Citrus fruits for dogs: is it possible to give, what are the benefits and harms?

Dogs may show interest or steal citrus fruits from humans on their own. A variety of plant-based diets can be beneficial as well as harmful. Sour fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals that strengthen the immune system and increase the stamina of the pet. At the same time, citrus fruits are high in organic acids. In large quantities, these chemicals can cause a number of diseases of the digestive system, dental problems and metabolic problems.
Can citrus fruits be given?
Unlike exotic fruits, citrus fruits do not contain toxins that could harm your dog's health. They are not hazardous when used in small quantities. The composition of acidic fruits contains vitamins and minerals necessary to improve metabolism and the functioning of internal organs in the body of the animal.

The ASPCA Pet Protection Society has conducted a number of studies. In the process of studying citrus fruits, it was found that the peel, seeds and pulp of the fruit contain different amounts of citric acid. This organic compound irritates the mucous membranes of the dog's gastrointestinal tract and, in large quantities, depresses the central nervous system. At the same time, to get such harm, the dog will have to eat about 7-10 tangerines or 5 large oranges.
Veterinarians say that when eating half a citrus, the dog does not experience digestive upset. Small breeds can have stomach problems after applying a few tangerines. This phenomenon is due to the small size of the animal.His body cannot cope with the processing of sucrose and citric acid.
The best option, according to experts, is to give the dog no more than 1-2 slices of any citrus fruit per day.

Citrus fruits have several benefits that can help you include them in your pet's diet:
fruits do not contain harmful and toxic substances, are not treated with pesticides from insects;
fruit juice and pulp contain flavonoids, organic acids, vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal functioning of the internal organs and systems of the animal;
due to the large amount of ascorbic acid, the dog's immunity is strengthened, the resistance to infectious diseases increases;
nutrients increase muscle tone, increase the physical activity of the pet.

At the same time, some veterinarians believe that citrus should be eliminated from the dog's diet or given in limited quantities. The negative attitude of specialists is due to the following factors.
In the wild, other canine predators do not consume citrus fruits, so dogs can do without oranges, lemons, or tangerines in their diet.
The high content of bioactive compounds and organic acids provokes the development of allergic reactions, increases the acidity of gastric juice. Because of this, the appearance of vomiting, diarrhea, gastritis is possible.
If a dog loves tangerines or oranges because of their sweet taste, he begins to beg for treats or steal them from the table. Overuse of herbal products can put a heavy strain on the liver and kidneys.
To avoid unpleasant consequences, you should consult your veterinarian before including citrus fruits in your pet's diet. The specialist will give an opinion on the pet's health and, if necessary, carry out allergy tests.

Beneficial features
Benefits of oranges and tangerines for dog health due to the high content of nutrients in the composition of products:
water-soluble sugars: fructose, sucrose;
vegetable fiber;
easily digestible proteins;
15 organic acids, including malonic, citric, galacturonic and cinchona;
minerals: potassium, sodium ions, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium;
vitamins A, C, E, PP, thiamine, riboflavin, pantothenic acid.

Natural ingredients increase the functional activity of the nervous, endocrine, and digestive systems of dogs. Thanks to the large amount of vitamins, the pet's intracellular metabolism is normalized. Organic acids stimulate the production of digestive enzymes, facilitate the digestion of protein products of animal origin, dry feed. Under their influence, the dog's appetite increases, so it is recommended to give citrus fruits to pets in winter.
After the onset of frost, the physical activity of the dog decreases, some animals begin to eat less. Citrus fruits restore vigor, normalize the psychoemotional state of the pet. Thanks to vitamin C, the immune response is enhanced, so walking in the cold reduces the risk of inflammatory diseases.

Vitamins have a positive effect on the condition of the skin and coat. The blood supply to the hair follicles improves, the hair stops falling out much. Due to this effect, molting is faster.
Citrus fruits improve the visual acuity, hearing and smell of the dog. Therefore, it is recommended to add plant products to the diet of hunting animals. Vitamin C increases the tone of skeletal muscles, vitamin B group stabilizes the nervous system. As a result, the dog's endurance increases, the animal tolerates treatment with drugs more easily, and the regeneration of damaged tissues is accelerated.
Excess organic acids are excreted through the kidneys without accumulating in the body. Due to the fast metabolism in the dog's body, acidosis is not observed even after exceeding the daily requirement of citrus fruits.
Vitamins are easily absorbed in the digestive tract of the dog, which is especially useful for the dog during growing up.

Potential harm
Citrus fruits exported from other countries are sometimes harvested in green. Fruit ripening occurs during transportation. So that the products do not rot and retain their presentation for a long time, they are treated with special formulations. For this purpose, the following chemicals harmful to animal health can be used.
Diphenyl. Liquid with crystals and organic compounds dissolved in it. It does not have a specific smell, taste and color, which is why it cannot be visually identified on the peel of citrus fruits. The chemical prevents the development of mold on the product, it is not toxic to humans. May cause digestive upset in pets.
Volatiles: sulfur dioxide, methyl bromide, fungicides. The gases used to treat citrus fruits accelerate the ripening process of the fruit. One or more substances are present on fruits. They kill eggs and adults of insect pests, mold spores and pathogens. The decision on their use is made by the fruit exporting company. Normally, chemicals should not penetrate into the pulp and juice of the fruit. At the same time, during transportation, synthetic compounds that have settled on the peel can penetrate into the edible part of the fruit. Therefore, the longer the transportation of products lasts, the higher the concentration of harmful substances in the pulp of the fruit becomes.

The harm from citrus fruits in dogs is observed with the abuse of acidic foods. In excess, citric acid inhibits the central nervous system, disrupts the hormonal background, due to which there is a deterioration in the psychoemotional state of the pet. There are few vitamins in tangerines or oranges compared to citric acid, so their beneficial properties cannot neutralize its negative effect on the animal's body.
If your pet has chronic diseases of the urinary or digestive system, you cannot give him citrus fruits. Organic acids in large quantities increase the production of gastric juice, as a result of which the gastric mucosa begins to break down. Citrus fruits can cause gastritis in your pet. Sucrose causes indigestion, diarrhea and vomiting. Citric acid eats away at tooth enamel.
Excess organic compounds must be promptly excreted through the kidneys or rendered harmless in the liver. With regular consumption of citrus fruits in large quantities, the organs will no longer cope with the increased load, which can cause liver and kidney failure in the dog.

Feeding rules
The benefits of citrus fruits are possible if the dog eats acidic fruits on an irregular basis and in small quantities. If the dog is undergoing treatment or is recovering from surgery, the daily dosage of the herbal product should be checked with the veterinarian. For the first time, citrus fruits can be given to a puppy only after 6 months, no more than half a slice of tangerine.
Before giving the fruit to the pet, it is necessary to peel it from the peel, white film and free it from all the seeds. Beforehand, the fruit must be rinsed well with running water.

To avoid the negative consequences of taking citrus fruits, you must adhere to the following recommendations.
The dog needs to be given ripe fruit without traces of damage and rot. You should treat your pet with sweet fruits.
In the absence of individual intolerance to the product, a small dog can eat half, a large one - a whole slice of orange. Small pets can eat a whole tangerine wedge. Citrus fruits are allowed to be given to the animal no more than 1 time per week.
Citrus fruits should not be given along with fermented milk products. Organic acids can cause fermentation in the stomach, which usually leads to diarrhea and gas in the intestines. Also, do not give fruit with food. It is necessary to treat the dog half an hour before a meal or after 1.5-2 hours after the pet has eaten a solid meal.
If symptoms of allergy or digestive upset appear, the product should be excluded from the pet's diet. Your dog can get nutrients from other foods. If the allergy does not go away on its own for a long time, it is worth giving the dog antihistamines.
If the dog tries the pulp for the first time, you need to monitor its well-being for 2-3 days. Bioactive plant substances are completely removed from the dog's body only after 72 hours.

Do not give your dog more than 1 tsp. chopped citrus fruit pulp per week. Exceeding the recommended norm disrupts metabolism, homeostasis and rheological properties of blood. Veterinarians recommend treating your pet to citrus as little as possible. It should be remembered that animals do not care for the state of the oral cavity. Organic acids can lead to dental problems, which can lead to increased sensitivity. As a result, the dog may begin to refuse to eat.
It is strictly forbidden to include zest, tops or citrus seeds in the dog's diet along with the fruit slices.
If the dog independently expresses a desire to eat an orange, it is necessary to reconsider its daily diet. The animal may need juicy food. This behavior may be due to a violation of the water and electrolyte balance in the pet's body, a meager menu consisting only of dry food.

For more information on plant foods in your dog's diet, see the video below.