Dog bolognese: characteristics, character, choice and care

Dogs are rightfully considered one of the most demanded types of pets, because it is these cute creatures that act as real friends of man, loyal and reliable companions in any life situation.
Recently, dogs of miniature breeds have been especially popular. They are not to everyone's liking, however, the one who sincerely fell in love with decorative dogs will never be able to exchange friendship with them for something else. Bolognese (Italian lapdog) is considered to be an especially cute representative among many of her other brethren. Consider some of the features of lapdogs and the conditions of detention that they need.

Bolognese (or Italian lapdog) is a miniature dog that was bred back in the Middle Ages in Italy. The province of Bologna is considered the birthplace of the animal, from which the name of the breed was formed.
The official standard for the basic characteristics of bolognese appeared in 1995. According to his criteria, this is a dog of small size, while stocky. The average height of the animal at the withers does not reach 30 centimeters, the weight varies from 4 to 7 kilograms. The skull is oval in shape, of medium size. The muzzle makes up 40% of the volume of the entire skull. The nose of lapdogs is always black, rather large.
The eyes are set straight, they can be medium or large. The ears are quite stiff at the base, set high, long and drooping. The jaws of the bolognese are well developed, the teeth from birth are white, very strong. This breed has a scissor bite.

The body of an Italian lapdog is shaped like a square. The chest area is fairly wide and the hips are slightly arched.The tail is always bent behind the back, the front legs are straight, they are well connected to the body, that is, the humerus bones are well developed, as are the pads, which allow the dogs to move as comfortably as possible.
It should be noted that the wool of the representatives of this breed is not smooth, but fluffy and even curly... It is shorter on the face than on the rest of the body, but everywhere it is soft and very pleasant to the touch. As for the color, then most often there are lapdogs with white wool, sometimes it can give off a little yellowness. Also, the coat of a similar breed of dog may have a gray color. Like all light-colored dogs, lapdogs have brown paths under the eyes.
Outwardly, the Bichon Frize is similar to the bolognese. The miniature dog is just as soft and fluffy. But it is believed that these are different breeds, despite the strong similarity.

Pros and cons of the breed
The main advantages of the lapdog include the following features:
- The dog is very small in size, even in its characteristics it is written that it is miniature. Consequently, the breed is ideal for living in a medium-sized city apartment.
- Lapdogs have truly good health and good immunity. If they get any harmless infection, then their body quickly gets rid of the disease.
- These dogs are easy to train. They have a high level of intelligence, which allows them to effortlessly understand human commands. Lapdogs have a gentle and friendly character, which attracts people even more to them.
- Lapdogs are extremely attached to people. They will definitely find a common language with all family members. This breed is especially fond of children, so parents shouldn't worry.

Now let's look at the main disadvantages that the owners of this breed notice. They are insignificant, but for some they may be important.
- Shyness is noted at first when communicating with future owners or with strangers. The dog may even defend itself, but this is only at first, until the animal gets used to it.
- The lapdogs immediately feel an unfriendly attitude towards them. The dog can take offense and even take revenge.
- This breed is extremely difficult to tolerate loneliness. Therefore, think carefully before purchasing a lapdog, decide if you can not stay late at work and spend most of your time with her.
- The cost of lapdogs is quite high in comparison with other breeds of dogs.

Character traits
Representatives of the Bolognese breed can be safely called companion dogs. They always strive to be closer to the person, to communicate more with all family members. In society, lapdogs usually behave calmly and even intelligently. Aristocratic roots help them in this. Of course, the manifestation of this feature depends on the upbringing, to which the owners should pay as much attention as possible.
The Italian lapdog needs extra attention, otherwise it will feel unnecessary. There are cases when a dog even fell into depression if it was alone for a long time.

If you are a person who is not fond of an active lifestyle, then the lapdog will definitely help you become one. Bolognese always needs to have fun, run, jump, bring toys to the owner. If you compare these dogs with representatives of other breeds, for example, with the Toy Terrier, Miniature Pinscher or Yorkshire Terrier, then they are not so playful.
It often happens that the owners notice excessive modesty and shyness in the character of their lapdogs. This is most likely due to a lack of socialization. From early childhood, a dog must be taught to communicate with others, more often to bring it “into people” and introduce it to other animals. Only in this case the dog will be able to live a full, active life.

We can confidently say that bologneses will not cope with the role of a guard dog.
This becomes clear both in terms of size and excessive elegance of these dogs.Also in their character there is no aggressiveness, which is an important quality for a dog called to protect. Lapdogs perceive noises and screams negatively.

How to choose?
You can buy a lapdog in nurseries that specialize in this particular breed. Undoubtedly, it is important to pay attention to the dog's behavior. She should be active, curious, willing to play. You can check the dog's appetite: of course, it must be good.
The organization, together with the puppy, must provide you with a pedigree and a veterinary passport.
As mentioned above, the cost of a puppy is quite high. A cub from a middle-class dog can be purchased for about 30,000 rubles. If we talk about exhibition representatives of the breed, then their price can reach 70,000 rubles.

Content rules
From the first days of life in a new house, it is important to accustom the dog to the place where you can relieve himself. The dog should not be taken out for walks until all vaccinations have been completed. For the tray, you need to immediately find a certain place and it is advisable not to change it anymore. He should have low sides so that the puppy is not afraid and easily stepped over them.
While the pet is very small, after sleep and after eating it must be brought to the tray and slightly held so that it does not run away and do the necessary things. The tray should be covered with an absorbent cloth. After a while, the animal will get used to this place by itself and will be able to do everything on its own. The main thing is that he always has access to the tray.

2 weeks after the last vaccination, you can take the dog outside.
It is important to take into account the fact that lapdogs are rather shy, so for walking it is better to choose places where there are practically no people, and where the dog can feel free.

Of course, all dogs love to eat. And lapdogs are no exception. However, it is with this breed that you need to be careful and try not to overfeed. It is also better not to give food from the table, this can lead to disorders of the digestive tract of the animal.
For successful development and maturation, puppies need phosphorus to enter the body, this substance has a beneficial effect on the brain and muscle tone. During the first 5 months, feeding the pet should be repeated 4 times, and in adulthood - 2 times a day.

If you have given preference to food, then it is important to consider that bologneses are susceptible to allergies. In this regard, it is better to choose premium food or one that is called hypoallergenic.
If you have chosen to feed your dog homemade food, then it is important to pay attention to several features. Meat makes up about half of a dog's diet. This can be lean beef or chicken. Buckwheat, oatmeal and rice are especially fond of Bolognese cereals. Once a week, the dog needs to be given vegetables, for better assimilation, you can treat them with boiling water.
Also, once a week, the pet needs to be fed with quail eggs.

Special attention should be paid to hygiene procedures to keep the dog looking neat and attractive.
- Wool Italian lapdogs are quite long and very tender. She can often get tangled, then the dog will look untidy. Every day it is necessary to comb the lapdog's fur with a metal comb with rounded teeth. It is important to proceed with caution without damaging the dog's coat or skin. If you suddenly come across a mug, use a special balm and untangle it.
- Experienced owners advise bathing lapdogs twice a month. For this, shampoo for long-haired dog breeds is suitable. It is good if it contains any elements for the prevention of skin diseases. You can also use dry shampoo, but don't overdo it.
- Every day you need to wipe the lapdog's eyes with napkins, because a coat that is long enough can irritate the mucous membranes.You should also check your ears regularly for dirt or infection, and clean them once a week enough.
- Teeth cleaning is usually carried out once a week with special pastes. Small bones bought from the pet store can also be used to help your dog brush his teeth.
- Need to watch out for the claws and cut them as they grow back with a special claw cutter, acting very carefully.

Italian lapdogs have high intelligence, so the upbringing process usually goes without any difficulties, the dog happily accepts the training of basic skills.
The lapdogs easily memorize the commands of the owner, however, for the best result, frequent repetitions of the learned material are required. The owner should speak with the pet in a calm, friendly voice, and each action should be accompanied by tasty encouragement. Hard physical impact is out of the question.
If suddenly the animal is guilty, as a punishment, you can deprive him of games for a while.

Bolognese is a companion dog that not only will not let you get bored, but will also decorate your home, because it is really beautiful. All that remains is to find contact and earn the pet's trust.
For the characteristics of the breed, see below.