Briard: breed description and content

Briard is a shepherd dog originally from France. This is the smartest, hardworking, courageous creature who has become a faithful companion to man. The combination of its large size and decorative appearance attracts the attention of dog breeders around the world to briards.

Origin story
The Briard breed appeared in France in the 10th century and was known as the French Shepherd Dog of Brie, because the province of the same name was considered the home of the dogs. Although shepherd dogs were common throughout France. A few years later, the first official description of a shepherd dog with a funny appearance, covered with thick hair and an excellent herd keeper appeared. Perhaps this refers not to the Briards themselves, but to their ancestors.
There is another version of the origin of the breed. Perhaps the forerunners of modern Briards are Persian dogs. Their closest relatives are Bocerons, shepherd dogs. But, apart from the purpose of herding sheep and the large size, they have little in common. Initially, the breed was actively used for corraling flocks of sheep.
So far, there is no reason to consider Briards an artificially bred breed. Therefore, the researchers have the assumption that earlier dogs were inhabitants of the wild. Confirmation of this is their ability to organize, gather a herd and the ability to live in a flock.

By the end of the 19th century, the breed did not have a certain standard, but as soon as it was established, dogs began to be regularly shown at international exhibitions. In the same period, briards ended up on the territory of the Russian Empire for further breeding. For some reason, breeding work with the breed has not gained popularity. But shepherd dogs were actively used at the front during the war. For the good of the army, their exceptional sense of smell and obedience served. Briards were allowed to follow the trail of soldiers, they looked for the wounded, bravely and deftly fed cartridges during shelling.
Many experts consider briard to be a cross between a barbet and a beauceron. The breed was first mentioned in writing in the XII century. It was described in more detail in the XIV century in the manuscript work "Course in Agriculture" by Abbot Rozier.
In the XIX century. in France, there were 14 varieties of purebred shepherd dogs. In 1809, to designate a new breed, it was decided to call it the Briar Sheepdog.

Briard began his show career in 1863. And only 32 years later, the French Shepherd Club was created. In 1897, an initial standard was written to describe two pedigree varieties: with wavy and straight hair.
The first type of wool was compared with sheep, and the second with goat. Briard with a tough straight coat became the predominant species. In 1988, the first amendments were made to the standard, after which the FCI (International Cynological Federation) recognized the breed. However, in 1995 it became known about the next edition of the standard, which was officially recorded.
Today the briard does not graze sheep, and often lives in the family as a pet. Such a pet once accompanied Napoleon and lived in the house of Henry Lafayette. The shepherd breed is appreciated not only in France, but throughout Europe, and in Switzerland, such dogs serve on the staff of the Civil Defense units to help find victims in the rubble (earthquakes, collapses, avalanches). In Sweden, dogs are considered to be the recognized representatives of training breeds.
In its homeland, the briard ranks second in popularity ratings. The breed is second only to the German Shepherd.

Features of the breed
Thoroughbred shaggy dog it is rather large in size. The growth of a standard briard varies between 58-69 cm. Earlier, the standard assumed ear cropping in representatives of the shepherd breed. The ears assumed a standing position and were triangular in shape. Today, in European countries, a different description of the ears of these dogs is adopted: freely hanging along the head, fleshy, completely covered with hair.
Like other service breeds, French Briards do not have a strict weight standard., the weight of males is about 30-45 kg, females weigh a little less - 25-30 kg. The coat of shepherd dogs looks gorgeous, even despite the fact that the top coat of the coat is hard and rough. The fur with soft curls covers the body of the briar, lengthening in places (at the shoulders, the length can increase up to 15 cm).

The undercoat is short and dense. Muzzle, densely overgrown with wool. The eyebrows of the briard “cover” the eyes with a thick veil. According to the standard, excessive overgrowth, when the eyes are completely hidden, is an unacceptable phenomenon.
Briard can have different colors:
- ginger;
- black;
- Gray;
- in variations of the listed colors.

The deeper the color of the coat, the better. Two-tone individuals are characterized by a smooth transition in tones with a unique observance of symmetry. Spotted and white dogs do not pass by the standard. Separate whitish hairs or a small speck of white color in the sternum are allowed.
Another interesting nuance regarding the color of the briard is that all puppies are born dark and brighten as they grow... Only by the age of 3 years, the color of the dog's coat becomes stable. In rare cases, the process is delayed for a longer period. This does not apply to black, as this color is unchanged from birth.
The eyes of a shepherd dog are wide apart, they are black or dark brown. The look always looks questioning. The large muzzle has a large nose with a black lobe and wide nostrils. The lips are tight and are black pigmented.
Many dog breeders compare the soft, graceful gait of their four-legged pets to that of a feline. Actually, briards move with ease, as if they are sliding. These are very agile dogs, capable of changing trajectory at lightning speed or stopping on the run.
The briard has a feature that they inherited from the Beauceron: on the hind legs of the dogs, instead of one, there are 2 dewclaws with bones and claws, that is, six-fingered paws.

Character and behavior
Dogs are distinguished by an inquisitive disposition, friendliness and devotion. Despite their decorative appearance, briards need emotional and physical stress. Otherwise, the dog becomes lethargic and lethargic. Briard, who lives in an apartment, must be given the opportunity to often and for a long time walk in the air.
A dog of the described breed is an excellent companion, but not for lying with the owner in front of the TV. She will be happy to support the owner on a jog, bike ride and even swimming. And without physical activity, the dog can get embittered.
For a full-fledged existence, briars need communication with a person. Individuals of this breed are difficult to tolerate separation. The level of their socialization is so high that they easily adapt in unfamiliar places and among a crowd of people.
Briards are happy to welcome guests and are always in favor of playing and having fun with adults and children. During the walk, the briard shows interest and with concern makes sure that none of the accompanying people lag behind the company. This behavior is typical for most shepherd dogs.

Shepherd dogs are great travel companions, as they remain calm when moving on different types of transport. The need to protect is in the blood of these shaggy shepherds. Despite the outward manifestation of fun, the dogs tirelessly track the movements of the household and all other members of the company.
It is important for briar owners to understand that the pet belongs to a service breed, so an adult should be involved in raising it. There is no need to impose training on children. Even if the dog communicates excellently with the younger members of the family, he still needs to feel the authority of the owner, which will deserve the dog's respect. This is an important point, since a growing dog will make attempts to lead, wanting to climb to the top of the hierarchical ladder... Such a situation should not be allowed.
A dynamic, agile dog is characterized by extreme endurance. The dog can tirelessly cover 70-80 km daily. This sophisticated runner is an agile and obedient dog. This is a reliable, slightly dominant, mentally gifted dog.

Briard is less aggressive than the representative of the Beauceron breed and more affectionate towards the owner. This French breed is powerful yet empathetic. Briar is called in his homeland "a heart wrapped in furs." Teasing the dogs is unacceptable, as in response they will most likely show aggression.
The Briards are sincerely devoted to the family in which they live, they will never refuse to play with children. But the kids need to be taught how to communicate with the dog so that the kids, inadvertently, do not hurt her.
The dog can be aggressive towards other dogs. You also need to understand that by nature a briard is a shepherd dog, so he will realize this task with everything that moves. Some representatives of the breed cannot stand cats, with the exception of those with whom they grew up. Instinctively, they seek to control other animals, pinching their legs, as their ancestors did in nature with sheep. It is better to walk dogs on a leash within the city limits.

If the dog is shy by nature or aggressive for no reason, then you will have to forget about dog shows with it. Briards are disqualified for such qualities.
A well-bred representative of the breed is a wonderful pet. It is important for him to contact a person. This brings the dog real puppy joy.Briar can be safely started in a family where children are growing up.
Despite their size, French Briards are good-natured and quiet in nature. Therefore, it is comfortable to live with them even in a small apartment.

How to choose a puppy?
The Briard breed is not widespread in Russia. But there are nurseries in almost all major cities... So to buy a French shepherd dog puppy in the Russian Federation is realistic and quite affordable. You will have to pay for a pet from 15,000 to 30,000 rubles (2019).
If you plan to breed briards in the future, then the price for a doggie will be at least 25,000 rubles. For a standard puppy without flaws, a planned participant in exhibitions, breeders will ask for an amount in the region of 45,000 rubles.
It is better to acquire a puppy of a shepherd's breed of dogs when he is already fully strengthened and receives all the necessary vaccinations.

A puppy's health is characterized by its coat, which should normally be shiny and pleasant to the touch. Stiffness appears a little later, as the pet grows older. If the appearance of the coat is dull, and when stroking the dog, hair remains on the hand, it means that the puppy lacks vitamins, the baby's body is weakened.
A lot of money will have to be spent on restoring the health of such a dog. And you need to be prepared for this. Otherwise, another puppy should be looked after.
Another sign of probable problems is the lethargy of the animal and its hesitant, sometimes limping movements when moving. If there is no confidence in the knowledge of the breed standard, as well as in the fact that it will be possible to independently decide on the choice of a puppy, it is better to involve a specialist in the purchase. He will check the dog for possible flaws and pathologies, clarify all the information on vaccinations and check the documents for authenticity.
Briard is the perfect companion for dynamic owners. He, as they say, is ready to follow the owner even to the ends of the world, and he is not satisfied with trailing behind, he will certainly proudly walk in step with a person.

Maintenance and care
Your dog needs to be at least moderately active on a daily basis. This need can be met by a long walk or jogging. Every day you need to exercise with the dog for at least half an hour, ideally 60 minutes. If the briard is not provided with sufficient mobility, it can begin to harm, spoiling things. In addition to chewing things, dogs start barking for no reason and digging holes in the area.
In addition to being active, the briard needs grooming. Wool in shepherd dogs is their property, of course, its beauty and health must be maintained. You have to comb the dogs every day and for a long time. The procedure sometimes takes about two hours. Thanks to this care, the dog's coat becomes shiny and smooth.
The advantage of keeping briar in the house is that there is no seasonal shedding, so there is no need to remove wool throughout the house.

If the dog is not planned to be taken to exhibitions, it is permissible to shorten the coat a little. This approach will minimize problems and facilitate pet care. A shaggy "shepherd" needs professional grooming at least once every 2-2.5 months.
Briar should be washed regularly. At least once every 4 weeks and even more often when the dog gets dirty. This applies only to indoor dogs, and briards living in open-air cages should only be bathed a few times a year.
Another feature of the representatives of the shepherd breed is that from the wet wool comes not a dog, but a sheep's smell.

It is also important to look after the ears, eyes and paws of herding dogs. They must be carefully examined and promptly cleaned of dirt and dust. Thus, the prevention of infectious diseases is carried out. A large shepherd dog has a tendency to such diseases:
- dysplasia of the hip joint and elbow;
- congenital night blindness;
- hypothyroidism;
- retinal atrophy;
- von Willebrand disease;
- cancer;
- torsion in the stomach.

When acquiring a large dog, it is important to realize that such a pet will eat a lot. This aspect needs to be given special attention. Like most other breeds, briards can be fed natural foods or dry prepared foods.
But mixed food for a pet will not work... What's more, it can be detrimental to your dog's health. Briard needs a balanced menu. The main food in a large dog's diet is meat... Additionally, you can cook porridge: from vegetables (carrots, pumpkin), herbs, cereals (millet, buckwheat, oatmeal).
You can not treat the dog with potatoes, rice, pastries, confectionery products.

How much food to give depends on the weight of the dog and its activity. Briar has excellent digestion, so dogs of this breed do not suffer from indigestion. In hot weather, dogs become less active, so it is worth reducing the amount of protein in the diet by introducing more vitamin E and yeast.
In addition, small amounts may be added to food. peanut butter... If it was decided to feed the dog with industrial feed, you need to make every effort to make it the highest quality product (premium, or better super-premium or holistic). Dry food should be suitable for long-haired dogs.
If the pet does not receive enough vitamins and minerals, his coat immediately reacts to the lack of nutrients... The briar coat fades, rolls, shines. And if the diet changes for the better, but the coat remains unkempt in appearance, it is necessary to consult a veterinarian.

Education and training
Briards are dogs with increased curiosity and pronounced intelligence. They are easy to teach commands, but unless you use harsh methods, using demanding treatment without physical punishment. The pet will not mindlessly obey, it is common for him to think in advance, and not act unconditionally.
Starting from the puppy period, it is imperative to intensively and extensively socialize the pet. He must be consistently trained, showing great patience and not showing cruelty, but only perseverance and moderate severity. Otherwise, there will be no results, because without proper preparation it will be an evil and aggressive dog.

For a trained dog, it is not a problem to calmly wait for the owner alone, for example, at the door of a supermarket or clinic. Most briards show a balanced temperament, but among the breed there are also extremely temperamental individualswho simply need special training courses to develop self-control. Also meet phlegmatic briars, but extremely rare.
If you intend to have a pet - a participant in the competition, briard will be a win-win option. Immediate reaction, agility, endurance and flexibility make him capable of any type of training. He will be able to master the test course and lead in most regulatory requirements, including towing.
In addition, Briards are often cited as champions for their appearance.

For more on the characteristics of the breed, see the next video.