Havana Bichon: description of the breed and the subtleties of the content

The desire to have a pet is present in all residents of large cities. Detachment from nature, constant stress and increased employment negatively affect people's health. Over the years, pets have been helping their owners cope with depression and loneliness, and they also provide many positive emotions. Dogs are especially popular.
Breeders have bred a huge number of breeds that differ in size, color, character and maintenance requirements. Often the small area of urban apartments does not allow for large breeds of dogs that require a lot of free space. Cynologists recommend paying attention to miniature breeds, for a comfortable life of which a small cozy corner will be enough. One of these breeds is the Havana Bichon.

Origin story
The Havana Bichon is a small Cuban breed that is the symbol of this country. Its roots go back to the Middle Ages, when Spanish and Italian travelers brought with them to the island of Tenerife a small dog of unknown origin, the mating of which with lapdogs and poodles provoked the emergence of a new species. Only several centuries later, the animal was brought to Cuba, where it gained massive popularity.
At one time, the Cuban crisis provoked a massive extinction of the animal on the island. But thanks to the Cuban emigrants, who continued to breed the Hawaiian Bichon already in the United States, the breed has survived to this day. On the territory of Europe, the animal became popular only in the 20th century.Havanese began to take an active part in various exhibitions and competitions, where he often won prizes.
The popular animal has been recognized by the world's dog breeders and entered into a special canine register.

Features of the breed
Havanese is a decorative breed that is intended to be kept in an apartment. The maximum height of this pet is 30 cm, and its weight does not exceed 5 kg. Animals have a long coat, which can be of the following shades:
- black;
- White;
- silver;
- gold;
- ginger;
- cream;
- mixed.
The effect of volume is achieved through a fluffy and airy undercoat.

The aristocratic animal has a compact and elongated physique and a strong bone skeleton. The volumetric chest is characterized by a protruding shape and semicircular ribs. On the long neck there is a round and proportional cranium, which merges smoothly into the muzzle.
The muzzle has a strong jaw, large nose and dark lips. Large auricles are hanging in shape and directed downward. The eyeballs have a dark color and expressive shape, as well as a black edging in the eyelid area. The strong and straight limbs are small and parallel, and the feet are large with dark pads. The tail is curled into a ring.

The life expectancy of dogs of this breed is at least 15 years. The average number of young in a litter is 4, but one puppy can be born, or nine at once.
Before buying a Havana Bichon, owners should pay attention not only to the description of the beast, but also to its following features:
- a tendency to genetic diseases;
- low resistance to various diseases;
- the need to use clothing in the winter;
- painstaking and long-term care of the coat.

Character and behavior
The Havanese Bichon is one of the most human-loving breeds, which has a constant desire to be close to the owner and take an active part in all his activities. The presence of a constant desire to play and the complete absence of aggression makes the four-legged friend indispensable in the society of children of different ages. The animal calmly reacts to excessive hugging of babies, as well as involving them in various children's activities.
Experts recommend paying attention to this breed for lonely people, families with children and people who are constantly at home. But busy people, who often stay late at work and will not be able to devote much time to the animal, should refuse to purchase. Frequent loneliness can provoke the development of depression and depression in the beast.

The main features of the character of this breed:
- high intellectual abilities;
- good nature and gentleness;
- sociability;
- stable psycho-emotional state;
- fast learner;
- precise execution of commands;
- unpretentiousness;
- intolerance to loneliness;
- quick adaptation to new conditions.

Novice dog breeders during a walk should constantly monitor the pet and not let it out of their field of vision. A playful and active animal can be harmed not only by passers-by, but also by large dogs, mistaking his desire to communicate for aggression in their direction.
The animal reacts positively to long trips and feels comfortable in special dog carriers.
While on vacation near water bodies, the pet will accompany its owners not only on walks, but even in the water.

Choosing a puppy
In order for an animal to grow up healthy and strong, it is necessary not only to follow the rules of care and feeding, but also to acquire healthy and strong puppies. Breeders recommend buying a dog at the age of 2 months. Earlier relocation of a pet will negatively affect its mental and physical condition.Experts recommend that you contact professional breeders or specialized kennels that breed purebred dogs for purchase. The selected pet must have a passport and immunization card, and also have the following characteristics:
- activity;
- playfulness;
- increased interest in the surrounding world;
- the presence of light and transparent eyeballs without mucus and pus;
- lack of signs of skin diseases;
- having the correct body proportions;
- a good appetite;
- curiosity;
- the presence of dark pigmentation in the area of the eyelids and nose;
- the presence of strong, strong and even limbs;
- lack of lameness and pain during stroking.

Experienced dog breeders advise against contacting unverified sellers, as well as buying a pet for an inadequately low price. Attention should be paid to both the behavior of the puppy and the environment and the products used for feeding. If there are even minor deviations from sanitary and hygienic standards, the transaction must be abandoned.
Often professional breeders not only help to make the right choice and talk about all the intricacies of caring for and feeding the animal, but for a long period of time continue to visit new owners and check the condition of the dog.

What do you need for care and maintenance?
Before you bring a puppy into the house, you must carefully study the rules of its maintenance and the intricacies of caring for it. Havanese belongs to unpretentious breeds, but still needs a certain amount of attention. Even owners of small apartments can have a decorative pet, the main thing is to give the animal a cozy place for sleeping and rest without drafts and extraneous noise, preferably in the farthest corner of the apartment. Pets prefer to rest on soft loungers, which can be replaced with wicker baskets or special houses for small dogs. These interior items can be purchased in specialized stores or made independently from scrap materials.
The dining area can be located both near the sleeping house and in the shared kitchen. There should always be a drinking container with clean, fresh water next to the food bowl, as well as a saucer of dry food for snacks between meals.
An indispensable element of dining utensils are reliable latches that prevent food and water containers from overturning.

In order for the domestic creature not to be bored in moments of loneliness, the owners should not forget about special rubber toys that will not only entertain the pet, but also strengthen the jaw and teeth. The Havana Bichon needs 2 daily walks in the fresh air. Prolonged exposure to the air can tire the pet, and he will definitely ask for his hands. Before visiting the street in cold and rainy weather, your pet must be dressed in special clothes that will prevent the animal from freezing and the development of colds in it.
The main measures for caring for a dog are its haircut and adjustment of the length of the nail plates. The pet does not need to completely remove the hair, but it is necessary to regularly and timely cut off the hair on the paws and between the toes, the excessive length of which will interfere with the animal's movement.

Brushing is an obligatory daily routine. This measure is to prevent the spread of the fallen out wool around the apartment and clothing of the owners. It is necessary to increase the number of combing during the period of hair change, as well as in the first days after water procedures, when the intensity of hair loss increases. In order for the four-legged friend to get used to brushing and daily combing, experts recommend that this procedure be carried out very carefully and start from the first days of the four-legged friend's stay in the house.
To prevent the spread of an unpleasant odor, as well as the appearance of skin pests, the dog should be bathed every month using special shampoos for animals. The use of conditioners will give the coat a shine and a pleasant scent. Your pet's eyes, ears and teeth require daily attention. The area of the eyes should be rinsed daily with clean and warm water, and the auricles should not only be examined and cleaned with cotton swabs, but also removed from them wool, which clogs the ear canals and reduces hearing acuity.

Every month, owners must examine the dog's mouth and teeth, which must be cleaned with a special toothpaste and brush. All the necessary supplies can be purchased at pet stores. Correction of the nail plates should be carried out with special nippers as needed.
Failure to comply with sanitary and hygienic requirements can provoke the appearance of the following pathologies:
- diseases of the eyes and ears;
- disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

Vaccination will help extend the life span of a four-legged friend and prevent the appearance of dangerous pathologies. Modern vaccines will protect the beast from the following diseases:
- plague;
- rabies;
- leptospirosis;
- coronavirus;
- trichophytosis;
- parainfluenza;
- parvovirus enteritis.
In order to vaccinate a dog, you need to contact a specialized veterinary clinic.

The nutritional system and balanced diet have a direct impact on the health of the animal, the condition of its coat and life expectancy. This breed is unpretentious not only in the content, but also in the diet, which can be of 3 types:
- dry food;
- natural products;
- mixed feeding.
When purchasing ready-made feed mixtures, one should give preference only to high-quality feeds that are made from natural products and do not contain dyes, preservatives and stabilizers, and also correspond to the age of the pet. These products should contain the following ingredients:
- Turkey;
- salmon;
- duck meat;
- trout;
- lamb meat.

When feeding a pet with natural products, the following products should be present in the daily menu:
- meat;
- offal;
- vegetables (carrots, pumpkin, zucchini);
- fruits (apples);
- a fish;
- cottage cheese;
- kefir;
- yogurt;
- eggs (chicken, quail);
- fish fat;
- salmon oil;
- greens;
- porridge (rice, oatmeal).
We should not forget about special vitamin complexes that will provide the animal's body with all the necessary microelements.

It is strictly forbidden to give your pet the following products:
- fried, smoked, salted and canned food;
- sugar and salt;
- ketchup, mayonnaise and sauces;
- instant products;
- seasonings;
- citrus;
- tomatoes;
- chocolate;
- confectionery;
- thin chicken bones;
- peas and beans;
- sausage and sausages.

Education and training
In order for a pet to please not only with its appearance, but also with obedience, from the first days of its stay in the house, it is necessary to begin the process of education and training. Smart animals quickly master all commands and begin to understand the owner perfectly. With long-term training, this breed is able to bring things on demand, overcome obstacles, perform tricks, and also turn on and off lighting devices. This feature of animals is often used by circus workers, involving dogs in circus performances and whole performances.
The study of commands and rules of conduct should be carried out during the game and not be instructive in nature. Regular rewards with treats and praise for correct commands and good behavior will force the pet to fully surrender to the learning process.

Novice dog breeders should know that the appearance of a havanese in the house will bring not only a huge amount of positive emotions and fun, but also a number of certain difficulties associated with the care and feeding of the animal. Working people who spend most of their time away from home are better off buying, but families with children, ready to devote time to training and communicating with a pet, can stop their attention on this breed without fear.
In the next video you can learn more about the Havanese Bichon dog breed.