Beagle: breed description and care features

Beagle is not just a beautiful dog, but also a wonderful hunter. The ancient English breed is characterized by a mischievous and active character. They are smart, good-natured, mobile, and easily get along with other pets and children. Beagles have been in the top of the most popular breeds for many years and there are many reasons for this fact. Let's talk in more detail about the character traits of these animals, about the rules of nutrition and other nuances of their maintenance.

Origin story
Historical finds testify to a very ancient history of hunting dogs. Many objects with images of dogs resembling dachshunds, hounds and other human helpers have survived to this day. There is a version that the ancestors of modern hunting breeds came to European countries from Ancient Rome and Greece. When crossed with local dogs, the very Beagles appeared, which today conquer us with their positive character and hunting qualities.
Over time, English culture began to acquire more and more specific distinctive features, and at the same time, the breeding of purely English dog breeds began. The ancestors of the beagle, with their diminutiveness, were very convenient when hunting for hares, and their neat appearance fully corresponded to the strict tastes of aristocrats.
It is also important that the nobles participated in the hunt with whole families, so such mini-beagles could easily be carried away by the wives and children of the hunters.

The first official mention of the beagle breed dates back to 1475, and this name comes from the English word "small". However, the French dispute the British origin of the breed, considering this dog a native of their country.In support of this theory, they say that their language contains the word "Begueule", which means "tinned throat", and this expression is quite applicable to the vociferous beagle.
When, during the hunt, these dogs began to bark at the prey, the barks spread throughout the forest. At the same time, it was believed that this breed has a soft and not too shrill voice.
It is a known fact that Elizabeth I kept a whole pack of singing beagles - their barking was considered melodic and pleasing to the ear. At festive events, four-legged friends were dressed up in exquisite costumes.

By the 16th-17th centuries, the maintenance of beagles was no longer the privilege of the nobility - they began to appear in the families of ordinary farmers. Thanks to this, the breeding of beagles has become more active. If these dogs remained exclusively pets of aristocrats, then the population of the breed could seriously decline. In high society, taller Foxhounds were increasingly popular, so they began to forget about the kids.
In the 19th century, a "Guide to British Sports" was published, which mentioned various subspecies of beagles: fox-beagles, fox-hunting, southern with a heavier skeleton and active, neat northern, dwarf, long-haired beagle terrier. In 1890, the Beagle Club was formed, and after 5 years the breed standard was determined. At the beginning of the 20th century, these dogs began to be forgotten, but in the 50s they became popular again, at the same time a newer standard was approved.
Today, the beagle is most often raised as a companion dog, but in England they are still sometimes attracted to the hunt. Such subspecies are known today. both the European one is miniature, and the American one is larger.

Modern beagles are up to 40 cm tall and weigh up to 14 kilograms. The life expectancy of representatives of this breed ranges from 12 to 15 years. The body has a stocky constitution, not elongated, covered with short hair. There is a protrusion at the nape of the domed skull. The ears have a rounded shape, a neat look, large eyes are not too bulging, and the tail has a straight shape, at the end of it there is always a white speck.

Most often, the color of the beagle is tricolor and includes white, red and black. In bicolors, you can see a combination of white with red, red, brown and yellowish fur. Variegated individuals have signs of a hare, badger color or beige tones.
Monochromatic colors - white or black - are rare.

First of all, it should be noted that this dog is very friendly, mobile and loves to communicate with people. Due to the latter quality, they are not the best guards, but the owners do not have to be bored with them - he is able to cheer up a child and adults... If the animal is not allowed to run and jump freely, then it can get fat. Small animals or cats in the house may not get along with an active beagle, which instinctively sees them as an object of hunting.
The favorite pastime of these dogs is walking in the fresh air with the owner and playing ball or plate with him.

Novice dog lovers may find it difficult to raise a puppy, as he has a slightly headstrong disposition. The beagle is reluctant to remember his place, is cunning and pretends that he does not understand the commands of the owner. But he does not strive for domination and does not choose for himself the strongest "leader" in the family, since historically he is adapted to live in a pack. On the contrary, he often chooses a child as his favorite, becoming his devoted friend.
On the street, it is worth keeping the beagle on a leash, because at the sight of a small moving object, he simply loses his head, which can hurt a neighbor's cat or just a wild pigeon. Due to their tendency to overeat and curiosity, they climb through the trash heaps, which, of course, should not be allowed.

Similar breeds
There are beagle-like breeds that also have a cheerful disposition and a similar conformation with some differences. We invite you to familiarize yourself with them in more detail.
Estonian hound
This is the progenitor of the beagle, so their similarity is beyond doubt. The breed does not need special care, the coat needs to be combed once a week, the dog is quite mobile and smart. In the presence of the same hanging "Biglee" ears, these animals are taller and slender.
They can be recommended to owners who work a lot, as an Estonian woman can handle loneliness better than a beagle.
In addition, she has a more submissive disposition, does not trust strangers so much, which allows her to better guard, and does not actively impose her society on the owner as the beagle does.

This English hare hound is also a descendant of the ancient English hounds. It was obtained by breeding in southern England specifically for hunting hares. In addition to her amazing sense of smell, she is very hardy and looks larger than a beagle, although she is quite similar to him. She gets along very well with pets and is able to obey.
It can hunt not only a hare, but also a larger animal - a wild boar, a fox.

Jack Russell Terrier
It is difficult to find in their character the differences from the beagle, they are quite similar in everything: they like to explore everything, run, jump and play with people. However, some argue that he is even louder and more stubborn. In addition, Russell is a burrowing dog.

The breed is characterized by more erect ears and a stronger physique, and its tail is wrapped in a ring. Bassenji's legs are long, and the back is always straight. V Unlike the vociferous heroes of our article, this breed cannot bark. But nevertheless, the guard from her turns out better, because when she sees a stranger, she immediately takes a stance and makes sounds like a churr.

Basset hound
The similarity with the beagle of these dogs is not so obvious, their ears are much longer, and besides, in all parts of the body, the skin hangs down quite low. With the beagle, these hounds have in common love for children and willfulness - the bassette is in no hurry to do everything that is told to him. The activity of these dogs is slightly lower, but even without long walks they can start to spoil the furniture. In addition, bassets get fat easily in the absence of sufficient physical activity.

There are some popular beagle mestizos that are popular with dog owners. Let's name the most popular options.
With a pug
This "mixture" even received the status of a separate breed, which was named "Pugl". Its unpredictability lies in the fact that it is impossible to guess who the puppies will go to. If the beagle genes are dominant, then the dog acquires the qualities of a hunter, if a pug, then he will be calmer. However, with any of the two options, the puppy will turn out to be cheerful, playful and energetic.
It is worth noting the fact that hybrids are more resistant to diseases.

With jack russell
They are called jack-e-bi or jack-bee. Possesses double activity and an excellent set of hunting qualities. Because of the bubbling energy, the mestizo can turn out to be a little aggressive. Most likely, he will not tolerate teasing and may get into a fight with other dogs.
With its small size, this dog is a good guard, capable of faithfully serving the owner and not allowing strangers to enter the territory entrusted to him.

With basset
He has such powerful hunting instincts that he simply cannot calmly walk past a small animal that has fallen into his field of vision. And his great scent makes it easy to find a new victim. To prevent your pet from eating any mice, it is better to keep it on a leash.
At the same time, his love for children is no less than that of a beagle and a basset, he can play with children until they fall from fatigue.

With dachshund
From mom and dad, such a half-breed gets double stubbornness, because dachshunds can hurt no less than a beagle. Gthe Ibreed does not look as elongated as the dachshund, it has a taller height and a harmonious physique. Like any mestizo, he is not suitable for participation in exhibitions, but will become a devoted pet and favorite of the whole family.

How to choose?
It is not difficult to choose a dog "for the soul". It is enough to come to the right address and choose the baby that you like best. Dog owners who seriously expect to start breeding beagles for sale, as well as attending exhibitions, will first have to find a good kennel and listen to reviews. Then the selected dog will really meet all the characteristics.
When the choice in favor of this or that breeder is made, it remains to get acquainted with the parents of the puppies or the dogs who are just expecting offspring. When choosing a puppy directly, pay attention to its compliance with all standards: are there any flaws in the baby's exterior, how active he is and whether he gets along with people. Remember that the color of the dogs can change until about three months of age. So, dark spots can go away from the head.
It is better to take them in 2-2.5 months, then it will be easier for a new family member to join the family.

It is believed that the strongest and bravest puppies should be chosen, as they are more viable, have the best health and are more likely to be able to pass it on. It is great if the puppy is not afraid to go out to the man and sniff his legs. This means that the baby is not shy, he is curious and has a lively disposition. Ask the seller what vaccine is given to the puppies.
The price for a beagle usually does not reach 20 thousand rubles, if you buy it by ad or from sellers in the market. Puppies from official kennels from eminent parents are more expensive, but they can participate in exhibitions and officially participate in breeding. The cost of such babies varies between 25-75 thousand rubles. The owners ask for a higher price for the best puppies without defects, and the price may also differ from the subspecies or color of the dog.

Kennels selling these dogs are present in many cities of Russia. AstraVegas in Moscow, Anvi High Line in St. Petersburg. They are also found in the cities of Cheboksary, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk and Volgograd.
Maintenance and care
A sly beagle always thinks like a hunting dog, such is his nature. It is this fact that pushes him to wallow in other people's excrement in order to bring down his own smell, in this case, of course, he will have to be washed. In general, in order to prevent such oddities on the part of the pet, watch it as closely as possible. Otherwise, these dogs are clean, they are easy to care for and train to the toilet.
This breed does not belong to those that are recommended to be kept in enclosures. An apartment or house is quite suitable for these little playful dogs. However, the option with an aviary is also not excluded, provided that it is not just a large cage. The house in it must be well insulated. However, even if you build such a building for a beagle, do not forget to take him out for a walk in the morning, afternoon and evening.
Many owners go for a walk, taking rollers or a bicycle, as the fast dog keeps up with them everywhere.

Beagle molting does not have any special seasons; it occurs constantly, but not too intensively. By combing it once a week with a special glove, you will delight the dog with a massage and rid the house of possible fur contamination. Check your beagle ears weekly, otherwise dirt may build up in them and cause an unpleasant odor. In addition, if the rules of hygiene are violated, ear infections are not excluded.
Walking on the asphalt, the beagle's claws undergo a natural "trimming". They seem to grind down and thereby relieve the dog of discomfort. If the animal rarely goes for a walk or the area chosen for this does not allow sharpening its claws, then the owner should periodically cut his pet's claws on his own.

Despite the fact that estrus can come as early as 7 months, it is worth waiting with the offspring until the age of one and a half to two years.
Early pregnancies in bitches are not recommended as they can lead to unwanted health problems.

Nuances of nutrition
The diet of dogs does not have any specific recommendations, the main thing is not to let the beagles overeat, as they tend to gain extra pounds. Small puppies need to be given food 5 times a day, and after a year the number of meals can become two meals a day. Some owners prefer to buy special food, while others are of the opinion that it cannot be compared with natural food. Each beagle owner makes a choice based on his capabilities, because not everyone has time to daily prepare food for their pet. Here are the main points to consider when composing a beagle diet.
- Dry food is very convenient for feeding. To give the dog another serving, just open the bag and pour the contents into a bowl. Portion packs are also very convenient. Usually dog food products are supplied with all vitamins. Premium products have won a good reputation among dog breeders, so most often the owners make a choice in favor of them, not doubting the quality and composition of the feed.
- "Natural" most often consists of meat porridge or vegetables. If you decide to feed your pet with regular foods, then keep in mind that the ratio of ingredients should be as follows: 70% meat, 25% cereals and only 5% vegetables.
- The water needs to be changed every two days, but if the dog drinks it earlier, then do not forget to fill the bowl in time. In summer, fluid requirements increase, and this must also be taken into account.
- Due to the tendency of these babies to obesity, you should not pamper them with fatty foods. No matter how touching the beagle begs for a piece of bacon from your table, gather your will into a fist and refuse him.
- Beagle babies should consume cottage cheese weekly.
- Foods such as lean meat, boneless sea fish, offal, seedless turkey meat, vegetables, fruits, soft-boiled eggs will be useful in the beagle's diet.

Health and disease
With sufficiently strong immunity, these dogs have ailments, to which they tend to:
- diseases of the intervertebral discs;
- change in the shape of the front limbs;
- problems in the thyroid gland;
- problems with the growth of wool;
- diseases of the heart and organs of vision;
- epilepsy;
- high blood sugar.
To prevent possible health problems, you need to visit your veterinarian in a timely manner. Then this active dog will retain its positive attitude and cheerful disposition for many years.

Education and training
The stubbornness of the beagle makes it difficult to use its intelligence for training. He always shy away from executing commands and often ignores them, pretending not to hear. Check out some tips before you start raising your puppy.
- Beagle dog breeders are not recommended for novice dog breeders because of their stubbornness, because you need to stock up on colossal patience in order to achieve obedience from them. If you are confident in your abilities, then you can start classes. And remember that assault will not help you succeed - it will make the stubborn dog even less obedient and lose confidence in you.
- Since you have opted for such a difficult dog, then start raising a puppy from the earliest times. At 2 months - and it is at this age that dogs usually enter the house, begin to outline the boundaries of the place for him, and also establish a diet and walking regimen. It is worth scolding the beagle for oversights immediately after the fact, otherwise he will grow up as a spoiled dog. The adorable look of his hazel eyes shouldn't touch you when you need to convey to your pet that he is wrong. Speak firmly with him and be a strict teacher for your four-legged friend.
- It is advisable to undergo a general course of training before puberty, otherwise the dog will be uncontrollable during a rampage of hormones. There are trainers who know how to find a common language even with rebellious breeds.It is worth approaching the choice of a specialist with all seriousness, because the training will not be the easiest. Take advantage of the reviews of other beagle owners, check information on the forums of dog breeders or ask for recommendations at the club.
- Best of all, the beagle learns the lessons taught in a playful way. Monotonous training will quickly tire him and he will shirk them in every possible way. Once the first and foremost points are grasped, namely the place and routine of the day, you can make the activity a little more fun. Do not forget about rewards in the form of goodies and praise, but only timely. The dog must understand that in training your game is only an additional element of the program and the last word always remains with you.
- In order for the dog's high communicative qualities to be fully revealed, periodically introduce him to other people and animals. Not cats or pigeons, which he might mistake for potential prey. Better if they are dogs of the same or a different breed. Socialization in this case is an element of education. Let the dog learn to communicate with representatives of society - his character will be more balanced and harmonious.

In Russia, beagles are rarely attracted to hunting, but they remember their mission very well and, under certain circumstances, gladly "enter the game." This breed belongs to small hounds and perfectly hunts for small animals such as rabbits, hares, they are not averse to running after rodents. When the beagle hits the trail, it follows on the heels of the victim, emitting barking in order to attract a hunter or another hound to complete the work he has begun.
Beagles are usually taught the art of hunting as early as 9 months of age. Usually, a forest is chosen for this, where a large number of hares live, and September is considered the most successful period for study. "Unraveling" the tracks, the beagle lowers its head and moves tirelessly forward. At such moments, he really loses touch with reality, but one thought remains in his head, or rather, two: to track down and wait for help in order to transfer the victim.

Even if you are not a hunter, you should remember about the instincts and nature of your four-footed friend.
Having taken the trail, he is able to run far from his master and even find himself in another area, because the beagle's persistence in pursuing game is unbending. Because of this, an untrained beagle owner can lose his pet.

Popular nicknames
Most often, pedigree puppies are given names from birth, since each litter of the official kennel is painted. It may seem convenient, because a beautiful and sonorous name has already been invented before you. However, in practice, these official names often do not take root - in everyday life the dog is given a completely different nickname. Before deciding with which name the pet will go further in life, look at its character for a few days and then make a choice.
Popular names for beagle girls include:
- Daisy;
- Crooks;
- Lime;
- Linda;
- Rixie;
- Hilda;
- Elsa.

Boys of this breed are often called like this:
- Harold;
- Denis;
- Keny;
- Cleo;
- May;
- Oscar;
- Richard;
- Rocks;
- Hoop

Interesting Facts
- In 1950, the Beagle became the most popular breed - this was the conclusion made by representatives of the American Kennel Club.
- Bigleys help find explosives or drugs, but their scent has other uses as well. The US Department of Agriculture has a Brigade of Specially Trained Beagles. Animals work at customs, where their duties include examining luggage for the presence of agricultural products. In Australia, dogs of this breed help to find colonies of termites that can cause enormous damage to land.
- In England, the smallest beagles lived, which easily fit in the palm of a person, were easily carried in handbags and even in a pocket. Thus, whole packs of these dogs were carried in a hunting bag.Today, the miniature beagle is considered an extinct breed.
- At the court of Queen Elizabeth of England, unusual Beagles lived in the nursery with curly and very hard hair, like a wire.
- In English there is a word for hunting rabbits, hares and other animals - "beagling".
- The author of the theory of evolution, Charles Darwin, conducted his most important research for world science, traveling on the ship "Beagle".
- In literature, the beagle is also represented in some of Shakespeare's works. In popular culture, the image of this dog is present in comics - this is the dog Snoopy, and in cartoons - the dog Odie from "Garfield".
- The President of the United States Lyndon Johnson had a couple of beagles, their names were He and She.

Owner reviews
When communicating with dogs of this breed, most people have very vivid impressions - from their charming appearance and look to their inexhaustible vitality. They are amazed at how energetic the Beagles are, how they love children, and passers-by arouse their keenest interest. However, not everyone speaks enthusiastically about energetic and sociable beagles, and the reason for this is their obstinate disposition. If the owner did not show maximum patience and failed to raise the dog, then his behavior on the street will be very defiant. Dogs bark loudly, gnaw on everything and rush headlong after every cat or dog.
This causes discomfort not only to the owners, but also to those around them. At the same time, one gets the impression that the beagle is not smart enough, although in reality this is not at all the case. “They are torn off the leash, screeching, wheezing, barking. The rest of the dogs bypass them. I don't know what this breed might like? " It is quite obvious that a hunter-born dog goes crazy after smelling an interesting smell or seeing potential "game". It seems that the author of these words simply had to face a poorly educated beagle, whose owner clearly did not appreciate his training capabilities.

To avoid conflicts with other dog owners and just passers-by, be sure to take the time to educate your four-footed friend or entrust this difficult task to an experienced trainer. Most reviews agree that beagle training should be professional. If you have financial capabilities, you should definitely contact the club where specialists in this field work. Then your "difficult child" will turn into an intelligent dog that obeys its master.
Breeders warn future owners that these dogs have a restless disposition and can turn the house upside down... Of course, losses are inevitable, but in order to minimize them, beagle owners recommend hiding in advance everything valuable or dangerous to the animal as high as possible, out of reach. What is not removed can be smeared with something tasteless, for example, powder from Levomycitin tablets. Its bitter taste discourages any desire to gnaw furniture, and if you find an animal for a crime, and also slap a newspaper next to its head, then the effect should be even more powerful.

Love for outdoor activities and walks makes the owners spend a lot of time outside. It is good if the family consists of several people and this honorable duty is performed in turn, otherwise the dog can simply exhaust its owner. Elderly dog lovers are definitely not recommended this breed. A person who loves movement, hiking and changing impressions can cope with it much better. It is even better if it is a whole family with an active lifestyle that loves to have a rest, play in nature and travel.
Bigley require a lot of time from the owner. Like air, he needs regular walks several times a day, active games and communication with the outside world. Equally troublesome is the training of these cute animals with a touching look.With all the difficulties of upbringing, if you can successfully pass them, then you will certainly get a harmonious and cheerful dog, always ready to infect with positive energy and energy of your beloved owner.

For the characteristics of the breed, see below.