White pit bulls: description and content

Strong and hardy American Pit Bull Terriers (Pit Bulls) have long won the love and respect of breeders around the world. Intimidating in appearance, pets are excellent guards and loyal friends. There are pit bulls of brindle, spotted and monochromatic colors. The breeders' particular interest was won by pit bulls with white hair.
About breed
American Pit Bulls were bred in the United States by crossing a Staffordshire Terrier and a Bulldog. Strong hardy dogs were used as helpers for farmers. And also pit bulls guarded livestock. But the main purpose of strong dogs was to participate in battles. This caused a negative attitude towards the representatives of this breed. In some countries, American pit bulls are considered dangerous to society.
Today fighting dogs are very popular with Russian breeders. They are brave defenders and loyal friends. With proper upbringing, American pit bulls show aggression only when they feel danger.

The appearance of the American pit bull is quite intimidating. The dog is distinguished by a muscular strong body and a wide chest. And also the distinctive features of the breed include:
- massive rectangular head;
- powerful jaws - pit bulls are known for their "death" grip;
- protruding ears, they are cropped at a puppy age;
- almond-shaped eyes, color depends on color;
- strong limbs;
- short dense tail;
- hard, shiny coat.
Note that the American pit bull, despite its good health and endurance, is not suitable for "street" life, as it does not have an undercoat. Dogs grow up to 50-53 cm, and their weight ranges from 25 to 28 kg. Girls are more graceful than males and have a more docile disposition.

Consider the features of white-haired pit bulls.
American Pit Bulls are short-haired dogs. The breed standard implies several color options.
- Solid or plain. These include brown, brown, black, red and white.
- Tiger. The animal's coat has a basic fur tone (white, black or chocolate), which is "decorated" with stripes of dark color.
- Spotted. This combination is represented by a light shade of wool with red, black or gray markings.

As for the white color, it is quite rare. This feature undoubtedly increases the value of puppies with snow-white coats. Babies give birth completely white, only the muzzle is "painted" black. And there are also varieties of this color: with a cream or grayish tint. In addition, the spotted color of the coat, where a light tone prevails, belongs to the white color.
The white pit bull is a beautiful and effective pet.

Fighting dog requires tolerance and perseverance from the owner. They begin to educate and train puppies from the first days of their appearance in the house. American Pit Bulls are curious and playful pets. However, do not leave them alone with young children. From a year and a half, the psyche of dogs is rather unstable. The process of training pit bulls is difficult and long. The dogs show tenacity. Nevertheless, with a competent approach, a pit bull puppy grows into an excellent companion and a brave defender.
Representatives of this breed are walked in a muzzle, since they are inherent in aggression towards other animals. Four-legged pets do not favor cats and dogs of decorative breeds. Pit bulls are also aggressive towards strangers. Excessive attention to the dog can end in failure. Pit bulls are capable of inflicting mortal wounds on suspicious individuals.

From the first days of the appearance in the house of an American Pit Bull puppy to the breeder you need to purchase:
- a stable, sturdy bowl;
- mattress with removable pillowcases;
- leash (short and elongated);
- collar;
- clipper;
- set of toys.
As it grows up, the dog is taught to muzzle. This is a necessary "accessory" for the representatives of this breed. Careful grooming is required for white coats. After each walk, the pet can be wiped with a damp towel. Bathe the dog as it gets dirty (no more than three times a year). With frequent washing with special products, the protective layer "leaves" the dog's skin. It is also important to monitor the condition of the ears, eyes and teeth of the pit bull.
A cocky and playful dog is often injured while walking. Wounds should be treated with an antiseptic immediately. American pit bulls are thermophilic animals. Their place in the house should be secluded and without drafts. In winter, special clothing for walking is purchased for the dogs.

Outdoor games are very important for this breed. The dog needs to be walked 2 times a day. Pit bulls love to play with the ball and chase the stick.
Naturally, pets have an excellent appetite. The diet of a pit bull terrier includes:
- lean meat (veal, turkey and rabbit);
- cartilage products (ears, tails);
- cottage cheese, kefir and fermented baked milk;
- porridge (buckwheat, oatmeal and rice).
In order for the bones of the animal to be strong and the wool to be shiny, vitamin complexes are added to its diet. When it comes to industrial feed, premium or super premium products are suitable for American pit bulls.

For the characteristics of the breed, see below.