Buryat-Mongolian wolfhounds: history of the breed, temperament, choice of names, basics of care

There are dog breeds that stand out for their centuries-old friendship with humans. Among such ancient representatives of four-legged friends, the Buryat-Mongolian wolfhound should be named, whose unique characteristics are still appreciated by dog handlers and breeders.

One of the most ancient breeds of dogs is considered to be the Buryat-Mongolian wolfhound. The ancestors of modern representatives of these animals lived together with the nomadic tribes of Mongolia and Buryatia, accompanying them, carrying out service, playing the role of not only a herding dog, but also acting as a serious protector for man and his home, protecting them from the raids of predators.
The breed has several more unofficial names, in the local dialect of animals they are called "khotosho", which in translation from Buryat means a yard dog. And also four-legged pets can be called simply wolfhounds, Caucasians, Huns or Tibetan dogs, Mongolian shepherd dogs.

Not only official versions, but also legends are associated with the origin of these animals. So, many indigenous people believe that the ancestor of the wolfhounds, a bitch named Sarama, served the god Indra himself. The animal was distinguished by the presence of red spots in color, 2 of which were located symmetrically above the eyes, in the light of which it was believed that the animal had 4 eyes. To this day, dogs of this breed have an important place in Buddhism; some peoples consider them sacred animals.
According to a more formal version of the formation of the breed, dogs acquired their qualities through natural selection, without human intervention.Towards the middle to the end of the 20th century, the number of wolfhounds significantly decreased, as a result of which the species was endangered. The work of two scientists-cynologists N. Batov and M. Teregulov helped to preserve and further increase the population of the endangered breed. In 2000, the official standard for the Buryat-Mongolian wolfhound was adopted.
Today they are no longer threatened with extinction, but such dogs still need support and study from humans.

Characteristics of the breed
According to the established requirements for this breed, the growth of males at the withers should be at least 74 cm, while the bitches of the Buryat wolfhound can grow up to 66 cm. The breed is classified as a large animal: the weight of an adult dog can vary within 80 kg.
According to the requirements specified in the description of the exterior, four-legged pets will have a rather massive head with pronounced cheekbones, limbs with developed muscles, the length of the paws exceeds average sizes. The peculiarities of the development of the animal determine the presence of a large body with a well-developed muscular corset, which will not be visible due to the thick hair of the animal.
The ears of the dog are pendulous, have a triangular shape, the eyes should be oval. Their color ranges from amber to deep brown. However, you can meet hotosho with blue eyes, which is not a deviation from the norm. Dogs have a scissor bite, healthy teeth should be white enamel, close to each other.

The coat of wolfhounds is hard with a dense undercoat. Among the dogs of this breed, there are 3 main types in accordance with the length of the coat. So, the Buryat-Mongolian wolfhound can be:
- long-haired - with a pile length in the range of 30 cm;
- medium-haired - up to 10 cm;
- short-haired - up to 5 cm.

But despite the difference in pile size, all dogs shed the same. There are several options for the color of the animal:
- classic - black with a white spot on the chest;
- color variations are allowed: red, gray and brown.
Animals of this breed are characterized by high immunity to many ailments, as well as endurance. It is believed that they inherited similar qualities from their ancestors: wolves. But large dogs can have genetic diseases. Among them, it is worth highlighting joint dysplasia, heart disease, joint problems, and gastric volvulus.
Dogs belong to long-livers, since the average life expectancy of animals is 20 years, there are pets that live up to 23-24 years.

Advantages and disadvantages
Buryat-Mongolian dogs have inherent strengths and weaknesses that need to be studied by potential breeders of such pets. So, the advantages of animals include:
- good-natured disposition, despite the large size and rather formidable appearance;
- dogs are very affectionate with their owners;
- pets of this breed can be safely left with small children;
- hotosho is inherent in devotion to its master;
- wolfhounds remain playful until old age;
- animals do not show increased aggression towards other dogs;
- pets do not require special conditions for keeping, are not picky in terms of diet;
- dogs respond well to training.

Among the shortcomings of the breed, it is worth highlighting:
- due to its large size and the need for physical activity, it is not recommended to start the breed for indoor keeping;
- some pets may show laziness during training.

Character traits
Animals of this breed demonstrate a rather docile disposition, have a balanced psyche. The dog will not bark over trifles. For wolfhounds, service to its owner is the meaning of life. The animals are energetic, but the hotosho turns from a puppy into an adult dog rather slowly, therefore, the outside world of the acquired dog should be introduced gradually.
Buryat-Mongolian wolfhounds will need competent training, otherwise the animal may display negative character traits, such as willfulness and excessive self-confidence. A pet from birth will demonstrate its independence, but affection and praise will come to its liking. Animals tolerate loneliness well, but still prefer to be in the company of a person.

Dogs of this breed have bright babysitting instinct developed, therefore, they can perceive the children of their breeder as their own offspring, will be patient with their pranks and protect, they can spend a lot of time in the company of children. Well tuned in relation to other animals without unnecessary jealousy and aggression, especially if another pet was purchased at the same time as the wolfhound. Rather indifferent to cats.

How to name?
When choosing how to name such a large pet, you should not consider the banal nicknames common for yard dogs. It is better to choose from proud and majestic options, but so that it is convenient to pronounce it for all family members. Buryat-Mongolian wolfhounds very quickly get used to it and begin to respond to the nickname, especially if the animal is encouraged for this. Recommended nicknames for a large dog would be:
- Des;
- Zangar;
- Khatis;
- Khan;
- Asha;
- Gerda;
- Sheikh;
- Alma;
- Nora.

Conditions for keeping
Since the breed is considered human-oriented, and the ancestors of wolfhounds existed in close interaction with people, it is forbidden to keep animals in the yard on a chain. The dog should be treated like a full-fledged member of his family, that is, communicate, tell something, praise or point out mistakes in actions. Although wolfhounds have recently been very often kept in city apartments, the preferred conditions for the dog will nevertheless remain private households, where there will be their own adjoining territory.
For a pet, you can build a spacious aviary with a canopy so that the dog can hide in the heat from the scorching sun, as well as from bad weather in the cold season. Khotosho will need a booth, its size and design should be selected taking into account the impressive weight and increasing growth of the animal.
In the light of slow maturation, the final stop of growth will occur closer to 4 years, so regular physical activity for the wolfhound will become mandatory.

What to feed?
The Buryat Mongolian wolfhound can be fed with industrial products or natural food. Most of the owners of these dogs prefer to make the diet of the dog from natural products. In order for the diet to be balanced, the diet should mostly contain various types of meat and offal, they should be 2/3 in the daily menu. Lean meat is a priority, therefore for dogs, you can purchase chicken, beef, rabbit, offal.
Usually meat is combined with cereals, there are no restrictions in this case, the main thing is that they alternate with each other. Dogs need seafood, boiled sea fish is considered the best option. Fermented milk products are important throughout the entire period of a hotosho's life, but their fat content should be minimal.
The dog eats all vegetables with appetite, but it is recommended to avoid introducing tomatoes in any form in the menu. Several times a week, your pet needs to be given a raw egg.

The dog should be fed an hour and a half before or after a walk. Servings should be rationed to avoid volvulus. If the breeder considers it convenient for himself to purchase industrial dry food, then the premium class will be the most successful option in terms of chemical composition. And also the animal should always have free access to water.

How to care?
Breeders of these large four-legged pets should be aware that in late spring, the animals begin their natural molting process.Moreover, unlike many other breeds, the change of wool is abundant, accompanied by the death of whole plates. At this time, the dog owner will need to regularly monitor the appearance of the wolfhound, resorting to daily brushing, as well as manual trimming.
The moulting process is important for the animal, as the winter dense coat will change to a lighter one, which will make it easier for the dog to survive in the hot summer months. After molting, the pet will have enough 1 brushing per week.
Regardless of the type of wool of the Buryat-Mongolian wolfhound, it will need to be regularly treated against various skin parasites.

The pet does not need frequent bathing, usually water procedures are carried out once a year. However, the hotosho has a favorable attitude to water, so they are allowed to swim in open water bodies. The attention of the breeder will require the ears of the pet, they must be frequently examined for contamination and accumulation of sulfur, due to the size and structure of the auricles, mites may appear in them. Therefore, the hearing organs must be kept healthy and clean.
The eyes and mouth do not require any special care measures. Therefore, the organs of vision can be cleared of secretions that have accumulated in the corners of the eyes as they appear. It is not necessary to brush your pet's teeth, but you can use specialized brushes and pastes recommended for dogs. The limbs deserve special attention in wolfhounds, namely the dewclaws, which are recommended for animals to remove.
If such a procedure has not been carried out, the owner of hotosho needs to monitor the growth of the claws on them, removing the dead part as it grows, in order to avoid the claw growing into the skin.

The breeders of the Buryat-Mongolian wolfhounds note the fact that dogs have a well-developed intellect, and therefore they are very flattered by any praise from family members. In the process of interaction and close contact with a person, the dog demonstrates an agreeable character, obedience and playfulness. The pet is not inherent in obsession, you can raise an excellent guard from it.
As a positive feature of the breed, the owners of wolfhounds note their love for children. However, sometimes dogs are stubborn.

For more information on the characteristics of the breed, see the next video.