Drathaar: description of the breed and features of the content

The German Drahthaar is prized by dog breeders all over the world. The dog belongs to the class of hunters, it has a lot of advantages and a very original appearance. The material in this article will be of interest to those who want to get to know this animal better.
Perhaps this will help the reader assess his chances as an owner and think about whether a person can give this animal everything he needs due to natural characteristics.

The history of the origin of dogs is controversial and is actively discussed to this day. However, regardless of opinions, Germany is considered the homeland of hunting drathaars. For a long time, hunting dogs were bred in this country, the quality characteristics of which were famous all over the world. However, due to their narrow specialization, German breeders had to think about breeding dogs of a universal type. The task of the breeders was to breed animals for hunting, which at the same time had all the best characteristics of other breeds of dogs known at that time.
At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, work with genetic material was carried out especially actively. For crossing, a poodle-pointer, a stihelhaar, and a griffon were used. It was from these dogs that the first drathaars appeared. Breeders tried to breed dogs that would be able to cope with tasks other than hunting. Therefore, genetic material from local dogs was also used in breeding.

Gradually, the appearance of hunting dogs began to change. Its aesthetic indicators have improved, the animals have acquired a certain elegance. Along with this, their hunting qualities and sense of smell improved.And yet the breeders did not stop there, because at that time the dogs could not work for a long time in the water, the reason for which was the short wool cover. Hunters wanted their pets to be better protected not only from water, but also from difficult terrain.
This is how the crossing of shorthaired dogs began with wire-haired dogs. Improvement in selection took place between about 1850 and 1860. As for the griffons, it is not known for certain which species of these animals was used to improve the dignity of animals. According to one opinion, these were the Griffons of Korthals.
The formation of the characteristics of the breed was completed in 1870. At this time, the drathhaars were already distinguished by their characteristic coarse type of coat. This wool cover perfectly protected animals not only from bad weather and insects, but also saved them from thorny branches and helped to work in the water. Each puppy underwent a rigorous selection for working ability and character.

Dratkhaars proved to be excellent in hunting wild boars and hares. They were renowned as herding dogs for their ability to graze livestock. In addition, they could be guards and search engines. And yet, despite their versatility, their path to universal acceptance has not been fast-paced.
At the end of the 19th century, the fashion for dog exhibitions reached Germany. At this time, the country was under the rise of nationalism and was united, and therefore they began to attach special importance to the standardization of animals. Each breeder tried to breed the best dogs, people began to keep herdbooks, which led to the formal recognition of the Drathhaars.
Very quickly, German hunting dogs gained popularity in Europe and already in 1920 came to the United States. However, at first, the Americans did not appreciate the Drathhaars, because they did not believe that the dog could be universal.
Over time, their mistaken opinion dissipated, and therefore the popularity of animals began to grow. Today, these pets are bought not only for hunting: modern breeders like them for their companionable qualities.

Drathaar belongs to hardy and strong animals, as evidenced by its developed and fit physique. A gun dog with versatile capabilities has a rather attractive appearance. The average weight of an individual representative of the breed is from 23 to 32 kg, and females weigh less. Males are larger, their height at the withers ranges from 61 to 68 cm, while the size of the bitches is smaller, their height at the withers ranges from 57 to 64 cm.
These dogs usually live for 12-14 years, but under certain conditions this period may slightly increase. If the dog is not properly cared for, its life expectancy can be reduced. It may depend on various factors, including proper nutrition, the regularity of walking, the systematics of preventive examinations, as well as hygiene and detection of diseases at an early stage.

The appearance of the Drathhaar is memorable: a representative of this breed has a so-called beard, which gives it a certain amount of brutality. Such dogs have a strict, almost military bearing, an original muzzle, due to which the dog seems too serious. In addition to a sparse beard, a dog may also have a mustache, which many of his fellow breeds do not have.
The set of German cops is average, the constitution is slightly dried, and these dogs are not prone to obesity. The most they can afford is to put on a couple of extra pounds. Their movements are powerful, sweeping, but at the same time not devoid of smoothness and harmony. The key point of the standard is the fact that their oblique body length is almost comparable to the height at the withers. In this case, it is allowed that the length be 3 cm higher than the height.
The shape of the head of the Drathhaar is wedge-shaped and is proportional to both the sex and the height of the individual animal.The muzzle is somewhat lowered, the cranium is flattened, moderately wide, rounded at the sides.
The cheekbones are pronounced, as is the transition from the forehead to the muzzle. At first glance, the muzzle itself seems elongated, not devoid of massiveness.

The lips of the drathaar are thick with a tight fit, they have sufficient pigmentation to take into account the coloration of the shirt. The bite of these animals is scissor-shaped, the dental formula is complete and consists of 42 teeth. The hitch is vertical without gaps. The ears are proportional to the body, broad but not curled.
The neck is long and dry, but at the same time muscular, has a small arch. The eyes of purebred Germans are not too deep-seated, they are devoid of bulge, they are distinguished by a tight fit and pigmentation of the eyelids. The darker they are, the better. The nose with wide nostrils is usually colored in any of the colors typical of this breed.
The body of the Drathhaar is barely stretched, may have a sloping back. At the same time, the loin of a purebred dog is strong and muscular. The croup is wide and slightly sloped.
The sternum is broad, spreading in breadth, the withers are noticeable, well distinguished. There is a noticeable curved line below the body, which is explained by the tucked-up belly and the tightness of the groin area.

Sufficient reach of the front and powerful push of the hind legs are inherent in the Drathaaras. The positioning of the front and hind legs is parallel, the posture is proud. The skin of these dogs is tight-fitting, does not have folds. As for the coat, its structure is wire-like. Moreover, this breed is not only wire-haired: the cops of this species do not suffer from water at all, since they have a waterproof undercoat.
The length of the top coat varies from 2 to 4 cm in different dogs. The fur coat does not hide the muscularity of the body, and due to its rigidity and density, the animal is not afraid of either bad weather or possible mechanical damage. Below, on the paws, the dog's hair is shorter and thicker, but not softer. As for the characteristic beard, this hair is not long, but the coarsest.

The color of the animal can be different. For example, in addition to brown-speckled with and without points, it can be black with specks. Moreover, in this case, the color may or may not have characteristic spots. In addition to these colors, nature can give the German Pointing Dogs a brownish color, which can be not only monochromatic, but also with a mark on the sternum.
Some representatives of the breed can be painted in a rare speck, in which the main background is white, and the marks themselves can be black or brown. Other colors are not included in the standard and are subject to disqualification.
Also disadvantages, in addition to other vicious characteristics of drathaars, are such defects as a weak bite, thin coat, high-backed, thin undercoat.

Despite the fact that dogs are considered hunting and hounds, they are distinguished by their balance of character. They are extremely intelligent and loyal to their masters. Therefore, they can become good friends or even companions, which significantly expands the circle of their breeders. Dogs can unquestioningly obey not only one owner: some representatives of the breed obey all household members.
However, it would be wrong to call these dogs universal today, because their hunting qualities are often overwhelmed. Due to their excellent instinct and other characteristics, these dogs are used to work in the Ministry of Emergencies. In addition, they can be called helpers for drug control, artists in the circus. These dogs also make excellent watchmen.
Since childhood, dogs are characterized by activity and a positive attitude. Movement is their credo, as is the need for work. In addition to the fact that these animals are not afraid of water, they do not get wet and are not afraid of cold temperatures.
Breeders have managed to develop a breed of dog that can hunt waterfowl, which is important for hunter owners.Pets do not lose their passion from childhood, and therefore their enthusiasm is quickly transmitted to all family members.

It is very difficult to remain indifferent to these funny bearded men. In difficult times, they are able to support, and on occasion they will try to draw out the owner to the game, in addition, they are happy to demonstrate their tenderness and affection to the owners. However, at the right moment, the dogs quickly navigate the situation and move on to defense, showing the best protective qualities and courage.
In the same time these dogs are not initially aggressive towards strangers... They behave wary with strangers, but this cannot be said when the dog sees his relatives. Here he is able to show a lot of his emotions and feelings. At the same time, the Drathhaar can communicate with other pets in a very friendly manner.
A purebred German can live both in an apartment and in a private house.
However, practice shows that in this case, the stronger will be the dog that constantly walks in the fresh air, combining walks with feasible physical exertion. Without them, the animal weakens and is forced to look for a way out of its energy in other ways.

In no case should a drathaara be restricted in movement. Even walking with a German Pointing Dog should be special. For example, a dog can happily accompany its owner on a bike ride or an ordinary sports jog. Based on this, it becomes clear that the breeder of the Drathhaar must also be active and athletic.
Besides, his best qualities for a dog will be organization, responsibility and will... With such an owner, the dog is always ready to run and even swim in a race. Moreover, the animal perceives such walks with special passion, since the pet loves competitions. And therefore, activity and responsiveness to any work must be used in education and training.
Unlike many brothers of the canine family, the drathaar stands out not only for intelligence and ingenuity, but also for endurance and patience.
He will not spin under his feet, begging for anything from the owners or rushing the owner for a walk. The dog knows his worth, but he also converges with a person quickly enough. He has an excellent memory that can be used in learning.

The animal's hearing and sense of smell are so perfected that when hunting, this dog is able to easily find wounded prey hiding in a hard-to-reach place without much difficulty. After finding her, the dog always informs the owner of his find. As for the relationship with the owner's children, in most cases the drathaars show the qualities of experienced nannies. However, animals rarely allow children to sit, because they literally crave outdoor games. In winter, dogs can ride the kids on sleds.
As for individual pets living with drathaars, in small rodents and birds, the cops see potential prey. Regardless of the upbringing, sooner or later the dog will hunt them. If he lives in a private house, he will very quickly destroy not only rats, but also mice (if any). This neighborhood is unacceptable for these dogs.
Among the other qualities of the dog, it is worth noting the intolerance of loneliness.
In addition to the fact that the animal may miss its beloved owners, certain representatives of the breed, in the absence of the owners, can turn their attention to the owner's furniture or other objects they like. Without constant contact with the owner, the dog cannot imagine its existence. Moreover, she will not survive in an open-air cage, especially if the owner comes up to her only occasionally to feed her.

Advantages and disadvantages
Like any other animal, the Drathhaar have their own merits and demerits. Among the advantages, one can note their ability to penetrate into various hard-to-reach places, which their relatives of other breeds do not have. Compared to other dogs, these dogs can hunt in any weather, without hiding from the rain or wind.They are silent on the hunt and, when trained, are able to collect game by a gesture or a whistle from the owner.
Besides, as the owner reviews show, drathaars almost always return from hunting with prey... They actively respond to the call to play and often allow children to "saddle" themselves. Drunk people are a separate category for these dogs: the mind of the dog is enough not to demonstrate aggression to the person. In relation to tipsy people, the drathaars prefer not to attack, but to push them away with their paws.

The advantages include protective qualities. The drathaar prefers not to let strangers into the house, if there is no owner's approval. The dog will growl at strangers, he will get up to warn them, but shows teeth and aggression only as a last resort. Another advantage of the dog is its ability to hunt not only in the warm season, but also in winter. Snowdrifts will not interfere with him if the owner is going to hunt.
Their indispensable advantage is the ability to cope not only with small prey. If necessary, these animals can hunt together with the owner not only for a bird, but also for a large animal. However, if the breeder does not differ in special affection for the pet and shifts his training from day to day, the dog has every chance to grow up silly, prone to mischief.
As for the dog's ability to make independent decisions, this quality can be attributed to both pluses and minuses.
For example, it is quite good when hunting, but when training an individual stubborn, it can give the owner a lot of trouble and trouble. Sometimes, when communicating with children, the dog actively supports their proposal to play pranks, which can lead to pogrom or disorder.

In the absence of training, the animal can behave indifferently towards cats. In some cases, in the absence of other prey, he can drive the cat. If the puppy is socialized early, this problem usually does not arise. A negative point is the jealousy that the animal can show towards the owner. If other dogs or cats live in the house, it may seem to some drathaars that those pets get more attention.
Among other disadvantages, one can also designate the tendency to shoots in rare representatives of this breed. This is explained not so much by a bad attitude on the part of the owner, as by his inattention to the needs of the pet. The dog needs fresh emotions and sensations, it suffers without incident. A dog that feels lonely can chew on shoes and spoil household items.
However, the formation of his character occurs during training and education, and therefore any healthy and strong-willed person can grow a real friend out of a pet. In terms of health, these dogs have a predisposition to certain hereditary diseases.
For example, they often have hip dysplasia, diabetes, and hypothyroidism. Other common ailments in this breed include problems such as aortic stenosis, melanoma and cataracts.

The main differences from other dogs
Drathaar has its own differences from other brethren of the canine family. For example, if we compare with the shorthaired pointer, then these dogs are both cops. However, the coat of the Drathhaar is longer, in addition, the Kurzhaar freezes in winter, despite the density of its fur coat. The differences between these dogs also lie in their behavior: the shorthaired pointer is more frivolous and not so aggressive towards the animal. In some ways he is even more friendly.
The muzzle of the Drathhaar has a goatee, while that of their counterparts is covered with fine hair. If we compare the sizes of the dogs of the two breeds, then they are almost the same, but outwardly, the Drathhaars seem to be larger.Another difference is the degree of ease of training: it is easier to learn and raise a shorthaired pointer, since the representatives of this breed do not question the appropriateness of any command pronounced by the owner. As for the character of the mestizo, the dogs are similar in the need to realize their own energy. They constantly need to move, they are full of excitement and thirst for adventure. However, shorthaired pointers are prone to dog showdowns.

If we compare the Drathhaar with the husky, then the breeders have different opinions. Both dogs are considered universal. However, due to practice, any animal can be trained for a certain type of game. Laikas are good for hunting fur-bearing animals, elk, wild boar, bear and game birds. However, they are better at handling medium-sized prey.
The owner of the dog should choose on the basis of what exactly he is going to hunt. Therefore, it would be wrong to call any animal the best or the worst. Experienced breeders believe that both dogs have excellent flair, but they hunt different prey, which explains the key selection criteria. Both the husky and the drathaar silently pursue the prey, and when it is found, the husky gives a voice, the drathaar takes a stand in anticipation of the owner's command.

Die-hard fans of the Drathhaar think he is better. If a dog is trained on a large animal, when it is found, it gives a voice to the owner, attracting his attention. Some types of huskies are used as sled dogs. However, if daily training with physical activity is vital for the drathaar, the husky does not need daily activities. But living in an apartment is difficult for her, and besides, she does not hunt badgers and foxes.

As for the differences between the Drathhaar and the Spaniel, there are some nuances here. As breeders note, hunting with a spaniel is different from the behavior of a pointing dog. Spaniels do not always work with a rack, while the German is more versatile in hunting. He works both on birds and on animals, but without direct contact with large dangerous animals.
Some spaniels do not bring game, others find it in the bushes and give it to the owner. Others fix the wounded animal with their paws to the ground, but do not finish it off. As owner-hunters note, spaniels often raise prey on the move, and barking.
They can also accompany the hunter with a sonorous bark all the time, while the drathaar does not allow himself to create unnecessary noise. He moves quietly, not frightening the prey, correlating his work with the commands of the owner.

Popular nicknames
The choice of a nickname for a pet must be approached thoroughly. Not every nickname used by dog breeders today will correspond to the character and appearance of this dog. The first thing to consider is the fact that the name doesn't have to be long. Animals quickly memorize short nicknames, and it is quite enough for a nickname to consist of two (maximum three) syllables. At the same time, the nickname should not be soft, sounding like a cat.
On information portals today, breeders are offered a huge number of options for nicknames for dogs, but, unfortunately, not all of them are worthy of a choice. For example, from the list of possible options, it is worth immediately removing offensive nicknames such as Dirty, Devil, Dirt, Bes, Shaitan, Khmyr, Rakshas (a demon among the Indians). The color should not be perceived as something dirty and inappropriate.

It is easy to understand what name you can pick up for a dog by looking at it. Options such as Demon, Rolf, Macr do not suit him unambiguously, while the nicknames Gray, Count will be quite appropriate. Variants by the names of family members or friends, as well as nicknames by team names are excluded. You should not call a thoroughbred animal by such nicknames as Sharik, Polkan, Chuk, Gek.
Also, do not give them cat names (for example, Fluff, Marsik, Barsik), including those ending in "ks" (Max, Zeus, Marx), because a consonant nickname will serve as a reason for the dog's attention when someone calls the cat.And even more, there is no need to call the dog Apollo, Sultan, Chubais, Ermak, Mephistopheles, Obama, Trump or any other political (historical) figure.
Drathaar-boy is suitable for such nicknames as Archie, Spike, Tucker, Toby, Loyd, Chester, Zach, Jack, Fry, Luke. The nicknames Ron, Winch, Georges, Hayk, Cooper, Diego, Rain, Tao are no less appropriate.

As for the girls' drathaars, there are also some nuances here. For example, it is not appropriate to give a dog stupid nicknames such as Gavka, Shavka, Chakki, Moska, Masya, Tosya, Zita, Dusya, Lucy. Surely the owner would not have liked it if his parents called him Fool or Bummer. Choosing a nickname, you need to take into account the status of the dog, and therefore the name should sound beautiful, sonorous.
For example, a girl can be named Jess (Jesse), Zara, Richie, Chase, Roxy, Remy, Rhonda, Sophie, Chloe. In addition, nicknames Emma, Terra, Trace, Sheila, Gretta are good options. If you want sonority and status, you can choose a name that is abbreviated from the long specified in the pedigree.
You should not associate nicknames with hunting (for example, options such as Excitement and Attack are completely unsuccessful). Nicknames Shelley, Salma, Karo are quite euphonic.

Conditions for keeping
To unleash the dog's energy, you need to walk your pet at least twice a day outside. During the walk, the dog must have time not only to play, but also to run, and therefore five-minute walks are not at all suitable for it. In addition, the animal needs to realize the potential of the hunter. And if the owner, for some reason, cannot take the dog to hunt, it must be replaced by visits to a special club, where the pet will fully demonstrate its talents and skills.
On average, the duration of a general walk per day should be at least two hours. Moreover, the animal does not need walking walks, and therefore the time allotted for a walk must be used rationally. For example, it can be a combination of a game with training. The animal needs to run at least 2 km per day. In addition to physical activity, the pet also needs information. In addition, he loves not only to run and work, but also to dig in the ground, and also to look for something.
For the puppy's arrival at the house, the owner must prepare in advance. For example, an animal needs its own corner, its own things and dishes. Your own bed is also needed so that the animal understands its place from childhood.
This is the basic rule that a pet learns from a young claw. In addition to bedding, the dog should have its own toys. They can be typical, street or completely edible, so that, along with brushing teeth, the animal has the opportunity to moderate its hunting ardor.

How to choose a puppy?
To choose a purebred Drathaar puppy, you need to go to the breeder with a photograph, a clear idea of the breed standard. It is even better to invite a specialist for purchase, who will have enough of one glance in order to understand how the puppy was kept, whether he is healthy, how active and whether he is suitable for training on a specific type of prey.
The appearance of the puppies of the German Pointing Dog is quite original. Babies have a large head, a typical toddler body and a guilty look. Sometimes he seems sad at all, his forehead is slightly elongated, his paws seem to be large, but in general his physique is proportional. By 1.5 months, puppies quickly gain weight, and in some individuals at the time of purchase, it ranges from 6 to 10 kg.

In our country, about 800 purebred individuals have been registered, but the number increases only slightly over the year. When choosing a baby, you need to pay attention to a number of factors, starting with the parentage of the parents. The documents must contain three marks on the passage of the tests, evaluated in points. The more points, the better, exhibition diplomas with "excellent" marks are also welcome.
Puppies are usually taken from the kennel when they are 45 days old. At the same time, the baby you like should be active, his coat should shine, his eyes should be clean, ears should be pink. You can not take babies who have discharge under the eyes, swollen belly, dandruff found, back failed. In addition, you should not buy a puppy with sticky hair, which indicates its poor maintenance and the questionable quality of care.

What to feed?
The food scheme for a drathaar can be different. For example, it can be natural food, pelleted food, or a reasonable combination of both. However, whatever the type of nutritious diet, the same meal should not contain both ready-made and dry food at the same time. As for "drying", such food is more convenient, because it does not need to be cooked. It is enough to choose the right one from a series of holistic or premium feed.
It should contain a lot of natural meat, which is usually indicated on the package. Cheap food is made from meat flour, which at best contains offal or crushed hooves. Considering that there is nothing useful in them, it is undesirable to take them for your pet.
As a rule, dogs that eat cheap food for a long time are susceptible to liver disease and digestive disorders.

It is impossible to buy feed by weight for the reason that after opening a large package, it begins to oxidize. The more it will be on the counter of the store, the worse its quality will become, as will the freshness. The best solution is to choose a small package of granular product for active rough-haired dogs. At the same time, it is undesirable to take the same food every time, because the animal needs a variety in food.
Besides, feed, in contrast to natural food, one feeding is required less, since this product is concentrated... However, it is balanced, it contains vitamins and nutrients. When buying such a product, you need to pay attention to the age category for which it is designed. In addition to it, it is necessary to provide the dog with constant access to fresh water, and therefore a bowl of water should be in the kitchen constantly.

If a decision is made to feed the animal with natural food, one must not forget that it must be saturated with vitamins and minerals. The menu should contain such products as lean meats, seasonal vegetables, kefir, cottage cheese. In addition, you need to regularly feed your pet with buckwheat, rice and oatmeal. At least once a week, the dog needs to be given eggs.
Puppies need to be fed more often than adult dogs. As a rule, after their purchase, babies are fed about 4-5 times a day. As they grow older, the animal is fed less often, gradually reducing the frequency of meals and increasing the amount of food consumed. It is better to feed your pet at the same hours in the morning and in the evening. If the puppy is fed "drying", at first the granules are soaked so that they do not harm the formation of teeth and do not cause pain to the puppy.
The daily feed rate is calculated based on the weight and age of the pet. It is divided by the number of feedings.
With ready-made feed, this is easy, as manufacturers indicate the recommended dosage on the product packaging. Natural food is selected so that, along with cereals and vegetables, the dog eats meat every day.

The nutritional diet of young individuals should contain veins, cartilage, as well as a scar, which is necessary for the formation of canine joints. In addition, you will have to provide the pet with vitamin complexes, which are selected not only based on the age of the animal, but also taking into account its state of health. It is impossible to overfeed a hunting cop, since excess weight in some cases can cause systemic diseases.

The list of prohibited foods that are contraindicated for these dogs include any sweets, spicy and smoked foods, fried and raw sausages, sausages, pickles and tubular bones.Dogs should not be fed before exercise or physical activity. You cannot treat them with food from your table or put their food on the plates from which family members eat. The animals should have their own dishes, and there should be three bowls: for liquid, food and sour milk.

How to care?
Caring for a pet will consist of basic hygiene and general rules that apply to all types of dogs. For example, regular grooming of hair, teeth, claws, ears and eyes. In addition, it is necessary from early childhood to provide the pet with frequent examinations by a specialist, the timely administration of the vaccine and antiparasitic treatment. It is important to show an animal to a specialist not only when it is sick, but also for prophylaxis.
As for caring for a fur coat, it will not be difficult due to the structure and length of the coat. If other dogs have to comb out dead hair for a long time for normal growth of new, as well as rid it of tangles, nothing of this is needed here.
Even during shedding, which usually happens twice a year, the drathaar does not shed too much hair. If the dog lives in an apartment with dry and warm air, the molt can last almost constantly.

In order for his coat to be updated in a timely manner, the breeder needs to comb the pet with a special comb no more than once a week. During molting, the frequency of procedures should be increased up to twice a week. Considering that all combs are not suitable for this dog, it is necessary to buy an option with metal teeth, choosing an accessory for grooming taking into account the size of the dog, the length of its coat and its density. If the comb is not correctly selected in the store, it will increase the time for combing out dead hair and can make the procedure painful.
Drathaars are rarely bathed (mostly once every six months). However, if the dog has returned from hunting or walking too dirty, you cannot do without washing. Breeders should take into account such a feature as the loss of the hardness of the fur coat and its natural qualities with frequent bathing with zooshampoo. If desired, the pet itself will never refuse to splash in an open reservoir.

The ears of the dog need to be examined constantly, as it becomes dirty, ridding the shells of sulfur. If the owner detects inflammation or an unpleasant odor or liquid in these areas, the dog must be immediately taken to the veterinarian for an appointment. It is also necessary to practice eye hygiene to prevent the possibility of clogging and inflammation. About once a week, they are wiped with a damp cotton pad dipped in a weak solution of tea or chamomile.
After walking, it is necessary to wipe and examine the dog's paws for wounds, splinters and cracks. If the pads of the paws are covered with cracks, this indicates a lack of fat, and therefore vegetable oil must be included in the nutritious diet.
In addition, cracked pads should be lubricated with vegetable oil. Once a month, it is necessary to treat the animal with antiparasitic agents against fleas and ticks.

Education and training
As practice shows, the earlier the owner starts training the puppy, the better and faster the pet is trained. To memorize the simplest commands, the puppy needs no more than 2-3 trainings. The pet instantly remembers the commands "sit", "voice", "lie down", "stand" and "no". He does not need to constantly reinforce the acquired skills, since the dog remembers these commands all his life.
Drathaars can delight their owners with presents in the form of caught rats or field rodents. Their mentor must be firm and serious in their upbringing. However, there can be no talk of any abuse of the authoritarian style of communication with the dog.
The pet very subtly senses where and when the owner shows weakness, and therefore can quickly seize the initiative in his paws, starting to manipulate his owner.

Courage is instilled in a dog from adolescence, encouraging the puppy's courage in training, his non-fear of shots and the type of prey, no matter how large its dimensions. The kid remembers the smells of gunpowder and a gun salvo on the hunt, far from public places and civilization. At the initial stage of training, the puppy should hear shots at a distance of about 200 m from him. If they do not scare him, the distance between the pet and the shot is gradually reduced.
The first training is best done under the guidance of a dog handler or huntsman. Often, swimming lessons in open waters are included in the curriculum. Since individual puppies are afraid of water from childhood, learning to swim should be gradual, beaten with some kind of game.
Monotony in training is unacceptable, as is rough treatment. In such cases, the pet loses respect for its owner and ceases to see him as his idol.

Lessons should be combined with dashes, games and tasks for ingenuity. You can teach a puppy to wear items at 5 months old. He is ready for picking up when he learns to immediately and correctly respond to the imperative voice of the owner. In the first training lessons, a stuffed bird is used, which the dog must learn to bring at the request of the owner.
On average, a pet should bring about four types of prey to its owner. At the same time, the technique of training can be presented in the form of imitation of hunting. Here the dog learns perseverance, acceptance of the stance, and also waiting for the command of its owner. It is good if from childhood a pet is taught to hunt not only a waterfowl, but also a pheasant and a hare.

For the Drathhaar breed, see below.