Alan dog: what the breed looks like, a description of its character and the nuances of its content

Until recently, the Alan dog, which was under the threat of complete extinction, is now a real sensation in the cynological world. Magnificent powerful molossians were rescued by the forces of enthusiasts, their population is steadily growing. And although the breed has not yet been recognized by the international federation, at the national level it is incredibly highly valued. Great conformation, excellent physique and impressive performance are the characteristics of the Spanish Bulldog.
However, this stern dog treats the owner and his family with incredible tenderness, demonstrating the wonders of love and devotion.

Origin story
The modern Alanian dog descends from the ancient molossians, and has impressive historical roots. She came to Spain approximately in the 5th century AD with the migration of nomadic Iranian tribes - Alans, akin to those who live today in North Ossetia (Alania). The nomadic pastoralists brought with them fat herds, and along with them the guard dogs, which were of impressive size.
For a long time, animals were bred here without any special mention of their origin. And only about 9 centuries later, in the XIV century, Alano began to be included in official documents as excellent hunting dogs with an expressive color.
It should be noted that Spanish Bulldogs became the progenitors of many modern breeds... Among their descendants are Cane Corso, American Staffordshire Terrier, Tosa Inu. During the Spanish maritime rule, these dogs served to guard ships, they were willingly bought in ports, used to produce offspring all over the world.

In 1816, Francisco de Goya also mentioned the fearless dogs participating in bullfights. In the same historical period, Alanos were used as participants in the hunt for large wild boars. But after cattle breeding in Spain declined in importance, hunting ceased to be the main pastime of the nobility, their popularity declined. The ban on bullfighting with dogs also reduced the use of powerful molossi, which needed an output of energy.
In 1963, the existence of the Spanish Bulldogs was brought to the brink of extinction. But in 1970, a group of enthusiasts emerged who were concerned about this state of affairs. Among them were students who studied veterinary medicine and simply amateur dog handlers.

It was they who managed to find one of the last Alanian dogs on the Basque lands and on the territory of Las Encartasions. The discovered animals became the basis for the restoration of the breed's livestock.
By 2004, the Spanish Bulldog had become widely spread throughout the country, and was even recognized by the Ministry of Agriculture as an indigenous species characteristic of these lands. In the same year, the local breed standard was adopted - it was approved by the Spanish Kennel Club. The FCI has not yet considered it necessary to add data on Alano to its list. But these dogs were highly appreciated outside the country - today their population is gradually growing not only in Europe, but also in the United States. In addition, on the territory of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Alania, it is also fashionable today to keep formidable Spanish molossians.

Description of the breed
Alanian dogs are characterized by a short coat, tightly attached to the surface of the body. Among the acceptable color options for the Spanish Bulldog are black and brindle, sable-wolf, fawn, pure brindle, yellow and red. Most shades of coat have a black mask on the muzzle. White markings are rare and should not be large.
The skin is tight, with a slight dewlap in the neck area. On the body, the length of the coat is longer - up to 2.5 cm, on the muzzle and neck - about 1 cm. On the tail, the growth of the guard hair is tapered.

A detailed description of the Alanian dog, compiled by the Spanish Cynological Federation, contains information about its appearance.
- Body weight from 38 to 45 kg for males, bitches lighter - 33-38 kg, height at the withers in the range of 56-65 cm, depending on gender.
- The physique is athletic, with pronounced muscles. The body is elongated with a straight, strong back.
- The croup is located above the withers, not long, convex, the loin is wide and powerful, the withers are poorly expressed.
- The chest is clearly defined, deep, located below the elbow line.
- The belly is tucked up, sunken, with well-defined sides.
- The tail is set low, reaching the length of the hock, the thickness is uniform over the entire length.
- The limbs are straight, strong, without distortion or deviation, with long forearms. At the front, the elbows are adjacent to the body, at the rear, a long metatarsus, a short metacarpus are pronounced. The nails are always dark.
- The neckline is muscular, dewlap is present, well defined. Average length.
- The head is large, roughly molded, with a wide, voluminous forehead, the stop to the muzzle is clear, pronounced. The forehead and muzzle are of proportional size, the cheekbones and jaws are well developed. The dividing line of the skull is clearly drawn. The front part of the muzzle is shortened, with a slightly upturned nose. The lobe is black, with large nostrils.
- Lips with pronounced taut flecks, rich in black pigmentation.
- The jaws are well developed, with a powerful, wide mouth. The teeth are large, with a predominantly pincer or undershot bite no more than 3 mm.
- The eyes are medium in size, expressive, with a beautiful cut. The shade ranges from deep chestnut to amber yellow.
- The ears are set wide, the cartilage is close to the head, naturally drooping. Breeders recommend docking.

Developmental defects include character deviations - malice, aggressiveness, imbalance of behavior.
Cryptorchidism is not allowed in males.... Significant undershot and scissor-jaw closure are also not suitable. The lightened version of pigmentation, like the blue tint of the iris, is also unacceptable.

The unpretentious Molossian from Spain is smart, has a good reaction, is able to act independently and make decisions. The character of the fighting breed of Alano was formed in the conditions of freedom, which was given to them by the owners of livestock for centuries. Dogs are distinguished by a balanced disposition, have self-confidence, recognize the leadership of a person over himself. It is recommended to have such animals for experienced dog breeders who are able to gain authority in their eyes.
The Alan dog has a need for early socialization - this quality makes it suitable for keeping in a family. Here the pet will be equally kind and attentive to everyone from children to old people.
With proper upbringing, dogs remain obedient, attentive to the commands of the owner, do not ignore them.

With those who are considered lower in the hierarchy, animals are kind and condescending, but they will not be allowed to control them. Alano are non-aggressive towards outsiders, attacking only when a real threat arises.
Excellent caretakers and shepherds, Spanish Bulldogs feel comfortable on the farm, surrounded by other animals. They also treat pets quite kindly, do not show aggression. Alano are quite active dogs, ready to keep their owner company in any business: from traveling and cycling to hunting.
But as the first dog in life, they are not recommended to acquire - there is a great risk of not coping with the strong character of the pet.

Life span
The Alanian dog is notable for its good health, it does not have a genetic predisposition to many diseases of molossi. The average life expectancy reaches 14-15 years, while the dog remains active and vigorous until the last. But animals need a standard vaccination against most canine infections, protection from parasites. Among the diseases that can shorten the Alano eyelid are dysplasia of the hip joints, inflammation of the middle ear.

Maintenance and care
The Alan dog is a rather large animal, in need of space, freedom of movement. Their short coat makes them unsuitable for year-round enclosure or outdoor keeping. Psam are recommended to walk, stay in the fresh air for a long time. The optimal conditions for maintenance are considered to be living on a farm, in the countryside or in a suburban area. Apartment maintenance is not recommended; within four walls, a dog can spoil property simply out of boredom.
Caring for Alano comes down to the following manipulations:
- trimming claws, they do not naturally grind off due to their hardness;
- combing the coat with a special comb or gloves, twice a week is enough;
- bathing, it is necessary occasionally, to preserve the protective cover on the skin, the procedure must be carried out with special means;
- examination of the eyes and ears, removal of impurities from the eyelid cavity and from the skin.

Consider how to keep Alan dog puppies at home. Short-haired babies need their own space with warm, soft bedding, away from drafts. Feeding is carried out up to 6 times a day in the first months, by the age of six months the number of meals reaches 3-4. The puppy must have access to clean water and toys. Early socialization of the animal, communication with other dogs will avoid the appearance of behavioral defects.
During the cropping period of Alano's ears, the wound requires standard processing, the seams are protected with a special collar. It is worn by a veterinarian.When bathing, short-cut auricles are closed with cotton swabs.
It is important to take into account that the lack of worldwide recognition makes it much more difficult for the Spanish Bulldog to participate in exhibitions and other events. Acquiring a purebred animal also requires some effort.
It is best to choose a baby in a Spanish or Italian nursery, getting a national pedigree.

The organization of food for the Spanish Bulldog is quite simple - dogs are generally unpretentious in food. But the owner will have to decide on the choice of feeding option even in the infancy of the pet. If a ready-made diet is chosen, it is better not to change the brand of dry food throughout the dog's life, varying only the calorie content and type of food. Mixing of natural food and crunchy delicacies is also excluded.
It is worth giving preference to high-quality types of feed with a predominance of natural meat in the composition. Products designed specifically for large dogs - super premium or holistic - are considered optimal. Additional mineral supplements are not required in this case.

The natural diet is made up of quality fresh ingredients. You should not save on food, large molossus needs fresh meat in volumes of at least 300 g per day, you can give a small amount of offal, ocean fish. As a source of protein, you can use boiled egg, cottage cheese, kefir. Of the cereals, wheat, oat, and barley are the most beneficial. Fresh vegetables, apples are useful for the animal, you can give dried fruits as a treat.
Alano dogs are not prone to developing food allergies, indigestion.
But dogs should not be given hot spices, salt, smoking, marinades and products based on them. Flour products, sweets are strictly prohibited.

Alano - smart dogs, well amenable to socialization, training... Animals, unlike other molossians, are ready to obey the owner, always trying to follow his instructions. But when training, it is worth considering a number of important points. The learning process should not be too forced. Mastering the commands of the general course is carried out step by step and sequentially, with periodic repetition of the passed.
The Spanish Bulldog pays great attention to how the owner communicates with him. These dogs require respect, they love praise. Having achieved the location of the Alano, you can easily get an obedient, well-controlled dog, a loyal friend and companion.
Rudeness, physical punishment, screaming should be excluded.

In education, special attention should be paid to walking. Alano feel the need to move, they need at least 3-4 hours of exposure to air per day. If dogs do not get the necessary physical activity, they become aggressive, bully, and damage property. In urban areas, walking should be carried out only on a leash and in a collar.
In the house, the Alan dog will keep order only if it learns the basic rules of behavior from an early age. Start teaching your puppy to all the intricacies of "etiquette" as early as possible. The rapid growth of molossians pretty soon turns the adorable toddler into a large, clumsy teenager, playful and eager to chew everything around. Only the owner's attention, constant and patient education will help eliminate the manifestation of destructive behavior.

For the characteristics of the breed, see the following video.