Bichon Frize: description of the breed, character, choice and care

Bichon Frize is a popular French variety of lapdogs - these are the very dogs that the exquisite ladies of the past centuries loved so much... Today, the popularity of such a pet is also quite high, because it not only looks very cute, but also has a pleasant disposition. Despite the fact that the representatives of this breed will cost potential owners a tidy sum, this miracle is still worth the money.

Description of the breed
Bichon Frize is a rather old breed, it is known for sure that it has existed for several centuries. The direct ancestors of this dog are considered to be the Tenerife lapdog, so beloved by medieval Europeans, and water spaniels. Like many other dog breeds, the Bichon Frize, which is otherwise called the French lapdog, was originally bred for a practical purpose - it was an alternative to cats and was often used even on sea-going vessels to catch rodents, because it could get into the tightest crevices.
Despite the fact that this breed is associated with France, it is not at all proven that it appeared in this country - for example, the aristocratic fashion for such pets came to Spain and Italy already in the 15th century, and appeared in France only 100 years later. Nevertheless, all the modern names of this dwarf dog are directly related to France - for example, the Bichon Frize is translated from French simply as "curly lapdog". With the decline of aristocracy in Europe, these handsome men remained on the brink of extinction for some time, however, in the last century, their popularity began to grow again, and they managed to revive.

Characterization of these cute dogs should start with the size - they belong to the "mini" category, after all, their height at the withers does not even reach 30 cm, and the weight of an adult ranges from 3-6 kilograms. As a rule, males are slightly larger than females, but in general they do not find fault with this at exhibitions - if only the parameters of the individual fit the above-described standard. The lifespan of a pet depends on the correct care for it, but on average, Bichon Frize live 12-15 years.
In the general description of the breed standard, these dogs decently resemble their counterparts of other breeds of lapdogs, however, few dogs evaluate their coat as strictly as the Bichon Frize. The "correct" dog has a two-layer coat, consisting of a thick and soft undercoat in combination with a curly and rather coarse outer coat. Such a cover does not crumple - after compression, it immediately regains its former volume.

It should be noted that according to the standard, representatives of this breed are allowed only one color option - pure white. At the same time, babies often have spots of a characteristic beige shade, which disappear as they grow up.
Any other colors, including brown and black, are found, but are not allowed for breeding - this is considered a gross deviation from the standard. At the same time, such a puppy is still very beautiful, therefore it is quite suitable as a pet.

Advantages and disadvantages
Like any other breed of dog, this breed has its own advantages and disadvantages. If you are just choosing a four-legged friend for yourself, you should study them in advance - the pluses will help you make a choice in favor of just such a dog, and the minuses will allow you to prepare for certain difficulties of domesticating such an animal.

Perhaps you should start with a good one. Owners of barbichons (another name for the breed) are able to name a lot of advantages of this variety of dogs, but most often the following positive characteristics appear.
- Cheerful and affectionate disposition. Bichon Frize is a real small charge of positive, it is literally created in order to please others. From him, you will never wait for any negative manifestations in your address.
- Friendliness... The cute creature just wants to cuddle or stroke, and the French lapdog is not at all against such obvious manifestations of human favor. As a rule, all family members love Bichons, because it is simply impossible to remain indifferent to this baby, especially since he himself always reciprocates.
- Hypoallergenic... Allergy to wool has ruined many people's innermost dreams of having their own pet. With barbichons, this problem is solved by itself, since their wool cover does not provoke allergies in a person.
- Versatility... The little dog has characteristics that do not interfere with its living in a family of any type. Most often, a potential problem is the presence of elderly people or children in the family, but the former does not interfere with the rather calm dog, and the latter does not provoke allergies.

After all of the above, some readers have already rushed to look for offers to sell a French lapdog puppy, but first you need to see what the breed's disadvantages are. All of them are surmountable and are not a real obstacle to reuniting with the dog of dreams, but the potential host must be prepared for some specific moments.
- The coat requires careful maintenance. The beauty of a pet requires sacrifice, and from the owner. Brushing and trimming is needed regularly, as a rule - every day, otherwise a cute animal will turn into a dubiously attractive "brownie" with matted hair.
- The breed is prone to cataracts. When purchasing a pet that can live 12-15 years, many potential owners are happy with its longevity, but they do not take into account the fact that a pet in old age can easily become disabled, requiring constant care. Unfortunately, for the Barbichon, cataract is a very likely outcome, and as a result, he usually goes blind.
- The dog is prone to allergies to many foods. Paradoxically, the French lapdog, which itself does not cause allergies, suffers from allergies to many types of popular human food.You cannot feed the dog from your table - you will have to make a special menu for him and specially cook or spend money on expensive food. The situation is aggravated by the fact that the fluffy lump does not understand the peculiarities of its health and loves to beg for food from the dining hosts.

Character traits
This popular breed as a child is an example of how active and playful a puppy can be. As it grows up, the individual acquires an aristocratic composure, and although the grown-up friend is still sometimes inclined to play, desperate childish fervor is no longer observed in dogs. Despite its tiny size and being classified as an ornamental breed, the Bichon Frize is considered a rather smart dog. Such animals are different good learning abilities, in addition, they quickly get used to new conditions and easily adapt to them.
The pet loves the owner very much, going for a walk with him is real happiness, but at the same time, long distances are definitely not made for this dog. The advantage of the breed is that the small size of the pets allows them to frolic as much as possible even within the apartment, so if there is no time or energy for a walk, it's okay. Like many other varieties of lapdogs, the "Frenchman" always wants to communicate, therefore, the long absence of the owners or at least some people leads him to a state of melancholy.
The most striking example of a dog suffering from a lack of attention is a loud, drawn-out whine, which is completely uncharacteristic for a completely satisfied four-legged friend.

And when the neglected situation is not resolved in any way, the pet is able to take out evil on the master's things - he tears the slippers, pulls the bed to the floor, or even tears the pillows. We need to prepare for the fact that in this respect the lapdog will not improve - even if you catch the dog on a hot one, he will still pretend that he does not understand why he is being scolded.
This means that the dog needs constant communication with one of the owners, and if you cannot provide such an opportunity, it makes sense to think about purchasing some other animal.

The companionable character of the French lapdog will touch everyone - if possible, the dog tries to be friends with everyone and not conflict with anyone. The pet treats children and their leprosy with a certain degree of understanding, but it is necessary to first explain to the child that it is impossible to mock a living creature, because it hurts. Considering the modest size of the Bichon Frize and its fragility, you need to understand that children can seriously injure the baby - not necessarily out of malice, simply out of misunderstanding or negligence.
For those who, in principle, love animals and are ready to let many of them into their home, there is good news - Barbichon avoids conflicts not only with humans, but also with other animals. At the same time, you need to understand that the other side can also act as the initiator of the "quarrel". Therefore, not only the dog should be peaceful, but also the creature with which he will have to get along.

How to choose?
When choosing a puppy of this breed, you first need to decide what you need it for - its price will largely depend on this. A cute companion is cheaper than any other options - it is beautiful, but due to its non-standard color or other minor flaws it will definitely not be admitted to exhibitions and cannot be considered a good mating partner.
Dogs for potential breeding must have an excellent pedigree, only good information can be found about their ancestors without mentioning any diseases. A show dog can be made from any good puppy for breeding, provided that everything is in absolute order with his health and external breed characteristics. At the same time, the individual for the exhibition is only half of the initial data, while the second half of the characteristics is provided by the owner himself with his diligent care of the pet.
Please note that the Bichon Frize matures and becomes independent a little later than its related maltese. Puppies of this breed have a peak price at the age of 3-4 months, when they have just become independent from their mother and are ready to perceive the world around them with a completely unclouded look. Older young people usually sell for a little less, even though more effort and money has been spent on feeding and caring.

When purchasing an expensive purebred dog, pay special attention to the choice of the seller. Careful selection of a good cattery with a proven track record will minimize the risk of fraud or error, After all, a good breeder will do everything not to spoil his name and sell you exactly the right puppy. A professional will not only be happy to tell you which baby to choose, but also give advice on its content.
The seller can hesitate with an answer to any question about the breed or origin of puppies for various reasons, but such a hesitation is already a reason for the emergence of doubts.

To form an opinion about the nursery, it makes sense to study the conditions in which the kids live - it should be clean and spacious. The correct content excludes the presence of an unpleasant odor, therefore, pay attention to this point too. Also, take an interest in various documents for a potential pet - it can be the pedigrees of his parents, the act of their mating, a puppy card and a veterinary passport.
The latter must necessarily contain notes about the vaccinations and antihelminthic measures.
The last stage is the selection of a puppy based on the results of personal observation of his behavior. The kid should be normal in terms of behavior, because excessive shyness or a tendency to aggression can indicate an incorrectly formed psyche and further deviations that are unlikely to please the new owner. Lethargy is also a bad sign. - among active and cheerful fellows, such a puppy may turn out to be sick, and then the buyer will have to treat him.

How to name?
The Bichon Frize is an aristocratic dog breed that looks extremely cute and behaves the same way. It would be logical to choose a nickname in such a way that it complements the image of the animal, because it would be extremely strange to call a small fluffy lump Polkan. On the Internet, you can find many options for nicknames, but we will consider only the most interesting.
Considering that the French lapdog is certainly associated with the nobility, the boy can be called the Duke - this name does not intersect with the hackneyed Baron and sounds proudly. Many French male names, for example, Henri or Justin, are also suitable for the name of a doggie. English-language names are also widely popular, including Dustin, Chester, Oscar and good old Jack, among Russian names Plato sounds very sonorous and capacious.

Often, representatives of this breed are called the sonorous name of Zidane - in honor of an outstanding French football player, and now a coach, Dante, a medieval Italian poet, was also awarded a similar honor. Because of the minimal similarity (objectively - except in size) with the dog of Jim Carrey's hero in the movie "The Mask", the males are often called Milo. There is always the option of orienting to appearance - the dog can be called Fluff or Ice, hinting at the color of the coat.

Oddly enough, in the case of the girls of the owners, fantasy usually fails - at least 90% of dogs of the French lapdog breed are simply named by foreign female names. If you focus on the same aristocracy, the names Venus, Elsa, Gloria, Tessa, Sophie sound interesting. Those who are not too chasing after the euphony of the name, but want to give their pet similarities with the heroic dogs of the past, call the female Arrow.
Fans of Russian classics can easily call their darling Zhuchka.Not the most euphonious, but widespread Russian nicknames like Busi or Zhuli are also available.

Content rules
The small dog is designed specifically for indoor breeding - it is definitely not a street dog that can get used to the absence of any conditions. When purchasing such a dog, timely stock up on everything you need to take care of your pet correctly.
- A bowl. The activity of the barbichon can lead to the vessel overturning and spilling liquid on the floor, therefore experienced people recommend choosing the option on a stand or a bowl that is attached to the floor.

- Lounger. A sleeping place for a Bichon Frize should have a certain degree of comfort. Some owners buy real works of art for their pets in the form of houses, but in fact, a basket, like for a cat, or a small mattress is enough.

- Leash and collar. Any companion is needed in order to go for a walk with him at least sometimes. These accessories should be very delicate so as not to harm the beautiful coat of the doggie.
Since the escape of the lapdog is possible at any time of the walk, it is advisable to immediately hang a keychain with your own contacts on the collar.

- Tray. An animal living in a room needs such a convenience of civilization as a toilet. Organizationally, a barbichon's toilet resembles a cat's, but its size should be larger, despite the comparability of the sizes of a dog and an average cat.

- Aviary for the apartment. A puppy's congenital activity often leads to the fact that he sticks a curious nose where it should not, and gets injured. While no one is at home, it makes sense to lock your four-legged friend in a cage so that he does not get into unnecessary adventures.

- Carrying basket. Considering that representatives of this breed do not like to travel considerable distances on their own small legs, it is worth buying a container in which you can conveniently move the animal. The purchase will come in handy already at the first visit to the veterinarian.

- Toys. The doggy nature requires toys to play with.

Clothing is usually not considered a must-have accessory for the Bichon Frize. because he, unlike the related Maltese lapdog, is not devoid of a warm undercoat. However, it can be useful to once again protect the pet's curly coat from contact with burdocks and debris, which would otherwise have to be combed out for a long time and thoroughly.
If you still haven't bought dog clothes, you will have to be more careful in choosing places to walk.

You can feed your baby either dry food or natural food. In the first case, the recommendations are relatively short and intuitive - when choosing feed, you should focus on super-premium products.
Given the insane tendency of the Bichon Frize to allergies, it is advisable to focus on the diet that is purposefully produced specifically for the representatives of this breed.

If you get the right idea of what can and cannot be fed to a French lapdog, it makes sense to independently compose a pet's diet. All food is strictly hypoallergenic, you should not experiment with the dog's diet, since the treatment of the problems that have arisen will go sideways for both the owner and the dog. In this case, the menu should be balanced so that the animal receives all the necessary vitamins and minerals. Consider the basic recommendations on how to independently organize a well-thought-out daily pet diet:
- raw meat is the cornerstone of the barbichon food, however, such a product cannot be given completely unprocessed - before serving it must be scalded with boiling water;
- vegetables the menu should be present as the main source of vitamins, while they can be given both boiled and fresh;
- boiled fish with previously removed bones, they are usually introduced into the animal's diet 2-3 times a week, but only marine varieties are suitable - freshwater cannot be given;
- garnish in the form of buckwheat or oatmeal, thoroughly steamed in boiling water, will help bring the portion size to that which is enough for the baby to eat;
- bone flour helps to partially solve the problem of a lack of vitamins and minerals, but in any case, these products will not provide all that is needed, therefore, consult your veterinarian about vitamin and mineral complexes.

The small teeth and relatively weak jaws of the Bichon Frize do not allow the dog to effectively gnaw solid food, therefore most experienced owners advise to cut it into small pieces before serving, which are convenient for the baby to swallow.
Excessively hot or cold food is not given to the animal - in a hurry, it can burn itself or catch a cold. As for fresh milk, it is only allowed for puppies, while adults are given a small amount of fermented milk products only once a week.
Many popular human sweets or just food are strictly forbidden to French lapdogs - nothing but a digestive system disorder, their inclusion in the diet will not give. The list of such foods is typical for dogs of all breeds - it includes smoked and salted foods, pickled and spicy foods, barley and all kinds of legumes, as well as sweets and pastries.

Caring for the fur of a furry pet is so difficult that it should be singled out as a separate item - especially since the rest of caring for a pet turns out to be an easier task. Curls further complicate the task - they easily get entangled, dust and dirt accumulate in them, which is why the dog turns from a cutie into a creature of dubious beauty. In order for the animal to always look dignified, the following mandatory recommendations must be observed:
- everyday combing is a necessary procedure, it is undesirable to skip it, and it is also impossible to treat it with insufficient diligence;
- bathing can be carried out every 4 months, but if the pet is clearly dirty, it is possible to carry out an additional procedure to clean its integuments;
- you need to wash the Bichon Frize wool with special products designed specifically for dog curls - these are sold in veterinary pharmacies and some of the largest supermarkets;
- grooming a dog is usually perceived as a purely aesthetic procedure for giving a pet a stylish appearance, but in fact, a practical approach assumes that they cut out the places most susceptible to dirt;
- around the mouth and in the groin area, the fur coat of the French lapdog may turn yellow over time, which will not make the pet attractive, therefore, in these places, periodic processing with a weak solution of boric acid is required.

Among other things, the barbichon also needs claw trimming (once every half a month), brushing his teeth (twice a week) and rinsing his eyes with boiled water and an antiseptic. Tea or any other herbal decoctions are absolutely not suitable for the last procedure - they will spoil the snow-white curls of the handsome man. You are greatly mistaken if you think that the dog likes all these procedures - if this has not happened to him before, he will resist with all his might. For this reason it is necessary to accustom a four-legged friend to mandatory procedures from early childhood.
A partial simplification of the daily care of the Bichon Frize is possible if you cut off its long fur all over the body or on most of it, but then the question arises whether you will like the new look of the woolly pet.

The French lapdog, although smart, is very willful, therefore the main training is aimed at making the pet more disciplined and obedient.Despite their good learning ability, dogs are still rarely trained to the level of real service or circus individuals. Unlike its related Maltese, the Bichon Frize is considered a rather loud breed that barks on many occasions.
This baby gives a voice to protect the owner or inform him about suspicious activity around, but he also expresses in the same way a wide range of emotions from anxiety to delight.
Even if you like such emotionality, neighbors may not appreciate the constant barking, because restraint is considered the most valuable skill of the barbichons.

You need to train the dog diligently and consistently. Remember the unwritten truth: representatives of this breed are infected from their owner by his mood, so you should not start a lesson if you are not ready to demonstrate pleasure from the process itself and radiate joy at every success of your ward.
Even if the dog does not succeed, it is unacceptable to scold or beat her - in addition to the fact that it is the teacher who is often to blame for poor performance, your student may also be offended, and then there will be no sense in training. Discipline foundations are often laid through the development of the commands "no", "to me" and "place".

Experts have come to the conclusion that the intelligence of the baby is enough to understand a normal trainer in most cases right away. At the same time, the French lapdog is distinguished by a certain independence, because the very fact of understanding the order does not mean that the dog will immediately rush to carry it out. Considering this, please be especially patient, because any manifestations of aggression are unacceptable.
In addition, it is especially important to train a representative of this breed to use the litter box. Its size is relatively small, which means that there will be enough tray for its needs, especially since this baby is able to fully satisfy its motor activity even within four walls.
If possible, it would be better to take your pet for a walk outside, but if the weather or your own schedule does not allow you to do this, litter habit will be very useful.

Owner reviews
Most of the "dog lovers" on thematic forums scatter in praise of the barbichons - they do not hide the fact that they also have certain drawbacks, but they believe that the pluses almost always overlap the minuses. There are only 2 global exceptions: the first is that if you are not ready for daily brushing and regular cutting of thick curly hair, then your dog will not be beautiful and will not bring joy.
The second significant disadvantage lies in the character of the representatives of this breed: the doggie needs constant communication, and if you disappear at work all day, then do not complain that a well-raised animal suddenly began to be nasty for no apparent reason.

But in all other respects the dog is nrecreational companion and great pet... This woolen ball does not fade at all, and therefore is well suited to allergy sufferers, and also any unpleasant smell is completely unusual for it. A playful pet is happy to communicate with all household members, he does not choose one "main" owner, whom he would love and obey more than others.
If the dog in childhood was accustomed to the litter box in time, you don't have to worry that you do not have time to walk it - the pet will do without walking, but if you have a desire to walk, he will be happy to keep you company.
Unlike many other "kids", the Bichon Frize is relatively easy to learn commands and is rightly considered quite smart. Finally, this is just a very beautiful dog, the mood rises from just looking at it.

All about the Bichon Frize dog breed, see the next video.