of clothing for small dogs. They are presented in different models and colors, including clothes, shoes and hats. In addition, there are summer, winter and demi-season options. For large pets, the choice is not so wide. Most often, only winter overalls and raincoats can be found on store shelves.

Shoes are a separate item. It can be purchased regardless of breed so that your pet's paw pads are always warm. In addition, long-haired dogs do not need clothes, but they will look very cute in neat shoes.

As for the requirements, the main points should be noted. First of all, you must clearly follow the size. This will help to achieve comfortable movement of the pet and the absence of constraint in movement. Clothes should be made of high-quality and soft materials so that the dog does not rot and does not freeze.
You also need to select things in accordance with the weather and temperature indicators.

Special subjects
Training may require special accessories. Among them:
- collars connected to the control panel;
- hunting whistles;
- game odor simulators;
- special toys;
- in some cases clothing and waterproof shoes will be needed.
These items are intended for special training, and the owners should take into account that their cost is quite high.

Jewelry for pets
Most of the accessories are necessary for the pet to feel comfortable. However, for certain breeds, the owners can purchase jewelry. This is optional and is often part of the decor.

Some of these things are:
- bows;
- hairpins;
- ties;
- rubber bands.
Usually the owners of miniature dogs use jewelry. This is done not only for beauty. Some dogs have soft and long hair that falls on the eyes, and the haircut will not look very aesthetically pleasing. In this case, it is advisable to use an elastic band and make a ponytail.

In the next video, you will get acquainted with unusual and funny accessories for dogs.