The kindest dog breeds and features of their upbringing

Experienced dog breeders argue that the breed does not have any effect on the character of the animal, but very often it is she who determines the set of specific models of its behavior. So, among representatives of one breed, distrustful and stubborn individuals are more common, among representatives of the other - cheerful, friendly and affectionate. In the article, we will consider breeds that are more characterized by good nature, obedience and a gentle disposition.

Character traits of friendly dogs
The character of any dog is formed under the influence of various factors. The most important role here is played by the socialization of the animal, as well as the peculiarities of its upbringing, rearing and training. Equally important is the manner in which the owner treats the dog.
A certain imprint on the character of the dog is also imposed by its temperament (a type of higher nervous activity). So, for friendly sanguine dogs, curiosity, cheerfulness and curiosity, high physical activity and interest in the world around them are more characteristic.
On a walk with such pets, you usually do not get bored: they willingly play with other animals, inquisitively explore unfamiliar territories.

At the same time, animals with a sanguine temperament often require increased attention from the owner. It is difficult for them to endure the loneliness and the prolonged absence of the owner of the house.
The striking features of sanguine dogs are high efficiency, stable nervous system, courage, and easy learning. Such animals, without hesitation, will rush to protect the owner if they feel that he is in danger.
A quick reaction, courage and high physical activity are characteristic of dogs with a choleric temperament. They are characterized by a distrustful attitude towards strangers and animals, but with correct upbringing, such pets become more sociable, friendly and contact.

Dogs with a phlegmatic temperament are usually calm, docile and affectionate animals, showing emotions with restraint. Such dogs demonstrate their benevolence towards unfamiliar people and animals rather dryly. However, in relation to the owner, phlegmatic pets can show a feeling of love or joy very brightly.
Characteristic features of dogs with a phlegmatic temperament - good nature, calmness, poise, inertia. Most of these pets can safely endure loneliness for quite a long time.
Dogs with a melancholic temperament find it difficult to get used to new conditions, are reluctant to make contact with strangers and strangers. Most often they are timid, fearful and indecisive. However, such pets treat their owner and members of his family with reverence and benevolence. Typically, this behavior is characteristic of decorative ("sofa") breeds.

Dogs with a friendly and docile disposition make excellent companions and babysitters. Some breeds of dogs, distinguished by a kind disposition and good learning ability, are still used as guides, rescuers, and search engines.
It should be noted that a friendly and gentle disposition does not mean at all that the animal is not able to stand up for itself or protect the owner and his family.
With correct upbringing and proper training, a good-natured pet at the first signals of danger will immediately turn into a formidable bodyguard.

Top breeds
The top of the most good-natured breeds includes both large and medium, and even miniature representatives of the canine family. In this rating, you can find molossians, hunting, decorative and sled dogs, characterized by a peaceful and docile disposition.
Labrador retrievers
Dogs of this breed are considered one of the kindest in the world. Initially, the breed was bred as a hunting breed. These days labrador retrievers are increasingly used as rescuers, guide dogs, family companion dogs.
This breed is characterized by strong and powerful physique. The coat consists of coarse guard hairs and a thick, water-repellent undercoat. The colors allowed by the standard are fawn, black, chocolate brown.

Labrador Retrievers are amazingly kind, loyal, docile and affectionate dogs. They quickly become attached to the owner, obey him in everything, but at the same time they obey other family members. These animals are excellent companions and attentive nannies who can be safely trusted to play with children. They find a common language with other pets.
Dogs of this breed perfectly trainable. They are quick-witted, energetic, have a good memory and a stable psyche.

Collie (Scottish Shepherd)
Scottish Shepherd Dogs (long and short haired) - graceful and elegant animals with a catchy memorable appearance... The main purpose of this breed was originally grazing and livestock protection.
However, the collie's excellent working qualities, endurance and quick wits have over time allowed them to expand their scope of functionality. So, during the existence of the breed, the Scottish Shepherd Dogs were used as guard, mine-search and guard dogs. There are cases when collies took part in sabotage work and even acted in films (the notorious film "Lassie").

The Scottish Shepherd Dogs are characterized by: a strong, but not loose physique, graceful and soft gait, gentle and docile disposition.These animals are excellent for the role of babysitting dogs, as they quickly find a common language with children. It should be noted that the absence of aggression towards humans is enshrined in the standard of this spectacular breed.
Striking features of the Scottish Shepherd Dogs: vigor, curiosity, cheerfulness, dedication and sociability. When showing attention to the owner and his family members, collies can make various funny sounds. Collie dogs are often called "talkative" for this feature.
Animals are distinguished by a strong and stable psyche, docile, peaceful disposition.

The majestic "divers" or Newfoundlands are another undisputed leader in the list of the kindest and most peaceful breeds. Distinctive features of these amazing animals are power, endurance, quick wits and intelligence. They feel great in the water, they love to swim, dive and swim. The physical characteristics of the Newfoundlands allow them to be afloat for a long time, covering considerable distances. These characteristics largely determined the use of dogs of this breed as reliable rescuers on the water.

The appearance of Newfoundlands makes a strong impression. They are powerful and massive animals with a strong constitution, muscular legs. Gait in dogs of this breed is measured and confident, with a clear and verified step. Between the toes of the Newfoundlands, there are well-developed, noticeable webbing. The coat is thick, double, water-repellent. Classic coal black color. Acceptable colors - chocolate brown, black and white.
Despite the impressive appearance, Newfoundlands are one of the kindest and most peaceful dogs in the world. These animals are devoid of aggression towards humans. They perfectly cope with the tasks of nursing dogs, are able to independently make decisions in critical situations. They socialize easily, are good-natured to other pets.

Bedlington terrier
This breed of graceful small dogs was originally bred for hunting. In terms of their working qualities, the Bedlingtons were not inferior to their larger counterparts - the terriers. However, in the 19th century, this breed began to be bred mainly for exhibitions, as a result of which the animals lost some of their original qualities. Currently, the breed is usually classified as quite rare and, as a result, expensive.
Visually, Bedlington Terriers resemble lambs. Their coat is thick, fluffy, pleasant to the touch. Traditional colors are sand, blue, bluish-red, reddish-brown.

Despite the rather modest size (the growth of dogs reaches 40 centimeters at the withers), these animals are distinguished by amazing courage and fearlessness. However, they do not show aggression towards a person. On the contrary, having a good-natured, gentle and cheerful disposition, Bedlingtons are able to become excellent companions, reliable friends. Living in a family, they try to pay attention to both adults and children.
These are small, loyal and playful guards who, with all their fragility and good nature, will bravely defend the owner and his family in case of danger.

The breed of these beautiful dogs was bred in Belgium. Initially, Bloodhounds were used as hounds, but over the years the range of their functions has become much wider. Excellent instinct and excellent working qualities made it possible to use these animals as service and search dogs. They have found application in the role of companion dogs and tracker dogs.

Bloodhounds are characterized by a strong but toned body, powerful and muscular paws. The head has a slightly elongated shape, the brow ridges are noticeably raised. The coat is short, smooth, close to the body. The traditional color is red, but black and tan are also allowed.
A characteristic feature of these dogs is a gentle disposition. The natural good nature of Bloodhounds does not allow them to be formidable guards. But also this breed is often characterized by stubbornness, which significantly complicates the training process.

Norwich Terrier
This breed was developed at the beginning of the 20th century in England. The original purpose of the Norwich Terriers was to protect farm grain supplies from rodents. Nowadays, these little brave dogs are grown as companions.
The average height of Norwich Terriers is about 25 centimeters, weight is about 5 kilograms. Representatives of this breed have a compact and proportional physique, a small head with pointed and widely spaced ears. The Norwich Terrier's dark almond-shaped eyes give its muzzle a particularly touching expression. The coat is hard, thick, slightly elongated. The main color options are gray, black, red and wheat.
The disposition of Norwich Terriers is very peaceful, docile.... These are active and very good-natured animals that quickly find a common language with everyone around them. Balance and diplomacy are characteristic features of this breed.

Alaskan Malamute
This breed is considered one of the oldest. Its name goes back to the name of an ancient Eskimo tribe that once inhabited the coastal territories of Alaska. The amazing endurance and strength of the Malamutes initially determined their purpose and use as sled dogs.
Alaskan Malamutes are sturdy and powerful, but not massive. A characteristic feature of the exterior of this breed is a mask on the face or a "helmet" on the head.

The specific position of the eyes and the clever expression of the muzzle give the Malamute a similarity to a wolf, but at the same time, the dog's gaze radiates kindness.
Malamutes, indeed, have a very good-natured character. For this reason, they are considered unsuitable for guard duty. These dogs really like communication, they are mobile and energetic. However, an experienced person should raise the Alaskan Malamute, since this breed is also characterized by stubbornness and a tendency to dominate.

This group of hunting dogs is distinguished by a cheerful, kind and peaceful disposition. The most famous representatives of this breed are English, Scottish and Irish setters.
Dogs of this breed have a beautiful, toned body, strong and muscular paws. One of the important advantages inherent in setters is their excellent instinct, which allows them to find a bird accurately and quickly while hunting. The coat is long, soft, slightly curly. When a dog is kept indoors, the coat loses its undercoat, which protects the animal from the cold.
The English and Irish setters are considered the most good-natured and friendly. The Scottish Setter is sometimes prone to dominance, so raising it requires experience and relevant knowledge.

How to choose a puppy?
The choice and purchase of a puppy must be preceded by a thorough study of the features of the breed you like. A potential owner should take into account not only his capabilities, but also the characteristics and specific features of the future pet.
It is important to take into account the temperament characteristic of the breed you like. A good-natured, but hyperactive sanguine puppy is unlikely to suit a phlegmatic owner who appreciates calmness and comfort. And vice versa: a calm and sedentary pet is likely to create inconvenience for the owner who prefers an active lifestyle and long walks.

When choosing a puppy, it is necessary to evaluate his behavior, conformation and habits. Good-natured puppies in relation to strangers can behave wary, without showing aggression or cowardice. For most breeds, these qualities are faults.
It is necessary to visually assess the health of the puppy. Healthy puppies are active and willing to play with each other. When moving, they should not limp or fall to the sides.
The skin should be clean and pink, ears, nose, eyes and groin area - clean, without traces of any secretions.

Raising good-natured animals
Experienced dog breeders argue that it is necessary to start raising a puppy in the first days after buying it and adapting it to a new place. You should treat your pet with care, first accustoming it to the name and the place to sleep. Then you can move on to teaching simple commands.
It is strictly not allowed to use brute physical force in relation to the dog. An animal that fears and avoids the owner out of fear will never be able to reach its potential. However, you cannot pamper the dog either - especially if the desire to dominate the owner is guessed in its character.

The dog will grow up good-natured and peaceful, if from the very beginning the right approach to its socialization. You need to give your pet enough attention, regularly communicate and play with him. It is preferable that on walks the animal has the opportunity to play freely with other dogs.
You should not try to bring up qualities in a dog that are not inherent in its breed. Constant failure in the training process will only add to the tension between the animal and its owner. It is optimal to bring up your pet in a close and appropriate rhythm.

For more on the kindest dog breeds, see the next video.