Chongqing dog: breed description, feeding and care

Chongqing, or the Chinese Bulldog, is one of the rarest breeds, and even in China, the population of these unusual dogs numbers only a few hundred. The uniqueness of Chongqing lies primarily in the fact that their gene pool does not contain the blood of other breeds, which is why Chinese Bulldogs are considered a primitive population. Since ancient times, such animals have been valued for their loyalty to the owner, fearlessness and the skills of an excellent hunter.

Origin story
The history of the emergence of the Chongqing breed is rooted in the distant past, but there is little information in Chinese sources about its origin. It is only known that the dogs come from the vicinity of the city of Chongqing, Sichuan province, and the first mentions of them date back to the 3rd century BC. BC: to the time of the reign of the Han dynasty... At that time, animal husbandry flourished on the territory of China, and the ancestors of modern Chongqing helped the peasants to graze herds and protect their property from the raids of nomads. Moreover, only the most hardy and fearless dogs were selected for the guard and security service, the rest were simply eaten. As a result, only the strongest and strongest representatives of the breed were allowed to breed, who passed on their best working qualities to their descendants.
In the first half of the 20th century, the population of Chinese Bulldogs was on the verge of extinction, and it has survived thanks to enthusiasts and true connoisseurs of the breed. Only at the end of the century, Chinese dog handlers became concerned about the preservation of the Chongqing and began to actively work to restore the breed.However, not everything went as smoothly as we would like, and as a result of the 2003 epidemic, most of the animals had to be eliminated.

After the stabilization of the epidemiological situation, breeding work was continued, and today, through the efforts of dog handlers and breeders, the number of the world population has been raised to 2 thousand individuals. American specialists make a great contribution to the development and restoration of the breed., who, despite the non-recognition of the Chongqing by the International Cynological Federation, actively promote and popularize this distinctive breed. As for the progenitors of the Chinese Bulldog, there is no consensus in the circles of specialists on this matter. Most of them, based on visual similarities with some other breeds from China, suggest that they have a common ancestor. So, the language of a dark blue color, according to scientists, speaks of a relationship with the Chow Chow, and wrinkled skin indicates a relationship with the Sharpei.
Considering the history of the origin of the breed, it is impossible not to note such an important point as the long-term isolation of the population from the outside world... On the one hand, it allowed to form a unique exterior and get pure blood, and on the other hand, it led to negative consequences. So, being isolated and not receiving an infusion of fresh blood, the breed has gone through several mutations that provoked a number of hereditary diseases.

Over time, ailments became so ingrained that the appearance of a healthy puppy was, rather, an exception. However, this state of affairs is quite typical for most closed populations, where diseases are firmly fixed in the genotype and transmitted to each new generation. In many ways, it was this fact that did not allow the Chongqing to gain great popularity, since it is rather difficult and expensive to raise such a dog at home.
Today, few can afford the purchase and maintenance of a Chinese Bulldog. This is due to the small number of kennels, which can be counted on one hand, and the too high cost of puppies. Their price starts at $ 3,700 and often reaches $ 4,500.
Moreover, you can buy real Chongqing only in China or America, and Chinese breeders, before selling a puppy, require documents confirming that the buyer has his own house and the funds necessary to maintain a dog.

The Chinese Bulldog is a medium-sized, athletic-built dog that closely resembles the American Pit Bull. The animal has rather prominent muscles, clearly showing through the elastic skin with short hair. The height of males varies from 35 to 45 cm, bitches - from 30 to 40 cm.
Such a large spread in growth is due to the presence of 3 types of chongqing: small, medium and large, which is explained by the formation in each region of its own type of breed. So, bulldogs from mountainous areas are noticeably different from flat ones and in comparison with them are more squat and strong. The weight of males, depending on the type, varies from 14 to 25 kg, bitches - from 12 to 20 kg.

A characteristic feature of the Chinese Bulldog is a straight, thick, medium-sized tail, pointed at the end. It rises high in relation to the line of the back and is completely devoid of wool. Chongqing's head is somewhat disproportionate in comparison with the body and looks rather large. The upper part of the skull has a flattened shape, which, in combination with well-defined cheekbones, gives the head a square shape. The bulldog's muzzle is short and wide, which, combined with a square head, looks intimidating.
The tongue of the Chinese Bulldog is uniform black and blue, but pinkish blotches are also allowed. The nose is large black, slightly raised above the muzzle, which is quite typical for hunting dogs. The muzzle is slightly wrinkled, but the number of wrinkles is much less than that of Sharpei and Pugs.Chongqing's eyes are always dark, and the ears without hair have a triangular shape, stand well and are inclined forward.

Separately, it should be said about wool. In most Chinese Bulldogs, it is very rare, which is why the pets look like naked, moreover, on the ears, tail, and sometimes on the muzzle, the coat is almost completely absent. Where hair is present, it is short, rather harsh to the touch and tinged with brown shades. Black skin is clearly visible through it, which creates the illusion of a black mask on the muzzle, as well as the animal has a black tail and ears. The dog's chest is often decorated with a white spot. Recently, the line of the appearance of a black color has been clearly traced, however, experts believe this is a consequence of cross-breeding - interbreeding.
As for the purpose of the breed, it belongs to the category of hunting and guard dogsHowever, recently there has been a tendency to keep chongqing as a companion and even a guide. It should be noted that only professionals can raise a dog for these purposes, therefore, in the absence of experience and lack of confidence in their abilities, it is better to opt for a simpler breed.
It should also be noted that the dog belongs to the category of centenarians and can easily live up to 20 years or more.

Chongqing is distinguished by high intelligence and balanced character, however, it reacts very aggressively to foreign animals and poultry, which is explained by its hunting instincts. Therefore, it is better not to bring even well-known dogs to visit. Although in neutral territory the dog will be happy to play with the same dogs and will not show even a hint of suspicion and ill will towards them.
Especially noteworthy are the excellent guarding qualities of the Chongqings. The dog will never let a visitor into the house until it receives the "go-ahead" of the owner. And this applies not only to strangers, but also to people well-known to the dog, and even to those who come to the house quite often.

A separate topic is the attitude towards children. Despite the fact that some breeders classify Chongqing as almost nannies, they do not forgive insults and bullying from a child and may well give the young offender a serious rebuff. If the child is friendly and does not offend the pet, then Chongqing, in response, is ready to endure the baby's endless games and even take part in them.
Therefore, when such a dog appears in the house with a child, it is necessary to conduct an explanatory conversation and tell the rules of conduct with a new family member.

Pros and cons of the breed
Recently, more and more people have begun to show interest in the Chongqing breed, which is due to a number of indisputable advantages of these unique distinctive dogs.
- Representatives of the breed are distinguished by a calm and balanced character and are able to compromise.
- Chinese Bulldogs tend to make independent decisions. When a danger arises, the dog itself determines how real the threat is, and when to start decisive action. This can simultaneously be regarded as a minus, since if the Chongqing decided that the owner needs protection, then it is almost impossible to convince him of this.
- Unlimited devotion to its owner and his household distinguishes this breed from many other hunting dogs.
- High intelligence and outstanding mental abilities make it possible to do without lengthy explanations, since the animal understands a person literally at a glance.
- Chongqing are very brave and resolute dogs, and when danger arises, they will rush, without hesitation, to protect property and people.
- High sensitivity allows bulldogs to determine the intentions of a stranger at a glance and immediately warn the owners about this with their non-standard behavior.
- The dogs are very active and happily accompany their owners on their morning jog.

Along with a lot of obvious pluses, the breed also has minuses. These include zooaggression and hunting instinct, in which, when keeping rabbits and poultry, you will need to take serious care of their safety. In addition, the Chongqing may not get along with a fighting dog and is very disliked by cats.
Another disadvantage of the breed is the difficulty in shaping the personality of the pet. Despite the fact that the dog is intelligent, understanding and well trained, it has pronounced leadership qualities, which can cause difficulties in its education. This is especially true for males, which, if they do not recognize the leader in the owner, will become uncontrollable. And also the disadvantages of the breed include the too high cost of puppies, which is due to the small number of nurseries and the rarity of the breed.

Features of the content
The best place to keep Chongqing is in a backyard or spacious courtyard. It is categorically impossible to keep an animal in an apartment or house. Not only can it destroy the whole house in the absence of the owners (this is especially true for young dogs), the pet will not receive the necessary amount of physical activity it needs.
Therefore, Chongqing is only suitable for street maintenance, where he can realize his protective qualities, keeping the territory entrusted to him under vigilant control.

At the same time, it is by no means possible to restrict the freedom of movement of the animal by an aviary or, even worse, by a chain. Chain Bulldogs are characterized by uncontrolled aggression or, on the contrary, fall into severe depression, which often develops into a serious illness. Therefore, the main thing for Chongqing is freedom of movement, which should not be deprived of it under any circumstances.
On the site, it will be necessary to build a spacious booth in which the animal could take shelter from rain and strong winds. For the winter, Chongqings are often taken into the house, but a heated booth would be the best solution. The area where the Chinese bulldog lives must be fenced off with a high fence, and a sign must be hung on the gate warning of the presence of an angry dog.

What to feed?
Due to the natural origin of the breed, its representatives should be fed only with natural food. The animal's diet must contain turkey, beef, chicken and lamb, as well as heart, liver, kidneys, tripe and other offal. Moreover, the share of meat should be at least 50% of the total volume, and the second half of the diet should consist of buckwheat, rice or barley.
Vegetables are also a must on the menu. Moreover, they can be given both raw and baked. The most beneficial for the dog's body are spinach and lettuce leaves, pumpkin, cabbage, beets and zucchini. Lean fish, pre-cooked and cleaned of large bones, and eggs can be given twice a week.

Whole milk, of course, cannot be offered, but fermented milk products will come in handy. The dog will be happy to eat cottage cheese mixed with raw yolk and hard cheese. The animal can sometimes be pampered with dried pork and beef ears, trachea and chewing bones made from pressed veins. In no case should you feed your dog with peas, beans, potatoes, corn, pickles, smoked meats, as well as bread, sweets and pastries.
As for the frequency of eating, the puppies should be fed 5-6 times a day. For an adult animal, 2 meals a day will be enough. Bone meal, fish oil, vitamins and minerals should be given as a food supplement.

How to care?
Chongqing care includes a number of mandatory activities and procedures.
- Combing dogs is performed every 2 weeks, removing hairs that have fallen out.In addition, 1-3 times a month, the dog is brushed with a rubber brush, while massaging the skin and thereby improving blood circulation.
- Chongqing should be bathed every six months, using natural shampoos that do not cause allergic reactions. After each bathing, the skin should be moisturized with creams.
- It is recommended to brush your teeth every 3 months using special dog accessories.
- Claws are trimmed as needed, but most dogs will happily grind them down on walks.
- An eye examination is carried out daily, and if suspicious symptoms are found, they immediately contact the veterinarian.
- The ears are cleaned once a month using a cotton swab dipped in vegetable oil.

Education and training
Chongqing is a dog for people with strong character and requires serious training. It is important to let him know as early as possible who is in charge in the house, otherwise the dog will quickly seize the initiative and dominate the owner. Raising a puppy should be done from the first days of its appearance in the house. If an animal is taken as a companion, then it is necessary to immediately suppress its aggression towards strangers and animals.
If the dog is supposed to be used for protection, then only an experienced specialist should be engaged in its training. An owner who does not have a firm hand and experience in raising complex breeds should not take on such a responsible event.
As proof of this, one can cite the reviews of the Chongqing owners, who could not cope with the upbringing on their own and received as a result of an uncontrollable evil dog, which over time they began to be afraid.

When working with a bulldog on your own, the main thing is to be strict and consistent and under no circumstances give slack. At the same time, it is not recommended to beat the animal, as this can cause unpredictable consequences, and the dog will grow up either too aggressive or too persecuted and cowardly. The most difficult thing in educating Chongqing is to gain authority with them. Once this can be achieved, further training will go like clockwork. Otherwise, the dog will dominate. And also it should be remembered that Chongqing needs serious physical exertion, so such a dog is not suitable for a sedentary person.

The isolation of the population caused a number of mutations that turned into a hereditary tendency to a variety of diseases. The weakest point of the Chongqing people is their skin and eyes. Animals are prone to frequent dermatitis, conjunctivitis, corneal inflammation and cataracts. In addition, joint problems, food allergies and respiratory diseases are common. The latter is often caused by hypothermia of the animal, which, due to the scarce wool cover, does not tolerate cold very well.
In order to avoid colds, it is required to provide the dog with warm clothing and good nutrition.

For more information on the characteristics of the breed, see the next video.