Overview of white fluffy dogs

The beauty and elegance of white dogs always attracts attention. Large and small, fluffy and not very much leave no one indifferent, causing the desire to touch the silk freshness of smooth wool or to bury your hands in thick snow-white fur. For those looking to acquire a pet the color of freshly fallen snow, there are many options. You can choose a decorative dog for prestige and decoration, or you can pick up a faithful friend who will accompany you not only on walks, but also on hunting or fishing, and be a reliable guard.

Popular breeds
Most admired by dogs with thick long hair, regardless of size.

Bichon Frize
Snow-white small dogs from a group of lapdogs originally from France. Owners bring these dogs to participate in exhibitions or as a companion. The size of adults reaches a maximum of only 30 cm in height and length, and weighs no more than 5 kg. The special pride of the dog is its long-haired, thick and wavy coat. The length of the coat reaches 100 mm. It is soft and silky to the touch. The color in adults is only white, but in puppies the presence of rusty spots is permissible, which disappear with age. The character of the Bichon Frize is good-natured and playful. The dog quickly finds a common language with all household members and is easy to train. Despite its small size, the dog is notable for its courage.

For the health of the little hero, daily long walks in the fresh air are necessary.
The lap dog, originally from the island of Malta, is called maltese and has a thick, long, snow-white coat. Adult dogs reach 25 cm at the withers in males and 23 cm in females. These are the maximum growth boundaries, while the minimum are 21 cm and 20 cm, respectively.The weight of a healthy dog ranges from 3-4 kg, but according to the standards of the American Kennel Club, the ideal weight should be in the range of 1.8-2.7 kg. The lapdog's coat is straight, silky, forming a continuous cover from head to tail without the formation of locks or curls. The length of the hairline reaches the floor. Maltese have the purest white coat, but a slight shade of ivory is permissible by breed standards. The character of the dog is very good-natured. She loves her owners very much, gets along easily with children, is kind to other pets. He treats strangers with slight mistrust. Despite its small size, the dog has a brave heart.

But she does not tolerate loneliness, therefore, when leaving the apartment for a long time, it is better to take the pet with you.
Italian lapdog
Another small variety of white dogs, the Italian lapdog or bolognese, differs from its relatives in a shorter, thicker and shaggy coat. Bolognese is often confused with Bichon Frize, but these are completely different breeds. The cute playful companion is only 20-30 cm tall and weighs no more than 4 kg. The shape of the dog resembles a square. The coat is silky, long, with a thick undercoat. Cut the bolognese with scissors, opening the eyes and giving it the shape of a puff. The coloration is predominantly pure white or with pale ears. An active, intelligent and cheerful dog is rather distrustful of strangers and does not like to be in the spotlight. Unlike Bichon Frize or Maltese, Bolognese does not have unlimited courage, preferring to wait out the danger behind the back of the owner.

It is difficult to pass by and not pay attention to the cheerful fluffy ball rolling towards. The Pomeranian is one of the cutest creatures among dogs. A small, only 18 to 22 cm, live lump with a cunning fox face and thick cotton wool has a lively, playful character. The fidget spitz will never let the owner get bored, with pleasure playing any outdoor games for a long time. The Spitz is distinguished by stubbornness and a desire to dominate the pack, not yielding even to large dogs. Therefore, raising a puppy is very important. A properly raised dog will not cause any special problems, as it has devotion and respect for the owner. He will gladly carry out all the commands for the sake of approval.

It is impossible to say that there are only white Pomeranian Spitz, since according to breed standards, white is one of the allowed colors. But the beauty and catchiness of the white dog is worthy of mention among the white breeds.
Japanese spitz
A small white dog with a thick and long coat has a playful character and courage. In case of danger, the doggie bravely rushes to protect the owners. Thanks to its good-natured disposition, the dog gets along well with children and is suitable as a companion for the elderly. This breed has a developed territorial instinct and strong-willed character, so the dog will actively defend its territory and try to become a leader in the pack. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to raise a puppy from early childhood. Only in this case the pet will delight the owners with a cheerful disposition and obedience.

Coton de tulear
The miniature dog, originally from Madagascar, has a thick white coat that resembles cotton in structure, hence the name of the breed Coton de Tulear (literal translation "cotton from Tulear"). Another name - Madagascar Bichon - refers the dog to the group of lapdogs. Small, 26-28 cm tall and weighing 4-6 kg males (females are 3 cm lower and 0.5-1 kg lighter), first appeared in Europe in the second half of the last century. Until that moment, they lived only on the island, being the descendants of Maltese lapdogs and aboriginal dogs. By the time of its migration to Europe, the dog was on the verge of breed degeneration. Beautiful, similar to lapdogs, short-legged, rectangular in shape, the dogs are covered with long (6-8 cm), straight and soft fur.Although the color of the coat is predominantly white, the breed standards allow for small pale yellow spots near the ears. A slight waviness of the thick, delicate coat is also acceptable. By nature, coton de tulear are quick-witted, playful and obedient. They get along easily with children, they like to perform in public. But at the same time, they are wary of strangers, warning of their approach with a sonorous bark.

Those who decide to have such a dog should know that only natural products can be fed to cats.
West Highland White Terrier
A hunting dog breed bred in Scotland, the West Highland White Terrier has a semi-long, coarse white coat with a thick, very soft coat. West Highlands are very playful and good-natured. They are easy to train and know how to get along with others. To get a well-bred dog, obedience is taught from childhood., otherwise the dog will try to seize power, showing its leadership qualities. Since the breed was bred as a hunting breed, the Vestas are characterized by boundless courage, lively mind and ingenuity, which they actively use. The energy that accumulates in this small body (height is about 28 cm, weight is not more than 7-9 kg) requires daily active walks in the fresh air.

Miniature poodle
The poodle has recently become an ornamental dog. For a long time, dogs of this breed were used as hunting dogs for hunting waterfowl. Intelligent, active, with a sense of dignity, the dog is easily trained to perform in the circus arena, as well as to work as a customs or rescue and search. Dwarf individuals (28-35 cm tall) and miniature (24-28 cm) are used mainly as companion dogs. White poodle puppies have a cream-colored down coat, which turns white as they mature and becomes covered with elastic curls.

Hungarian kuvasz
A herding dog originally from Hungary is a representative of the shepherd group. A large animal with a height of 71-76 cm in males and 66-70 cm in females has a thick, semi-rigid coat with a thick soft undercoat. The length of the coat on the body is from 4 to 12 cm, on the head, underbelly and paws is 1-2 cm, and on the tail up to 15 cm. The coat of the dog is very wavy, prone to the formation of tangles. Acceptable color is white or faded ivory. Kuvasses are distinguished by their trustfulness to their owners and lively character. They are brave, infinitely loyal to the owner and his family, but in case of frequent mistreatment, they can react negatively. They are used as guards, shepherds and as sports dogs.

It is important to know: it is better to entrust the education of kuvasz to a specialist, especially if the owner has no experience in training such dogs.
Pyrenean mountain dog
Another snow-white representative of large long-haired dogs is the Pyrenean mountain dog. The homeland of the Pyrenees is France, its mountainous part, where for many centuries the representatives of this breed have served as herding or guard dogs. Over the centuries of selection, mountain dogs have gained sufficient independence in judgment and the ability to act independently, without waiting for the owner's command. Therefore, the training of a dog should be dealt with by experienced dog handlers who know how to raise an obedient dog without the use of cruel measures. Otherwise, the dog will try to take a leading position, which will be difficult for an inexperienced dog breeder to cope with. The reason for this is the serious size of an adult dog:
- males with a height of 0.7-0.8 m;
- bitches - 0.65-0.75 m.

The coat of dogs is long, thick with a rich undercoat. The permitted color is white or with gray or yellowish spots.
Samoyed dog
The beauty of the Samoyed Laika is recognized by everyone. A long fluffy white coat allows the animal to withstand severe northern frosts. Heat retention is provided by a thick, short, very soft undercoat and a long, semi-coarse and straight coat.By breed standards, in addition to pure white, cream and white with biscuit spots are acceptable, but not pale brown. Samoyed puppies look very cute, outwardly resembling teddy bears. But, despite the cute appearance, the Samoyed's character is stubborn. Dogs do not differ in special obedience, tend to make their own decisions, but at the same time they are good-natured, affectionate towards children and retain a playful character until a ripe old age.

American eskimo dog
She can be considered a relative of the Samoyed Laika. She is also a descendant of a white German Spitz. The American Eskimo is a dog with many talents. She is easy to learn, always cheerful, easily gets along with children, but at the same time she is a good companion, reliable guard and loyal friend. The range of sizes for the Eskimo Spitz is quite wide: adults can be 23 to 48 cm tall and weigh from 2.7 to 16 kg. The color of the fur coat can be pure white, or have a creamy shade.

White swiss shepherd
Little known in Russia, the white Swiss or American-Canadian shepherd belongs to herding dogs. Elegant, medium height (58-66 cm - male, 53-61 cm - female), non-aggressive dog attracts dog breeders with a good-natured character, boundless devotion, unpretentiousness and liveliness. The dog is emotionally attached to its owners, it needs a feeling of family warmth and its own need. There are two types of "Swiss": long-haired and short-haired. Both subspecies are undemanding in maintenance and care.

Maremma Abruzzo Shepherd
The Maremma-Abruzzo Sheepdog is a native of Maremma and Abruzzo, two regions of Italy. The snow-white dog, which looks like a retriever, is used as a shepherd or watchman. Large and strong dogs are distinguished by a calm, independent character and do not need the constant presence of the owner, easily enduring long separations. In addition to white, animals with a lemon, light red or pale beige shade of a fur coat are allowed.

South Russian Shepherd
An ancient breed of shepherd dogs - the South Russian Shepherd Dog - has a thick curly coat with a rich undercoat. The coat is rough to the touch. The length of the hair is the same throughout the body and at least 10 cm. Dogs can be white, gray-white, fawn, white with spots, pale-piebald and gray of various shades. The character of the South Russian Shepherd Dog is quite severe. This is a dog of one owner, to whom she will obey unquestioningly. The dog considers the family of the owner to be his flock and will protect against the threat even at the cost of his life.

South Russian Shepherd Dogs are quite aggressive, so you need to take a dog into the house at a very young age and take a responsible approach to its upbringing.
Hungarian shepherd
If you come to visit and see in the corner or on the sofa a large armful of thick threads resembling a mop, then do not rush to condemn the owners for the mess and do not try to shove this stuff on the floor yourself. One of the most reliable guard dogs, the Hungarian Shepherd Dog, or Komondor, has such a picturesque appearance. The characteristic feature of a large dog, from 0.7 m in height and 50-60 kg in weight, is a long white hair, twisted in strands. The total weight of an adult dog's fur coat can reach 7 kg, and the number of cords is 2000 pieces. The adult has no undercoat. Loose hair remains in the cords, which are never combed, providing reliable protection against teeth and claws. Small Hungarian Shepherd puppies have a silky soft coat with a down that completely falls out by the age of two. By this time, the puppy's coat begins to curl and form separate strands, which later curl up into cords.

The character of the Hungarian Shepherd is calm. Dogs are quite good-natured and obedient, but they can make independent decisions.
How to choose?
Before purchasing a purebred dog, you need to check with the seller for the pedigree, metrics and veterinary passport.These documents will be extremely necessary if in the future it is planned to participate in exhibitions or obtain offspring. It is advisable to familiarize yourself with the pedigree and health status of the puppy's parents in order to determine the predisposition and presence of genetic diseases, but first of all it is worth familiarizing yourself with the peculiarity of the character of the chosen breed of dog, the conditions of keeping, nutrition and upbringing.

How to care?
Long-haired white dogs require regular brushing to avoid tangles and tangles. This applies to all breeds, except for the adult Hungarian Shepherd, the cords of which must be separated from time to time among themselves, without combing individual strands... Decorative dogs are bathed up to 3 times a month, large working dogs can be bathed once a year. Hair and nails are trimmed as needed. Show dogs require more attention and grooming, while simple pets need more routine hygiene.
For information on how to care for white fluffy dogs, see the next video.