Description and maintenance of beagle puppies at 4 months

Playful and friendly, beagle dogs are immensely popular with breeders. Dogs belong to hounds, although their size is quite miniature. Beagle puppies already at 4 months acquire the features of an adult dog and begin to take an active interest in the world around them.

Beagles are classified as ancient English breeds. There is very little historical information about the appearance of miniature hunting dogs. Modern Beagles are active pets with short, thick hair and drooping ears. They have an excellent sense of smell and instantly memorize various commands. The distinctive features of the breed include:
- muscular strong body;
- short dense coat;
- a neat head (the muzzle should not be pointed);
- expressive eyes (brown);
- strong tail of medium length;
- strong limbs;
- ringing voice, lingering barking.

The beagle coat color looks very impressive. It matches the color of hounds, so the tip of the tail of the dogs is colored white. The most common color of this breed is tricolor. White, red and black areas adorn the dog's body. There are variations of this color. For example, shiny (many light shades) and scooped (the fur on the animal's back is predominantly dark in color). An adult dog weighs about 20 kg, and its height reaches 40 cm.
Bigley grows fast enough. Already by 4 months of life, the dog begins to appear indicators of the future exterior.

What does a puppy look like?
Beagle babies are born helpless and blind. Up to 3 months, they slowly adapt to the world around them and gradually get out of the maternal care. A four-month-old pet begins to actively study the owner's home and contact with household members. During this period, the dog grows up: the puppy acquires the features of its parents, and the coat gains a rich shade.
Its height reaches 40 cm, and its weight varies from 7 to 9 kg. Beagle boys are larger than girls. At the age of 3-4 months, the puppy changes its milk teeth to molars. This process ends by six months.

The first complementary food for puppies of this breed is food adapted for an immature digestive system. The menu consists of:
- raw lean meat;
- rice, buckwheat cereals;
- low-fat cottage cheese and kefir;
- fresh water.

From 4 months, the diet of a small pet becomes more varied. Meat entrails begin to give the puppy. From vegetable food in the beagle menu, cereals (buckwheat, rice and rolled oats), as well as greens should be present. The grown pet is allowed to eat fresh vegetables and fruits. Fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk and unleavened cheese) are also useful for him.

When it comes to industrial feed, high quality premium products are suitable for beagles. They are enriched with vitamin complexes and are well absorbed.
Puppies feed (4-6 months) 3 times a day.

Maintenance and care
Representatives of this breed at a "tender" age look like plush toys. Kids are very curious and prefer active games. However, as true English lords, the Beagles are distinguished by their wayward character. Puppies from 4-5 months show stubbornness... In this case the owner needs to be patient and calm. The kid should not be constantly punished, and even more so, physical force should not be used against him.
The upbringing process must be consistent and methodical.

With the right approach, a beagle puppy grows up to be a cheerful and friendly dog. The pet faithfully serves the owner and loves to play with small household members. Despite their diminutive stature, Beagles lead an active lifestyle and are suitable for athletes. They are ready to run and jump for hours in the fresh air without a hint of fatigue.

As for "relationships" with other pets, English dogs show aggression only towards small animals (hamsters, chinchillas and decorative rabbits). They are also not always friendly to cats, as they have the instincts of hunters. The females of this breed are docile and easily trainable. Males are more stubborn and wayward. Their upbringing must be dealt with from the first days of their appearance in the house.

The owner should take into account that the beagle, first of all, belongs to the hound breeds. In this regard, the pet needs long walks. The dog needs to "leave" all his energy outside the apartment. In addition, miniature animals have a good appetite and are prone to obesity.
Physical activity for beagles is vital, otherwise the pet's health will be in danger.

Naturally, like other dogs, beagles need hair care. The dog is combed out with a stiff brush 1-2 times a week. They bathe the pet as it gets dirty, using special shampoos, including dry ones. For this breed, they are especially relevant. Another important point for beagles is ear and eye hygiene. For cleaning the auricles, cotton swabs soaked in a special solution are suitable.
The eyes are the beagle's problem area. If a discharge appears, the owner must immediately show the pet to the veterinarian.

Interesting facts about beagle dogs can be found in the following video.