Fighting dogs: features and types

All modern dog breeds can be divided into several categories. Some of them are intended exclusively for hunting activities, others show themselves well in the service of law enforcement agencies, and some are even kept for decorative purposes. In the same article, you will find out all the information about fighting dogs: features, varieties, pros and cons of these breeds.

History of appearance
The history of almost all fighting dogs began in the first half of the 18th century. It was at that time that the fashion for fighting pits appeared in the UK. Initially, it was people who fought in these pits, however, over time, bloody shows with the participation of wild animals and specially bred dogs began to appear more and more often.
The first representatives of fighting breeds were individuals of terriers and bulldogs. Individually, these dogs possessed such unique qualities as speed, dexterity, strength and power, which allowed them to cope with wolves, bears and even bulls without any particular problems. These cruel spectacles attracted a huge number of spectators, which led to the beginning of attempts to breed specifically fighting dog breeds.

In the course of breeding research, the strength and ferocity of the bulldogs and the speed, maneuverability and intelligence of terriers were used as the basis for creation.
The key result was the creation of several distinct dog breeds, ideally suited to combat an enemy far superior in size and strength.The new dogs, despite the reinforced bones, as well as massive and powerful jaws, had an incredibly quick reaction and a sharp mind. This allowed them to anticipate the actions of the opponent in critical situations. The main feature of these pets is the ability to independently make informed decisions, not based on the commands of their owner.
At first, the dogs, despite their strength, always tried to follow the instructions of the owner as closely as possible, which led to injuries and deaths in fierce and fast battles. Over time, fights began to be carried out exclusively between dogs, however, the fashion for this did not last too long. In the second half of the 19th century, activist movements against violence against animals began throughout Europe, which led to an almost complete ban on dog fighting.

After this turning point, the fate of fighting dogs completely changed: most of them remained in the UK, where they began to modify to meet the modern needs of the public. These individuals became wonderful watchmen, guards and protectors, however, they had a much lighter skeleton and less developed muscles than their ancestors. At the end of the 18th century, the colonization of America was actively taking place. European settlers brought into America not only their traditions and way of life, but also their pets, among which there were representatives of fighting breeds.
Since on the territory of America at that time, fighting pits had not yet been banned, unlike in England, they became simply wildly popular.... This became a kind of impetus, which led to the creation of several more varieties of fighting dog breeds, but already in America. Over time, a ban on dog fighting was introduced in the United States as well.

All fighting dogs began to be used either in clandestine fighting clubs, or served in law enforcement agencies (for example, in the police).
Main characteristics
Each breed of fighting dog has a number of individual external characteristics, which became the reason for the creation of separate breed standards. But since these dogs were raised solely for fighting purposes, they also share certain general characteristics, which will be described below.
- Musculature. Most fighting dogs are incredibly muscular throughout the body. The most developed muscles are found on the back, limbs, shoulder blades and pelvis. It should be said that the modern appearance of most fighting dogs has been significantly corrected after the decline in demand for fighting pits. This means that even 2 centuries ago, these dogs were larger and stronger. The entire musculature of these animals is remarkably contoured thanks to the thin coat (in most breeds).
- Wool type... Most of the officially recognized fighting dogs are sleek and short-haired. The undercoat is also absent here. This peculiarity of appearance made these dogs absolutely unsuitable for guarding activities in the street.
- The shape of the skull and muzzle. They like to define fighting dogs by the special shape of the structure of the head: it is incredibly massive, wide and is the shape of a blunt wedge when viewed from the front.
- Jaws... A feature of almost all fighting dogs are powerful, muscular jaws with pronounced hoariness.
- Frame... Almost all fighting breeds have a broad and muscular chest (not very deep).
- Limbs... The hallmark of fighting breeds is the widely spaced fore and hind legs. In a state of tension, excitement and interest, the pet's body leans forward slightly, which gives the impression that it is ready to break off the leash at any time.
- Life expectancy. Fighting breeds bring together not only external qualities, but also practically the same average life expectancy. Representatives of these breeds live on average from 10 to 14 years in ideal conditions. This is a very respectable period in relation to other large dog breeds.

Advantages and disadvantages
Unfortunately, these dogs today have an unpleasant stereotype of dangerous and evil predators who are incapable of self-control and do not lend themselves to training. However, this opinion does not exist due to the bloodthirsty nature of fighting dogs, but because of the dishonesty and inexperience of their owners. Experienced breeders recognize some disadvantages for these breeds, however, there are also many advantages in keeping them, according to modern dog handlers.

The advantages are as follows.
- All fighting dog breeds - born defenders and guards. If you manage to win the trust of these pets and indicate your authority, be sure that they will be devoted to you for the rest of their lives. For the sake of their owners, some of the varieties of fighting dogs are even ready to sacrifice themselves. With them, you can safely walk around the evening city and not be afraid that you will be attacked or robbed - after all, no one in their right mind dares to attack the same bulldog or mastiff.
- Service potential... In modern realities, the fighting power of these dogs has been learned to use in many professions. These dogs have an innate talent when it comes to guarding or catching criminals. Today these dogs can be found in the service of law enforcement agencies in many countries.
- Intelligence. Despite the fact that the primary conformation of most fighting dogs has undergone many changes, they remain incredibly intelligent and independent. A keen mind allows them to instantly read people's emotions, predict their actions and unravel motives. Developed intelligence helps these pets to be self-sufficient - they can be alone at home for a long time and not miss the owner. In addition, fighting breeds perfectly feel the current state of their owner and will not bother him in a difficult situation.
- Good health. A difficult and bloody past has tempered all varieties of fighting breeds.

Selection research, rigorous selection and harsh breeding conditions have made the majority of these dogs virtually immune to infections and diseases of the skeletal system.
There are also disadvantages.
- Upbringing. For a full and healthy training and training of these dogs, you need not only an experienced, but also a strong person who will be able to suppress any whims and soberly respond to disobedience. Many of the fighting breeds are smart enough to judge their strength and power. This leads to the fact that these dogs feel their impunity and will not obey an equal, from their point of view.
- Children and upbringing. Few dare to have adult fighting dogs in families with small children. And here the whole point is not even about aggression, but about the jealousy that these pets feel towards anyone who "steals" their owner's attention. These pets should not be given to children to be raised - the latter will be too affectionate and kind in relation to the dog and may simply not notice when an ordinary game or fun training turns into a real fight.
- Stereotypes... As already mentioned, not all passers-by on the street are able to adequately perceive fighting dogs. Often the hardest part about keeping these pets is the prejudice of others. While walking, many will look sideways at your formidable pet, hide the children and retreat to the other side of the street at the sight of him. Most of the owners of such dogs simply get used to it and try not to appear in public places. For others, this heightened negative focus can put enormous pressure.

Popular breeds
Among all fighting dog breeds, several of the most famous varieties can be noted. Below are the top 10 names and descriptions of the world's most popular fighting dogs.

American Staffordshire Terrier (or Amstaff)
One of the most recognizable breeds among the rest. The first individuals were created in America by crossing English Bulldogs and Terriers. Representatives of amstaffs were used exclusively in dog fighting pits, a little later, with the introduction of a ban on fighting pits in America, these animals began to be used in private life. Often these pets became wonderful watchmen, assistants in breeding small ruminants or ordinary companions.
This breed differs from other fighting dogs by its extreme fearlessness in battle, selflessness towards the owner and at the same time self-sufficiency. The breed received its name and official recognition only in 1972, when there was a need to separate the truly English breed and the variety created in America.

American Pit Bull Terrier
Counts the most bloodthirsty breed among all fighting dogs... It was first bred in America by crossing a Staffordshire Terrier and a Bulldog. Like most fighting dogs, pit bulls were bred exclusively for fighting pits. Over the years, they cultivated all the qualities necessary for an ideal fighting dog: fearlessness, courage, reduced sensitivity, the ability to analyze the situation and look for the opponent's weak points.
Unfortunately, all of these qualities are ingrained in the genetic material of the pit bulls. Today they are considered the most dangerous and one of the most powerful fighting dogs - in many sources on the Internet you can find videos proving what these dogs are capable of in a fit of rage.

Over time, in some countries, a complete ban was introduced on the breeding and keeping of American Pit Bull Terriers, however, in others they are still actively used in official activities.
American bulldog
The history of these pets does not differ much from the history of the origin of other breeds created in America. However, in this case, the variety is practically unchanged by the selection of the English Bulldog. These dogs were also used in fighting pits, however, time was not as cruel to them as to American Pit Bull Terriers. Today these dogs are considered wonderful watchmen, they get along well with children and feel great in large families.

Like all fighting dogs, American Bulldogs are wary of other pets. In an apartment, in this respect, dogs tend to be completely dominant.
It is believed that the first individuals of these dogs were bred in Europe by crossing with molossi and pickling dogs. A little later, representatives of these dogs were brought to the territory of South Africa, where the breed underwent significant changes through crossing with local breeds.
On the territory of South Africa and in Europe, these dogs not only participated in dog fights, but were also actively used in farming, hunting and security activities. For these dogs, in spite of their remarkable service qualities, the fame of bloodthirsty predators was also entrenched.

A huge number of cases of attacks by representatives of Boerboels on passers-by and children are known.
Bull terrier
This breed of dogs was first bred in the middle of the 19th century by English pedigree breeders. The ancestors of the breed were individuals of the English Terrier, the English Bulldog, and then the Dalmatian. Representatives of this breed differ from the rest of the long an egg-shaped muzzle, as well as the complete absence of a stop. By color, white bull terriers are most common, however, individuals of tiger, red, gray and white with black spots are also found. At the moment, most of these dogs are bred exclusively for decorative purposes.

With each year of their existence, these dogs are less and less aggressive towards other pets, are loyal to the owner and are very caring and attached to children with the right upbringing.
Tosa Inu (or Japanese Mastiff)
The only representative of the group of dogs "Molossus" in Japan. The first individuals of this breed of dogs were bred only at the end of the 19th century, the province of Tosa, which is located on one of the Japanese islands, became its homeland. The initial challenge was to create a dog ideally suited for dog fighting. But in the future, dogs began to be used in security and official activities.

The ancestors of these dogs in Japan are considered representatives of the cat-inu, pit bull and staffordshire breeds, which were also bred for dog fights and for hunting.
Over time, Japan opened its borders to foreigners, which led to the introduction of other varieties of dogs in Japanese dog pits. Unfortunately for the Japanese, individuals of the Tosa Inu began to lose to foreign breeds almost immediately in all qualities. This led to attempts to create a stronger, more resilient and agile breed. The result of the experiments was the Tosa Inu as they are seen today.

Brindiz fighting
This breed is a rare but outstanding representative of all fighting dogs. It is believed that the first representatives of this breed were bred in Italy in the middle of the 19th century. Individuals of a pit bull, a Rottweiler, and also some other species became the founders of the breed. Representatives of this breed are known throughout the world for their unusually aggressive and uncontrollable behavior. It is believed that these pets were actively used by the Italian mafia for the painful killing of their victims.

Unfortunately, this breed is not recognized by any modern canine organization, and therefore there is no clear standard and description of the exterior.
Caucasian Shepherd Dog
Among the large representatives of fighting dogs, the Caucasian Shepherd Dog occupies a prominent place. She is one of the most ancient representatives of fighting breeds: it is believed that the Tibetan Great Danes and Mastiffs became its direct ancestor. Unlike the rest of the dogs With fighting qualities, the Caucasian Shepherd Dogs were initially used as watchmen, guards and protectors.
Their rather long and fluffy coat allowed them to stay in harsh climatic conditions for a long time. The representatives of these pets got their name from the place of creation - the Caucasus, and the first breed standards were prescribed in the 30s of the XX century.

American bandog
These dogs are also a striking representative of the exterior of any fighting variety. These dogs got their wonderful fighting qualities by crossing Pit Bull Terriers and Neapolitan Mastiffs. Despite its aggressive appearance, these dogs are distinguished by a rather docile nature, are prone to training and are very loyal to their owners.

English mastiff
A well-known breed in the territory of modern England. These dogs are considered one of the oldest in England and were bred by crossing Tibetan dogs, bulldogs and terriers. Since the 18th century, these dogs took an active part in guard activities, helped in hostilities, and a little later began to participate in fighting pits.

With the departure of the fashion for dog fighting, the exterior of these dogs has undergone many changes: they have become not so large, stocky, the number of muscles has decreased.
Education and training
All efforts to train fighting dogs should be aimed at building and maintaining their own authority.These dogs need a firm hand that will not allow indulgences or indulgences. Only in this case these dogs will be brought up obedient and calm. Below you can find a list of recommendations to follow when training such pets.
- The first steps. Start classes with your pet from the first day it appears in your apartment. Remember that the younger the puppy gets into your hands, the more chances you have to form the right character and lay the right foundation for training. At first, classes should start with short and very light commands, which will mean a simple one-time action. Striking examples are the commands: "sit", "up", "fu", "voice". Do not forget that it can sometimes take more than a dozen repetitions to memorize one command, especially when it comes to such stubborn but intelligent dogs as fighting dogs.
- Socialization. Unfortunately, fights in fighting dogs are at the genetic level - all of them are predisposed from birth to the release of energy through physical struggle with their own kind. The ideal option for raising these dogs would be one where 2 or 3 puppies grow together. Through play, general entertainment and the sharing of play, puppies will explore the world together and understand how to behave with other pets. Remember that it is better for your pets to learn what a fight is through playing with each other than to taste it already in adulthood.
- Aggression. Almost all representatives of fighting breeds are very vindictive. They may not respond to aggression at the moment, however, the next day or in the coming weeks, they will show their displeasure with some act. Try not to allow such situations and not to anger your dog: avoid beatings, do not hit your pet with a leash, do not raise your voice to scream and do not intimidate your pet. Overcoming the stubborn character of small fighting dog puppies is possible only through iron patience.
- Consistency. Classes with a pet should be held regularly at about the same time, do not allow large gaps in training, so that your pet does not forget all the material covered. At a very young age, devote at least half an hour daily to training. By one year, the time spent on training should double - up to an hour or more.
- Trainer. Only one trainer should be involved in the training of fighting dogs. In the presence of two or more trainers (in the role of which children usually participate in ordinary families), such pets always make a choice of obedience in favor of the most loyal and kind trainer, in their opinion.
- Complicating the task... After you are convinced that your pet is able to perform more or less simple commands and can easily repeat them, proceed to the study of more complex exercises. As a rule, more complicated exercises are commands that require a long and consistent performance from the pet. A striking example of such commands are: "near", "to me", "aport", "place", "face". The dog will take much longer to memorize them than to memorize simple commands.
- Incentives... Do not forget about the banal reward of your pet after the successful completion of the next assignment. For example, a tasty treat in the form of reward motivates puppies to complete the rest of the commands. Special brain bones from a pet store can act as a treat. Some breeders prefer to give the dog a treat after every walk, during which the pet is calm, diligent and obedient.
- Authority. To establish the necessary authority in front of the dog, it is worth adhering to certain rules. When walking, always try to keep your pet nearby and not allow it to move away long distances. When entering the room, you must first enter, and then the pet.During a meal, you first have breakfast, after that the pet. To put it simply, the fighting dog must understand that everything that happens depends only on the owner and happens only at his will.
- Severity. Remember, if you once allowed your pet something a priori forbidden, you will no longer teach him not to do it the next time. And here the speech will not be in the bad behavior of the dog, but in the misunderstanding of why this should not be done, although it was once possible.

Walking rules
Walking on the street is an indispensable item in keeping any breed of dog. It is during the walk that your pet should show its full potential in training and spend energy for adequate sleep and assimilation of food. Below you will find the basic rules for walking fighting dogs.
- Loads. Inexperienced breeders attribute the aggressiveness and activity of fighting dogs to their restless and bloodthirsty nature, and only experienced owners know that qualities such as moodiness and aggression are manifested when there is a lack of a niche for splashing energy. All dogs, and especially fighting dogs, need regular training with lots of simulators, runs and teams. Ideally, adult dogs of this species should be given at least 1 hour a day for a full and exhausting training session.
- Protection. A prerequisite for walking fighting dogs is the presence of a strong and always short leash, as well as a full-fledged muzzle. Such precautions will surely not leave your pet in awe, which will strive to grab everything that comes under the nose, but this way you will protect yourself and everyone around you as much as possible. Moreover, walking fighting dogs without these accessories in public places can be extremely negatively perceived by passers-by, especially families with small children.
- Fights... When walking these dogs, skirmishes and conflicts with other pets will simply not be avoided. The first such meeting will be an incredibly difficult test for the owner of the dog - when fighting dogs smell blood, it becomes very difficult to stop them. In a fit of anger and rage, these dogs are quite capable of attacking their master if he stands between them and the rival. If there is any hint of a fight, immediately take the dog away by grasping it firmly by the collar. Do not try to calm the dog down, pet him or give him treats - this can provoke the pet to throw out the accumulated anger already on you. If a confrontation is imminent or is already occurring, try to drag the dog by the tail or by the back of the body.
- Beatings... Regardless of how your pet behaves, you should not use physical violence against him. This will only provoke the fighting dog and give it a reason to pounce on you. In addition, fighting dogs are often very vindictive and can literally take revenge on you in the future.
- Personal space... If, while walking the dog, you meet another pet in the company of his owner, do not rush to facilitate the meeting of the dogs. First, you need to make sure that your pet is able to calmly reschedule the meeting and not succumb to provocations. Fighting dogs do not like very much when they violate their personal space. The same goes for your pet's toys and accessories - never give it to your children or other animals. This will lead to bitterness and revenge on the dog.

Suitable nicknames
A correctly chosen nickname is able not only to properly educate a dog, but also, as some breeders are convinced, to endow it with certain mental and physical characteristics. Typically, fighting dog owners rely on the mental and strength qualities of their pets when choosing a name. Below is a list of the most successful names for fighting dogs, depending on the various associations with strength, power and pedigree.
- Associations with the destructive force of nature. For boys: Buran, Thunder, Grad, Tornado, Hurricane, Typhoon, Volcano, Meteor. For girls: Blizzard, Tsunami, Avalanche, Tornado, Thunderstorm, Cloud.
- Associations with great historical figures. For boys: Caesar, Adolf, Quentin, Oscar, Newton. For girls: Margot, Monroe.
- Associations with mythical personalities. For boys: Zeus, Apollo, Ares, Adam, Achilles. For girls: Venus, Aurora, Aphrodite, Triad, Athena.
- Associations with noble origins. For boys: Lord, Prince, Tsar, Sire. For girls: Lady, Madonna, Miss, Lady, Donna.
- Associations with excellence and excellence. For boys: Absolute, Diamond, Ideal, Diamond, Trump.

In fact, there are only 2 serious points in the maintenance and upbringing of these animals. The first point is to control the natural aggression and craving for fights in these dogs. This problem can only be dealt with through constant training and contact with the dog. Physical activity exhausts the body of these pets, which dampens the natural urge to fight and riot.
The second point is the correct maintenance of fighting dogs and a balanced diet. Not only health, but also the mood and cheerfulness of the dog depends on the completeness of the diet, the abundance of vitamins and the balance of elements in the food. Experienced breeders have come to the conclusion that a large amount of aggression in fighting dogs appears from dissatisfaction in one of the areas of a pet's life: from a lack of communication with the owner or from irregular and poorly nutritious meals.

In all other respects, fighting dogs are absolutely ordinary pets that need kindness, affection and constant attention. Do not forget that the appearance of these dogs does not make them bloodthirsty killers and ferocious animals - it all depends on you and on the quality of the upbringing that you gave the dog.
For information on what not to do when keeping a fighting dog, see the next video.