Gampr: what do dogs look like and how to keep them?

Gampr (Armenian wolfhound) is a very interesting breed, not particularly well known in Russia. These dogs are quite large and their main task for many decades has been to protect their owners, their property and housing. The dog is characterized by excellent physical characteristics, intelligence, calm disposition and quick wit.

Origin story
Gampr, aka Armenian wolfhound, originally from Armenia. There are documents containing information about military campaigns dating back to the 1st century BC, in which similar looking dogs took part. In addition, at one time the dog accompanied nomads, guarded livestock, houses and property of the owners. Times of military upheaval led to a significant reduction in the number of the breed.
Currently, about 2,000 purebred dogs are registered in Armenia, and a club of Armenian gampras is functioning in America.whose job is to preserve the breed. The breed is recognized as a national treasure of Armenia.

Even by the name of the breed, which means "strong, large" in Armenian, one can guess what its representatives look like. These large and brave dogs do an excellent job with their main task - protecting people, herds and housing. In many ways, today's dogs retain the features of their ancient ancestors in appearance. Their size at the withers ranges from 63 to 70 centimeters. The weight of the dog ranges from 45 to 90 kilograms.
The dog is quite large and heavy, but moves very easily and harmoniously, without creating the effect of heaviness and clumsiness. According to the standard, there are several characteristics inherent in the Armenian wolfhound.The dog's skull is massive, and its length varies from 170 to 173 millimeters. A fairly voluminous cranium, which occupies more than half of the entire skull, has a wide flat forehead with a width ranging from 63 to 65 millimeters. The nasal lobe is colored black.

Strong jaws are made up of a dense row of teeth. The scissor bite ensures a firm grip. Small and deep-set eyes are colored brown. The rim of the eyelids is covered with black pigment. Even puppies' eyes are smart and strong. Loose ears have a rounded tip. Often the owners stop them. The neck is shaped like a cone and has rather strong muscles.
The paws of the gampra are strong, the hind legs are also slightly straightened in the joints. The thick tail is lowered when the dog is calm, but raised when moving or changing mood. The standard specifies only short-haired dogs, but there are also long-haired varieties. In addition to normal hair, they also have a thick undercoat, which additionally protects in cold weather. It is not exposed to water, and therefore does not reach the body and does not contribute to its freezing. The Armenian wolfhound lives from 10 to 12 years.

Representatives of this breed are quite expensive. For a purebred puppy purchased from a kennel, you will have to pay from 200 to 1000 dollars. Currently, there are proven breeders of gumpers both in Russia and in Ukraine, although earlier it was possible to buy such a dog only in Armenia and the United States.
When choosing a kennel, it is important to make sure that it has an official permission to breed this breed. For example, in Russia it can be the companies "Urmia" and "Armenian lion from Urartu".
When purchasing a puppy, the buyer should take a good look at the baby. If the animal is active, friendly, easily makes contact and enjoys life, then everything is in order with it. In appearance, it is worth assessing the condition of the eyes, which should be shiny and clean, as well as the softness of the fur. In addition, you cannot do without checking the pedigree or at least the parents of the gampra. Ideally, of course, it is worth watching them live, but if it is impossible, it will be enough to study the available information. Among the characteristics of the dog's parents, a balanced psyche should appear, as well as consent to obey its owner.

By nature, Gampr is calm and independent. He is loyal to the owner and is ready to protect him to the last. The Armenian wolfhound is very smart, he even realizes his strength to some extent. The dog will not bark without some reason, especially if there are children nearby. In addition, the animal independently decides how to protect the territory and how to protect its owners.
An even, friendly relationship is formed between man and animal. At the same time, in a critical situation, the dog in any case decides on its own whether the owner needs protection and whether it is worth attacking the stranger. It is important to gain the trust of the gampr, and then he will become a loyal friend. In the event that people show indifference and indifference to him, the animal responds in kind. The dog treats other pets without much interest. He initially considers them weak and defenseless, and therefore protects and patronizes.

The Armenian wolfhound is very smart. He will never bark, lash out or show aggression for no particular reason. Nevertheless, only a person with strength and character can become the owner of such a dog. Gampr is not suitable for nervous and insecure individuals who are unable to communicate with him on an equal footing. It is important that the owner establishes his position from the very beginning, because improper upbringing of the puppy leads to the fact that the adult dog is uncontrollable.
The animal feels well the emotions of others, both negative and positive. Therefore, the dog will not frighten those who are afraid of him, but will boldly enter the battle if he feels anger directed at him or his owners.Naturally, if a person treats the gampru with sympathy, respect, or at least neutral, then the dog will answer him in kind.
The characteristics of the wolfhound include such an interesting trait as emotional stability. An animal cannot be intimidated, since it understands and correctly evaluates its capabilities. In a calm situation, the dog looks relaxed and even disinterested, but if the slightest danger arises, the dog's mood will immediately change.

Pros and cons of the breed
The advantages of the Armenian wolfhound, first of all, include its intelligence and ingenuity. If you start training on time, you will be able to achieve very successful results. Gampr is the perfect defender, who clearly understands who is in front of him: a good person or a bad one. They quickly understand the situation and immediately take action. The calm and even nature of the dog makes it absolutely safe for children and other animals.
Other positive qualities of the breed include the loyalty of the animal. In addition, there is no need for complex care or the creation of unusual conditions for her. The disadvantages of the Armenian wolfhound are in many ways characteristic of all large dogs, whose main function is to guard. Their character is quite independent, and therefore in most cases they prefer to make their own decisions, rather than listen to the owner.
The temperament of the dog explains why the gampr is not suitable for weak or inexperienced owners. In addition, keeping such a dog in an ordinary city apartment is almost impossible.

Comparison with Alabai
The Central Asian Shepherd Dog (Alabai) is very similar to the Armenian wolfhound. The main differences lie in the shades of the coat, the shape of the mask. Gampr weighs 70 kilograms, and its height at the withers is 90 centimeters. Alabai, being the same large dog, still does not catch up with him a little in terms of physical data. Its weight corresponds to an indicator of 50 kilograms, and its height at the withers does not exceed 70 centimeters. The health problems of both breeds are the same.

What to feed?
It is best if the Armenian wolfhound receives fresh and natural food. Foods as simple as raw meat, eggs, dairy products and vegetables give your dog all the vitamins and nutrients it needs and allow a small puppy to grow into a strong dog. In addition, sea fish, offal, such as hearts and liver, as well as a variety of cereals are added to the diet. Fish, by the way, is allowed to be eaten only once every 7 days. It must first be cleared of bones and boiled. It is better to take meat of low-fat varieties. When preparing porridge, which is a source of carbohydrates, it is recommended to add a small amount of vegetable oil, broth, and vegetables - raw, boiled or even stewed to them.
Until the puppy is 5 months old, he should be fed four times a day., and the volume of a single serving ranges from 700 grams to a kilogram. At the age of six months to a year, the frequency of feeding is reduced to 3 times a day. The portion size in this case is increased to 1.5 liters. When the little gampru is one year old, it will be enough to feed him twice a day. The amount of food consumed by an adult dog is again reduced to 700-800 grams.

To prevent the development of diseases, it is recommended to enrich the dog's menu with tendons and cartilage. To do this, it is enough to periodically give the puppy mosles. The course of vitamins is recommended for the Armenian wolfhound to drink twice a year.
It is important to mention that this dog should always have clean drinking water freely available.
In principle, it is not forbidden to feed the dog only dry food. Be sure to purchase premium mixes, as well as those designed specifically for large breeds. In this case, it makes no sense to drink vitamin complexes, since the combinations developed by veterinarians already contain all the necessary components. In general, gampr is ready to eat anything, even from the master's table. But, of course, it is better to form his diet thoughtfully, making it balanced and high in protein with carbohydrates. Protein should make up 40% of every meal.

The nutrition of the Armenian wolfhound may differ depending on the purpose for which the puppy is raised. A dog that has to work actively, that is, graze a herd or guard, it is important to receive a balanced but nutritious diet. Its main part is meat, eggs and cereals cooked in meat broths. In that case, when gampra is grown for performance at exhibitions, it is better to bet on premium feed... Such mixtures are characterized by the presence of all components necessary for health, high protein content and vitamins.
Do not forget that a lack of protein leads to health problems, and a small amount of minerals in addition contributes to thinning of the teeth and problems with bones in the animal.
In general, the Armenian wolfhound is quite unpretentious in nutrition and eats 3 times less than the German shepherd, so its outstanding parameters should not scare future owners.

How to care?
Gamprov is not recommended to live in city apartments. The most suitable for this breed is an aviary, the walls and floor of which are additionally insulated, or an open canopy under which you can relax. The Armenian wolfhound is not cold outside even at sub-zero temperatures, since the presence of an undercoat creates the necessary protection from frost. But it is important for him to have access to a free and vast open-air space, and therefore he will feel best on the street.
The ideal habitat for the gampra is a country house with a large area fenced in and available for dog guards. A shelter equipped for a dog should not somehow interfere with the view, otherwise the dog will start to get nervous.
In addition, if an aviary is nevertheless chosen as the main habitat, then the dog must be taken out for walks as often as possible and provided with movement.

Dogs do not need water treatments often, usually once or twice a year. The frequency is determined depending on the situation - of course, the dog, rolled in fuel oil, will have to be washed unscheduled. The weight of the dog reaches 80 kilograms, and therefore you cannot place gampra in a regular bath. It is much more convenient to swim outdoors using a regular hose. It is believed that plain water will perfectly cope with the task, and it makes sense to use some shampoos only with strong pollution.
It is recommended that eyes, ears and teeth be examined once a week. The ears of the Armenian wolfhound are not particularly dirty, but insects, especially ticks, crawl there. It is required to cleanse this part of the body every 3-4 months. There is no point in checking the teeth until the dog reaches the age of 3-4 years, with the exception of the period from birth to 7 months. Further, a preventive examination is mandatory.

A full brushing of your teeth is carried out once a month, or more often if the main diet is dry food. If the dog eats natural products, often gnaws on bristles and bones, then most of the plaque will be able to peel off by itself. The eyes are checked every week, if there is discharge, the dog is taken to the veterinarian. There is no need to take special care of the claws, as they grind off with adequate physical activity. If this effect does not occur, then it is worth trimming the claws when the need arises.
In addition, the paws should also be checked regularly for cracks, delamination, and pad injuries. The undercoat of the gampra needs to be combed out periodically, and the frequency of the procedure should increase during the shedding period.It is important that the pet gets used to this from the very first days of life, so at first they should be carried out in a game format.
An important part of caring for an animal is ensuring its health. In most cases, innate immunity provides protection against allergies, as well as the ability to defend against parasites. However, quite often the pet suffers from problems with the musculoskeletal system. Dysplasia of the hip joints and multiple dislocations are very common in the dog. In addition, cases of plague and rabies are quite common. It is possible to prevent the problem if you get vaccinated in a timely manner.

In many ways, the health of gampra is ensured by sufficient physical activity, which, in turn, is perfectly performed by the animal itself. Until old age, the dog prefers to be in constant motion, and therefore its owner should only provide the walking regime prescribed by the breeder. Until the dog is one year old, it is extremely important to provide him with the necessary amount of movement and proper nutrition. Mistakes made during this period will lead to future health problems.
Common mistakes in the upbringing and maintenance of an animal include an excess or lack of nutrition, its imbalance and the wrong dietary intake of vitamins. In addition, inadequate vaccinations and either short walking or improperly organized physical activity are considered decisive.

At 2 or 3 months of age, puppies receive their first combination vaccine. It prevents the development of plague, hepatitis and other common diseases. Sometimes, however, the first vaccination is carried out as early as 3 or 4 weeks of age. This action must be approved by a veterinarian. Most often, early vaccination is recommended if the Armenian wolfhound lives next to other animals or adult gampras.
The next vaccination occurs at 11 or 13 weeks of age. An animal is vaccinated against rabies at the age of 6 to 9 months. The exact term is determined depending on the teeth - while they are changing, vaccinations are prohibited. Further, vaccination takes place once a year.
Experts recommend quarantining the pet after the first two combined vaccinations: do not let him interact with other animals and do not bathe.

In general, gampras are trainable, but most of the commands are simply meaningless for them, since the task of protection and protection is performed by them at the genetic level. Therefore, the main goal of upbringing is to create a good relationship between an animal and a person, in which the wayward wolfhound listens to his master and does not try to dominate him. A dog must understand its owner not just from a half-word, but from a half-glance., this is the only way a person can establish a harmonious relationship with his pet. Educational activities should begin as early as possible, since a missed moment at an early age will lead to uncontrollable behavior of the dog in maturity.
Of the additional skills, it is customary for Armenian wolfhounds to inoculate search ones, which in a critical situation will allow them to find a lost herd or lost people in the mountains.

For more information on the characteristics of the breed, see the next video.