Raising and training a Doberman

The Doberman is a wonderful breed of dog. They are distinguished by good intelligence and reaction, for which they are often used as watchdogs. However, this requires an effort and education of the dog, so the owner of the puppy needs to be patient, after which he will reap the fruits of his labors in the form of an obedient watchdog. Teaching a dog is reasonable even when it plays the role of a pet - knowing the commands will not be superfluous. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the Doberman Pinscher training program for months.

General information about the dog
Speaking about the Doberman, we can say that they are smart, with a lively mind and excellent reaction of the dog. This is a very daring and noble breed at the same time.
However, they need a special individual approach, which is due to an innate desire for domination, Dobermans can be very cunning, which is not always beneficial.
Taking into account all the behavioral features of these dogs, experienced dog breeders recommend that beginners be careful when buying such a pet. But if you decide to have a Doberman, we will try to tell you as much as possible how to raise a puppy at home, as well as about the features of training.

How to train a Doberman
Properly trained dogs are very balanced, sociable, but at the same time harsh outwardly dogs. An interesting fact that dogs of this breed are among the 10 most loyal dogs in the world.
Such pets will recognize only one leader in the house; they, as a rule, are friendly to other family members, but sometimes they will neglect their commands.
Before direct training, you should establish your own authority so that the pet sees in you a leader. A dog, due to its desire for leadership, can try to question the dominance of the owner at any age. For this reason, regardless of the age of the dog, the owner should show firmness of character at all times. Any mistake will undoubtedly affect your credibility.

The dog has special critical moments when it, obeying innate instincts, can try to take a leading position. It is then that you should especially show three basic qualities that underlie the entire training system:
- the severity of the owner towards the dog;
- show of respect;
- expression of love for a pet.
Thus, you will make it clear to the dog that you are in charge, but at the same time show respect for him. Expressing love will warm your relationship.

In fact, all training takes place in monthly stages, so it is reasonable for the owner of the Doberman to study this information in detail in advance. Then you will have the opportunity not to waste precious time for training and developing the necessary qualities.
The puppy will begin to show its proud and independent character from a very young age. Therefore, the owner, who has just begun the process of training a puppy at home, without the help of trainers, must have the necessary knowledge of all aspects, as well as show patience and tact.

2 months
When the dog was just brought in, having previously made all the necessary vaccinations, it is necessary to start studying the nickname so that the puppy understands that they are turning to him. After that, it is worth accustoming you to a specially designated place for the toilet.
To achieve positive results, the Doberman will need to be constantly monitored - so it will be easier for the owner to notice mistakes and correct them.
As a result, the puppy will become obedient.
After that, the owner will train the dog to the collar - this is one of the most important points in the upbringing of a Doberman. It is best to start working with the puppy at home, put on a leash and walk around the open spaces of the room - this will avoid stressful situations during the first walk.

Among other things, the puppy should understand a number of necessary rules so that he does not go beyond the boundaries of what is permitted, this list includes the following:
- for games, it is necessary to use only specially purchased toys, which will eliminate damage to furniture and valuables;
- forbid the puppy to bite, regardless of who is playing with him - you or an unfamiliar person;
- for convenience, it should be prohibited to wake up family members;
- to accustom to loneliness, so that at such moments he does not howl, does not gnaw shoes, does not spoil furniture - this will avoid many problems.

3 months
The puppy is already allowed small walks in the fresh air. A very important point is teaching the Doberman to be calm at the sight of moving vehicles, people or other animals passing by. By developing these qualities in your dog, you will make it environmentally friendly.
At this stage, a new list of rules is introduced for a pet, which must be followed:
- eating should be carried out only in a specially designated place;
- going to the toilet while walking on the street;
- do not show aggression towards people and any animals.
The foundation of Doberman Parenting still rests on consistency, strict behavior, and rewarding commands that are executed correctly.

4-5 months
Having learned the basic rules of behavior in society and at home, the dog does not need constant control over its behavior. However, even one-time cases of disobedience to your pet should not be allowed. In the process of training, it is important to maintain consistency and perseverance in relation to the dog. But it is considered unacceptable to offend a pet, all activities, without exception, should not be a burden for the Doberman and you.
During this period, the following set of rules should be instilled, which include:
- movement of the dog next to the owner, even when the dog is on a leash;
- return to the owner on the first order;
- the Doberman must have restraint, in other words, at the command of the owner to sit, lie or stand still, without breaking away without permission;
- do not eat food from the ground or from the hands of strangers.

6 months
This period is challenging as this is when your pet's puberty begins. Weakening of attention threatens with disobedience due to rebellious feelings awakened inside. Here it is important to closely monitor the Doberman and in any disobedience to suppress it in the bud, but without cruelty.
Flaws will also be visible, so it is important not to miss the moment and correct mistakes made in the upbringing process.
List of basic commands
Smart individuals of this breed learn quickly, however, you should still approach the process responsibly. The first training lessons should not exceed 10 minutes. Later, the length of time for training can be gradually increased. In the first year, the dog must be trained in the following commands.
- A place! In the process of educating and developing yourself as the head of the dog, this is one of the main skills that should be instilled at the time of getting used to the nickname. Thus, the puppy will learn discipline, which will ultimately make it easier to control the Doberman.
- To me! This refers to the approach to the owner, that is, to you, regardless of what the dog is doing. The command must be executed with a voice or a special gesture. For the pet to get used to it, toys or some kind of treat should be used, along with approval.
- Ugh! From the first months, a pet should know what objects it is forbidden to touch.
- Nearby! It is considered one of the most difficult commands to master, which for this reason must be practiced constantly.
- Sit, lie, stand! Training to hold the Doberman in place is just as important as the rest of the teams. The dog must be in this position for a certain time in order to form an understanding of what is wanted from it.
- Aport! Skill development takes place through the game. The dog needs to be taught to run after the objects thrown by the owner, after which he must bring them back, for this toys or an ordinary stick are suitable.

Training features to consider
Teaching the assigned list of commands, which are aimed at developing the discipline of the dog, begins, as a rule, from the age of six months. In general, it is recommended to entrust this lesson to professionals in this field, who are purposefully engaged in the development of certain commands from Dobermans through a training system.
The main goal of the entire course is to develop obedience to the basic commands and skills required by the dog in the future. In addition, the purpose of the Doberman is determined, which can be divided into three groups:
- hunter;
- security guard;
- companion.
After completing the course, the dog will be awarded an appropriate diploma.

Methods of punishment
Punishment also plays an important role, and this process should be taken seriously. For example, obstinate and independent dogs of this breed with a lack of control will be very naughty and wayward.As a result, the dog can lie on the bed, gnaw home furniture and shoes.
It will be enough to severely scold the puppy, an older dog, starting from six months, is allowed to punish with a blow of a folded newspaper. Also, the dog will understand the discontent of its owner if it is temporarily limited to playing with its favorite toy.
It is strictly forbidden to hit or shout at the Doberman. A puppy that ignores your instructions can be grabbed by the withers and shaken slightly. If the dog tries to bite or attack, it must be pressed to the floor.
It is important to remember that a Doberman who sees a leader in his master will be more willing to master the basic rules of behavior in the house and on the street. It should also be understood that knowledge of the theory will be reasonably reinforced by watching video tutorials. This will help prevent gross mistakes in education and not cause aggression towards the owner and other inhabitants of the house.

How the process of training Dobermans goes, see below.