Pros and cons of the beagle breed

Beagle is one of the breeds of hunting dogs, which is characterized by mobility, mischievous disposition, and a well-developed scent. They are curious animals with a light, friendly, but purposeful character.

Characteristics of the breed
The old hunting dog breed called the Beagle is today one of the most popular in the world. British scientists were engaged in breeding such pets, for this reason the dog has English roots. Beagle is a small animal, has a strong constitution and height from 33 to 38 centimeters... The head of a representative of this breed is characterized by massive, domed shape, but at the same time not rough outlines.
The muzzle is not pointed, there are no folds or wrinkles on it. The nose is black in color, the lips stick out a little and sag a little. The eyes of this breed are usually black or hazel. Like other hunting dogs, the beagle has an elongated neck that helps the animal to follow the tracks. The ears of the pet are long, they are pressed against the cheekbones.

The animal is characterized by an athletic figure, short muscular limbs. The fur is dense, of short length, the same on all parts of the body. A feature of the breed is the tricolor coat. In coloring, the presence of black, red, white colors is mandatory, while the tail has a snow-white shade. The weight of a dog of this breed is about 11 kilograms, and a bitch - 10.
This pet has an excellent character, the animal always obeys its owner and obeys commands. Beagles love children, together with them dogs are ready to persistently explore the territory, play active games, run and jump tirelessly.
Joy and love of life simply emanate from this animal, it does not show aggression, so if you are a sad and depressed person, then the beagle is not a pet for you.

Features of the content
It is best to keep beagles in an aviary or in a fenced area. The pet prefers space and freedom of action. It is not worth getting such a dog if you are a tenant of an apartment in a multi-storey building, since this dog barks and howls quite loudly. The neighbors are likely to be unhappy with the constant noise coming from the animal.
The beagle is a clean creature, so care, although very simple, is necessary for him.
- Cleaning the coat with a damp cloth and combing out. Since the fur of the representatives of this breed is not long, it is enough to comb the pet once a week. More often it is worth carrying out this procedure during the dog's molting. Bathing is rarely required for dogs, it is advisable to do this only in case of urgent need and severe contamination of the coat. Bathing beagles is enough once a year, since their hairline is characterized by a repulsive function.
- Visual examination... Dogs' eyes are an indicator of their health. For the purpose of prevention, they are checked every other day. For these procedures, the owner should buy a special dog eye care product. In the presence of discharge, the organs of vision are wiped with a preparation applied to a cotton swab. If the animal has a dull look and constantly has eye problems, then it should be taken to the veterinarian.
- Examination and cleaning of the ears once a week. Due to the fact that the external organs of hearing are pressed against the cheekbones, they are poorly ventilated, so the animal may have problems associated with the ingress and development of bacteria. With timely examination and cleaning of the auricles, the risk of serious diseases of the beagle's ears can be avoided.
A representative of this breed does not need to trim the claws, they are rather short and grind off on their own. It is worth walking an active pet twice a day, while the time spent in the fresh air should be at least an hour. If the pet runs over and gets tired, it will behave more calmly indoors, which means it will be quiet in the house.

Beagle puppies, like adults, can eat dry food or homemade food. As soon as the baby is born, the owner will need to choose the type of food for the baby, since mixed feeding for purebred dogs is unacceptable. It is necessary to feed the puppy about 5 times a day, gradually reducing the number of meals. An adult dog should eat twice a day.
This pet has no food measures, so the owner must monitor his meals. Every day, a beagle who eats natural food should consume the following foods:
- lean meats;
- fish of marine species, from which bones were extracted;
- meat products and animal liver;
- pitted turkey;
- dairy and fermented milk products;
- fruits vegetables;
- porridge;
- boiled eggs.

It is forbidden to give your pet smoked meats, sweets, seasoned and too salty foods.
Also, do not give pork, and the meat is defrosted or poured over with boiling water before serving. In order for a dog to brush its teeth, it needs to be given bones or calf tails once a month.
If a purebred dog eats industrial food, then it is worth buying quality premium product. A separate line of this product is produced for puppies. If the animal has not finished eating dry food, then it is better to throw away the food that has stood for 120 minutes.

The activity of beagles indicates that everything is in order with their health. The owner must remember to regularly vaccinate his pet in order to protect him from dangerous ailments. The most common diseases of a hunting dog include:
- otitis media;
- eye diseases such as glaucoma, cataracts;
- epilepsy;
- diabetes;
- hepatitis;
- spinal disc disease;
- lymphosarcoma;
- dermatitis.
Ease of training such an animal should not be expected. The owner will need a lot of patience for the baby to learn how to carry out any commands. Dog breeders have noticed that the pet performs well for treats. Representatives of this breed can be used to search for living creatures on the trail. But the security qualities of the beagle are not at a high level, since he is very loyal to people. The cost of a puppy is about $ 400, and an adult pet can be bought 4 times more.

Advantages and disadvantages
The beagle hunting dog, like other representatives of the animal world, has its own advantages:
- friendly character, non-aggressive;
- endurance;
- attractive appearance;
- hunting skills, good scent.
There are not so many disadvantages of the animal, however, dog breeders note that such a pet cannot be unattended for a long time, otherwise it can ruin furniture and interior items. Also, the beagle is difficult to train, it can show cunning and stubbornness. Due to the excessive activity of animals of this breed, they should not be started by old people, lazy or busy people. The disadvantages can also include a high level of gullibility, this kid can leave with a stranger if he calls.

Pros of content:
- feels great both in an apartment and in a private house;
- the animal does not have abundant salivation and a specific smell;
- when shedding does not create hassle with cleaning and care, as it has short hair;
- is not picky about food.
There may be some difficulties in keeping beagles. The disadvantages of raising such a pet include its gluttony, which entails obesity and other health problems. Also, this dog barks loudly, and this may not please all neighbors.
The mobility of a hunting pet can create discomfort when walking, as the dog can get run over or run away.

The Beagle is a favorite breed of dog. The owners of these animals have already appreciated their activity, friendliness, love of life. Reviews of dog breeders indicate that with such a pet, no one will have time to be bored. The dog takes root well in the family and quickly finds a common language with all its members, including children. Also, the owners of beagles argue that the dog needs to be educated and trained from a young age, otherwise the pet's activity will become its big disadvantage.
This is a medium-sized breed of dogs, animals do not create difficulties in maintenance and care. From a hunting dog, a pet turns into a pet that you can have fun with.

In the next video you will find more information about the Beagle dog breed.