English Mastiff: characteristics and recommendations for choosing

The English Mastiff is one of the largest representatives of the canine world, the owner of gigantic size and noble character. A true gladiator, he looks impressive and is a true attribute of strength and power. This dog will definitely not show excessive irritability or nervousness. She is always calm, balanced and knows exactly when the owner is in danger and it is time to show her teeth.

History of origin
The English Mastiff is an arched dog breed from Great Britain that was officially recognized over a century ago. She received her first standard in 1883. But even before that, one of the largest dogs in the world managed to establish itself in the best way. The ancestors of the mastiffs were known even in the days of the greatness of Babylon, Assyria, Persia. Molossians of that era had a more raw skeleton and a heavy gait, they were used as guards, and took part in military campaigns.

It is assumed that in Great Britain the progenitors of the Old English Mastiffs appeared during the migration of the Celtic tribes in the IV-III centuries BC. With the arrival of the Romans on the island, their historians wrote a lot about the large, massive dogs used by the Britons. The special ferocity of these animals, their physical strength and fearlessness were noted. It is not surprising that mastiffs, and this is how they began to call the breed during the time of Julius Caesar, began to be actively imported into the Roman Empire, and a special position for the selection of animals even appeared at the court. Here the English giants began to be used in gladiatorial battles, along with the legionnaires.In the future, the development of the breed was influenced by a new military invasion of the island - the arrival of the Saxons in 407 AD led to a rush of fresh blood.

Among the imported animals, the gafaelgi - dogs used for hunting purposes to bait animals on a hunt - stood out. The metis variety, mixed with the mastiffs previously available on the island, was named costog. The dogs had a coat of medium length, dark color and a very ferocious character. It was in this form that the animals existed until the 11th century, when the Normans invaded Britain.

The representatives of continental Europe at that time had their favorites - the Alans or the hunting mastiffs. Their mixing with local breeding pramolosses resulted in splitting into several breed types at once. Wickedness, fearlessness, large size were valued in dogs. The old-style bandogs, which appeared thanks to the Saxons, have retained their popularity. They were used to perform guard functions, due to their dark color they were invisible in the dark.

The transition to purebred breeding
As an independent breed, the English Mastiff began to form after 1415, after the infamous Battle of Agincourt, in which dogs fought along with their owners and were ready to give their lives for the British crown. The deceased pet of Sir Pierce Lee, owner of the Lime Hall estate, at the behest of King Henry IV, was given the same military honors as her master. Later the line of her descendants became one of the three main nurseries in Great Britain. In addition, the Gattons family and the Duke of Devonshire were engaged in the selection of mastiffs after the 18th century. Until 1835, the main purpose of the breed was animal persecution, in particular, dogs fought with bears and successfully overpowered them.
But with the release of the royal ban on this type of entertainment, the English mastiffs turned more into decorative favorites, there was a degeneration and almost complete disappearance of the livestock.

New story
Modern English mastiffs bear little resemblance to their distant ancestors. Their disappearance has led to a new surge of breeders' interest in this lost British treasure. When restoring the breed, the blood of the following types of dogs was used:
- American and Alpine Mastiffs;

- medelyany;

- St. Bernards;

- Danish mastiffs;

- Newfoundlands;

- bullmastiffs.

The first dog of the modern breed type was exhibited in 1873. Thanks to the efforts of the club, which united lovers of the Old English Mastiff, the animal acquired a noble appearance and retained the recognizable features of molossians. Male Tauras from the Nanbury kennel, who participated in the show, became its winner. But the ancestor of the modern English mastiff is considered to be his descendant named Cron Prince. In the future, dogs born in this line repeatedly became champions, winners of exhibitions.

By 1906, a new stock of English Mastiffs required the creation of a standard to match the change in phenotype. Long-haired, spotted, black and gray animals began to be discarded. Throughout the 20th century, the breed's population remained very insignificant; after the Second World War, it was completely preserved mainly in the United States.
Today, the number of livestock is not threatened, and the popularity of the English Mastiffs around the world is quite high.

The main characteristic of the English Mastiff breed is its massiveness and large size. The modern population of dogs looks massive, but proportionate, without excess dampness of the skeleton. The maximum weight of one of the largest dogs reaches 130 kg. But on average, a male dog weighs from 68 to 113 kg with a height of 76 cm at the withers. The sizes of females are less impressive - 54–91 kg and up to 70 cm in height.

The main emphasis in the external appearance of the English Mastiff falls on the head - it looks voluminous, with sharp angles.The ratio of width to length according to the standard is 2: 3. Dogs have a strong, elongated body, well-developed body musculature with a pronounced relief. The limbs of the animal are strong, straight, widely spaced. The coat should be short, without thinning in the area of the shoulder blades, back, neck, shiny, close to the body. Black is allowed only in the mask on the face and ears. The rest of the body and head should be painted in a fawn, light, silver or dark version of the deer color, apricot shades. Especially popular is the English tiger mastiff, which has pronounced stripes on the body.

In addition, for dogs of this breed, the standard establishes the following characteristics:
- deep and wide chest - its contours should be well defined, the bottom edge reaches or goes under the elbows;
- tail with a moderately high set - at the base it is thickened, tapering towards the tip; the tail should reach the hock in length; when excited, it rises above the level of the back;
- the neck is rather long, well developed, a slight bend is characteristic of the breed, the neck muscles are well developed;
- ears of compact size with a high and wide set - their thickness is small, in a calm state the lower edge is located on the cheeks;
- well developed jaws with a pincer bite or characteristic undershot; the canines are powerful, the enamel of the teeth is white;
- eyes of a hazel or dark hazel shade, with a wide set, small size, dark pigmented outline, the third eyelid is considered a tribal marriage.

Important! Life expectancy of English mastiffs is about 10 years, but with proper care and good genetics, this limit reaches 13-17 years.
The character of the English Mastiff is distinguished by a truly English equanimity. Dogs are moderately aggressive towards strangers, do not show significant physical activity. They are intellectually developed, with proper education they master the main course of training. Mastiffs are very friendly to the owner, do not tolerate loneliness, rarely and bark little. Unlike their ancient ancestors, modern molossians from Britain have a balanced, completely non-aggressive character.
They are considered one of the most loyal pets and are very popular in the USA and Europe.

Even at a very young age, these dogs are characterized by gravity, unhurried movement. The phlegm of the animal is only apparent - giant dogs are very friendly to people, strongly attached to the owner's family and are ready to protect it from any threats. The manifestation of tender feelings can lead to very unexpected consequences. Dogs often forget about their large size and strive to climb to the owner's lap. With a weight of 70 kg, the English Mastiff becomes a very serious burden. That is why it is worth weaning him from such an obvious manifestation of feelings from childhood.

Mastiffs only do well with enough attention. It is recommended to start them in a large family, where the dog will receive ample attention. Staying alone for long periods of time can be a serious problem for a bored giant. He will not bark and howl, but it may well cause serious damage to property. There is no need to worry on a walk - English Mastiffs are not prone to escapes and always return to their owner.

Protective instincts and a sense of their own territory in dogs of this breed are very well developed. Animals jealously defend their territory, distrustful of strangers. But they do not get along very well with other pets, they can show jealousy. However, a well-bred dog is able to come to terms even with the existence of a cat on the same territory. English Mastiffs are a bad decision for a family with small children. Even a puppy is large enough to accidentally drop or push a child.It is even more difficult for a large molossus to maneuver in a house or apartment; all family members will experience inconvenience here.

How to choose a puppy?
Before you study the characteristics of Mastiff puppies, be sure to consider that this dog will need good housing conditions. The animal must have freedom of movement, receive regular physical activity. In general, the need for physical activity is not too high, English Mastiffs are well suited for people with a sedentary lifestyle. It's better to forget about playing frisbee, agility or running a pet after a bike. A distinctive feature of dogs is the abundant secretion of saliva, they are sloppy in their food, and snore during sleep.
You will have to come to terms with this already at a very young age of the pet.

As for the direct choice of an English Mastiff baby, it is worth considering a number of recommendations from experienced breeders.
- It is worth choosing a future pet in an official nursery. It is necessary to pay attention to the pedigree, especially if it is planned to exhibit the dog in the future, to use it in breeding. A big plus will be the descent from American manufacturers.
- The nature of a dog that is genetically dominant is of great importance. In a family with children, it is better to choose a kid with the most docile, gentle disposition. But a timid animal should not be got - such a puppy is considered a breeding marriage.
- If there are already other animals in the house, it is worth taking an English Mastiff of the opposite sex. In addition, the breeder himself must have experience in keeping large dogs, otherwise behavioral problems will be inevitable.
- The optimal age for weaning a puppy from its mother is 1.5–3 months. During this period, he is socialized enough to acquire an owner.
- Visual inspection before buying a puppy is required. The future pet should not have obvious defects and developmental defects. The state of health also matters. A dry nose, dull hair, discharge from the eyes are a reason to refuse a purchase. It's good if you can see the parents of the puppies, get a certificate of the vaccination.

Important! If we are not talking about exhibition activities, you can purchase an English Mastiff with small breed defects. For breeding, only dogs are purchased that fully comply with the standard, with a good pedigree and titled parents.

Organizing the right diet is essential to raising English Mastiffs. From childhood, a large animal requires a fairly high-calorie, at the same time balanced food. The best choice is a premium ready-to-eat diet. It should be chosen among giant breed foods from leading European manufacturers and taking into account the age of the pet.
Natural food is also suitable for English Mastiffs, but with certain restrictions. The dog needs a full supply of vitamins and mineral supplements. It is important to remember that combining different types of feed is unacceptable. This is harmful to the animal's health and can lead to disruption of the digestive tract.

The frequency of feeding should take into account the age characteristics of the animals, namely:
- from 1 to 4 months, puppies receive food 5 times a day;
- up to six months, meals should be four times a day;
- up to one year old mastiffs are fed breakfast, lunch and dinner;
- an adult animal needs to eat twice a day.

A number of foods should be eliminated from the dog's diet. So, upon reaching 4 months, English mastiffs should not receive milk. Any foods high in carbohydrates, fatty meat (lamb, pork), spicy dishes, tubular bones, river fish are prohibited. Any sweets, smoked meats, legumes are excluded. You need to water the dog regularly, changing the water in the bowl daily. Unboiled bottled products are the best choice. Its mineral composition has the best effect on the health of the dog.

When keeping an English Mastiff, caring for a dog is not difficult. Short-haired animals only need regular brushing - about 2-3 times a month. During the molting period, hygiene procedures should be repeated more often. A brush with natural stiff bristles is used as a care product. The use of a slicker is contraindicated for dogs of this breed; gloves with a silicone coating in the form of spikes are also not suitable. Processing with suede or velvet fabric will help to add wool gloss.
Bathing your pets often is also not recommended. If the dog is not in contact with strong sources of contamination, it is sufficient to use dry shampoos in sprays altogether to remove grease and dust. When bathing the dog completely, it is necessary to use specialized shampoos intended for animals.
After bathing, the mastiff needs warmth, drafts provoke colds that are dangerous for the pet.

The absence of the need for frequent washing does not at all cancel out other hygienic procedures. The wrinkling of the muzzle of the English Mastiff requires special attention. Food debris, sweat and fat can be deposited inside the wrinkles. To avoid the development of inflammatory processes, it is imperative to wipe all folds daily with a damp cloth or hypoallergenic sanitary napkins.
After being outdoors, the dog's ears should also be examined. Their inner part should be regularly wiped with a cotton swab dipped in a boric acid solution. The eyes are cleansed daily, from the inner corner of the eye, the accumulating lumps of secretions are washed out with a damp cotton disc, a moistened tea solution or a decoction of chamomile.
If the discharge from the eyes and ears changes the smell, character and abundance, you should definitely seek the services of a veterinarian to determine the cause of the problem.

The large teeth of the English Mastiff require weekly brushing. Due to the malocclusion characteristic of the breed, the risk of caries development is significantly higher than that of other representatives of the canine world. It is worth noting that the enamel processing is carried out using a special paste and a brush or a nozzle on the finger. Particular attention should be paid to the back teeth - to facilitate the process, the animal should be taught to the procedure from puppyhood. Grinding the claws also requires attention. If the dog's length remains quite large, artificial shortening of the stratum corneum should be performed using special pruning shears, developed taking into account the breed of the animal. Since the English mastiffs are not distinguished by their love of long walks, you should not count on the natural grinding of the claw.

Education and training
Like most giant breeds, the English Mastiffs have a long childhood period. Large dimensions are deceiving - the dog will be capricious, naughty, ruin things. Prolonged growing up should not be taken as an excuse to postpone the upbringing of an animal. The breed tends to dominate, to demonstrate its leadership traits. That is why in training from the very first day you will have to show a certain firmness. The suppression of attempts to intercept the right of leadership should be carried out exclusively in a peaceful manner, without aggression. English mastiffs should not be beaten or infringed upon their dignity.
The dog should know its place in the house, but at the same time remain a loved pet, receiving the amount of attention and care it needs.

Success in training is highly dependent on the character traits, intelligence of a particular animal. Many mastiffs learn new commands easily and with pleasure, demonstrate tricks. But every dog must undergo a basic course of obedience - without it, it will be simply impossible to cope with a pet.Very important attention in the study should be paid to the encouragement of the animal while learning new commands. The English giants are well aware of the value of the delicacy and willingly work hard to get it.

Mastiffs are a breed that needs strict adherence to the daily routine. Classes are recommended to be held in the afternoon, before dinner and rest. In this case, the dog retains sufficient mood and concentration. The recommended training duration is at least 60 minutes. It is recommended to start classes by repeating the material covered.
You should not force the animal to follow commands just for the sake of entertainment - the pet perfectly distinguishes training from those moments when it is not necessary to follow the orders of the owner.

Characteristics of the English Mastiff breed in the video below.