Barbet: appearance, character and care

Representatives of the barbet breed are also called French water dogs. They are real hunters who can easily feed a bird, regardless of whether it is on the ground or in the water. The owners celebrate the boundless loyalty, friendliness and mischievous disposition of their pets. Currently, the breed attracts athletic people who prefer to lead an active lifestyle.

Origin story
This breed is several centuries old, however, there are no official versions of its origin. The first mentions and images of dogs with such an appearance began to meet in the XIV century. There is speculation that barbets were once related to poodles., Portuguese water dogs and several other breeds, some of which have not survived to our times.

Experts believe that the name of the breed comes from the French word meaning "beard". It is impossible to reliably identify all of her genetic ancestors, but there is an opinion that the dogs were the result of crossing different breeds. By the end of the 19th century, barbet clubs began to form.
At the same time, dogs were presented not only at home, but also in other countries.
The first breed standard dates back to 1894. During the First and Second World Wars, it practically disappeared, but later it was possible to revive it. But even today, barbets are considered a rarity. All over the world, there are only about 600 individuals.

This breed is of medium size. The constitution of the barbets is quite strong.The growth of males should be from 58 to 65 centimeters, female - from 53 to 61 centimeters. Weight can reach 23 to 25 and 17 to 23 kilograms, respectively.

The barbets have a small head, a brown or black nose, round eyes with thick bangs hanging over them. The ears lie on the head, approximately at eye level. The neck is small, the tail does not curl. Legs are well muscled and straight.
The fur of these funny dogs attracts special attention. According to the standard, it should be tight, there are small curls all over the body. The coat of barbets can be either long or medium length. Most often, the length is influenced by the conditions in which the animal lives. Naturally shorthaired representatives of this breed do not exist.

Such a dog is not suitable for every owner. Her activity knows no boundaries. It will be difficult for a calm and measured person to cope with an active and mobile pet. The animal loves to play, delights in hunting, loves water very much. It needs to be started by owners who prefer to move a lot and will be happy with such a hyperactive companion.

Among the advantages of the breed can be noted the lack of aggressiveness, quick wits and the ability to give in to training, as well as an extremely friendly disposition.

However, dogs also have disadvantages. They are very difficult to get used to new living conditions, are quite noisy, have a clear voice and can bark for no reason. Besides, barbets are touchy.
This dog will be a great companion for children. She is patient, loves to play with small family members, but at the same time during the game she can start to play around and accidentally push the child, so parents need to be careful.
Relations with rodents and birds are quite tense - a well-developed hunting instinct makes itself felt, so such a neighborhood should be abandoned in order to avoid unpleasant consequences. Cats and their fellows are usually not considered prey and easily gets along with them.
Guards and watchmen from representatives of this breed turn out to be useless. The fault is the kind disposition and gullibility of the barbets. They are easy to deceive and win over. In addition, dogs do not know how to defend themselves and defend their owner.
They are very fond of guests, they can bark when strangers arrive, but they will immediately rush to them to make friends. Some remain for a fairly short time. Dogs need communication, they try not to stray far from their beloved owner.

Tips for choosing puppies
The first thing that experts recommend to pay attention to for people who decide to have puppies of this breed is hyperactivity. Such a pet is definitely not suitable for a calm and lazy person. The owner should take into account that this dog requires frequent and long walks. She will follow on the heels of family members, not allowing them to be alone. In this case, you will have to forget about the silence and measured life.

The original appearance and active behavior of the pet will attract the attention of strangers. The animal loves to show love and affection, loves to be stroked and communicated. If all this does not frighten the future owner, he should contact a specialized nursery and choose a puppy.

Since the breed is very rare, it would be a mistake to buy an animal from hands or from dubious breeders. There is a great chance to run into unscrupulous sellers and get a non-purebred pet. It should be borne in mind that the dog looks very much like the Spanish and Portuguese water well as the American or Irish spaniel.
The first contact is very important. The puppy should show interest in the future owner, communicate with him without fear, be trusting and benevolent.
The appearance of the pet should also be evaluated. A healthy baby is active, curious, moves a lot. Its coat looks well-groomed, there is no discharge from the nose and eyes.In this case, the owner can be sure that he is receiving a healthy dog.

Features of the content
As for the conditions of detention, there are usually no difficulties here. The pet is quite unpretentious, it will feel comfortable both in a city apartment and in an aviary where a warm booth is located. The main thing is to ensure regular physical activity.

It is not recommended to close barbets in an apartment or in an aviary for a long time. They need to move a lot, so they cannot do without long walks, training and games. Dogs will be happy to spend time with the owner-athlete. They can not only help in the hunt, but will also participate in sports games, such as canicross, flyball and the like.

It's great if the owner's day mode has time for jogging. The barbettes will greatly enjoy participating in this process. But it should also not be forgotten that it was no coincidence that they were called water dogs. If there is a body of water on the way, the dog will happily bathe in it. Dogs can take water procedures even in the cool season, as they have thick skin and thick hair, so they are not afraid of the cold.

How to care?
The wool of barbets practically does not cause allergies. In addition, they hardly shed. However, care is still required.
You need to comb out the wool weekly, otherwise it will get tangled in mats. Some dogs will need to carry out the procedure even more often, it all depends on the condition of the coat. And you also need to take into account that an active dog during a walk will collect a lot of debris, grass and leaves, which must be removed each time.

In dogs of this breed, wool grows all the time. They need to be cut regularly. This will not only improve the appearance of the dog, but also make it easier to care for.

Body hair should be about 8-10 centimeters long.
Every week you need to check the condition of your pet's ears and eyes and clean them if necessary. And also the doggies will need a claw cut as they grow back. If you follow these rules, your pet will always look good.

Usually, there are no problems with the nutrition of the barbet. They are completely picky. The type of food can be anything, it all depends on the preferences of the owner. The dog will be happy to eat both dry food and natural products.
When it comes to natural nutrition, it is better to consult with a specialist to ensure that all the necessary nutrients and vitamins are present in the diet. If the dog is too active, it can be given slightly larger portions. And also more satisfying it needs to be fed in the winter and hunting season. If food is organized correctly, your pet will feel great and look good.

Health and longevity
The genetics of these dogs are quite safe, therefore they are distinguished by good health. However, joint problems sometimes appear. Another weak point is the eyes. To exclude retinal atrophy, you will need to observe the dog with specialists and take the necessary tests on time.
Very rarely, but it happens that barbets are worried about allergic reactions. If you do not properly care for your ears, there is a risk of otitis media. In addition, one should not forget about the prevention of possible diseases. The doggie will need to be given the necessary vaccinations, treated against parasites.

A healthy dog lives on average for about 10 years.
Features of training
These dogs are very smart and quick-witted, so it is not difficult for them to memorize commands. Barbettes are exceptionally obedient, often winners of exhibitions and marathons. However, training itself is a rather difficult process that requires unlimited patience from the owner.

Difficulties do not arise because the barbets are stupid or stubborn. They are too active, so they cannot sit still. Dogs love praise, so if you complete a task, you can't skimp on it. And you will also need goodies to reward.

However, the most important thing is a relationship of trust with the owner and mutual affection.
For information on how to train a barbet, see the video below.