Great Dane: types and recommendations for keeping dogs

The Great Dane is a large and rather strong dog. But this is not a separate breed of animals, but a whole group that includes several breeds of domestic dogs belonging to the Molossian group.

general description
Before you start a pet belonging to the category of Great Danes, it is important to familiarize yourself with its distinctive characteristics, namely, its appearance and character traits.
The main distinguishing feature of Great Danes, which can be seen even with the naked eye, is its large size. If we talk about specific numerical values, then the height of the dog can reach 90 centimeters at the withers, and the weight of the animal can be about 90 kilograms.
An animal can look differently. Some varieties are more graceful, others more massive. The facial part of the head of the Great Dane is usually elongated, but the specific shape depends on the subspecies. The nose is wide and has large nostrils. The shape of the eyes is almond-shaped. The coat is short and smooth in almost all varieties.
The color is very diverse. So, in nature you can find black, brown monochromatic dogs, as well as animals with a heterogeneous color - tiger, marble, etc.

Regardless of the specific species, dogs need training. Moreover, the training of the puppy should begin from the very first days of his residence with you. If you approach this process with all seriousness and responsibility, then you can raise a devoted, calm and friendly dog.
You can't leave the Great Dane alone with yourself for a long time - this dog cannot stand prolonged loneliness, it can negatively affect both his mood and his mental state in general (stress disorders will arise). The dog makes good contact with children and other animals, but at first such communication must be carefully controlled.
If the described features of the animal do not scare you and you are ready to bring such a dog into your house, then it is important to decide on a specific breed of Great Dane.

To date, 7 Great Danes have been registered at the official level. Let's consider each of them in more detail.
Inexperienced dog breeders, as well as people who are not related to the animal world, often call Great Danes simply Great Dane, implying that this is the only animal breed that falls into the category of "Great Dane". In fact, this statement is not true. The thing is that animals belonging to this species are the most common, but far from the only ones.
This variety was born in 1971 in the territory of modern Germany. These animals have a proportional physique, have long and thin limbs, and are also quite tall. So, the average height of the Great Dane at the withers is about 90 centimeters. The hair of animals is rather short and smooth to the touch. The color can be varied: black, white and even blue. By their nature and behavior, dogs are quite friendly and active. They are good at making contact with people.

French (second name - Bordeaux)
The French variety is radically different from the German in appearance. This type of domestic dog has a large nose, folds in the front of the head, drooping ears. The physique is rather large (as is characteristic of the Great Dane), the paws are massive. The coat of the Dogue de Bordeaux can be of various shades of brown and red. The coat itself is short and smooth.
The French species of Great Danes do not like being alone. Animals constantly need company, otherwise they feel stress, longing, sadness and other negative emotions. It should also be borne in mind that dogs belonging to this species are leaders by nature, so they prefer to dominate other animals in their neighborhood.
In the process of keeping an animal, it is important to pay attention to training and education.

This variety was bred in the city of Cordoba. Its original purpose is to hunt large animals. With the development and spread of the breed, animals began to be attracted to other tasks: search and rescue work, as well as to serve in law enforcement and military bodies. Interestingly, Great Danes were also used as fighting dogs. In this regard, the reputation of these animals was damaged.
Animals belonging to this species have strong intellectual and mental abilities. If you take seriously the process of animal training, you can bring up a reliable guard and protector.

The Dogo Tibetan is a dog breed that is shrouded in a mysterious and enigmatic history. There is no consensus not only about the origin, but also about the development and current state of the breed. Thus, a number of scientists believe that today there are no Tibetan Great Danes in their original form - the animals have transformed into Tibetan Mastiffs.
In general, the Great Dane of the Tibetan variety has a rather large body and a very thick coat. As for the mental characteristics of animals, it is important to note their well-developed mental abilities and courage.

Also Great Danes are Brazilian.This variety of dogs differs from their counterparts in a strongly pronounced protective instinct - four-legged pets will do their best to protect not only their owner, but also the territory in which they live. Since ancient times, the Brazilian Great Danes have been used as assistants during hunting, as well as for grazing livestock and chasing escaped slaves.
In the process of keeping an animal, great attention should be paid not only to education and training, but also to socialization. If the training takes place in the correct mode, then you will get a loyal and kind four-legged friend.

It is believed that the original breed, which became a kind of progenitor of the Canary mastiff, is the Spanish fighting dog, which existed in the 3rd century BC. The Dogo Canary originated naturally, breeders did not take part in its breeding. That is why the animal is of great interest to the cynological society.
Great Danes were used for a variety of purposes: as companions in the hunting process, as guards, protectors, etc. In the character of dogs, such traits as stubbornness and independence are especially distinguished. Physically, Great Danes are quite strong and powerful.

Due to the fact that animals often took part in military campaigns, Great Danes are also called royal. One of the most important traits of these dogs is the ability to easily and quickly get along with people, to find contact with them. However, such qualities are not completely natural; training is needed to develop them.
Different breeds of Great Danes (despite the fact that they belong to the same large category) have different physiological and mental traits, dogs look differently and externally. On the other hand, animals are united by such universal characteristics as strength, power and large size.

Features of maintenance and care
A dog belonging to the Great Dane needs a lot of space - this is due to both the large size of the animal and its natural activity and energy. Due to this, if you live in a small city apartment, then you should refuse to buy such a large dog.
The dog needs a separate equipped place, which should have bowls for food and water, as well as a couch (you can buy it at a zoological store or make it yourself from improvised means).
In order to meet the needs of the animal, it is important to provide it with constant physical activity (at least long walks). Play outdoor games with dogs and conduct constant training in the fresh air.

Great Danes need special attention in terms of hygiene. The thing is that these animals do not differ in cleanliness, so it is important to constantly monitor them. The most characteristic feature of Great Danes in this respect is constant and profuse salivation. In this regard, it is important to monitor the condition of the dog's oral cavity, to brush the teeth. In addition, it is important to regularly examine the ears and eyes of the animal. If necessary, they can be cleaned with cotton pads and sticks dipped in water. Don't forget to trim your nails regularly, too.
Water procedures are another important part of the maintenance of Great Danes. Bathe your dogs as needed in warm water and special detergents. For convenience, you can use a hose or shower.

The food of the Great Danes can be both natural and artificial. In the first case, it is assumed that the pet owner independently composes his diet, making sure that it is saturated with a large amount of vitamins and minerals, is balanced in terms of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Do not feed your pet stale, low-quality food or leftovers from your table. If you prefer feeding with dry or wet ready-made mixtures, then carefully monitor that they correspond to the breed of your pet, its age and physiological characteristics. Choose food of the holistic and super-premium class, do not buy cheap formulations - they can harm your pet's body.
Periodically, vitamin complexes can be included in the dog's diet, but in this case, prior consultation with a veterinarian is required. In addition, you should regularly show your pet to a specialist for preventive purposes. Do not forget to carry out mandatory medical procedures: vaccination, treatment against fleas, worms and other harmful microorganisms.

Education and training
Education and training are especially important in relation to Great Danes. The fact is that these are very stubborn and independent animals that may not accept the authority of the owner if the animal is not trained. If possible, entrust the training procedure to a professional dog handler. In the process of learning, you should not use force or express aggression - the animal is very sensitive. However, at the same time, the Great Dane must be kept in strict order so that he understands who is the boss here.
It is worth starting training from the very first days, as you brought the puppy to your house. First, familiarize the dog with the basic commands ("stand", "sit", "voice", etc.) and only then proceed to more complex tasks.

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