American dog breeds: varieties and tips for choosing

American dogs are a fairly popular category of domesticated four-legged pets. Animals are divided into several groups, each of which has its own individual characteristics and characteristics.

Today, American dog breeds are very popular with both experienced breeders and novice dog breeders. The breeding of four-legged animals in the United States of America began several centuries ago. The first "breeders" were immigrants and Indians.
I must say that American scientists bred animals not out of idle curiosity, but for specific purposes. So, the working functions of four-legged animals included protection, protection, hunting, fishing and other areas of activity.
By crossing different breeds, scientists tried to achieve not only ideal physiological capabilities and mental characteristics, but also a beautiful exterior.

Breed overview
Today there are a huge number of dog breeds that were bred in America. Let's consider the most popular varieties of four-legged animals with their names.

At a certain stage in the development of breeding work in the United States of America, scientists placed great emphasis on breeding fighting dog breeds. During this time, some breeds have gained great popularity, which are still widespread today.
Fighting dogs are animals that need proper education and training. If you ignore this question, then the animal can show aggression and be dangerous to humans - up to causing physical harm and death.

American bulldog
This breed of dog is one of the most common fighting species. Basically, there are 2 varieties of the American Bulldog: classic and standard.
The classic American Bulldog is a breed that has heightened guarding instincts. The body of the dog is well developed, it has strong muscle mass and strong bones. The classic type is similar in its characteristics to the type of the English Bulldog.
The standard American Bulldog variety has a more athletic and athletic body structure.

Representatives of the pit bull breed are animals whose main task was to participate in dog fights, as well as baiting wild animals. The character of the dog is distinguished by such qualities as courage and reliability. The animal is quite strong and powerful in its physiological characteristics.
Pit bulls are dogs that are distinguished by well-developed mental and intellectual abilities.
It is best to entrust the training of the animal to professional dog handlers.

Hunting and riding
Another large group of American four-legged pets are hunting and riding animals. In fact, there is a huge variety of breeds in nature that fall under this category, but we will only consider a few of them.

American cocker spaniel
This variety was officially adopted and registered by the American Kennel Club in 1947. Thus, we can say that the Cocker Spaniel is a fairly young American breed. The character of the animal is friendly and sociable, such a dog will become a real friend for all members of your family.
Today in nature there are several possible colors of cocker spaniels: black, red, brown.
In addition to such monochromatic colors, colors with tan are allowed, as well as combinations of several uniform colors.

American water spaniel
The water spaniel was bred in Wisconsin. Today this dog breed is one of the symbols of this territory. The dog has a fairly strong and proportional physique, its body is covered with curly dense hair.
The animal perfectly plays the role of a pet. The water spaniel is balanced, friendly and active. He gets attached quickly not only to his master, but to all members of the family in which he lives.
The spaniel can tolerate a variety of negative environmental conditions and has a pronounced flair.

Companion dogs are those animals that are suitable for home keeping. These animals differ from the categories described above primarily in their character. Companions are friendly and unpretentious pets.

The Pomsky is a breed that is essentially a crossbreed. So, the variety is a mestizo Pomeranian from England and a husky from Siberia. Pomsk people are often called "mini-husky" among the people. By their appearance, dogs are very attractive: they have a small size and fluffy hair. If we talk about numerical characteristics and indicators, then the largest representative of the Pomsk in weight can reach 5 kilograms, and his height does not exceed 40 centimeters.
Today, scientists and veterinarians distinguish several subgroups of poms: fox poms, plush husky, white poms, brown with blue eyes, short-haired.
The color of the dog can be very diverse, but the most popular is the color that resembles the color of the husky.

This breed of dog is considered decorative. She, like the previous variety, is a cross between. Breeds such as beagle and pug participated in the breeding of the animal. Actually, there is no single standard for the appearance of this breed of dog. Animals can have a variety of colors or different anatomical structures.
The idea of breeding puggles belongs to an American breeder named Walls Havens. He began his breeding activity in 1990. At the official level, this breed is currently not recognized.

How to choose?
First of all, you should figure out what purpose you are pursuing by having a pet. If your choice fell on fighting dogs, then remember that they need proper training, but companion dogs will not be able to perform any functional duties. Having decided on a specific category (fighting, hunting, sled or companion dog), you can begin to determine the most suitable breed.
Particular attention should be paid to the study of the physiological and mental characteristics of the animal. Make sure that this or that breed can live in your apartment or house, that it will not show aggression towards other pets living with you, or towards children.

Also, read the rules for keeping a dog. Make sure you can follow all the recommendations of the experts.
For the characteristics of the American Bulldog breed, see below.