English nicknames for dogs: the best options

It can be very difficult to choose the right name for a new pet. After all, the nickname should be special so that it is easy to remember and like both the owner and the dog himself. English names are ideal for dogs of any breed. You can safely choose unusual and original options. And you can opt for noble, beautiful or even funny nicknames.

Features and selection rules
Today, owners of a wide variety of dog breeds are rejecting simple and banal names for their pussies. If earlier dogs were often called simply Balls, Tuziks or Rexes, now everyone is trying to find something unusual.
A nickname for a dog should be sonorous, original, beautiful, but at the same time simple, so that there are no difficulties with its pronunciation.
England is home to many popular dog breeds, and owners of such pets try to give them appropriate names. But American names can work for a wide variety of breeds, both large and small. For example, complex double names are more suitable for graceful large breed dogs. If desired, for a pet of any breed, you can choose a name with a meaning that will correspond to the characteristics of the breed, appearance, color and disposition of the animal.

When choosing dog nicknames for puppies of various breeds in English, you should definitely be interested in the translation of names. After all, without knowing the exact translation, you can call the pet an offensive or even offensive nickname, which will negatively affect its character. For example, you should not label an animal as follows. Evil - "villain" or "villainess", Angry - "angry" or Vaype - "viper".

Those who have a small puppy in their house for the first time are wondering how to choose the right name, what to look for when choosing? Of course, there are certain rules and guidelines that are worth listening to. You can choose the appropriate nickname, focusing on the color of the pet or its external features. It is also important to consider the character of the dog. Observe the baby for a couple of days to make the final and correct choice.

In addition, choosing the right name can positively influence the character of your pet.
For example, if an overly mischievous and mischievous puppy is named with a name that means "calm" or "agreeable", then he will be more obedient. That is why breeders do not recommend calling pets aggressive names. For example, many nicknames starting with the letter R sound very aggressive, which may not be to the dog's liking. A nicknames beginning with the letters S or L sound softer.

Also, when pronouncing the nickname, it should not resemble well-known commands, for example, "Fu" or "Sit". Next, we have selected the most interesting names that are perfect for dogs of both sexes of various breeds. Separately, it is worth mentioning that this type of nickname is great for representatives of such breeds as beagle, Yorkshire terrier, bulldog, mastiff, cocker spaniel, bobtail, setter, corgi and others.

Popular options for boys
For boys of all breeds, beautiful and sonorous male names should be chosen. Don't choose nicknames that sound too sweet. In addition, if you are planning to name a puppy Kid, then remember about the peculiarities of his breed. If the dog grows up large, then the nickname will absolutely not suit him. But for dogs of small breeds, it is quite possible to choose such options. For example, Small or Little - "little", Kiddy or Baby - "baby". For larger cables, the following options are best: Big - "big", Major - "large", Goodley - "large" or Heavy - "powerful".

If you plan to choose a nickname, focusing on the color and external characteristics of your pet, we recommend that you consider the following options. For example, for dark-colored males, nicknames are suitable Black or Blackie - "black", Brown - "brown" or Dark - "dark". For a light-colored pet, the following option is perfect: White or Snow, which means "white" and "snow". For red dogs, there are also several interesting options: Fox - "fox", Peach - "peach" or Fire - "fire". There are variants of nicknames with which you can emphasize the individuality of your pet's character. For example, this Happy, Hard, Fast or Main... Translated, they sound like "happy", "heavy", "fast" and "main".
For those who wish to name their pet with a sonorous, but unusual name, we recommend considering nicknames from two or more words. For a mischievous and cute puppy who will not grow up to be a huge dog, you can choose such an option as Best Friend, Jungle Child, Jolly Jam or Bright Fire. The nicknames are translated as follows: "best friend", "jungle child", "cheerful jam" and "bright fire". For males of large breeds, it is better to choose other options. For example, Big Boss, King Size, Iron Man or Fresh Wind. In translation, the nicknames will sound like "big boss", "big size", "iron man" and "fresh wind".
The following options are also great: Jack is “benevolent”, Dick is “leader”, Simon is “reliable”, Rex is “reigning king” or Morgan is “protector of the family”.

As a sonorous and beautiful nickname, you can choose the name of some celebrity from England. It can be a famous politician, writer, actor, sportsman or performer. For a pet of large breeds, the following options are perfect: Churchill, Darwin, William, Shakespeare, Arthur, Newton, Beckham or Lennon... For little dogs, you can choose one of the following options: Cook, Bell, Michael, Fleming, Harry, Bowie, Dickens, Peel or Fox.
It is quite possible to choose a "geographical" name. For example, to name a pet after the famous city of Great Britain: Manchester, Edinburgh, Bristol, Oxford, York, Brighton, Leeds or Sheffield... Also names of rivers are suitable as names: Trent, Severn, Eden, Avon, Tim, Tees or Don. For those who wish to choose an original and funny name for their pet, we recommend choosing a nickname in honor of the national currency, a prestigious award or a famous brand. For example: Bucks, Pound, Forbes, Google, Apple, Forex, Oscar or Mers.

Interesting nicknames for girls
Dogs-girls are sometimes a little capricious and wayward. This should definitely be considered when choosing a suitable nickname. For cute babies of miniature breeds, the following names are perfect: Baby, Fluffy or Mini. Translated, they mean "baby", "fluffy" and "little". Also, for small breeds, original and very "appetizing" options are suitable: Cookies - "cookie", Toffee - "toffee" or Cherie - "cherry".
For larger girls, these nicknames are perfect: Tiger - "tigress" or Queen - "queen". Or you can just call your darling Lady. Most owners, despite the breed, still decide to call their dog a gentle and affectionate name that would have a beautiful meaning. For example: Blossom - "blooming", Daisy - "daisy", Grace - "grace", Lily - "lily", Passion - "passion", Freedom - "freedom" or Gelexi - "galaxy".

A baby of white color can be called Snowflake, Light or Dery, which means "snowflake", "light" and "milky". Blacks - "black", Darks - "dark", Nigella - "black" are perfect for dogs of black color.
If your favorite is brown or red, then you can choose a very original nickname. For example, this Choco, Brownie, Orange or Foxy, which can be translated as "chocolate", "orange" and "chanterelle". You can also call the baby Latte, in honor of the famous coffee drink.
Fanny - "funny", Playful - "playful", Joyful - "joyful", Teaser - "cocky", Lucky - "lucky" - these nicknames are perfect for representatives of small and large breeds, and will help to best characterize your pet. In the event that you want to choose an unusual and complex nickname, then pay attention to the following options: Happy Day - "happy day", North Star - "polar star", Sunny Smile - "sunny smile", Main House - "home in the house", Favorite Charm - "darling" or White Angel - "white angel".

Here are some more popular English nicknames for girls of various breeds: Lime - "cheerful", Elba - "devoted to her master", Tina - "understanding", Vesta - "sophisticated" or Jane - "simple".
Also, the girl can be named after a British celebrity. For example: Diana, Margaret, Victoria, Julie, Elizabeth, Austin, Rowling, Joan or Mary. Names in honor of famous brands, companies, cars, awards, etc. sound very unusual. For example, a girl can be called: Bentley, Bucksie, Forbesy, Tiffany or Grammy... Names after famous English desserts are also popular. Pay attention to the following options: Banoffy or Trifle.
More options for nicknames for dogs in the video below.