Azawak: description of dog breed, temperament and basics of care

A dog is a unique animal that has been walking alongside a person for several centuries. These animals have become for their owners not only guards and assistants in the hunt, but also true and loyal friends who are ready, at the cost of their own lives, to protect the owner from the impending threat. The high demand and popularity of dogs has led to the emergence of a huge number of breeds that differ in size, color, character traits and way of keeping.
The oversaturation of this market has led to the fact that many dog breeders no longer want to acquire the well-known species that can be seen in every yard. Buyers are more and more interested in exotic animals that can surprise guests and emphasize the status of the family. One of the rare and very expensive breeds is the African greyhound.which certainly deserves the attention of all dog lovers.

Azawak belongs to African greyhound dog breeds, which for many hundreds of years have been faithful helpers to the inhabitants of the African tropical savannah. The roots of the origin of this breed go back several centuries during the life of ancient African tribes., information about which has practically not reached our days. Thanks to the long and painstaking work of archaeologists, historians were able to collect bit by bit the initial information about the Azawak and make a general description of the breed.
The homeland of a hardy, intelligent and fast animal is the border area between the Sahara Desert and Sudan - the Sahel semi-desert.For the nomadic tribes of this region, the dog has become not only a faithful friend and symbol of prosperity, but also an assistant in hunting and protecting the territory. Due to the difficult climatic conditions of the region, the breed and the impossibility of leaving more than 2 puppies from one litter, the breed was not popular and numerous. The following factors also had a negative impact on the number:
- difficulties in grocery supply;
- the presence of dangerous and poisonous reptiles and insects;
- aggressive behavior of desert predators.

Only in 1980, French travelers brought several Aboriginal puppies to European territory, which immediately won the attention of professional dog handlers. A year later, the African greyhound received official recognition from the International Cynological Association. Since 1990, breeders have begun to actively work to increase the number of Azawakhs and their distribution around the world. The maximum height of an adult animal is 75 cm, and the weight can reach up to 30 kg. A fast animal is capable of moving speeds of up to 60 km per hour.
A distinctive feature of the African animal is straight skeletal lines. The skull has a long, narrow and flat shape with a powerful and developed jaw and unexpressed superciliary arches. The eyeballs are almond-shaped. The high and muscular rib cage is small in width, but considerably elongated in height. A low-set, medium-length ponytail adorned with a white tassel at the end.

Long and thin limbs have a well-developed muscular system. Round paws have tightly fitting toes. The pads are pigmented. This breed does not have an established color standard, so dogs can be of any color, but the most common colors range from beige to reddish brown. On thin and close-fitting skin, there is practically no hair.
The movement of a graceful and fast animal should always be smooth, soft and springy.

Breed defects are the following:
- light shade of eyeballs;
- coarse and long coat;
- non-compliance with height and weight standards;
- lack of a white spot on the paws.
The puberty of an animal occurs at the age of two years. It is during this period that experts recommend starting the mating process. The gestation period is 2.5 months. The average number of puppies in one litter is 4.

In comfortable living conditions and with a balanced diet, the animal will be able to delight the owners for more than 13 years. The following diseases can significantly reduce the life span of this breed:
- cataract;
- retinal pathology;
- disease of the musculoskeletal system;
- diseases of the heart and circulatory system;
- epilepsy;
- inflammation of the digestive system.
When the first signs of the disease appear, you must immediately contact a medical institution and not start treatment with alternative methods that can worsen the pet's condition.
Novice dog breeders should take into account that the dogs tolerate all medical procedures very easily and painlessly, so the treatment process will take place without any particular difficulties. Timely vaccination will help prolong the life of the animal. This procedure can prevent the occurrence of the following diseases:
- plague;
- enteritis;
- parainfluenza;
- hepatitis;
- coronavirus;
- trichophytosis;
- leptospirosis;
- rabies.

Advantages and disadvantages
Like any other animal, the Azawakh has its pros and cons that you need to study carefully before buying a pet. The advantages are as follows:
- unpretentiousness;
- high level of resistance to high temperatures;
- graceful and exotic appearance;
- devotion;
- well-developed hunting and guarding instincts;
- lack of fear of an opponent;
- sensitive hearing;
- independent decision making;
- lack of unreasonable aggression;
- good-natured and calm character;
- painless perception of loneliness;
- independent search for entertainment.

The following disadvantages are worth noting:
- the inability to keep in city apartments;
- fragility;
- sonorous barking;
- the presence of a constant desire to dig holes;
- excessive independence;
- wayward character;
- intolerance to noise and fuss;
- difficult and lengthy adaptation in a new home;
- the presence of a constant desire to be a leader;
- high price range;
- intolerance to dampness and cold;
- difficulty in acquiring.

Character traits
Azawakh has a bold and independent character. A wayward and loyal pet will carry out the commands of only a strong owner, whose energy will prevail over the dog's, but the dog will keep warm and friendly relations with all family members. An intelligent and attentive animal unmistakably defines its possession and becomes a reliable guardian of even large territories.
The African dog does not need the constant attention of its owner, he is completely focused on his inner world and can independently come up with interesting and exciting activities. Owners can find it easy to find entertainment for their pet.

This breed belongs to the restrained and unemotional species, which very rarely show external love for the owner. Dogs express their good relationship by loyalty and clear execution of commands. Cowardice and fear are unusual for an animal. Having a fragile physique, the four-legged friend, without hesitation, will rush to defend its owner and the protected area. In the event of a significant superiority of the enemy's forces, the pet will bark loudly until the owners pay attention to the threat.

A self-sufficient pet with a difficult inner world has a negative attitude towards the unceremonious behavior of young children, who can often afford an incorrect attitude. The noise and screaming of babies can throw a pet out of emotional balance and provoke its aggression and inappropriate behavior. The animal will never share its things and will negatively perceive the encroachment on its personal space.
It is difficult for the Azawakh to find a common language with other animals, constantly trying to occupy dominant positions and always be the leader of the pack. Some owners manage to make friends with a pet cat, but this does not mean at all that the dog will behave loyally with other representatives of the feline.

Content rules
Before purchasing a lively and energetic African animal, novice dog breeders should understand that this breed is not intended for city apartments. The animal will become a hostage of cramped concrete boxes, which will not allow it to move freely as in the endless expanses of the savannah. Residents of cold regions must also refuse to buy this breed.

A heat-loving pet will not only feel uncomfortable at low temperatures, but will also acquire chronic colds. The dog will feel more comfortable in a country house with a large backyard area. The pet has a negative attitude towards enclosures and chains, it must be able to move freely around the site. Several times a week, the pet must be taken out of town, so that it can spend the maximum amount of energy in an open space.
In urban settings, owners should take their pet to fresh air at least twice a day.

The presence of sandy soil in the dog's homeland led to the animal's constant desire to dig holes. Hundreds of years later, this habit remains relevant. Even in the conditions of other climatic zones, the dogs make trenches and holes all the time.If the Azawakh does not have such an opportunity, he begins to spoil the interior items and tear up the upholstered furniture.
Keeping this breed will require a minimum amount of care from the owners. You can comb a short-haired animal no more than once a week. The process of changing the coat is almost imperceptible for the owners and does not require additional combing and regular cleaning of the pet's habitat. The African greyhound has a very negative attitude towards water procedures, which must be carried out extremely carefully and only when necessary. The desert dweller not only does not like to swim, but he also does not want to go out in the rain.
Important! Do not forget about regular examination of the eyes, ears and nasal passages, which, if necessary, must be cleaned of dirt and mucus with special cotton swabs or discs.

What to feed?
Azawak is not only an unpretentious animal in terms of keeping, but also feeding. This breed will be happy to eat both ready-made feed and natural products. The main condition for feeding is a balanced diet and a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals. Before buying ready-made feed mixtures, owners should give preference to high-quality formulations that do not contain stabilizers, preservatives and dyes. The use of cheap feed can negatively affect the health of the pet and provoke the development of dangerous diseases.
When choosing to feed with natural products, the following ingredients should be preferred:
- meat;
- a fish;
- offal;
- cottage cheese;
- kefir;
- vegetables;
- porridge;
- greens.
Important! It is strictly forbidden to feed pets with fried, salted and smoked foods, mayonnaise, sauce, canned goods, chocolate, baked goods, vitamins for animals, citrus fruits and food from the master's table.

To maintain a stable level of vitamin and mineral balance, experienced dog breeders recommend using special vitamin supplements for animals. Some inexperienced dog breeders try to fatten a thin pet, in which sometimes you can even see ribs. Cynologists categorically forbid to engage in this event and not to change the genetic feature of the breed.
Clean and fresh water should always be freely available for the animal, which will prevent dehydration of the body, especially in the summer. After each meal, all bowls must be thoroughly washed and dried.
It is strictly forbidden to leave old food in containers, the use of which can provoke food poisoning.

In order to raise not only a beautiful, but obedient and well-mannered animal, the owners should begin the process of education and training from the first days of the pet's stay in the house. If the owners do not pay enough attention to this event, the dog will grow up uncontrollable, wayward and inadequate. It will be almost impossible to correct the behavior of an adult animal. The training process should consist of a set of exercises, which should be different in terms of emotional and physical stress. Monotonous commands and tasks quickly discourage the pet from interest and desire to learn. Difficult exercises should be alternated with periods of play.
Dog handlers categorically prohibit the use of physical punishment, shouting and rudeness during training. These actions will provoke the animal's refusal to obey the owner in the future. Praise for a correctly executed command can be not only kind words, but also delicious delicacies and treats that will motivate the dog even more. The only trait that cannot be instilled in an Azawakh is its friendly attitude towards other animals. In any situation, the dog will always remain the leader and leader of the pack.
Owners who do not have experience in raising and training dogs should seek help and advice from a professional dog handler. Experts will not only give the necessary advice, but will also be able to educate your four-legged friend on their own.

For the characteristics of the breed, see below.