Hypoallergenic dogs: a list of popular breeds

Dogs are associated with a variety of things: loyalty and aggression, protection and care for walking, friendly sympathy and anxiety. But perhaps the most common concern of potential owners is the risk of allergies. Fortunately, there are varieties of tetrapods that are less likely to provoke this dangerous condition.

Strictly speaking, there are no absolutely allergen-free animals. A perverse, abnormal reaction in the human body can occur to absolutely any substance, even one that today is still completely unknown to chemists - neither among natural ones, nor among those synthesized artificially. However, there are hypoallergenic dog breeds, much less often than others becoming a source of danger. You need to understand that the body's response is practically unpredictable.
Even experienced doctors often cannot give a clear answer when consulting whether there is a risk of a pathological reaction or not.

Moreover, sometimes one dog causes painful manifestations, and contact with another goes without a trace. Important: only healthy individuals can be compared in terms of allergenicity. The presence of the slightest ailments, especially dermatological ones, radically changes the picture. But there are several points that distinguish animals with minimal allergic properties.
Of critical importance are:
coat length;
the size of the animal itself;
the intensity of saliva flow;
It is often believed that excess wool is more likely to trigger allergies. But fewer hairs or less hair length does not mean that the danger is small.
Many short-haired pets shed every day, so allergens enter the external environment continuously.The conclusion is simple - the intensity of molting is also of considerable importance.

Allergen-free breeds for the most part are of modest size or medium size. The larger the individual, the more active the flow of allergens outside. But it is important to take into account another nuance - pathological reactions also depend on what substance provokes them. Dog saliva is a very serious hazard. It can cause severe skin irritation.
Therefore, everyone suffering from allergies to anything, or even simply having allergic relatives, should refuse to buy dogs, from whose mouths saliva often drips.
But it's not just the total amount that matters. Too frequent barking means droplets of saliva are constantly flying out of the mouth.

Therefore, balanced individuals are less dangerous in terms of allergies. To minimize the danger, you also need:
maintain cleanliness (by bathing);
systematically clean the house or apartment;
constantly monitor the health of the pet, treat acute and chronic ailments;
disinfect (fight worms);
vaccinate your pet;
visit your veterinarian regularly and strictly follow his instructions.

Main breeds
Among the smallest dogs, to which there is no allergy (or rather, it is almost absent), we can confidently call Affenpinschers... Even the largest individuals do not exceed 0.27 m in height.Affenpinscher can have hair of various lengths. However, it does not shed in any case, and therefore, with reasonable precautions, the risk of contact with the allergen is minimized. Another advantage of the breed is that it does not give off bad odors.
But not everything is so simple: Affenpinscher puppies are rarely sold and at a high price. To some extent, these disadvantages are offset by relatively modest maintenance costs. The breed is distinguished by very stable health and is not capricious at all. She is bathed on average once every 30 days. You will also need a regular haircut.

The list of hypoallergenic dogs also includes the Coton de Tulear. This species of animals appeared in ancient times in Madagascar.
Its characteristic feature is its luxurious-looking white "fur coat". To the touch, the fur of the Tulears looks more like cotton wool. Important: the breed is hypoallergenic only under favorable conditions - when the hair is carefully looked after.
Care in this case involves systematic combing and washing. It is best to combine these procedures and carry them out one after the other, then the result will please.

Important: after washing, the tulear must be dried immediately with a hairdryer.
Another excellent breed for allergy sufferers is Italian greyhound... Its representatives resemble greyhounds, only much smaller in size. There is nothing surprising in this, because the Italian greyhound is just one of the group of greyhounds. She is distinguished by kindness and devotion to people. Importantly, the Italian greyhounds do not emit the unpleasant odor characteristic of many other dogs. This breed sheds very little. To remove all possible dirt and excess hair, it is enough to wipe the little greyhound with a soft, moist cloth.
But it is important to understand that Italian greyhounds are considered unsuitable for children and especially active teenagers. Their bones are too fragile, and any excessive force, any negligence can lead to serious injury.

Bedlington Terriers can be considered a good alternative to them. This breed does not differ in large size, and despite this, it has excellent protective characteristics.
A thick coat should not arouse suspicion - after all, bedlingtons do not shed or exude a bad odor.
Hair loss is still possible, however, this only occurs when combing. Therefore, it is advisable to put things in order only in specially designated places, which must be thoroughly swept and washed immediately after combing. Ideally, Bedlingtons are combed daily. You will also need a systematic haircut.

In the top of the best hypoallergenic dogs were and american hairless terriers... Their name is eloquent - the body of the animal has no hair at all. Moreover, the terrier's skin does not peel off, and he himself is not inclined to bark often. Therefore, all the most dangerous allergens practically do not litter an apartment or house.
But the same pluses turn into a serious minus - the American Terrier is susceptible to hypothermia.
In the summer, his skin will have to be covered with dog sunscreen. The sight of blisters and sunburn, coupled with the awareness of the pet's suffering, is unlikely to please the owners - no matter how susceptible they are to allergies.

You can take a closer look and to another hypoallergenic terrier breed - Tibetan varieties. They are medium-sized dogs with fluffiness. The strong development of the hairline is compensated by the minimal intensity of shedding. The skin of the "Tibetan" is very resistant to disease, and therefore causes a minimum of problems.
But here it was not without difficulties - if the Tibetan dog is not systematically combed out, the hairs will begin to fall out in tufts. Then, instead of reducing the risk of allergies, it is only increased. But the animal bathes calmly, and the owners do not experience difficulties with hygiene procedures.
Important: Terriers are usually combed out after moistening. This will help eliminate unpleasant sensations in the dog, and she will react more calmly to the procedure.

But if allergy sufferers are not intimidated by relatively large animals, they should familiarize themselves with the bullet. This is the name of a herding dog, bred spontaneously in the past in Hungary. The coat on this animal looks like dreadlocks. It is considered suitable for both apartment maintenance and suburban dwellings. A pleasant feature for many will be the absence of bad odors.
A serious disadvantage of the bullet is the abundance of wool. Therefore, caring for her will have to be carried out as accurately as possible, strictly according to the schedule. Important: no bullet combing is required. Individual hairs are separated by hands, going from root to apex. At the same time, any garbage they can find is immediately removed.
It should be borne in mind that "Hungarians" are bathed only in summer. The dog can dry completely in about 3-4 days. This can be very dangerous on cold days.

If for allergy sufferers the emotion and friendliness of the dog is in the first place, they should read the description Irish Wheaten Terrier... Its hypoallergenic properties are due to the absence of shedding, lack of undercoat and a silent disposition.
"Irish" still have to constantly comb. Their soft, silky wool does not crumble. You can bathe at your own discretion. The best guideline for the owners will be the condition of the skin and hair.

Of the domestic breeds, the Samoyed Laika deserves attention. In the responses of dog owners, it is said about her only as a charming fluffy animal.
Kindness and calmness are also invariably mentioned. Samoyed likes molt 1 time in 6 months. Therefore, healthy pets will not spread allergens. A sudden onset of hair loss indicates a serious health problem.
But in healthy huskies, the skin does not flake off, and dandruff does not crumble. No annoying bad smell will appear. Samoyed Laika won't need frequent bathing either. The only condition for a good result is the systematic combing of the coat. For this, use special brushes.

But if the Samoyed Laika does not suit people, they should take a closer look at Flanders Bouvier.
This breed is distinguished by its loyalty and loyalty. She has absolutely no molting, which will definitely please allergy sufferers.
Bouvier is appreciated for another reason - his coat does not look like other dogs. True, and caring for her should be much more careful.
Attention: Bouvier of Flanders is more recommended for professional breeders and experienced dog breeders. Turning to a specialist for trimming services is not necessary, but highly desirable. Despite the large size of the animals, they may well be kept even in a city apartment.

As for those allergy sufferers who would like to lead an active lifestyle, they are advised to start Giant Schnauzers... Having acquired such a dog, you do not have to constantly remove lumps and shreds of fur from the floor.
The coat itself is long and wavy in structure. The undercoat is quite dense. Every 4-6 months (depending on the situation) a large schnauzer should be trimmed.
Important: frequent washing of the whole is impractical. But you should wash your beard and mustache after each meal.
What is much worse, schnauzers are a hypoallergenic breed only conditionally. They bark too often (these are the instincts of this breed), so the spread of allergens will be very active.

If you want to get a really hypoallergenic large dog, a good candidate will be portuguese aquatic - she is appreciated for her courage and external attractiveness. This breed is considered suitable for a large family due to its liveliness; however, it also performs very well sentry tasks.

How to choose?
Puppies of almost any breed look very funny and you can watch their funny games for hours. But photography, video or even an exhibition is one thing, and everyday worries quite another. Therefore, for people suffering from allergies, choosing the right pet is important. This requirement is especially relevant for asthmatics, including children. Minors really need a faithful friend who would dilute the painful sensations of their illness.
Border Terrier is considered one of the suitable options. Its main positive qualities are a benevolent attitude and constant attention to a person.
A pet like this will get along with toddlers and adolescents alike. He is balanced and does not show any aggression towards people.

At the same time, border terriers love to participate in active games.
Importantly, a haircut is not required - the dog is only combed 2-3 times a week. The Border Terrier does not shed.
Another breed suitable for children with severe allergies is the Irish Water Spaniel. It is favorably distinguished from many other varieties of dogs by its increased activity and friendliness. Somehow, these conflicting characteristics are combined in one individual.

The Irishman does not scatter wool on the floor. The Shih Tzu dog is not inclined to molt.
Because of this property, as well as because of the ease of care and the overall small size, the animal is great for an apartment.
The Shih Tzu is covered with silky hair that reaches a fairly long length. To remove obsolete hairs, the dog just needs to be combed out.

Finally, you should figure out how an allergy sufferer needs to choose a particular dog. All of the breeds listed above are pretty good, but it is unwise to limit yourself to general descriptions. It is advisable to first check what exactly is the nature of the pathological reaction. If the root cause of the allergy is contact with the dog's coat, long-haired but low-shedding breeds will be just as good as the hairless varieties.

If the pathology is due to a reaction to saliva, you need to pay attention to the calmness of the animals.
Sometimes people suffer from exposure to ticks and dog dandruff. In such a situation, pets are the best choice:
small size;
with coarse hair;
devoid of undercoat.
All other things being equal, the saliva of four-legged friends is the most dangerous. Therefore, people with particularly intense allergies, as well as those who suffer from its various types, need to choose the most calm animals.
Important: since allergic disorders are usually progressive and rarely completely cured, one must be wary of the "attachment" of new allergens.

Therefore, the most correct way will be to choose the safest dog according to all criteria. If you have the slightest doubt, it is better to consult with specialists.
But there is one more nuance - even for allergy sufferers, it is advisable to choose a pet not only for medical characteristics... Other properties of animals are also very significant. For example, representatives of different breeds require different degrees of attention. For some, it is enough to simply pay attention, while other dogs need frequent physical contact with the owner. If you do not pay enough attention, the animal will start to get sick, and this, as we already know, increases the risk of allergies.
Therefore, you need to thoroughly think about whether it will be possible to provide full care of the dog or not. Sometimes, due to the appearance of a tailed friend in the house, you have to change the daily routine and even the lifestyle. Not everyone can afford this luxury.

Important: you should decide whether to buy a puppy or an adult dog. In the first case, it will be emotionally more pleasant, and the attachment will develop deeper.
It is often said that little puppies cause a lot of problems - and it really is... But buying an adult hypoallergenic dog will not be a universal solution. It is not known exactly how the animal was raised and trained, and whether it was trained at all. Not to mention the fact that the change of owner by any dogs is perceived very painfully. Having dealt with this point, you need to move on to the next position - the goal for which the dog is primarily intended.

There are 3 main options:
faithful companion and companion;
security guard on the road and house watchman;
purely decorative animal to decorate your life.
It is imperative to pay attention to the size of the four-legged friend. It makes no sense to have a large dog in a small apartment or a modest private house. But even if “everything is clear” with all these points, one should not rush. You need to pause for at least a few days and then think it over again. This is the only way to make the right decision.
For hypoallergenic dog breeds, see below.